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Different Levels of Empathy
Date of Scene: 02 September 2020
Location: Metropolis University
Synopsis: After T'Challa gives a talk at Metropolis U, Kara gives him a tour of the campus. Thought-provoking comments might have been made.
Cast of Characters: T'Challa, Kara Danvers

T'Challa has posed:
There are always flyers around campus and online schedules and emails about different symposiums and exhibits hosted at the University in their pursuit of education. One such set of notices detailed a talk to be given by King T'Challa of Wakanda in one of the university's large conference halls, addressing the situation in Africa, with a Q&A session at the end for students and faculty to ask questions.

The day of the event, T'Challa is there a little early. Accompanying is a bureaucrat from the State Department, there to help make sure everything goes smoothly. On a college campus with student activism, one never really can be sure what to expect, after all. Also accompanying T'Challa are two bald women, smartly dressed one in red and one in black. T'Challa himself is wearing a black shirt and jacket with slacks and shoes that look reasonably expensive, though being made of vibranium they are actually priceless.

He waits to the side of the stage, visible to the audience as people wander in and begin filling up the seats. "Thank you for the invitation," T'Challa is saying to the Dean who will be announcing him. "I am looking forward for the opportunity to speak with your students." The State Department man reminds T'Challa, "Don't forget the meet and greet with the faculty afterwords, Your Majesty. We'll need to keep the Q&A short." T'Challa gives him a nod, looking back at the seats filling up.

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara was somewhat surprised that T'Challa was coming to speak at her university. May be she shouldn't have been. It's a bit of a flight from Africa to America, so why not make the most of it while here? Well, she wasn't going to miss out on this. There are only a couple of Avengers she knows, Tony Stark and The Hulk being the two she has talked the most to, but T'Challa was one of the ones that fascinated her the most.

There are no kings and queens of Krypton, though the heads of the guilds and the council of Krypton come close to the concept. They weren't exactly celebrities in the Earth sense, but they appeared on telecasts more often than most people usually do.

She finds one of her journalism friends, Rhianna, and sits next to her. Kara had become aware of the racial tensions in North America pretty quickly once she moved here. It felt uncomfortable to realise there was so much blatant and systemic racism in the country. The people she met though, genuinely worked toward a better tomorrow. That is an ideal she could get behind. "I'm looking forward to this," Kara whispers to Rhianna who nods back with wide excited eyes.

T'Challa has posed:
The crowd is talking amongst themselves, much like Kara and Rhianna. The topics vary widely, from discussing the situation in Africa, to social situations in the United States, to talk about the Avengers latest doings. And a few cat jokes from the two lunkheads in the seats just in front of Kara.

"Hey. Knock knock."
"Who's there?"
"Panther who?"
"Panther no pants, I'm going for a swim!"
"Man, that's bad."

The Dean takes the stage before too many more jokes can be told. He gives some information about Wakanda and T'Challa and then gets to the introduction itself. "So please join me in welcoming King T'Challa of Wakanda," he says before starting a small round of clapping hands.

T'Challa walks across the stage, giving a nod of greeting to the audience and shaking the Dean's hand before taking the microphone. "Thank you for coming out today. I was asked to speak on any topic I wished about the situation in Africa. But I think I would prefer to speak about the situation all of us in the world face, with the plight of Africa as just one of many examples," he begins.

T'Challa goes on to speak a bit about the levels of economic hardship in Africa. The estimated numbers of people who go hungry, and who are living below poverty conditions. Though it seems this is just the primer for where his talk is going to go after.

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara Danvers, journalism student. If this weren't such a useful skill she'd have quit this notion of university a while ago. Unfortunately, it's a skill that takes practice and practice requires subject matter and that means she can't just speed read the manual on how to be a journalist. So, an actual real world degree it is.

Her pen wobbles as she nervously taps its tip up and down. It's practice not destroying things, controlling exactly how much force is involved. She has destroyed a lot of pens doing this. Open in front of her, a workbook where she will be jotting down notes from T'Challa's speech.

"Didn't you meet him Kara?," Rhianna whispers to her. She leans over and whispers back, "Yep, at the Amazons party. He never mentioned he was giving a guest lecture though." Impressed, her friend leans back in to her seat to keep listening and watching. Kara then leans over and whispers to Rhianna, "I don't get the joke." Rhianna responds with a Shh! as T'Challa begins to speak.

T'Challa has posed:
"One of those starving people I spoke of earlier," T'Challa says as he gets around to the main point of his talk. "You could make a substantial difference, perhaps even save their life, with $5. So should you?" he asks, gaze moving over the crowd.

"And if you gave $10," he says in an accent which has a mixture of African and British accents in it, "You could help two such people. Should you? $10 is a small amount to save two lives. $15 you could help three," T'Challa says.

He rests his hands on the podium. "You could give all of the money you don't absolutely need to survive, to save the lives of others. So I ask you... where is the line? Are you a bad person if you don't save the 1 person? Are you a bad person if you help some, but then use money to go to a sports event, or down to the pub, or buy yourself a new TV?" he asks.

T'Challa lets people think on those words. "There is no right or wrong answer. Few of us have it in ourselves to be able to save the entire world. We must live our own lives too. It is for each of us to decide what is the right balance for ourselves, of living our lives, and of helping others."

The Wakandan King pauses, then says, "I believe one of the greatest human traits, is Empathy. The ability to see another hurting. And to feel that hurt as if we were in their place. Some have it to great degree. Some have it to a lesser one. And it isn't constant. As harm is done to a person, they may lose empathy. While other events may cause it to grow." T'Challa looks around the auditorium. "I would offer each of you this challenge. Be conscious of your place in the world. Of how you can help others, and of finding balance for yourself while being a good citizen within the world." He pauses and looks down for a few moments.

"A nation's leaders often follow the dictates of their people. At least, I hope that's how government works," he says, briefly smiling. "This is something I think on often myself. Whether I am doing enough. Whether Wakanda is doing enough. I challenge you to continually ask yourself what is the best way for you to make the world a better place. To listen to your empathy, while finding peace within your own existence as well."

Kara Danvers has posed:
Rhianna leans across to Kara, "If only we all had super powers am I right?" Kara twists her lips as she looks back to Rhianna, preferring not to comment on that part. Empathy, it's a good topic to build off of, and perhaps that is what was missing. In some ways, she can see how the warriors guild perhaps had too many empathy, they were always considered the more emotional of the guilds. The science guild was generally considered the least empathetic. May be that's why the House of El members always ruffled the wrong feathers.

"What would you do if you had all the powers of Su.. er.. Power Girl?," she asks Rhianna and smirks. "Easy, what Supergirl does. But heck, even superheroes must get worn out right? their currency isn't dollars, it's time."

Kara looks down at her pen thoughtfully at that bit of insight from her friend. "Nothing on Earth is ever easy," she murmurs to herself and stats to write down her thoughts on the speech. Yet another person who is a great orator. This seems to be an essential skill for heroes. Perhaps it's time Supergirl stood in front of a camera and let everyone know what she stands for.... except, she's not sure herself.

T'Challa has posed:
With the challenge to the audience made, T'Challa gives a soft, "Thank you, for letting me come and speak with you today. I look forward to seeing the contributions that Metropolis University and her graduates will make in the days to come." Soft applause results as the Dean comes back over to the microphone.

T'Challa steps aside to give the Dean room. Someone up close to him, or just with exquisitely powerful vision, might notice the small lines on T'Challa's face that suggested his thoughts are left slightly troubled by his own words. Perhaps he was being earnest about it being something he thinks about often, and those tiny worry lines are a sign of it.

"Thank you, Your Majesty," the Dean says. "Are there any questions? I believe we have a few minutes," he says. The State Department official clears his throat softly, telling the Dean, "Very few," in a soft enough voice that members of the audience without super-hearing probably didn't catch it.

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara makes her way out of the grand lecture hall as the speech finishes up with a few pointed questions, very few. She leans up against the dark red brick wall of the building and checks her phone, thoughtful of whether or not she is doing enough. Keenly aware that recently, she did too much and ended up in tears on the crystal floor of the Fortress of Solitude.

"I don't know that the world needs its heroes to do more, perhaps it just needs more heroes," she writes down in to her notes on the phone and then smiles. That sounds very Lois Lane like, it's sure to be one of those lines her teachers underline and draw a smiley face next to.

"What more can the Black Panther even do I wonder. He is just a man after all. A rich and powerful king. That he selflessly gives to help others sets an example to all," she murmurs to herself trying on the whole orator thing for size. A quick nudge of her glasses back up her nose.

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa fielded the questions, giving straight answers. There was one about why Wakanda doesn't accept outside aid, and another about their assisting the refugees of Genosha. One of his answers is that his own people are themselves still working out the answer to his challenge.

A number of students and faculty approach the stage after, to ask questions, make comments, or even just get an autograph. T'Challa seems willing but the State Department man gets his way and the Dean calls an end to that part, and they hustle the monarch and his small entourage out a side door.

Near Kara, the rest of the crowd are dispersing, a number of different conversations spawned by the topics of the talk starting up. Or in some cases just ready to go back to their lives, just one talk of many.

The crowds are gradually dissipating as Kara waits for the hallway to clear a bit as she jots down her notes on the phone. Probably a few minutes have passed and then a distinctive, softly spoken voice with a faint rasp that she's been listening to speak can be heard behind her. "Miss Danvers. Would that be you?" T'Challa asks from behind her. His two bodyguards have been left back with the State Deaprtment man and a few others from the University. The man from the State Department's expression suggests frustration that they aren't moving on to the next event, but then not much he can do.

Kara Danvers has posed:
It's not so much a matter of being surprised as it is pretending to be surprised, after you feel the oncoming concept of being surprised. It helps to prepare yourself mentally for how you should react. Her eyebrows raised and her head turns to look to T'Challa, her posture straightens and she drops her phone to the ground.

"Oh ah, your Majesty," she says. The whole performance becomes second nature, so second nature it feels real, like she is living the life of a different person. It's this that lets her escape the stresses of being Supergirl sometimes.

The jokes at work in particular about how clumsy she is humble her. She was always a little awkward back on Krypton, which is why she practiced martial arts so much. She awkwardly bends down to pick up her phone and says, "That was a great speech. It must be especially hard for you, as Black Panther, but also King. When do you have time to simply exist so that you can be better prepared to help others again?"

She studies the bald bodyguards with fascination for a bit. She wonders if underneath all that clothing T'Challa is wearing his panther suit. But she doesn't look, that is the kind of invasion of privacy she will never do unless it's important. The state department men seem typically America, more concerned with appearance than content.

T'Challa has posed:
"I hope your phone is alright," he says in his quiet-spoken way. "I apologize for startling you," T'Challa tells the young woman he met at the Themysciran Embassy. "Thank you. I hope the words end up being thought-provoking. Helpful for a few? If so, then the time has been well-spent," he says.

He glances back over his shoulder at the anxious official. "It can take making time, else there is always something else that needs doing. Even things that don't actually needing doing," he says with a soft chuckle.

"There is a meeting with the faculty and staff next. Though I would rather get a chance to see the campus and the surrounding area," he says with a sigh. "If I ask though I'll end with on an officious tour. With a guide who is repeating what they've said dozens of times before rather than just exploring with me," he says with a sigh.

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara looks her phone over, it's good. She gives a smile to T'Challa and says, "It is thank you. I liked it, I thought it was a very thought provoking speech. My friend next to me said that Superheroes currency is time, rather than dollars. I liked the way that sounded."

Perhaps a little too observantly, she says, "You seem troubled that you're not doing enough? I don't think you should be so worried, you're an Avengers and a King and an inspiring speaker as well." She wrinkles her nose and chuckles awkwardly, almost forming a snort, "Oh you need a proper secret identity then, so you can mingle with the people. That must be hard, everybody knows who you are. Then you could get a proper authentic tour of the campus."

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa looks thoughtful at the comment about superhero currency. "That is an intriguing thought," he agrees. "And I can imagine it is even more true for those who cannot be as open. That have to live two lives. One life can be difficult enough to lead. I find," he says slowly.

The man's face picks up those tiny lines again. "You are an observant woman, Miss Danvers. It is something that is troubling to me. My own nation is very reclusive," he says. One of the questions commented on his nations poverty, they seem more the type of nation that needs aid than should be giving it. "And I think perhaps the world could be a better place with our participation in it. Getting others to come to that way of thinking? It has not been easy," he says, the depth of his sigh suggesting the degree of effort he has put into it already.

T'Challa glances back at the people waiting for him again. "I do not wish to impose. Should not have other engagements awaiting you, would you be willing to show me about your campus, Miss Danvers? I can probably cut this next meeting down to... 20 or 30 minutes. If you would forgive me for asking you to wait that long for me?"

Kara Danvers has posed:
The juggle of living two lives hits home and she feels like she just got sucker punched. But she tries her best not to show that it meant something more to her than the average eighteen year old.

Kara doesn't know much about the geopolitics of Earth still. It's confusing and quite literally alien to her. She guesses from the way T'Challa talks that perhaps he feels Wakanda can offer more than it currently does, if only its people would agree with his vision. "If you gave speeches to the people of Wakanda like you gave to the students here today, I bet they'd change their minds. Though I'm coming to learn that only those who want to change their mind will. It's a bad thing to have someone in a position of power who is motivate by self interests."

Kara's eyes widen again and her smile broadens even further at the request to give him a tour. She nods her head enthusiastically, "Yes your Majesty I would be delighted to show you around my campus. I can wait." And text her friends that she gets to take the King of Wakanda on a personal tour of Metropolis University. There are probably so many better people to take him around the campus, but the Kryptonian eye will certainly make for a unique perspective.

She spends the time waiting for him to return from his meeting thinking about the different parts of the campus she should show him. This kind of good will is a rare opportunity.

T'Challa has posed:
The slight change in Kara's scent is noticed by T'Challa as she has the rapid thoughts and emotions, though the whole matter having so many thought-provoking elements, he never even thinks to consider the cause could be what it actually was.

As she accepts the request to show him around, a grateful smile is given to Kara. "Thank you, Miss Danvers. I shall try to avoid keep you waiting for very long," he tells her. His smile grows a bit as he gives her the crossed arms and a bow of his head as she'd done to him at the embassy.

True to his word, T'Challa makes his excuses at the staff and faculty meet and greet with him, staying just long enough they do not feel slighted. He is soon walking outside at a jaunty pace, as if glad to be away from the more formal endeavors. He walks over to Kara, turning to give a little motion to the two Dora Milaje who fall back and instead take a seat on a bench to wait for his return, doing their best to hide their displeasure with his decision they should stay behind.

"I hope you did not wait long," he says, before looking around the open area of the quad. "It is quite a beautiful campus," T'Challa comments. "A different feel than where I went to school. This feels much more integrated into the city," he says.

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara spends her time searching up information on T'Challa as she waits. It flies by though, between jotting down notes from his speech and thinking about the recent discussion she had with her cousin. There is a lot going on in her head, as usual, and often the best way to simplify it is to be Supergirl, or to be Kara Danvers. Neither seems to be doing the trick at the moment. She stands and joins him when he returns.

"Not too long your majesty. Please call me Kara," she says her accent occasionally more Swedish sounding than American, though it has been getting a lot better of late. This campus was also a lot different to the one she attended on Krypton. 'second university', as she likes to think of it is a lot easier than her first time through. "And it's a beautiful city too, which is a good thing considering how integrated everything is. Let's walk this way," she says and motions down a pathway.

It winds toward a creek that has signs up warning people not to swim in it. The water is slow moving and the smell of nature is intense. "I like to come here, to see the different frogs and tadpoles and buzzing insects. A small oasis of life within the big city of metal and concrete. I wish there were even more green spaces in the city."

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa falls into step beside Kara, replying quietly in his smooth rasp, "Very well, Kara, but only if you call me T'Challa." His hands end up meeting behind his back as he walks beside her with a fluid stride that some would say fit the animal moniker by which he is known.

"The trip into Metropolis, I enjoyed seeing how much shoreline it has," he comments to her. "Wakanda has a range of climates and environments, including some rivers that are some of my favorite places to go," he comments to her. "But being in the middle of the continent, such large bodies of water have always had an appeal to me when I'm by them," he tells her.

They walk along the path beside the creek, T'Challa's eyes searching the water and the canopy of the trees that provide shade to the area. Birds chirp overhead, getting ready to head south for the winter, some of them, not that autumn is finally starting to make itself felt. "Are you from Metropolis originally, Kara?" he inquires.

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara glances away a moment and chuckles with a nervous chirp. "Okay T'Challa," she smiles to the ground and then looks back up where they're wondering. "Wakanda sounds lovely. I would love to visit it sometime if that is one day allowed," she replies. She has made many trips to Africa recently. There's a lot of troubles in some of the countries, but truthfully she isn't even sure where Wakanda is.

"No. I er, uh.. am," she pauses, "I'm from Sweden." It's always so difficult to flat face lie to someone. She really doesn't like it. Honesty is the best policy, but this whole secret identity thing doesn't work without some deceit mixed in. "My dad is American," there now she's got the groove going, her //foster// dad from the DEO is American, that works. "And we moved here coming up on two years ago." Also a nice half truth, she'll figure this lying thing out eventually.

She can't help but notice how smoothly he walks and wonders how he learnt to do that. She continues the walk up a hill to look down over a social area where students are gathering. "I like this spot. I get to watch how all the little people down there move and interact, like molecules bouncing around exchanging electrons that are instead social interactions," she says describing her people watching habits. It's been useful in studying how to pretend to be human.

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa strides up the hill slowly with Kara, attention alternating between looking around the campus, and showing her attention as he listens to her tale of where she's from. "Sweden is a place I have not had the pleasure of visiting. Yet," he says with regret. He speaks more hesitantly then. "Wakanda has been a closed nation for so long. It started with our geography. Mountains, and some of the thickest rain forests there are. It bred a sense of... I guess you could say isolation is normalcy for my people," T'Challa says softly. His tone suggests he perhaps finds some issue with such a view. "I regret if I cannot take you there. But if one day that changes? As I hope it will? I would enjoy having you come to visit, Kara," he tells her.

They stand atop the hill, gazing down on the people far below. "Distance has a way of changing things," he comments. "For good. And bad. Depending on what we make of it. Perspective is something it is easy to lose," he says. "Moments like this remind me of that," he tells her, offering a soft smile as if grateful for that. "Do you spend much time people watching? I imagine it is good practice for a journalist?"

Kara Danvers has posed:
It could not hit more closer to home, this discussion of isolation. The way Kryptonians gave up on colonies, on space, on diplomacy. They closed themselves off from the rest of the galaxy, a galaxy filled with worlds they helped uplift even. "I think isolation is extremely unhealthy, my uncle did too. He argued against it publicly, but people were disinterested in changing the status quo because they refused to acknowledge the dangers approaching them. If only he could have reached more people, may be things would have turned out differently," she says vaguely avoiding any ties to real world events.

"Distance reminds me of the ra..g.. god paradox," she furrows her brows a moment as she almost said Rao. "If there is a god who creates the universe but does not ever interact with it, then that god is as good as non-existant. But if you have a god who creates the universe but also interacts with it, they are then part of the universe, intrinsically, and therefore the rules of the universe apply to them too, making them no longer a god. The fable tells us if we stand back and watch, we might as well not exist, we must get our hands dirty and be part of the solution, to be as vulnerable as those we are trying to help."

She pauses and looks to him, "I'm sorry I'm talking a lot."

Dangit Kara, why does this always happen.. imparting Kryptonian philosophy and pretending it's not alien on this world is not helpful for her secret identity. "..which is to say, yes, it's good practice for journalism, but the real journalism is down there, with the people."

T'Challa has posed:
A soft smile grows across T'Challa's lips as Kara apologizes. It start on one side, turning up the corner of his lips there more than on the other, resulting in a crooked smile that comes off as warm. Charmed but what he heard. "You seem a woman who engages in a lot of deep thinking," T'Challa comments to her. He raises his hand slightly to give a little side to side wave with it. "No apologies are needed. I enjoy hearing where your thoughts run."

He looks out across the university. "Colleges are good for this. They are stimulating places. And they come with a certain lack of responsibility. At this time of one's life. So you can be freer to spend time engaged in such thought," he says quietly.

T'Challa lets out a wistful sigh, but smiles. "I miss it. But, duty called," he says, holding up both hands as if to say, what can one do. "I think you will make a fine journalist, Kara. That is, assuming you can write well?" he says, his soft laugh making it more of a teasing jest than anything. "For you do not seem to be lacking the thinking, and the observational skills, necessary behind the writing. How far from graduation are you?"

Kara Danvers has posed:
There's a small smirk on her lips too but it disappears quickly. She shouldn't be surprised a king is this charming. The only other king she knew of growing up were the occasional mentions of the Daxamite King who was about as despicable as a leader could get. Often he was used as an example as to why no one would ever want a monarchy.

"I am enjoying university. This is still a new skill for me but I'm learning and I have excellent mentors. I work at the Daisy Planet. My cousin Clark Kent writes there and his girlfriend Lois Lane. Oh, ah, two and a half years left. My writing is improving. Apparently my grasp on English grammar leaves 'much to be desired'," she says making quotes in the air with her fingers, then chuckles and looks down at the ground.

"If you don't mind me asking, do you keep your Black Panther suit on you at all times? are you wearing it now? I've always wondered how superheroes manage their costume changes," she asks, though really 'how other superheroes' is what she really means. She wears her Kryptonian armour almost all the time now. It's easier for her to strip off mundane human clothes and be ready to help.

T'Challa has posed:
There's a bench on the path up ahead, the leaves in the trees shifting about slightly in a soft wind, resulting in shade with occasional sprinklings of sun that manage to filter through the canop. T'Challa motions to bench to see if Kara would like to sit, and if she does he will take a seat beside her, one leg crossing over the other as he relaxes.

"One of the country's better papers from what I recall of it?" T'Challa says, the inflection of voice making it a statement but one he offers for correction if wrong. "And excellent experience if you are already working at your desired career while studying it," he comments, giving an approving nod.

"I studied physics when I was in school," T'Challa says, and then lifts a hand to give a teasing admonishment with a waved finger as he says, "No nerd jokes though, please. I'm very sensitive about it still," he says in the tone of voice of someone who definitely isn't that sensitive about it.

T'Challa glances each direction, seeing they are alone. "I am trusting you that this won't appear in the pages of the Daily Planet," he tells her, and then reaches up to unbutton the top two buttons of his shift. From beneath the shirt he pulls out what looks like a necklace. Metal teeth on a thick chord, a slightly African or tribal feel to it. "My costume is contained within this. It will deploy over my body when I wish it," he tells her. "Though, any clothing that isn't tight fitting it would shred. Which can make for embarrassing moments after," he says with a rueful laugh.

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara settles down on to the bench. She nods her head about the Daily Planet, "I certainly think so, though I wouldn't really claim I'm doing the job. I work in the bull pen and mostly that involves making photocopies of things or going out and getting peoples lunch or coffees. I do at least get to see how the paper operates, what is expect of people. The work though.. well, I suppose it gives me some money to spend."

Physics, one of her all time favourite topics of conversation and what she was best at back home. Though, the physics being studied on Krypton was far more advanced than Earth, who knows what it is like in Wakanda. "I love physics," she offers with a smile, utterly bursting inside but holding it back for the sake of her secret identity. "Don't worry I don't know any nerd jokes. Usually the ones people tell me I don't get either. It must be a culture thing, or may be English being a second language," she offers with a small shrug.

She marvels at the necklace and thinks that somehow it must be like what Nadia does, with her shrinking and growing of things. "That is extremely impressive. You're practically ready at a moments notice. Also because your identity is publicly known, no awkward running off and hiding to get change," she says with a smirk. Kal's methods might be tried and true but even she thinks they're a bit awkward at times.

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa gives a warm chuckle and gestures with his hand as if Kara has it just right. "I have mentioned the views of the Wakanda people. You can imagine, my becoming publicly known like this was a subject of much... I will call it 'discussion'," he says, chuckling again as if he's vastly understanding it.

He lets out a sigh though, leaning against the bench's back and turning a little more to face Kara. "It would be difficult for me to stand by. Not when I'm able to help others. In ways that few others can." He looks away from the young blond woman, eyes staring off into the distance with his thoughts. "Wakanda is always my love and my duty. But... what was it you said about the currency of such people? I am willing to spend some of it. For others."

It comes back around to his talk, that. T'Challa slips the necklace back beneath his shirt and buttons it back up again. "I just wish I could travel between New York and home a bit more quickly. Still, it is worth the time spent," he says.

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara nods her head and grins, "They sound like lovely people, looking out for you." She says, they remind her of the DEO always trying to impose rules on her for her own safety. Some of them make sense, there's only so much you can learn about a world in less than two years. But often the rules just grate on her and she finds herself breaking them despite wanting to honour their wishes.

"The currency of time. Though, if you could travel between New York and Wakanda faster, how would that help you? do you find you need to spend a lot of time in America?," she asks, suddenly squirming again between the two worlds she strides. Perhaps she could convince the Justice League to give T'Challa access to the teleporter. That'd get him around a lot faster. The Avengers are welcome at the Watchtower already at least, so may be it wouldn't be a hard sell at all.

T'Challa has posed:
The African man laces his hands over one of his knees, one leg crossed over the other. "Though there are events I might have the time to come to New York to help the Avengers? There are also times it helps to be on hand. Yet? I have a duty to my people," he says slowly. "Given I am already having to work to convince them my presence out here is right? I need to make sure there is no sense that I am neglecting my duties to Wakanda," he explains to Kara.

"But, I think I have managed so far. With good fortune, my people will see my works. And taken pride that a Wakandan was part of them," he says.

He gives a soft chuckle which makes things a little more light-hearted. "But I envy you living the college experience. Some of the best years of my life," he says with a slow nod. "And at a fine school, no less. I thank you for the time you've spent showing me around. You have been most kind. If you would be interested, the next time we host an event at the Embassy, I would like to send you an invitation for it."

Kara Danvers has posed:
That settles it, Kara will talk to her cousin and the rest of the Justice League and ask them to let T'Challa use the teleporter. It could be a game changer for him and really help with his people. He is such a skilled fighter, coming from a small African nation so far away from America. Time matters.

"That makes a lot of sense. I hope that arrangement keeps working until something better comes along." She smiles over to him again and looks out at the crowd down in the quad looking up at them and pointing. He is starting to draw attention and she may just become the talk of the campus because of this.

"These are the best years? I feel like everything is happening at a million miles an hour and I can't stop to breath or else something important will fall off my platter.. plate," she says and chuckles, pushing her glasses back up. "Thank you for your time T'Challa. I'd love to attend thank you for the invitation. I hope I did well as your tour guide. I'll be keeping an eye out for that big black panther on the news, now that I have met the man behind the mask."

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa also seems to notice that people have finally started to recognize him. Probably people who attended the talk. A lot of his notoriety seems to be just the fact he actually is a king. There aren't too many nations using that form of government anymore, it just seems to draw people's interest. Something T'Challa noticed long ago, before anyone had heard of the Black Panther outside of Wakanda.

He gives a soft chuckle and one of those slightly crooked smiles that carry warmth. "Yes, that sounds like what I remember," he says. "But enjoy the ride. It truly is a wonderful time. Opportunities abound," he says.

He slowly rises from the bench and says, "You were a wonderful guide, Kara. You turned the remainder of my visit here from something I was dreading. Slightly at least. Into something quiet enjoyable. And please. If you will allow me, I will send one of our people to take you shopping before the event. Not that I doubt your wardrobe would be up to the task. Just a way of me expressing my gratitude for your kindness," he says.

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara rises up too and lets her right leg wobble as she finds a more steady piece of ground to stand on. A lock of her brunette hair falling free. She tucks it back behind her ear and smiles, "I'm glad I could be a good ambassador of the United States. That is quite a lovely gift, thank you very much. I am never entirely sure what I should wear to those kinds of things," and usually dresses leave so much skin exposed she can't hide her armour, which then makes life that much more difficult. She crosses her arms over her chest and grins, "Wakanda Forever." She learnt the proper thing to say at the event.