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Latest revision as of 01:22, 4 September 2020

Thorney Island
Date of Scene: 01 September 2020
Location: Coney Island
Synopsis: Thor and Mighty Woman have a walk and talk on the Coney Island pier. Laffs are had, lemonade and cotton candy are consumed. Something gets thrown into the east river!
Cast of Characters: Thor, Rogue

Thor has posed:
    The weekend in Coney Island is when it reaches its height of activity. The tourists are all about, the street vendors are selling their wares, and the sound of the callers at their booths and the barkers drumming up business is strong up and down the boardwalk. There is the smell of hot dogs, and bratwursts, and funnel cakes. So much food for sale, all of it deliciously unhealthy.
    But no one seems to mind because everyone is there for the spectacle. The bright lights in the evening shining high upon the ferris wheels. The blinking flashing LEDs on the carnival events and tests of skill give a brilliant maddening feel to the place setting the pace at hectic and never letting up.
    Yet tonight there is a gathering of people near a stage that looks out upon the beach and a good sized crowd. Live music is playing with a shirtless man crooning a cover of various 90s grunge songs while the crowd drinks and gathers.
    But a second crowd has popped up, larger than the concert much to the event organizer's dismay. Because down the boardwalk just a hundred feet from the stage is the tall blond Avenger known as Thor who is kneeling beside an old-timey test of strength machine with a mallet and a bell and there is no shortage of peer pressure going on as people shout in the crowd.
    "Come on, Thor! Do it!"
    "Ring the bell!"
    "Win the giant stuffed rhino!"
    To which he seems to be holding up a hand and trying to fend off these requests. And failing.

Rogue has posed:
From within the crowd, sone shoulders her way through.

Wearing a brown leather jacket with red and black X's sewn on to the shoulders. The young woman parts through the people and slips out at the front of the crowd urging through to give it a try! To show off for the people.

The leather jacketed young woman raises her green and yellow gloved hands up to her jacket's open front and holds on to the zippers in front of her chest as she just puts all her weight on to her left foot and grins at the blond man. Her own brown and white hair wafts and waves in the late summer night winds as she watches him.

She glances around at the people encouraging the Asgardian, and then boldly steps forward. Her jeans-clad legs carry her toward where Thor is standing, and she reaches for the hammer...

With one arm, Rogue raises the hammer up... her green eyes up on Rogue as her white bangs flow against the sides of her face...

She swings the hammer down, one armed, and smacks it against the big plastic and metal arm! With a show of lights and sounds the meter on the big display fires instantly all the way to the top and announces a GRAND CHAMPION OF MIGHT AND STRENGTH!

Rogue, glances at the show, then looks over to Thor and offers him the hammer, smiling up at him. "Come on now, sugah." She says in her husky-hued voice. "Don't be shy..." She teases.

The crowd starts cheering!

Thor has posed:
    Thankful in part that the attention is off of him, Thor had been about to take up that mallet, and perhaps he might have tried a test of strength, but then Rogue steps through the crowd and some of the people laugh as she puts herself forward so confidently.
    Then she's making that swing, the twist and bang of the impact, then that /BING!/ as the bell rings loudly, the lights flashing and glowing brilliantly, casting everyone near them in a myriad of reds and greens and blues. Yet in the chaos Thor seems at ease, laughing as he espies Rogue and her antics then shaking his head.
    "I remember you." He folds his arms over his chest and smiles at Rogue then shakes his head, "But I would not wish to harm the good gentleman's device. Best I not show the great might of Thor."
    To which the barker laughs, "No way fella, you guys bust it up, I get you to autograph it, sell it for a fortune on ebay."
    Which does put more pressure on Thor, to be fair.

Rogue has posed:
As the crowd reacts, Rogue just stands there smiling up at Thor with one hand on her hip and the other slowly twirling the mallet through her fingers on her right hand, making it spin end over end.

She does glance out at the crowd as they cheer and offered a wave with her left hand. One of them shouts 'That's Mighty Woman!' and Rogue exhales sharply, draws her left hand back to cup her mouth and shouts back. "ROGUE! The name is ROGUE!" But it probably doesn't matter...

She looks back to Thor, then sets the mallet down beside the metal arm and just grins at him. "I'm memorable, Mistah. And just thought I'd play a long a bit t'night, since I saw ya from above." She notes, whatever that precisely means. "What brings you t'Coney Island t'night? Seems like a odd place t'find someone like you, Handsome." She says it all in a flirty, but sweet and friendly, way. Just like a good American Southern Belle should.

Thor has posed:
    "Ah, well, as to that!" Thor says as he accepts the mallet from her, just taking it in one hand and lifting it lightly as if the twenty pound thing weighed naught at all. He grabs it by the very bottom of the handle and swings it around a little as if getting used to the weight as he murmurs, "I had made a promise to a friend, but he seems to have been detained..."
    He starts to say something more, but then realizes that /all/ of the crowd is listening to them so he holds up a finger, "Bide a moment, please."
    Then turning back to the barker he asks the man, "You're certain then, you want us to damage your... instrument of livelihood?"
    "Mac, you'd be doing me a favor," Says the carnie in the top hat and pseudo tuxedo.
    Which causes Thor to sort of smile and look over at Rogue as if asking her silently what he should do. Then he gives the same look to the crowd gesturing with one hand. And some of the crowd laughs while others start shouting.
    "Do it, Thor!"
    "C'mon man!"
    "Bring the THUNDA!"
    Which causes the man to shout as he looks back to Rogue and uncurls a hand. "Very well." And with a casual movement he turns back to the bell that dares defy him. Seems to affect a stern look and raises the hammer...
    And there are some that will say to their children and their children's children, that that bell might still be in orbit to this very day. Though, to be fair, it likely just flew up rather high... and crashed into the ocean.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue steps off to the side as Thor is validated in his ability to destroy the machine to please the crowd. She smirks at the 'Mac' guy, surprised he'd want such a thing to happen, but it probably means he doesn't own it, and his boss is a jerk, or something!

She steps back and folds her arms over her stomach to watch the Thunderer while the 'adoring fans' cheer him on. Her eyes take in the display of power and strength, and it makes her uncross her arms to applaud for him... with her gloves on. Gloves-based applauding is always less than satisfying, but you work with what you've got!

She even cheers a bit for him too. How can she not? She's never been a big superhero-super-fan, but she's well aware of Thor and the Avengers main roster.

"Nicely done, a bit over dramatic, but hey, you're a natural Coney Island attraction at this point, Mistah." Rogue says back to him as the noise level dies down enough to allow it. "Lets hope they don't make ya buy a new one now."

Thor has posed:
    It was enough to mollify the fans, and somehow Thor had gotten drawn into that circle of activity. But now, thankfully, he can escape the gravitic pull of the crowd, starting to walk away even as he waves over his shoulder to the people being left behind as more attention is turned to the live concert going on not too far off. Yet it's away from it that Thor walks, as it's easier to converse away from the noise.
    "Rogue, wasn't it?" The tall blond man shakes his head as he walks along, "I still feel that name does not fit you. You are too charming and personable. Unless it is one of those..." A hand uncurls, gesturing to the side as he walks along. "Ironic names?"
    Then a street vendor strolls by, "Hey Thor, what's up, man!"
    "Little my friend, thankfully!"
    The vendor laughs and in passing hands the Asgardian a stick's worth of cotton candy, then strolls off. And now Thor is casually consuming said candy.
    "What brings you here? You spotted me from above?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue's hands now are put into her jacket pockets after swipe her hair back behind her ears when she turned in to the wind keep it out of her face in general. She glanced to the crowd that was dispersing some and then ended up beside Thor and smirking at his commentary onher name.

"My Aunt gave me that name." She tries to explain. "When I was young, I was constantly fightin' her on everything. It started as Rebel, but turned inta Rogue around the time I was tellin' her I was gonna run away. By the time I did, well, my friends had heard it and it stuck. I was a... troubled kid, guess it happens when both your parents die on the same night, right in fronta your eyes." She smirks at him as he gets his cotton candy.

"I'm here cause I heard-- well I got a tip --from a friend that some..." She glances around them,then says on the 'hush hush'. "That some Vampires were hangin' out aruond here. Underneath the docks. I can't ever been out this way before, so I was flyin' around scoutin' the place out." She motions up, indicating that she can fly apparently.

"Saw you havin' fun, thought I'd get in on that action." She adds with a slight grin for the big man. "This a night off for ya?"

Thor has posed:
    Now occasionally taking a bite of the cotton candy, Thor listens to her with that open curiousity of his, just absorbing her story and offering no judgment. At least in this case. He strolls along and looks thoughtful. "Ah, so a nick name or a callsign like that..."
    He uncurls a hand to the side, gesturing as if trying to recall something distantly. She can see it in the way his brow furrows and his eyes narrow. He even nibbles on his lower lip thoughtfully until he says, "That man who flew the plane in that movie? A rebellious sort... played volleyball?"
    Though at that it exhausts all he has to offer in regards that movie. But at least there is some connection there. Though that is the moment she mentions vampires under the pier and his eyebrows climb, "Ah. They can be a truly villainous sort, but I have met some that have been friendly. At least when speaking with me." His smile is lightly given, then he takes another bite of the cotton candy.
    "'Twas." A night off for him, "To speak true I am not often tasked from day to day. Ah, but forgive me, where are my manners?"
    And as he says that he extends the cotton candy to her offering her a taste if she wishes.

Rogue has posed:
There comes a light smile from the Southern girl as she hears his remark on her name. "Yeah, Nickname. My actual name is Anna-Marie. Some call me, Anna, some call me Marie. I don't really have a preference. One was my mom's mother, the other was my father's mother. I never met either of them..."

As she speaks, her eyes roam over the activity around them, it'd been years since she'd gone to a proper carnival / fair like tehis... But when he speaks of Vampires and then the cotton candy comes into her peripheral; she looks back to him and then smiles from it up to him.

A pinch of the cotton candy is taken with her green gloved right hand. "Thanks." She tells him, then pops it into her mouth. A second and some later and she's exhaling from the experience. "That is pure sugah!" She surmises, joyously. A quick glance is given back over at up at him. "I've never met a Vampire. T'be honest, I still am not sure they're real. Not in the... traditional sense, like outta some movie." Which makes her look back over at him and point at him.

"Top Gun." She says. "Maverick. Tom Cruise." She grins. "Never seen it. But Carol had, and well... I got all her memories still floatin' around in my head. Oh, uh, Carol Danvers. You probably know her?"

Thor has posed:
    "Ah," Thor lifts his chin, "Traditional sense? What is that?" The blond man peers at her sidelong even as he continues to pick at the cotton candy. "There are... beings we know as vampires in the 8 realms beyond Midgard though they are different in some ways."
    He continues to stroll along, "And beyond the nine realms in the beyond there are creatures of many shapes and sizes that behave in such a way. Parasitic creatures of unknown origin, or the like."
    But then his train of thought is derailed by a wide smile as she tells him the word he had been searching for, "Yes, Maverick. You should go by Maverick, that is a more elegant word than Rogue. Mav for short." The tall man smiles to himself, perhaps having her on a little bit, but most likely he does think that word is a nicer one.
    "What is that like?" He then asks as they stroll, just out of the blue. "To share such memories."

Rogue has posed:
Whilst Thor speaks, asks a few questions, makes a few comments, Rogue pauses at a roller-vendor and buys herself a lemonade from the man in the pin-striped vest. She then turns back to the Asgardian and grins up at him. "Traditional sense, in the idea that they're wearin' black'n'red capes, got their hair slicked back, got fangs and pale faces and say stuff like 'Ah vant. tah suck yahr bluuuud'." She imitates the cliche vampire voice, then takes a sip of her lemonade drink, ice fresh!

With an 'ahhh' she glances back at him. "Maverick, huh?" She repeats. "The damn media is already callin' me 'Mighty Woman' since I didn't stick around t'talk to'em. Damn people just make up the dumbest names, when it's on their shoulders t'dream one up..." That part is muttered, the last part anyway.

At his question of Carol, her shoulders shrug inside of her leather jacket. "I love Carol. She's like... well, I wish she was like a big sister t'me. Feels that way, sorta now. But we've managed to mend fences over what happened between us." Once more she looks at him, puts the straw between her lips and enjoys a lemonade sip. "What about you?" She asks. "You don't even have a fancy super hero name. You just go with your first name. One syllable... Come on now, Sugah. Ya gotta get more creative than that?" She glances him over, then looks back up at him. "How about, Bicep Man?" She asks with a growing grin.

Thor has posed:
    The tall Avenger blinks a few times, eyebrows rising as he holds there waiting for her to make her purchase, the smiles albeit a little confusedly as she speaks in that thick Transylvanian accent. "Ah, I do... not believe I am familiar with those types of vampires."
    He gestures with the cotton candy as they resume their stroll, footsteps light and casual even as he at times gives a smile to a passerby or a thumbs up when someone snaps a photo. Yet his attention is, in its majority, upon the X-Man beside him. "Is Mighty Woman so bad?"
    He seems to sincerely wonder as he looks to her for her response, but then offers a shrug of his shoulders. "That must have been difficult, to forge peace between you." His thoughts distance for a moment, "The self is supposedly our greatest possession, some cultures feel. To surrender that or share it with another is a great step."
    Then she starts to tease him and his smile grows, although rueful as if wary of her words for she is making light of him. "What is wrong with Thor? It carries with it great history. And such strength. But Bicep Man, could be anyone." He crinkles his nose dismissively. Then bites his cotton candy.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue just smirks at the bit about the vampires. "You need t'take some time t'sit down and watch some classic American horror movies." She pauses. "Wait, are they horror movies? Hmm. I mean, the werewolf ones definitely are... The vampire ones are a bit more... well, less, scary." She shoots her gaze back over at him, with a pointed finger aimed up at him. "Either way! Yes. And speaking of that, you should also watch Adventures in Baby Sittin'. Because the Thor in /that/ movie is the one that I first saw when I was a little kid, one'a the first movies I ever saw actually." She grins. "That Thor was sexy." Oooo, implying that he's not!

As he speaks about the deal between she and Carol, Rogue looks down at her cup while they walk, getting ever-closer to the docks she came to investigate, no less. "My mutation allows me to absorb the memories, abilities, and some genetics of anyone that I touch, skin t'skin." She glances over at him once more as they stroll through Coney Island's fairway. "It drops them inta a coma, potentially permanently dependin' on how long I hold on. Would likely even do it to you, Big Fella. As you seem t'fall in what I was told is the 'danger zone' of touchin'." Another Top Gun reference!

"So ba careful around Maverick Mighty Woman." She adds with a wavering little conflicted grin, then her eyes drop back to her lemonade and she does that squeaky straw thing, moving the straw around inside the plastic lid.

Thor has posed:
    "Like that..." Thor asks as he walks, brow knitting together, beetling in reflection. "That horror move about the school vampires?" Which takes him long enough she might well throw a few titles at him before he settles on, "Twilight? That sounds right. A classic assuredly." Though he's never seen it. Thankfully.
    "Adventures in Babysitting you say?" The Thunderer then quirks an eyebrow and points at her, "I shall make a note of it." Which has him tucking the cotton candy under his arm by its wooden stick, not knowing it's likely leaving little pink wispy bits of sugar upon the back of his windbreaker. He digs around, fishes out his cellphone and swipes a thumb over it as he says. "Phone. Notation. Watch Adventures in Baby Sitting." He pronounces the words slowly, making sure it picks it up. Then swipes it back closed and pockets it. Cotton candy retrieved he takes another bite.
    "I shall have to see this pretender." His lip twists.
    Then she speaks of her mutation and its capabilities. "For true?" The Asgardian looks at her then, eyes widening. "That is most curious. But very well." His smile twists upward good-naturedly. "I shall be wary of your touch, dangerous as it is."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue cannot, what so ever, even remotely, at all possible, no matter what... stop herself from laughing at the Twilight part. In fact, it might be the most laughing she's done... maybe ever? She just starts laughing, and laughing, as they walk, making people look over at them for more reasons than just 'Hey, that's Thor! And... some drunk woman with a weird hairstyle!'.

"Twilight..." Rogue finally recovers. "Oh, mah god... Twilight." She nods her head and, then stops and starts to shake her head. "It's the best series of movies that Midgard has ever turned out, Sir Thor." She states back over at him, then watches him do that thing with his phone that makes her grin even more. "You gotta message me when you watch it, I need t'know what your reaction is." She states with all kinds of sincerity, and no small amount of pure honesty!

"Everyone is wary'a my touch." She states then, looking down at her drink as they walk past a guy juggling torches while strutting around on stilts. "Makes gettin' inta a pool kinda awkward, when all the people nearby flee t'get away from ya..."

Thor has posed:
    "Did I err?" Thor asks with a curious tilt of his head, gaze slipping to the side to watch her as she rides out that chortling laughter that bounces off of the walls of those nearby vendors. And, indeed, there are glances shot her way. Perhaps Thor is not just a great hero. Perhaps he is genuinely funny! A pity he doesn't realize what was so funny.
    "If you wish, I shall schedule an evening with my comrades and we will enjoy this work together." That said he gives a nod, likely mentally putting it on the agenda, though he doesn't take out the cellphone for this particular notation.
    "Ah it is not a..." The Prince of Asgard uncurls a hand, gesturing to the side as if seeking the right word. "Not an ability you can control freely? Oh that is unfortunate." His brow furrows, "To be unable to have such a connection with another without faring for their safety. A heavy burden to carry."
    Which causes him to reflect as he often does, and puts it into perspective for himself. Or into Thor terms. Thus he creates a Thor solution.
    "Have you spoken with Stark about aid? Or perhaps with the great minds of your land who could perhaps aid in your training? I am sure there is some such that could be done. They are quite clever people here on Midgard."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue hasn't ever heard of the expression 'Err?' used in that regard, but she's quick on her feet and comes up with the general meaning of what he was intending with it. She huffs out another little laugh, with the corners of her lips upturned in to a bright smile she just shakes her head. "No no, you didn't do nothin' wrong at all. Twilight is just, well.. it's an experience, all it's own. You probably haven't ever seen a Vampire like the ones in that show. Least, I doubt it anyhow."

She glances over at some of the people raising phones up to take pics of them and she waves to the cameras, because why the hell not, when you're with an Avenger-God, you might as well soak up some of the publicity of it.

She regards him again after lowering her hand. "Yeah, well, I wouldn't be wearin' a jacket and gloves in the hottest days'a the year, if I didn't absolutely have too, which is where I am in life. Maybe someday I'll find a way to control it, but right now?" Another right to left shake of her head, and another stroke of her right gloved hand back through her hair. "Right now, I gotta bundle up, less I drop some kid like a sack'a'hammers, if they just bump inta my leg or shoulder."

A brief glance is given out at the boardwalk, and the skyline of Manhattan beyond, she can see Stark Tower rising up in the sky in Midtown, it just makes her shake her head again though. "Don't think he'd care much what sorta problems I'm havin'. I'm sure he gets all kindsa people lookin' t'get some kinda handout from him. Rich people, like him, probably get that shit non-stop."

With a light exhale, she adds on. "Who knows, maybe the Government will find a way to 'cure' all us dangerous Mutants, and then I'll just be a borin' regular Midgardian."

Thor has posed:
    "Bah," Thor says succinctly, his comment about a cure perhaps but then he clarifies as he murmurs, "How could anyone find you boring, Mighty Muscle Woman?" That was the name she gave right? But she probably can tell it's his turn to tease back as his smile slides a little wry.
    He continues to walk and says, "I am sure your future will be a brilliant one, and it is clear yours is a thoughtful introspection for you carry yourself in a way to prevent causing ill upon the world."
    That said he smiles a little and as if to prove his point he rests a hand upon her shoulder, clothed though it may well be. "Continue protecting those you can, and doing the right thing, time often carries with it its own reward." That said he gives her shoulder a gentle squeeze and then starts walking again.
    "Come, let us find some pizza, I find this Candy of Cotton is a fine tasting food, but it fills me not." And with that they head on down the boardwalk.

Rogue has posed:
The Southern Belle smiles and nods her head softly. "Might Woman is a fine name, mostly. It just reminds me of that old cartoon character, Might Mouse. I think that's probably what rubs me the wrong way on it. Course most people have probably forgotten about that lil' Mouse, as I only remember him cause'a someone else's memories inside'a my head. I don't even know /whose/ at this point either."

She drops what's left of her lemonade into the trash bin that they both stride by, then puts her hands back onto the lapel of her leather jacket, to hold on to it with her thumbs aimed upward. "Pizza huh, with the famous Thunder God himself?"

She smirks over at him, then motions ahead of them to the stairs on to the boardwalk. "There's a good place up there, seen it on the first fly over. I'm guessin' a place like this makes some'a the best pizza in the country too. Lets hope at least."