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Latest revision as of 23:16, 30 August 2020

Bao and Blue
Date of Scene: 30 August 2020
Location: Chinatown
Synopsis: Meetings are made between Heather, Dawn and Rave over Chinese food.
Cast of Characters: Naria Shepard, Dawn Granger, Heather Danielson

Naria Shepard has posed:
Super-Human speeds did tend to offer one quite a few options of travel. Who needed planes, trains and automobiles when you could cross states in the space between heartbeats? Still, sometimes no matter how far or how often you traveled a favorite just couldn't be beaten! Today, that very fact had drawn Rave towards Chinatown. Dressed in trainers, simple black shorts and a simple grey hoodie-jacket over a deep blue shirt, Rave herself might look like any other young woman who'd been out for a run...if it wasn't for the rather noticable oddity of her hair. Even during the day the locks glowed faintly luminescent with their neon blue, a light matched by her eyes as she made her way down the street at a relatively normal human pace.

The last time she'd gone tearing into the store she was headed to at full speed? The owners hadn't been happy!

Dawn Granger has posed:
"I'm here for the duck, the duck, the duck. Now, I like Pekinese duck, just fine. I mean, who wouldn't, right? But the Cantonese make a duck to die for. Believe me." They stop in front of a store front that show case ducks that have been cooked, and hang in the s-curve of death, graceful and delicious. Dawn's high tops are bright red; her jeans tissue thin from multiple washings are topped with a bright green jacket, sleeves pushed back to her elbow.

"And don't you dare call me a cannibal!"

Heather Danielson has posed:
    As someone who prides herself on her ability to out-eat almost anyone. Except for maybe Wally... Heather is happy as a lark to let someone else point out good food to purchase and eat. She smirks, "Why? Because you want to eat a bird?" she asks. "I want to eat four or five birds right now myself."
    But she smiles, reaching a hand up to brush her perfectly normal blonde hair back over one ear. "So you pick and I'll eat it. Or at least try it. But I find that I am a lot less picky about what I eat these days, as long as I can get a ton of calories."

Naria Shepard has posed:
Making her way down, Rave's path brings her closer and closer to the pair and their discussion, but talk of cannibals and feasts bring a little turn of the girl's head and a pause. Okay, so she was staring, but well? Who could blame her. "Huh, usually most people get grossed out seeing them when they're first hung up. But once they're like that? Then they're delicious as anything!"

Apparently, the 'bluenette' was quite happy to just interject and engage with strangers, invited or not!

Dawn Granger has posed:
"Best Cantonese duck in China Town," Dawn replies, making room for the neon-haired woman. She gives her a little nod of appreciation for the color before continuing.

"They're really particular about where they come from and the whole kitchen staff is the real deal. The chef made it off the mainland on a raft and survived. I hear he's been collecting refugees ever since then. The place is so crowded, people share tables. Ready, Heather? Turning to blue-haired woman, "Hey, you're welcome to join us if there is no room."

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Some might think that Heather was drooling. They'd be right. She lifts a hand and wipes at her lips. It's a good thing that she only tends to wear lipstick when on a photo shoot. Or she'd ruin it in minutes. What? She looks to Dawn and grins, "I'm ready to eat all of them." she remarks with a gesture to the ducks.
    "Oh hey. Is that... dye? Or just your hair?" She asks Rave. "That's gorgeous!" And then she grins, "Yes, please join us!"

Naria Shepard has posed:
It's a fair question, one that Rave gets often, especially from people who didn't follow her music or her 'hero-feed' social media. Still, Rave can't help but give a little laugh, one that's followed by a deliberate 'pulse' of light among the locks. "It's just me. Could you imagine the amount of 'glow-in-the-dark' stuff I'd have to go through?"

Tilting her head head, the woman gives a nod of thanks towards awn. Food is food, and most people liked to eat with company! "It's just me. I'm kinda a...living rainbow of neon weirdness. Weirdness, but awesomeness."

Dawn Granger has posed:
They hit the restaurant right at the end of their peak, the line is gone and a table frees up like they were expected. Superhero luck. The server has the real Chinese surly down, cleans the table, plunks down a pot of tea with three cups and throws the menus, Chinese-side up, in the middle of the table before he is off to the next table. Crank them up and get them going. When you're this popular who needs to be friendly.

"You want something great? Have the duck. They serve it with these thin pancakes, have a constant pot of soup in the kitchen from the bones and make a noodle dish from every part of the duck that doesn't have skin. Just saying."

Dawn ignores the menu, she knows what she wants. Smiling, she nods at Rave, "Your hair is awesome. Did you make it pulse out there? I'm Dawn, by the way, and this is Heather."

Heather Danielson has posed:
    "Stop it Dawn." says Heather with a laugh as her stomach grumbles... loud enough to be heard by others. But she shakes her head and follows before sitting down. "That's an amazing trick." she says to Rave. She herself doesn't have any of those flashy abilities. She is just her. I mean the ability to eat more than most football players without gaining weight could be a super power in and of itself.
    "And soup sounds awesome. But.. everything sounds awesome today. I've had... well I burned a lot of calories earlier."

Naria Shepard has posed:
Forwards she goes, into the store and folding her hands behind herself as they approach the table. Of course, she doesn't understand the language of the menus but...well, that's what google was for, and having memorized a word or two. "I could go for duck," Rave confirms, shrugging her shoulders. "I thought I would get some of those 'Bao' bun thingies, or sometimes I go for a random thing on the menu and see what happens, but..."

She trails off, making a face.

"And yeah, I can sort of do a few tricks...little stuff like that, and bigger things that would probably get us thrown out."

Dawn Granger has posed:
Dawn catches Heather's eyes and nods. "I don't know what it is about this woman," she motions with her chin to Heather, "she's like some kind of weird magnet. We just met during a bank robbery."

Holding her hands up, laughing, "We weren't robbing a bank but stopping some idiots who thought they would give it a try." The young woman's English accent is marked on the word idiot. "Now, of course, I want to know what the bigger things are."

Just as the server races by, Dawn stops him with a vigorous wave, makes a circle with her finger, saying, "Three ducks. Soup, noodles and pork bao, please, to start."

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Shaking her head, Heather says, "At least -this- time I only got shot in the stomach, and -not- in my clothing. You'd be amazed at how much money I have to spend on clothes." she says with a roll of her eyes. But she smirks and gestures to the menu, "Order for me, will you Dawn? I don't read this menu either but... I'll eat about anything they put in front of me. But.. also I'm buyin' today."

Naria Shepard has posed:
"No kidding!"

A grin on her face as Dawn makes the orders and a nod offered to the accented woman at talk of bigger things, but her attention drifting to Heather and the mention of damaged clothing. "I don't know where people get all those cool outfits with armor and leather and bullet-proof stuff. Can you imagine how hard it is to buy stuff when you're basically a living laser gun?"

Gesture given to her own simple attire, she shakes her head. "If there's some secret store? Noone's told me about it."

Dawn Granger has posed:
"Yeah," Dawn says, ducking her head with a shy shrug. "Sometimes it comes with the territory. But, Heather's gig is terrible on clothes."

Picking up the teapot she offers, Rave and then Heather tea. "You did your magic, Heather. You seem to attract people." Addressing Rave, "What can you do? Oh, and some people just superpower their clothes on, from what I've seen. Others rather get shredded."