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Latest revision as of 10:12, 1 September 2020

Bothering a mountain
Date of Scene: 31 August 2020
Location: Union Square Park
Synopsis: Cain and Shuri work out details on an interesting experiment.
Cast of Characters: Shuri, Cain Marko

Shuri has posed:
It was a pleasant afternoon, not too sunny, just a few clouds and a light wind. Perfect time to test out a new invention that Shuri wanted to try out. She is standing in the park with a casual seeming look. Most people would think she were just drinking coffee and nothing more. Though, while she is doing that, she has on a visor that looks like fancy sunglasses even though it is made of hardlight. What she is idly looking at in the sky, is actually a small cloud of nanites that are following her gaze more than she is following them. Moving where she tells them to simply by looking in a direction.

She slowly looks down and starts weaving them between trees and then has them slip into a crowd, causing a few people to turn their head in confusion as they think a swarm of bugs go by but in reality, it is all the tiny drones she has made.

Cain Marko has posed:
Not currently wearing his armor, Cain looks relatively normal. Very tall, but not inhumanly so. He could be any other bodybuilder wandering through the streets of New York. Other than maybe those hands. But, they're easy enough to overlook. The redheaded mercenary doesn't have a particular goal at the moment. Work, eating, watching TV, that sort of thing only takes up so much time in every day. He doesn't sleep. So he usually ends up jsut wandering New York for a while each day to pass the time. Like now. Heading into the park, he keeps an eye out for any street vendors that might be available. Stopping at one to buy his own cup of coffee, he adds a lot of cream and sugar. He couldn't get out of shape if he tried, and doesn't even NEED to eat. So no reason to watch what he does. He doesn't pay all that much attention to individuals around the area, so the presence of the Wakandan Princess in her civillian clothes doesn't register at all. Neither does the swarm of nanites passing as bugs. He stops by the side of the path, taking a large swig of his extra large coffee. He doesn't bother blowing on it to cool it down. But, it's not like nobody does that.

Shuri has posed:
The bugs swarm by Cain but then whip back around him. Not because she really meant to bother him but because her visor whipped up a massive alert when it went by him. It immediately alerted Shuri to who and what she was looking at and of course, because she was looking at him, the bug like nanites swarmed around him immediately. THey weren't really going to hurt him, if anything, his steel hard skin could be a problem for them but they whipped around him carefully, only a few slamming into him and the rest going around. She quickly disperses the swarm as she realizes what happened but already her mind is swirling with other ideas.

Cain Marko has posed:
When the nanites swarm around him, Cain grunts deep in irritation at what he thinks are just bugs. He's unaware that he was spotted, and by whom. He absently swats at the swarm with one hand. Which in his case, mgiht actually be enough to send some of those nanites crashing to the ground. That's a big hand, and it's considerably harder than steel. "Damn bugs." Then he takes another sip of his drink, starting to walk again. Gaze wandering absently around the area. They stop on Shuri, holding for long seconds. But then they move on without any particular recognition or alarm on his face. Apparently he was just looking at her.

Shuri has posed:
Some of the small robots are indeed destroyed but that's not relevant to her. She has them all collect their dead and flee back to the container at her hip. When she is looked at, Shuri carefully stares at him and then waits for him to look away to casually move. She pushes up and starts almost immediately doing the math. She approaches as she does, looking into her visor at tons of calculations that are quickly accessing known footage of the Juggernaut and calculating speed, force, toughness, etc. While that happens, she moves up to Cain and nods to him, "Hello there." She casually states, smiling up at him and tilting her head, "Do you have a moment?"

Cain Marko has posed:
When he hears a voice speak to him, Cain stops again. That title is really seeming inaccurate, isn't it? He glances around, then down at the dark haired scientist. His brows furrow as he considers her for a few moments, and he considers just telling her to buzz off. But, it's not like he has anything going on at the moment. So in the end he settles for letting out a grunt then responding, "Yeah?" Not the friendlist tone of voice. But he doesn't sound like he's about to chase her off, either. "If this is about buying you booze, like I told the last one, I ain't interested."

Shuri has posed:
A laugh and she shakes her head, "I do not drink." She states simply enough, "Though given the people I deal with on a regular basis, I should." She then casually shakes her head, "No, I am asking if you are Cain Marko as that means you are the Juggernaut and I wish to attemp to stop you." She nods her head and then shrugs, "I have heard that you are completely unstoppable and I wish to see just how unstoppable you are."

Cain Marko has posed:
The big redheaded man nods his head. "I just drink recreationally myself. Though it doesn't really affect me much." Or, to be more accurate, at all. Which is annoying, but what are you gonna do about it. He continues tonlisten to her, though she slips into talking about who he is so casually that it takes a few moments for what she's actually saying to register. "What?" He stares at her for a time, blinking. Then he sighs. "You want to... right. Well. I have this to say in response. What do I get outta helping you like that? And why would you think you had any chance of stopping me to begin with?" It honestly wouldn't be the first time somebody came up to him looking to pick a fight to prove themself. Or whatever it is she has planned.

Shuri has posed:
A blink and she stares at him, "Information." She states and stares at him before she tilts her head, "And what would you want to get out of it?" She asks and tilts her head, "I assume that you'd be interested in seeing if someone could stop you. It seems to me that you are boasted as an unstoppable force but I don't believe anyone or anything is absolutely any one thing. The laws of physics stand against what you say, even some of the most amazing things on Earth have their limits." She then tilts her head at him, "And I doubt I can stop you. Right now. However, I'd need to try first to see what I'm dealing with."

Cain Marko has posed:
Cain stares silently at her for a time after she gives her explanation. "So what I'm hearin is, what I get out of provin to you that I can't be stopped despite already being sure about it is... provin I can't be stopped to you. Despite already bein sure about it." He crosses his arms, and adds, "And physics don't matter much when you start addin in the power of what's basically a god. You're gonna have to give me a better incentive than just because, kid. Hell. I doubt you could stop me even if I didn't have powers." That said while he peers down at the rather petite Wakandan.

Shuri has posed:
A smirk and she tilts her head, "Oh?" She asks and steps up closer to him, the tiny woman putting her hands on her hips as she looks up at him, "You might be right but then..." She shrugs and tilts her head, "How about this. It is appropriate for someone to help with such tests to be paid." She nods her head, "Would you like to be paid?" She looks carefully at him, "I get to find out what you can do and if I can do anything about it." She grins some as she looks at him, "What do you say?"

Cain Marko has posed:
His eyes narrow as he considers her. Hmm. She must realize how much hiring somebody like him costs. Maybe she has more money than he'd expect from a teenager. He just looks at her for a while, then finally lets out a low snort. "Yeah. Fine. If you can pay enough, I'll let you fail to stop me all you want." He gives his head a shake. "Why exactly do you want to do this anyway... I didn't catch your name. You seem to know who I am already. But you can call me Cain for the moment." He glances around the area, then adds, "So. Gonna do it right here? I don't want any damages comin outta my pay." He doesn't seem particuarly bothered by the idea though. Which you might expect considering, well. Juggernaut.

Shuri has posed:
A shake of her head, "Not here. I have a spot in mind and we can set up a date so I can bring what I need." She nods her head, "As for me, I'm Shuri of Wakanda." She nods her head and shifts in her spot, "And I think you might be fairly impressed by what I can do." She chuckles before shrugging, "As for price, I'll need to know in advance. I know your time is valuable and frankly I'm doing the world a service by keeping you busy."

Cain Marko has posed:
His brows furrow briefly. "Wakanda? Alright. Nice to meet you, Sherry. Interesting accent you got there." He gives his head a shake. "Alright. I'll give you a work number. We can work out the details later. I hope wherever you're planning this for is sturdy." That was a lie. He actually didn't care. He reaches out, and lightly taps her on the forehead. "In the future, you should be careful about approachin dangerous criminals like me. Not all of them are as calm and friendly as I am."

Shuri has posed:
As he reaches out, she's like a coiled snake. His finger is near to her forehead when she strikes, a hand grasping his huge finger and she whips up like a spring, sliding along her own form to do a one armed hand stand on top of his finger before pushing off and spinning in the air to land a few feet away. She is almost immediately standing precisely as she was before and she carefully smooths out her shirt, "I'll take that number and see you later." She nods her head with a wide smile.