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Brighton Beach's Bounty
Date of Scene: 28 August 2020
Location: Brighton Beach
Synopsis: Sera meets Glamour and the two of them capture a really annoying illusionist bounty with the hopes that may be Asgard will pay up.
Cast of Characters: Glamour, Sera

Glamour has posed:
Glamour doesn't really frequent the beach as often as she'd like. Oh, sure, it's *fun* to go. She loves the beach, the sun, the *people*. It's lonely being a six inch tall fiary ninety nine percent of your day, but a bright blue glow and a field of sparkles around you at all times tends to really diminish your ability to go unnoticed!

This is why it's a good thing that Glamour can dim those effects but the strain it causes her makes it a rarer thing for her to. Still, here she is, on the beach, having found a slightly less packed and crowded locale to make her home for the time being so she can observe with curiousity the goings-ons of the beach-dwellers.

Sera has posed:
Sera felt something. Something she hasn't felt in a long time. The irritating magic of Hjrlkx. The very thought that he had somehow evaded capture all this time, even while she was stuck on Hel, irritates her to no end. And so she is stomping up and down the beach wearing a long dark cloak despite how hot the sun is, because she needs to focus. Okay, the dark cloak is causing her to overheat too which isn't helping with the focusing.

But she also needs to hide the glow of her eyes, lest she gives herself away to Hjrlkx. It is then, that her eyes glow as she sings softly to herself, the air rippling toward the sense of magic she's following - or, a sense of magic she's following. She turns toward Glamour and storms over there.

"Wait, you're not Hjrlkx," she says with surprise. Her glowing white eyes narrow and she reaches out and pokes Glamour with a finger, "At least, I'm pretty sure you're not Hjrlkx." She pulls back her hood and tilts her head, "You're very magical, who are you?"

Glamour has posed:
There's someone marching up and down the beach in a cloak. That alone is unusual enough to get an eyeing from Glamour, initially, but she thinks nothing too much of it. This is New York. People are strange in New York. People are strange everywhere, come to think of it, and have been stranger ever since she joined the ranks of fairy.

Maybe it's the fairy thing that makes them seem weird, Glamour, you ever think about that?

Still, when she's approached, her wings flutter. And when when Sera actually *idenitfies* her location, her wings flutter fastly. She looks up, up, up, from her seat on the rocks, all nice and out of the way.

"...hi?" she squeaks. "I don't think my tongue can make the sounds involved in saying that but whoever it is, they're definitely not me."

Sera has posed:
Sera looks at Glamour contemplatively, then around at everyone else on the beach, then back to her. "I'm still new to this world, so you're going to have to tell me if you're normal around here or not, because I'm getting a vibe that may be you're special. Special is good."

She smiles and folds her arms, "I'm Sera of Heven. I'm trying to track down a dangerous magical felon who has evaded capture for hundreds of years. I believe he's somewhere on this beach. You wouldn't happen to have felt some annoyingness near by would you? he is good at illusions, hiding his identity, but his name is Hjrlkx."

Glamour has posed:
"I'm *definitely* not normal here, I find." The fairy does a litle twirl, fluttering up from her hiding spot. Her glow remains suppressed for the tim being, but she leaves a trail of dust in the air behind her that sparkles in the sunlight. Sadly, there are no vampires to decorate and then make fun of for being twihards.

"But if this dastardly villain or what have you is here, I am totally hasppy to help find him!" She spins around in another spray of dust excitedly. "What an amazing coincidence! I am also very good at illusions!! A pause. She raises a finger to her lip. "...unless... you know... that's what you're sending. Me." She looks crestfallen.

Sera has posed:
Sera looks delighted and waves her hand through the trail of dust. "Who are you then hm?," she asks. "Are you a member of the Ladies Book Club, or the Infinity Watch?, no probably not the last I suspect I would have known for that one. And no, you are not him, he feels annoying. SO annoying. But if you are good at illusions then perhaps you'll be able to find him better than me. My ex-wife and I were never able to catch him. It seems no one else could either."

She shakes her eyes and looks down the long bright beach. "You.. just called him a dastardly villain?," she chuckles and lifts an eyebrow. She shuts her glowing eyes a moment and tries to remember if she ever met a fairy. May be? lots of variations.. with.. without fairy. Hard to say.

"And if you can't find him, may be I'll just scare him, flush him out that way..."

Glamour has posed:
"I mean, is there a better descriptor for 'dangerous magical felon'?" asks Glamour, peering up at her with confusion. "Dastardly villain, then!" There is excitement in her tone. A villain hunt! THis is exactly the kind of thing she signed on to the whole superhero business to do! She seems to trust Sera's word implicitly.

"Do you know anyone he's like ... *super* scared of? Or maybe that he'd *really* trust to come out of hiding and visit? Then again, if he's good at illusions, he can probably tell..." She's contemplative now, dragonfly wings buzzing as she stays aloft. She starts to emit a soft, blue nimbus of light as she moves her focus away from supressing it.

Sera has posed:
Sera says, "Well. He never looks like however he really looks, so it's hard to describe him physically. But emotionally, the more he uses his magic, the more his field of annoying spreads out. I was looking for use of magic, I didn't expec.. hey you're glowing." She grins brightly and says, "Now that you're glowing you ~have~ to tell me your name, it's the rules."

Though, she starts to stroll down the beach, "So I suppose the best way to find him is to see how annoyed I feel. The more annoyed I feel, the closer I must be to him and his illusion. But I expect he will try to look as normal and uninteresting as possible. To blend in and stay a fugitive."

She tucks her arms behind herself as she scans her eyes over everyone. "May be if he realises there's an Angel here he'll make a run for it, that'd do just nicely too. But if we can get the jump on him, all the better. Sooo...," she furrows her eyebrows and turns to face the blue fairy, "I've asked you a lot of questions and you haven't answered a single one. Very clever of you, but I can hardly trust you're not a dastardly villain if you won't even answer one."

Glamour has posed:
"Ffffffffiiiiiiiiiine," pouts Glamour. She doesn't like answering questions, after all. "Name's Glamour. I'm a *hero*." Usually. Trying to be. It frequently doesn't go well. When Sera says something about 'angels' scaring him, there's an excited look on her face. "Oh, oh, oh. I can do that!"

She spins arounds excitedly once and then holds her hands out, palm up. "One giant angel coming up!"

Wait, what?

Sera has posed:
Sera shuts her eyes a moment, trying to search through her mind palace. Glamour? no, the name doesn't attach to anything - yet. May be it will though, she is an odd little thing. She opens her eyes and says, "What do you mean one giant angel coming up?"
Somehow Sera knows she's about to be absolutely horrified, but then may be so will her mark. Then there's the problem of actually catching him.. and if she did manage to do that without Angela, containing him until she can claim the chit.

Glamour has posed:
In the sky above the beach (much to the shock and awe and probably shots peeing reaction of) above the people present, there appears a ten foot tall, androgynous figure, clad in chainmail and wrathed in thereal flames. It's voice rumbles like thunder. "I KNOW YOU'RE HERE, TRICKSTER. YOU CAN NOT LONG HIDE FROM ME!"

Glamour is totally focused on her illusion. "I wish I had popcorn..."

Yep. She didn't think this through one bit.

Meanwhile, the angel raises his flaming sword and points it at the sand upon the beach. Oh yeah. Sera is probably gonna be horrified.

Sera has posed:
Hjrlkx is horrified. A gigantic angel appears in the sky. Still,... there's something off about it. Firstly, it's male, and second it's far too big.. and thirdly, a flaming sword? But, he flinched. He figures whatever is going down here, he doesn't want to be a part of it. He starts moving off.

The sand and sky around him glitch and twitch as he moves. Sera is momentarily transfixed with horror at the giant thing in the sky. "It's like the graveyard all over again," she murmurs, "except so.. so much worse." The strange movement catches her eye though and she peers down the beach.

"It's him!," she says and sings out in an alien beautiful song. The light in her eyes jumps to her hands and large magical wings explode from her back. She starts running down the sand toward the illusion, "Hjrlkx you're under arrest."

Hjrlkx feels his hearts miss several beats as he hears an impossible but known voice. How could Sera be here, on Midgard? He starts running, the blocky illusion mistakes become great as he tries to stay ahead and find a better place to camouflage himself.

Glamour has posed:
Of course, everyone *else* is making a run for it too. It's not like they were the only two on the beach. 'Giant angel appears over Brightton' might be in somene's headline tomorrow, or not,  because the moment Hjrlkx makes his presence known, and Sera starts running-that-away, the faux-angel vanishes entirely from the sky because Glamour loses her concentration oin it. It dissipates into so much fairy dust.


And then she's zipping down the beach after her, stopping to stare dumbfounded when the wings appear on Sera's back.

"Wait, she meant ... heaven?" She puts her pinky finger in her earq to squish around in it, checking her hearing.

Sera has posed:
"Try and keep up .. hero," she says with a small smirk. She remembers the first time she went on a hunt with Angela and got pretty much the exact same advice. Though, Glamour has the advantage of not having lived a quiet sedentary life 'til this point. Sera jumps over abandoned bathing chairs and sand castles, a beach ball almost trips her up.

"Why is he so fast?," she says and jumps up in to the air as her wings beat heavily blowing sand everywhere. Then it dawns on her, there's no way he could be faster than her. Angels hunted Asgardians for decades, they were never a match. The magical ones were always the hardest, but not because they were faster, or stronger. They just weren't idiots.

She twirls in the air and stares back down at the ground. Illusions, she shouldn't be so quick to fall for it. Her eyes spy across to the large carpark fronting the beach.. there, a person casually walking away from the scene instead of rushing to a car or a bike or the toilets.

She sings a song in to the air and the light in her hands transforms in to a long line of rope, a lasso, which she begins to twirl as she swoops down towards her pray.

Glamour has posed:
Indeed, magic users aren't idiots! They're very clever and capable of using deception, right Glamour?

"GOTCHA," she says, as she slams into the ... illusion, suddenly equal in stature to anyone else on the beach. She quickly discovers she is not holding any one solid and she scowls.

"OH, COME ON. THIS IS SO UNFAIR. *I* am the illusionist here!"

Okay, Sera may want to reconsider that 'magic users aren't idiots' thing.

Still, at least *Sera* didn't get tunnel vision the way the fairy just plainly did, missing her having veered off to take on her actual target.

Sera has posed:
"Ugh! he's SO annoying. You can feel it too now, I can tell," she calls out to Glamour. She must be annoyed by this point. May be fairies don't get annoyed? As she swoops down she tosses her lasso and it falls through empty air. She turns around to get a kick to the stomach by the rogue illusionist, who starts running across the carpark.

Sera offs in to the wall, making a small dent in to the bricks there. She frowns and chases after him, sliding over the bonnet of a car, "Get back here Hjrlkx! You're worth more to me alive than dead but don't think for one second I won't accept the latter."

Hjrlkx echos his voice around the parking lot, "And who would you even turn me over to, there's no bounties guild in Midgard, nor anywhere near us. This is the very definition of the arse end of the universe Sera."

Glamour has posed:
The now-tall fairy in her actual superhero costume -- a spandex leotard if there ever was one and domino mask for god's sake -- turns and zips over after Sera, wings fluttering at a high rate of speed. Buzzing. She's Gklamour, the Totally Not Actually A Fairy superhero!

She sees Sera get kicked and her expression goes from annoyed to outright *angry*. She a can be a wrathful thing, she can be, and she's reached the parking lot before long herself. "You know, I'm not liking facing an illusionist much," she says, giving chase after him in the carpark. She's fast with those wings of her's. She may not be sure how to counter his illusion, given that, hell, she barely understands how she makes her own work. What she does, however, has a plan. Sure, it's ill thought out and barely pulled together out of annoyance spite, but she has a plan! She zips lower amongst the cars, weaving through them and using them for cover, suppressing her glow long enbough that, when she catches up with him, she can shoulder into a car and sending it rolling into his running form, leaving him to either dodge or slam into the hood. As soon as she gives it that nudge, she's back up in the sky over it. Seems like the fairy is pretty damn strong.

Sera has posed:
Sera catches sight of the fairy and there is that illusion again running across the street. She sees Glamour actually moving to cut him off, elbowing that car at him. Wow, she has a costume and everything? may be she is a hero after all... is what Sera was thinking right before Glamour shoulder barges absolutely nothing.

"What?," Sera says in surprise. Glamour no doubt is surprised too. She senses something at just the last minute, too late to do anything about it - as a bus that was hidden by the illusions hits her. The bus didn't see her either. She goes flying back as it slams on the breaks. Hitting the ground hard she lets out an oOOof, then scowls and hops back up. "SO annoying!"

The disembodied voice laughs, "Oh two little bugs splat on the road, Hjrlkx is afraid you cute adorable bounty hunters don't have what it takes to catch Hjrlkx. Hjrlkx is very amused."

Sera jumps back up and her magical wings shudder, "Don't talk in the first person, that's just weird!" The carpark illusion dissolves revealing a similar scene, just some of the cars aren't where they thought they were.

Glamour has posed:
"What the f--," says Glamour, as she sees Sera hit by the bus, "Sera," she suawks, caught off guard entirely. She didn't see that coming. You usually don't see it coming.

"This is so annoying. I'm the illusion meister around here and you are invading my schtick. Of course, it's not my *only* trick by far. I guess he's right. We can't catch him, but y'know, I know somone who can."

She clasps her hands together and utters words. It could be gibberish, but it could also be magic. She weaves some intricate gestures and then ...

... Doctor Strange is here?!

It would appear Glamour has met the Sorcerer Supreme to be able to summon his likeness so easily.

He gievs a nod towards Glamour, as if to say she understands the need for his assistance before he simply arches an eyebrow.

Of course, none of this will matter if the target doesn't know enough about Midgard to know who he should immediately be scared of.

Sera has posed:
Sera scowls and says, "Okay that's i.. Strange? wh.." She peers at him and tilts her head. "Don't worry I've got this, you can return to your watch." Bizarre Infinity Watch business, things Glamour doesn't know. Sera rolls her eyes and looks back around her. She shuts her eyes and her magical energy begins to vibrate in front of her. And then she sings. Her angelic voice causing the line of magic to jiggle and curve and shake before her.

It starts to grow, from a jiggling line in to four jiggling lines.. from four jiggling magical lines in to twelve jiggling magical lines - now a cube, that starts to expand and then it shoots out like a pulse, a beacon. All the illusion magic jitters and snaps as the cube passes through it.

One man stands amidst the mess and confusion, a thin short guy with a large adams apple. He lowers his hands and peers at the angel bounty hunter, "Well shit." The man is dressed in jeans and a t-shirt with the slogan 'Now you don't see me, now you don't see me.' On his head is an Asgardian helmet.

Sera smirks and lifts up her magical lasso again and starts to spin it, "And as for cashing in this bounty.. hell Asgard has made contact with this little planet, which means Odin can pay up for your sorry butt Hjrlkx. Go get 'em Glamour."

Glamour has posed:
Glamour is on him in a secoind. She is fast, after all. She's got agility, fliht, and she's PISSED OFF. There's a quick smash of her fist into his face before she zips around him, sprinling fairy dust *all over him*. He's fabulous!

Also, he's now six inches tall. Glamour is so angry that she nearly lifts her boot. The temptation is there. Sera can see her struggle with it, however briefly, before her temper is under control, such as it is, and she bends down to pick him up in her hand.

"You're fortunate tht I'm a *superhero*. They don't smash annoying assholes like you under foot. No promises about her, though," she points at Sera and then holds him out to her. He's tiny. She's very large.

Sera has posed:
Sera smirks, "Cha-ching. You know," she says taking the annoying bounty off of Glamour. Now so small in her hands. She holds on tight, she doesn't want him confusing her. "That was a valiant effort Glamour. There ain't nothing for nothing in this world or the rest, so I'm going to cut you in at 10% for this bounty."

She glares at Hjrlkx, "And as for you, you can chill in the white space until I've delivered you to collect my bounty." She begins to sing to the him and bright white magical energies surround him, then collapse down to a point and he is gone.

She offers a high five to Glamour, "Nice work."

Glamour has posed:
"The shrinking won't last long, if it matters," says Glamour, observing what goes on with wide eyes. "Just in case he needs, like... more space... wherever you sent him. I don't want him sizing up somewhere inconvenient and exploding, even if he is an asshole."

Still, the high-five is enthusiastically met. "I'm sorry you got hurt," she adds, "but you seem okay and... bounty! Right? That's like... what... money? Bcause you might have guessed I don't exactly have much in the way of pockets *or* a banki account." And then she's poofing back into a tiny form herself in a spray of sparkles, though she remains eye level.

Sera has posed:
Sera smirks, "Oh. I'm tough. Tougher than an Asgardian." The bus driver has gotten out and is scratching his head looking at the Sera shaped dent in the front of his grill. "And yes. Money. Though, they don't accept it as tender here on Midgard. But may be one day you will travel to a more populated part of the galaxy and you can spend it then."

"Don't worry, dimensions mean nothing in the white space, he'll be fine when your magic wears off."

The wings on her back dissipate in to billions of little dots of light, much like fairy dust, as the magic fades away. The light in her eyes disappears and her brown orbs now look at Glamour. "It has been.. interesting.. to have met you Glamour. You should keep in touch. I live nearby, in Brooklyn. Visit me any time."

Glamour has posed:
A glance towards the bus driver. Glamour has some costernation in her expression. "Ixnay on the fairy stuff if anyone asks. I'm trying to keep my SUPERHERO identity merely FAERIE THEMED rarther than actual fairy." Right. Okay. Sure, Glamour . She scoots behind Sera to keep from being seen, suppressing her glow. Still talking.

"And sure! I can visit you! I need more, like... you know.... social... things."