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Latest revision as of 12:06, 6 September 2020

Demons within and without
Date of Scene: 06 September 2020
Location: Lux
Synopsis: Levian the demon propels himself bodily into Lux, and discovers something other than misery. For now.
Cast of Characters: Lucifer, Nessa Donovan, Levian

Lucifer has posed:
Weeknights aren't as busy as Weekends, but they still collect a good crowd: even on a Monday night, or a Tuesday - depending on how one looks at the hour! Lux's exterior always contains lines, of people wanting to get in, though weekdays it is far easier to gain entry with only minimal difficulty.

Earlier in the evening, the nightclub owner had done a long set at the piano, but since then, the dancers have occupied those arriving with a continuation of the somewhat experimental show. It's made the club loud, with a sensual edge to everything.


For those who can sense such things, there are three demons in Lux. One is a bouncer, and mostly stays outside, giving a dour eye to anyone on the street that may not be appropriate as a patron. Another, inside, relaxed behind the bar serving drinks: relaxed despite her spike heels. The last, is a patron, occupying a corner booth with a group of humans he is working over in an intense deal. Lux is known for being accepting of both demon and other kinds alike - so long as the fights are all taken outside. Lux management is not interested in cleaning up messes, but will make messes when necessary.

Lucifer himself isn't visible at the moment from the main floor, he's paused by the back elevator, having recently escorted one Nessa Donovan down from the upper area. One of the staff has caused the pause, intercepting to ask him several managerial questions related to the new show and it's progress -- and a dancer that twisted an ankle. The usual growing pains of a new show.

Those who can sense a presence like Lucifer's, though? The three demons all react, straightening up a little unconsciously, aware by the lightly charged air. Lucifer can cloak where exactly he is, but not that he's /around/. He has too much impact on the world itself, the fibre of it, to those demons so used to that feeling in Hell. It's the same way /Hell/ feels: as Hell itself was built by proximity to this particular entity's influence.

Nessa Donovan has posed:
Nessa is certainly no demon. While she's been frequenting a place familiar to them, her magic is different. She's got no presence the way Lucifer does, but there's still a calm core of magic to her. She's not an elemental, but her magic is so strongly attuned to ice that it might hint of it. It's not entirely something that's very clear. While Lucifer had stepped away to attend to his work, she had taken the opportunity to step away as well, further into the club to absorb more of it.

There's only the slightest hint of hesitation in her step as she draws closer to people (thankfully only a weeknight crowd), but it's because she's wearing a little less than usual. No gloves, bare arms. A sleeveless black dress and heels, thankfully not at all as skin-baring as Nessa had expected the demoness to deliever. Classy, but certainly showing off more than she was used to. Even drawing closer to crowds of people, there's a sense of very careful control of what she's doing. She's being /very/ aware of where she's at and who's around her.

Levian has posed:
It's a strange thing, being summoned. Ripped from out of no where and shoved into the bedroom of some edgy aspiring magic users.

Levian wasn't going to stay and see what else they might accidentally do, so he escaped through a window.

This was Earth, somewhere he'd never gone before. And all he knew was that Lux was a safe place for a demon. He didn't really know what else to do. He wanted to stay, this place felt //great//, but he knew nothing from practical experience.

When he finally arrives at Lux, he shoves a bunch of people out of the way and immediately starts arguing with the bouncer. "You don't get it, I need to get in! I'm warning you. You have five minutes. This is an emergency."

Lucifer has posed:
"Surviving after all?" Lucifer smoothly teases as he returns near Nessa's side, one palm moving to attempt to cup her elbow: a polite, gentlemanly gesture that may still make her jump, due to his sudden reappearance. "At least, so far, you appear to be in one piece. Though I suspect a drink would help," he observes, starting to lead her towards the bar, under his 'protection'. That does also mean more eyes their way, but no significant stares. Lucifer is blending in: as much as he usually does, anyway.


"Five minutes? Until, what, the world ends?" the bouncer asks dourly of Levian, with a slight flex of muscle both natural and supernatural. Usually it is enough to make human pests back waaay off, so it does remain subtle. "An emergency need to dance?"

The other bouncer, a human, looks amused by the joke, but also no-nonsense. They keep the club in a smoothly working order, and those shoving and being aggressive? They aren't generally wanted as patrons!

Nessa Donovan has posed:
The sudden reappearance does make her jump, even if Nessa's being vigilant. Given that it's Lucifer and not someone else, it's only the briefest of jumps. "Surviving, but I make no promises for the rest of your club," she sounds amused, letting him steer her in the direction of the bar. Drinks do sound good, really. Something to keep her from overthinking the exposed skin. Maybe it's not an overly revealing dress, but this is certainly less than she's worn in public for perhaps /years/.

She glances around the room once before looking back to the bar. "So long as no one's in my personal space, I doubt there's a problem. I can probably hold things together if I'm staying aware of it. Just don't ask me to catch anyone if they drunkenly stumble into me."

Levian has posed:
"You have five minutes before I eat your eyes!" Levian threatens, his third eye easily visible when his bangs blow a bit out of the way for a moment.

He starts to move his hands, forming mystic symbols in the air with trails of fire as a threat, but then he just starts running and bursts through the doors.

The spell symbols were just a feint.

He continues running as he enters the club, until suddenly he's nearing Lucifer and Nessa, and his senses finally hammer him right in the gut.

He stops thirty feet from Lucifer, and on pure instinct he lets out a loud hiss, his hair standing up, and then fights the instinct back and drops to his hands and knees, head down. "I wasn't trying to attack you, I didn't know you were here, I didn't mean any disrespect. I only just escaped Hell, I didn't come here to die!" he shouts, his claws extracted and digging into the floor.

Lucifer has posed:
While the place is friendly to demons -- most of the human patrons aren't aware that demons actually exist or are in the building. Though in Levian's case, he is probably going to be mistaken as a crazy and confused mutant, but the whole running in, the fire, the shouting: some attention was gained. And the bouncers are also extremely angry and horrified: it'll be their asses on the line if some crazy person rushes in and....

Runs right up to Lucifer.

That bouncer demon is pretty sure he'll be the one going to die, if this gets much worse. He moves forward with a growl - and his words aren't in English. It's a rasping, aggressive language. ~You /do/ disrespect. By his /permission/ and mercy are we allowed here!~

Lucifer gestures for the bouncer to calm, though, with one slight move of palm. "What did you come here to do, then?" Lucifer is asking tolerantly of Levian, calm, and still near the bar, now. He had just finished ordering drinks, and he gestures for Nessa to be given hers, while he collects his own. There's a tension to the calm quality: that he isn't roaring or snarling does not mean he is /happy/ with the display in the middle of the nightclub.

Nessa Donovan has posed:
There's a lot going on. While Levian's not /close/, Nessa's certainly passively aware of the magic around her. That and it's not hard to hear the kerfuffle behind her. She takes her drink, turning to face the direction Lucifer's looking in. "... I wouldn't advise a fight," she warns. Maybe it's a threat from her part, maybe she's just trying to be making a point about the fact that there's a lot going on that could go wrong right now. This isn't her club, though, so she keeps further quips to herself.

For now.

Levian has posed:
"I've never been to Earth before, I don't know how to live here. I heard that this club is safe, so I came here to figure out what to do!" Levian looks up and over at Nessa, sniffing in her direction. But then his third eye turns to Lucifer and he drops his head down again, as if it hurts to look. "I wouldn't have come here if I knew you were here, so you don't have to kill me. I can figure out what to do!"

Lucifer has posed:
"'Safe' depends on your actions," Lucifer replies. There's a lot of people now looking at all of this in baffled confusion and concern. Lucifer uses his free hand to gently touch Nessa's wrist in a silent statement that it will be fine, he's got it -- and moves away from the bar with drink in hand - one of his preferred whiskeys. He approaches Levian, analytic.

Lucifer is not showing any of his nature, not to human eyes, but there's a crawling creep of his aura as he comes into closer proximity to both Levian and the bouncer. The bouncer sweats.

"I'll give you the first guidance on what to do here," Lucifer says, calmly, his gaze penetrating. He can see a lot: particularly when it comes to demons. There's a deep /judgement/ in Lucifer's stare, and the slight pulse of his heavier energy, just under the surface. He does nothing to subjugate, though, not through his powers. He chose it wasn't needed.

"Don't cause disturbances here, in my place of /relaxation/ and pleasure, and you may stay. For now. Is it a /deal/?" Lucifer knows fully that the demon can understand that specific requirement. Behave, and the banishment won't hit. Simple terms of agreement. Lucifer holds (offers?) the whiskey near Levian's lowered head and shoulder: as if to take the whiskey from him were the particular way to accept said terms.

Nessa Donovan has posed:
Did he just /sniff/ at her? That's certainly not a way to endear someone to Nessa. She looks sort of appalled, but the touch from Lucifer seems to be enough for her not to threaten Levian with icicles to the face. She relaxes, for as much as that's possible both in the current situation and in the dress, lifting her glass to her lips to sip at it, she's keeping a very close eye on the situation. He's safe from her wrath (usually reserved for Frozen references)... for now.

Levian has posed:
Levian finally begins to stand, though he does so very slowly, as if one false move could cause an explosion of some sort. Then he takes the glass in such a way that he tries to avoid physical contact with Lucifer, before saying, "I accept." with all the weight that a contract demon would say such.

"You're actually real." he says before immediately downing his entire drink, having no particular manners in this regard. "Where I'm from we just run around eating and killing and fucking everything until a lord summons us to do something. I steal books sometimes, and I hear rumors, but I didn't think you were real." he suddenly asks, eyes wide.

But he looks to Nessa again, blinking. "Is this your food? Her soul is so warm. I didn't really pay attention to anyone out there, I was in a hurry, but... I've never seen a human soul that wasn't damned and torn apart in Hell."

Lucifer has posed:
"Mmmmm. I'm often real, to the dismay of many demons," Lucifer laughs a little. "Demon-Hunters, who will tear apart your soul if you are luckier, also real, as well as relevant to you if you make yourself obvious outside of here." The message being that protection inside Lux is yes, outside? Could be bad. "Please get up off the floor: I don't want this display here..... I'm on /vacation/," Lucifer's tone is quiet, limited mostly just to the immediate area. He's not upset, so much as a little put out: as if his work called him up on his day off. It is indeed much like that! He flicks his eyes to the bouncer in a very clear 'if he doesn't move, move him' sort of indication.

The demon bouncer gives Levian a 'WELL?' prompting of both hands. It reads very much of 'if you move yourself, I'll stay out of it' indifference to the situation.

Lucifer, having given away his whiskey, turns to order a new one from the bar, and to direct the little 'show' out of the center of the bar area to one side. Privacy. Fortunately, many of the patrons seem to realize whatever it was that happened has ended, and the entertainment has drawn them away.

"Are you my food?" Lucifer teasingly asks Nessa, deadpan.

Nessa Donovan has posed:
"That's the first I've ever heard of someone calling my soul /warm/," Nessa says, a bit of a raised eyebrow. Usually it's the ice that strikes people, figuratively or literally. Warm's a new one. The gawking at Lucifer isn't entirely unexpected... he runs a nightclub where demons are employed that seems to serve as neutral ground for some more a more magical persuasion. Weird things are bound to happen, so as much as this is a bit of a scene, it's not entirely surprising. What's surprising is the suggestion of her being /food/.

Thankfully, she had not been taking a sip of her drink when Levian asked the question, nor was she taking a drink when Lucifer redirected it to her. She gives each of them a long stare, though the latter gets a longer look and a slightly quirked brow. "I'm certainly something," she answers, a hand moving to rest on her hip before she downs the rest of her whiskey and moves to set it on the bar for another. She's starting to think she needs it for this conversation.

Levian has posed:
"Souls are usually so cold and lifeless. Suffering and in pain. Usually they can barely talk like a demon can talk. But I guess you're what it looks like before they go to Hell." Levian sniffs at her again, still curious. "I want to learn about Earth, and the human race. It feels good here, it doesn't feel like misery. I don't mind the misery feeling, I just didn't know there was something else."

Lucifer has posed:
"There is a lot beyond misery," Lucifer agrees with a deep laugh. That one sure hit home, with his perspective, though his smirk is wry. "There's all manner of sins to enjoy up here," Lucifer teases the demon, and gives Nessa a slightly amused side-smile, and shrug.

Another set of drinks is ordered, though, to wash down that misery.