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Latest revision as of 23:56, 5 September 2020

If He Be Worthy
Date of Scene: 05 September 2020
Location: Avengers Mansion - Study
Synopsis: T'Challa returns to Avengers Mansion, and this time Thor is the FIRST to know
Cast of Characters: Thor, T'Challa

Thor has posed:
    Through the hallway a loud voice carries, echoing throughout the mansion with a vibrance that is infectious and filled with life. A voice that cries out in a stern tone yet twinned with a hint of laughter that flirts at the corners of the mouth of the wielder of said voice. For it is the voice of the Thunderer and the call is sent out the the far corners of the mansion, a loud resonant...
    Doors are heard opening up and down the hallway, handles and knobs rattling, wooden doors slamming, and at times the acoustics of the hall plays tricks on that boisterous voice as it repeats that call several more times.
    Until the door to the study is thrown open with Thor walking through looking one way and then another. "Look what was sent to me upon the cellular device. This rodent turns dramatically to the camera at just the right moment!"

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa has been away from the cotu for some time, dealing with matters that required his attention. Though back in New York for a few days, a busy schedule kept him from Avengers Mansion. Then off to Wakanda and shepherding some aid shipments to Genosha on hired freighters.

Finally back in New York again, T'Challa left his guards at the Embassy for a trip over to the mansion. Knowing full well they have a small apartment or other location close by the Mansion that they would take up the watch from. He would pretend he didn't know, as always.

The mansion's quiet elegance was a balm for T'Challa's thoughts that had been running in certain directions of late. Directions that had come up in his talks with one of the mutant leaders, and in an address he'd delivered at Metropolis University.

Thoughts that he decided to find some respite from for a time. Wandering the hallways, T'Challa ended up in the study. Moving along the rows of books. Spotting a favorite to pull off the shelf and examine. "I have not read this since Oxford," he comments to himself. Then stops to think of the last book he read purely for enjoyment. Shaking his head at the answer, he puts the book back on the shelf. Which is the moment he hears the voice calling through the hallways.

He turns, lips on one side turning up in a warm crooked smile. T'Challa walks over slowly nearer to the doorway about the time Thor is stepping inside. He flashes a greeting smile to Thor, but his attention is pulled to the screen of the phone before he can offer a verbal greeting. "Ah yes. A very dramatic stare," T'Challa agrees, chuckling and moving over to offer Thor a clap on the shoulder. "It is good to see you again, Thor Odinson," he says.

Thor has posed:
    It is as if Thor was a contestant upon a game show and tossed open the door to be gifted a vision of the grand prize, for his features light up, eyes wide as his knee bend just enough so he can clap his hands upon T'challa's shoulders abruptly.
    Same loudness but more infused with such passion and rampant happiness that he squeezes the man's shoulders powerfully then draws him into a rough embrace suddenly. "Oh what a fine day. What a well and fine day!" His hand thumps several times on T'Challa's back then just as quickly extends the man back out to arm's length, holding his eyes and shaking his head.
    "It has been too long my friend, when did you get in? Why did you not send notice? A raven?" Not that he likely would have picked up on the message as he only recently started to unlock the arcane secrets of the cellular device.
    Shaking his head he smiles and then turns to stand side by side with the man, an arm still around his shoulders and holding tight. "Have you told the others?" Then his eyes narrow a little, tone dropping dangerously, "Am I once again the last to know of such things?" But it's a feigned growling rumbliness as he laughs, "Bah, this time the news is so good I shall take no offense if 'tis so."

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa takes the hug of greeting well enough, the African man rather more hardy than normal man so even the hard claps from the Thunderer are not discomforting. He gives Thor that soft, charming crooked smile and explains, "I have had a series of responsibilities upon first returning. But. I could not be here for long without making the time to come and see everyone."

T'Challa glances towards the hallway and says, "I have not yet decided how much I will stay here. And how much at our embassy. But I am having a room set back up. I hope to be around more than I have of late."

His attention is fully back on the swarthy Asgardian though. "I have not told the others yet actually. So you are the first to know, my friend. And tell me, how have you fared of late? Have you been about on Midgaard? Or spending more time at home?" he inquires of Thor.

T'Challa's dressed in a simple pair of pants and a robe which leaves his arms bare. Definitely a Wakanda garment rather than a fashion that Thor has seen about the city. A necklace can be seen atop a shirt that lies beneath the robe. Everything in a very deep purple that nearly seems black, but for black trim that shows the contrast of the colors.

Thor has posed:
    "Of course you should stay here, at least in part. I know most of our comrades would feel bereft to miss you and not have time to break bread in your presence." Thor smiles and pockets the cellphone in his chest pocket of the green flannel shirt he is wearing today, looking so terribly at ease with his blue jeans and white sneakers.
    "You have not told them though?" His eyebrows lift and then his smile eases, "Ah, of course, because I am your favorite. Understandable." His lip twists a little, perhaps knowing he is not assured of any such thing, but half the fun of such statements is the presumption.
    "I am of late doing as I can for the people of Midgard." He turns and tilts his head to the door he came in through and back to the study, a silent question asked with his body language if the King of Wakanda would wish to stay in the study or take a walk through the mansion with him.
    "My brother continues to be troublesome, there have been battles many, and our people are strong and hearty. Were it not for my brother things would be ideal." He offers with a twist of his features and a crinkle of his nose.

T'Challa has posed:
At Thor's reaching the obvious conclusion that he is T'Challa's favorite, the Wakandan smiles and says in his soft, smooth rasp of a voice, "But of course you are, my friend." He rests his hand on Thor's shoulder, and then at the invitation to walk the mansion, T'Challa moves forward, out into the hall and walking slowly, his hands moving to lightly clasp behind his back as he does.

As the two men walk through the halls, T'Challa listens to Thor speak of his difficulties with his brother. Though when he responds, it is about something else that he asks. "Your people. In Asgard. How do they feel about your time here?" T'Challa asks. "You have duties in Asgard that you attend to, I have no doubt? But do your people ever feel they are deserving of all of your time? That you should focus more upon them, and less upon Midgaard?" T'Challa asks in his normal, thoughtful-sounding tones.

Thor has posed:
    "My time here is in essence my business for my people." Thor says in reply as they begin walking, his hands settled upon his hips for a moment as he considers, then decides on heading to the stairwell and its sweeping grand turn that leads toward the foyer. "The good captain has been named Midgard's representative to the Court of Asgard, in turn I am my peoples' representative here though..."
    He can see a hint of discomfort as he says this, "My father has chosen to in essence not open ties with the... various governments of the world, and more operate through one representative. That being Captain Rogers. Which is counter to the wishes of many of Midgard's politicians."
    T'Challa can likely tell the whole situation likely doesn't sit hugely well with Thor even as he chews on his lower lip for a moment, looking thoughtful. But then he pushes past and murmurs, "In any case, my friends and those near me they come and visit from time to time. And sometimes I return home." His lip twists, "Which all offers reason for celebration. Much like your return now. You realize we will have to have a suitable gathering?"

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa quietly roams the halls at Thor's side, his presence as quiet and restrained as Thor's is larger than life. "Yes, I had heard of that development," T'Challa replies in that soft, raspy voice of his. One might sense the slightest amount of amusement in him as if T'Challa is picturing exactly how that went over.

"A gathering? I am going to be holding an event at our embassy. Soon. But something more suited for the team would be welcome," T'Challa agrees. "Perhaps you and Janet might come up with something suitable?" he says, that laconic smile of his coming as he's no doubt imagining the kind of festivities might result from that particular pairing.

"I had an opportunity to see Diana the other night. At the Themysciran Embassy. Always the charming woman, is she not?"

Thor has posed:
    "Well then there we go, an official visit at the embassy, and then something more friendly for those of us here in the homestead." A curious way Thor has of looking at it, but then he smiles sidelong towards T'Challa. "Indeed, we should send word to Janet, perhaps through her cellular device. She would likely be very excited to create such a celebration."
    But then the topics switch and the gears shift as the Thunderer begins that descent down the steps of the mansion, heading toward that large round room and the foyer below. "Ah, Princess Diana?" There's a pause and a warm smile touches Thor's features. "She is a treasure, indeed." For a moment Thor looks a little wistful, then again thumps T'Challa on the shoulder, "We should invite her as well." He gives a single sharp nod of his head.

T'Challa has posed:
"Most certainly," T'Challa agrees in that mix of proper British English and his African accent that flavors it so distinctly. "I may be traveling for some time still," he says. "A number of matters to see to." His eyes descend the stairs ahead of their steps, though his thoughts focus on other things than the sights of the Avenger's Mansion.

"The incident with Brainiac, and what transpired on Genosha after is troubling," he says, hands still clasped behind his back. T'Challa's demeanor calm, but then rarely is otherwise. It takes a lot to push him to emotional displays. "I am returned from delivering supplies to the refugees there. Quite tragic. One they considered their leader. Turning upon them like that. It suggests a level of... instability? Not that before he was not someone to be concerned about. But this? This is something different, I fear."

Thor has posed:
    A deep breath is taken, "I find the navigation of Midgardian politics difficult to follow." Thor says as he continues that casual walk, his gait slowed enough to not outpace the leisurely stride of T'Challa's. He reaches the first floor and stands there, resting a hand upon the banister. "I was told at one point of the efforts and crimes of the one known as Doom, yes?"
    The Thunderer then starts to walk down the hall, his stride carrying him toward the kitchen unerringly for of course with a friend's new arrival it is important to perform the guest rite, to break bread and share salt to make sure the forms are followed.
    "And I said that perhaps it was best he be deposed? For when such an event happened in the realms nearest to Asgard, mine father and mine grandfather before him, they would not suffer a tyrant or something that was... a danger to our home. Yet here..."
    A hand uncurls and then he spreads it to the side, gesturing openly. "But perhaps in time I will understand."

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa gives a little gesture of his head which indicates he is indeed familiar with one Victor von Doom, and that he is indeed one whose deeds should be taken note of. "Yes... he has quite a history. With Reed Richards especially," T'Challa says in his quiet raspy voice. "Though they have cooperated at times... he is..." T'Challa says, before trailing off as if trying to think of a comparison that the Asgardian would relate to.

The African's head swivels over towards Thor and he says, "He is much like Loki, actually." T'Challa unlaces his hands to make a gesture with one, which might be interpreted as not meaning offense by the comparison, but thinking it is apt.

"The nations of Earth are hesitant to act against the leadership of each other. If a few nations remove the leader of another? What is to stop still other nations from doing the same to themselves? While Asgard itself might be one people, the Earth is many, many peoples. Who view their man identity as that nation. Or even a group within a nation. Rather than being from Earth, and acting in Earth's best interest," T'Challa says slowly.

He reaches a hand over to rest on Thor's shoulder. "It may not be the best way. But it is how it is," he agrees.

Thor has posed:
    "T'weren't always so." Thor says thoughtfully as he reaches the door to the kitchen and smiles at the hand on his shoulder, then gestures for the King to precede him. "I know Asgard had a difficult past, wars and conquest and a unification of our peoples. Perhaps in time it will change for Midgard. But there is no rush. Perhaps as soon as a thousand years, not too terribly long."
    That said he smiles and if T'Challa wanders on in, then he will as well, following after. "Come now, if you stay long enough then you can come with me to the Oktoberfest. I have been told that if I show up to the festivities they will make me the Grand Poobah of the celebration." The way he says those words, as if it was some high honor.
    But then he grins and ofers, "Whatever that means." And with that into the kitchen they go.