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Latest revision as of 21:34, 4 September 2020

A New Look
Date of Scene: 04 September 2020
Location: April's Apartment
Synopsis: Ivy shows off her new outfit to Harley, learns of Harley's new bounty hunter venture.
Cast of Characters: Pamela Isley, Harley Quinn

Pamela Isley has posed:
Having finally ditched that awful Arkham Asylum orange, Ivy returns to April's apartment after a rather successful shopping trip. Harley was absolutely right, moving to New York City took a lot of heat off Poison Ivy. The law mostly looking for her in Gotham, and the fact she's kept low profile also helped. For once, she can actually reflect, think, and consider what to do next instead of rushing from one lashing out to another. She may have also found a recruit for the green cause as well. So she's in a fairly good mood, as she walks into April's apartment, nodding at the clean staircase in appreciation, before walking inside unannounced. "April...? Harley...?" She tests to see who is in.

It is Frank, however, who answers first, "no 'Hi Frank love of my life I missed you so much? Typical! Plant Lives Matter, Ivy!'" But rather than answer or argue, Ivy just casts a displeased look at the oversized venus flytrap that is Frank, which seems to do the job of silencing him.

Harley Quinn has posed:
Trails of passage from the disaster that is Harley are visible in the room. Be it clothing that is scattered about, the hammer resting next to Frank or even the half-eaten bone on a corner that the hyenas have yet to fully dispose of... If Harley is in though .., well, her days of stealth are mostly behind her when she lives with two rapscallions like Bud and Lou.. There is scratching heard on Harley's room, a pleading sound from them and then Harley's voice.

"YA ALREADY WENT OUT TONIGHT! AND I TOLD YA WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IF YA WENT AFTAH THAT OL' MAN!" some more pleading sounds from the hyenas and then Harley again. "Oh, Pam is heah?!" the sound of the door opening and a Harley stands on the other side..

She looks like she's been at war, some bruises, the look of someone that hasn't slept for a while but the manic grin is present. "PAM!" then a grin. "Well, ya should see the otha gal.." this about how she looks, then rushing out the room to meet her friend.

"Fwank was drivin' me cwazy with how much he misses ya.."

Pamela Isley has posed:
Ivy arches a skeptical brow at the sounds from Harley's room, before Harley steps outside to greet her. "So what have you been up to, Harl'?" Ivy asks dryly, expecting to be amazed by whatever flight of fancy pulled Harley into this or that. She casts a glance at Frank, and quips, "so you only rude to me to my face?"

Frank snickers but holds his tongue this time around, before eventually commenting, "you know I love redheads, Ives."

Ivy smirks and nods, before striking a pose and gesturing at herself, "so...I got a new suit, how do you like the new style?"

Before Harley can even chime in, Frank snaps, "you look like a boring career lady, trying to make it to PA, a real step down, Ivy, I gotta say...you know Frank gives ya the truth!"

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Welllll, if yoh askin'..." And Harley opens her arms to her sides in a dramatic fashion. "Yer lookin' at the new bounty huntah Hah'lee Quinn..." she remaining in that pose for a bit just to .., well, let that sink in, before adding. ".. AND then went ta celebrait in tha woahller dehby heah in Brooklyn. Now THAT was fuuuun." even if her definition of fun may differ somewhat from the other people. It may also explain her condition.

Her eyes do twinkle as they take in the new trappings on Ivy. "I dig this vewhy much." she approaches then does a circle around Ivy to appreciate. "Yeap, really make that collah of yer eyes pop out!" green on green!

"I told ya, New Yohk is wheah it's at. And don't mind Fwank. We will just put him watchin' a rerun of Fwiends to shut him up." or as punishment! But she does toss Frank a brief wink.

Pamela Isley has posed:
"You're a bounty hunter now...?" Ivy looks even more skeptical, crossing her arms, as she turns to peer at Frank, "...did you encourage this?" Naturally, Frank shakes his head and mimics Ivy's crossing of hands with his vines, "how dare you? I only give good suggestions!" And while Ivy turns to look at Harley, Frank gives Harley two big 'thumbs up' with his vines. "Right. Roller Derby. Bunch of girls hitting each other for the entertainment of mostly men...?" You can hear the disapproval in Ivy's voice even without her expressing an opinion. "So...what made you go Bounty Hunter, was there a bounty posted on you perhaps? It better not be me..."

Harley Quinn has posed:
"I don't hav' a license if ya wanna go technical wit' me." Harls lifting her shoulders as if it didn't matter though. Technicalities! "So I am sorta o' a pwobie? But I tol' the guy how I kapowed Scahcwow, that impressed tha guy." a look to Frank afterwards, her smile widening until it's ear to ear, those eyes glinting.

"Fwank was supah suppohtive ya know?" Of course he was.. "I mean, I woulda gone mad if I had ta stick in the same place all the time like him watchin' TV sooo, gweat head on his uh woots.." because she is really a very sane person too...

"And no, twas me just goin' ovah some papah ads, lookin' ta find a job and theah it was!" She does appear excited with it. "But the best paht? He didnt even recognize me! Comin' ta New Yohk was the best idea we coulda had."

Pamela Isley has posed:
"Of course you don't," Ivy murmurs, already face-palming as she can imagine the world of trouble coming their way out of this terrible, terrible idea. "I'm sure it did, as in, 'please don't give him my address' impressed?" Ivy nods a few times, "yeah, it would be hard to recognize you Harley...that must have been it. Well, you can go be a bounty hunter if you really want, just know that I'm not taking part in the shenanighans that come out of it."

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Ya say that now..." Harls replies, clearly not discouraged by Pam's reluctance on contributing to the shenanigans, it only making her appear to dig in further, now fully in front of her friend and leaning over. "But ya know ya won't be able to resist.." another wink. "Yea, you doooo..."

The two hyenas have been prowlin' about, and with Harley now with her back to the her room door they decide to come out and dash towards Pam to give her their kind of greeting, which normally involves lots of slobbering and could incidentally ruin that suit! But Harley is attentive. She snaps up and looks over. "STAY! I TOL' YA YER GROUNDED. BACK TO THE ROOM." she points. So harsh!

As the hyenas give her wide-eyed looks but retreat back Harley turns her attention back to Ivy. "But now it's YOH turn! What ya been up to? Besides lookin' classy as fuck?"

Pamela Isley has posed:
"I am saying it now," Ivy agrees rather than getting into a mindless argument with Harley, she knows better than to try and talk sense to Harley while she's all excited about a new endeavor. "Who is your first target then...? Or you're still working on it...?" As the hyenas rush out of the room, Ivy gives them a look, fully prepared to protect her new outfit, until Harley wrangles them for her. "Thanks, Harl', appreciate it. Sure, they can be cute...more so when they gnaw on bigoted sexist polluters, but I'll cuddle them when I'm not wearing my new outfit."

Asked how she's been, Ivy sighs, "I mostly been pushing people to better causes, doing little here and there...trying not to get put right back in Arkham. So I do little things for now, but I'm thinking....I'll tell you when I next decide to make something big happen."

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Yeaaa, I knew ya'd come around.." Apparently Harley taking that as full acceptance of that new project of hers. She even gives her best smile, showing all her pearly teeth, hands resting on her hips. "I will be the best bounty huntah evah. And uh, no, I still ain't got a slip ta go aftah." followed by a wink. "Slip, see? I am even learnin' theah slang now. Hawwee taught me. That's tha place's owna."

With the hyenas being cowed back to the room it seems Ivy's suit is safe (for now), though Harls lets out a loud laugh. "I am tryin' ta keep 'm on a diet. And I thought we wanta' ta try and go easy on the eatin and maimin people foh a while?" she questions, rubbing the back of her head. "BUT .., I suppose I can letta enjoy a lil sin outta theah diet once in a while. All foh my BFF!"

Yet on listening to those last words there is a sharp nod from the clownette, she speaking in a more sober. "I ain't gonna let 'em take ya back ta Arkham. But yea, ya keep me posted on what ya wanna do."

Pamela Isley has posed:
"Ivy and Harley, Wild West Bounty Buddies, HA!" Frank expresses his opinion while laughing out loudly, only making Ivy cringe a bit, though she lets him have his laugh, before snapping, "I said I wouldn't be a part of any of this, Frank!" She then starts towards her room, "I think I need to lie down a bit, I'll hear all about Howie tomorrow, ok?"

"That's fine, though they help when it's the right people. Some deserve worse. Like that old flame of yours..." Ivy shakes her head. "Oh, I don't intend on going back there, Arkham sucks, and orange is not my color." As she gets to her door, she quips, "tell April she needs less yellow in her wardrobe, if you see her first, g'night for now..."