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Latest revision as of 13:18, 9 September 2020

And Sister Margaret was never the same again..
Date of Scene: 09 September 2020
Location: Sister Margaret's School for Wayward Girls
Synopsis: The bounty hunting partners meet at Saint Margaret's.
Cast of Characters: Harley Quinn, Sera

Harley Quinn has posed:
The infamous 'school for wayward girls', which is all but a school these days, having turned into a reknown mercenary bar right in the middle of the Bronx. It's a place to such luminaries as Deadpool and Domino but tonight ..., there's a new merc in TOWN!

After the auspicious meeting with Harry at his Bounty Hunting biz Harley had been set with Sera because of the tiny details of not actually having a license. And now it was time for them to meet. A message had been sent for them to meet at the 'school'. Come properly dressed of course. And so it was that tonight was the night.

On the outside all seems quiet but upon opening that first door that leads down the long corridor one can hear the mix of the smooth jazz being played further down but also ..., is that glass breaking? The sound of a table getting wrecked... A scream..

Seems like the festivities are well advanced by now.

Sera has posed:
The Bronx has been a bit of a mess since all that melting ice filled one of the main streets. It'll eventually get cleaned up, but that's what happens when the Infinity Watch dismantles a magical ice palace. Sera got here early because there's always a fun card game going on and unlike the demonic card games this one only requires money for betting.

It is the end of the card game in a quiet corner that stirs Sera from her disappointment. Normally when she cheats she gets away with it, but the one time she isn't cheating she gets the finger pointed at her for exactly that crime.

The chair was smashed over her and though she did stumble a little bit her Angelic physiology, must like Asgardians, is quite okay with a bit of rough housing. She smirks and grabs the guy by his shirt and pushes him against the wall. At this point, a number of hidden cards spill from his sleeves. "It seems you're the one that was cheating Deisquo."

She lets him go as the other players start to crowd around him. There's bound to be a fight and she doesn't need that kind of attention tonight, so she shuffles away and lets the small mob deal with their cheating friend. She got a call from Harry telling her to 'meet her new bounty hunting partner, you two deserve each other' and so she was here, but without any idea of who this Harley Quinn is or what she looks like. Lucky Harley has a picture of Sera.

She makes her way over to the bar and taps a finger to the wooden bar top, "Another beer." The bartender says, "But it's your seventh, I know you're .. er.. uh.. tough and all, but a lass like you shouldn't drink so much." Sera seems nonplussed, "Another. I'm not human, I have told you this many times before. The only people I've met so far on this planet that can out drink me are Asgardians."

Harley Quinn has posed:
It had been simple to start the fight as these things go... See, there was a big discussion on a nearby table about whether this still counted as Tuesday for the famous Taco Tuesdays. Because hey, it's close to being dawn on the next day! And with arguments that are arguably logical due to the severity of how drunk SOME people in here already are it had began. A flying taco against a head, a punch tossed ...

Harley was one of those people involved. On hindsight maybe she should had brought Sera's picture because how would she recognize her otherwise? But fate had a way of handling these things ..

And so it was that a particularly large biker in jeans and leathers picks her up from the floor and tosses her across the bar.. Harley lets out a yelp and flies through the air coming to a sprawl right in front of Sera.. In a not very dignified manner..

She had mentioned coming dressed appropriately and so she was in what resembled some weird schoolgirl's outfit. Flowing skirt just above the knee. A checkered blouse with a loose blood-red tie. High stockings up to the knee and .., spiked boots? The makeup seems on point too with blood-crying painted eyes, ashen face and the pigtails in different colors. The woman scrambles up to her feet and extends what once was a beer mug for Sera to hold.

"Heah, hol' mah beeah." Right now all that's left of it is the handle though. Whether Sera takes it or not Harley is soon back to the fray. Fearless as she tosses herself in that large guy's direction.

Sera has posed:
As the fight spills over from the other room, Sera is not entirely surprised. It's that time of night at this bar. Usually she prefers to have drinks with the Ladies Book Club at the Wick. But hey, if Harry wanted her here then here she'll be. The guy gives her interesting work. What he calls 'the weird stuff'.

Sera smiles with amusement as Harley comes sliding across the bar and she accepts the handle. When Harley jumps back in to the fight she exchanges the handle for her own new beer and turns to follow after Harley. This looks interesting. A man tumbles toward her and she side steps him, then take a sip of beer. Another chair goes flying and she ducks down and takes another sip of her beer. A table is open ended and kicked toward her. She lifts up a foot and stops its slide, then takes another sip of beer.

"Go for the kidneys," she suggests to Harley, spurring her on. A fist is thrown her way and she catches it in the palm of her hand and starts to squeeze it, grinning at the guy with the mutton chops who suddenly regrets trying to encourage Sera in to the fight. She lets go of the hand and he wipes the sweat off his brow, "Bless your heart Miss Sera," as he back pedals and dashes for the door.

"This is how I used to imagine Asgardian taverns worked, but instead it's a Midgard thing."

Harley Quinn has posed:
Going for the kidneys is a good one, Harley doing a slalom to dodge out of the large biker's attempt to grab at her and delivering a swift punch to the man's side. It makes him stagger surprisingly considering the differences in sizes.. And while the man is trying to recover Harley jumps up to a table.

"TIMBAAHHHHH!" She announces while she flies through the air, catching the man's head in flight and continuing the movement forward, making it so the man topples back and crashes down on a table, breaking it and going unconscious.

She gets back up to her feet, hands brushing over her outfit. "Don't mess with mah tacos, bitch." then blowing a loose strand away from the middle of her face.

Turning she begins to wander back to the bar. "Heh, you lost mah beeah." Because again, it was only a beer handle. Hands on her hips she then peers more closely at Sera's face. "Heeeeey, yoh face looks familiah..."

"I am Hah'lee."

Sera has posed:
Sera raises an eyebrow at the head grab and fall, "Nice move." She gets half way through her beer and says, "I just have one of those faces you see around, mostly in graveyards or in churches. Apparently. I'll get you another beer Hah'lee." She furrows her brow thoughtfully and says, "That name. As in, Harley Quinn? I'm meant to be meeting a Harley Quinn here tonight."

She makes a motion to the bartender for another two and then makes her way though the combat zone once more. This time she ducks and a body tumbles smoothly over her back.

Finally, though, a giant guy starts barreling toward her and there is no where for her to go. The man stops dead in his path, well, not literally dead. He lifts up off the ground and is carefully placed on top of a table. There's a flash of white magical energy from Sera and when she glances back, her eyes are glowing white like Ra from Star Gate.

The bartender has the two beers waiting by the time she gets there and the bouncers start hauling people away from each other to stop the fight. Sera finishes off her beer and then takes the two new flagons back over to Harley. "I'm Sera, pleasure to meet you." The beers are set down and her fore-arm is offered, Asgardian style.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Yep, the one and only!" Harley opening her arms to the side in a pose of display and giving her 'best' smile, which looks manic at best. "And what ya mean? Ya don't look like the gravediggah, or Mistah Death." a shrug offered. "Noh those gahgoyles atop chuhch." she placing her hands on her forehead to form horns. "Ya know, with the honhs. But ah, that's Gotham churches for ya.."

She watches the way Sera handles that last guy. With magic? It makes her lift a brow. "Shit, think I need anotha drink!" because that's the best way to explain the unexplainable. But well, it's not as if she hasn't seen magic stuff happening in the past! She takes the flagon and downs it on one go, head tilting back.

"Pleasah ta meet ya!" She has seen the videos of those Asgardians doing all those forearm-greeting shake that looks way more stylish than it should. So she copies! Her own forearm is extended and she gives Sera's arm a shake.

"Youse the otha bounty huntah!"

Sera has posed:
Sera takes a seat at the table and offers a 'cheers' with the flagons and then takes a small drink from them. "I am indeed! Well, Harry said you don't have a license yet. But that's fine. It's really easy to get one once you know the rules and stuff." She crinkles her nose, "I was making a joke, because I'm an angel. So I look like all those statues of weeping angels everywhere."

"I wasn't too sure about this whole having a partner thing. I've only ever had two other partners in my life and both of them were amazing. But you seem pretty cool and," she wiggles her fingers, "Have a cool style and look to you. You're stronger than you look too, which is good. And I figure Harry knows how to pick 'em, he lets me work for him after all."

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Anotha!" Harls calls over to the bar just before she settles down on the table with her new flagon. "It's just a minoh detail really. Once Hawwy sees how good ah am foh business." She takes another drink from her new flagon and sets it aside.

"Yoh an angel, what the fuck? I mean, it's a good pick up line, dont get me wong but..." and she squints her eyes. "It's not really used in a self-callin' manneh."

"I s'ppose ya know magic o' some sort though. Hawwy didn't tell me shit about it." Typical! "As foh the guy, he's desperate enough foh his business. Think that's the only reason he accepted me in. But makes sense.." she again opening her arms to the sides. "I am that wild cahd that can either ruin his whole business oh make it bloom."

But then she finally points at Sera, "Ya look like ya know what you doin' though. How long you been doin' this?"

Sera has posed:
A man with a bowler hat approaches the table and places down a wad of cash. His knuckles are covered in blood. "Your cut of the takings from the game Sera. Pleasure doing business with you. See you again in a month." She folds up the cash and slips it in to a pocket. "Oh don't count on it Juan." She waits until he's left and then looks back to Harley with excitement in her brown eyes. She says, "I'm still figuring out a good reason to say one won Juan to him. I'll make it work one day. It'll be hilarious."

She grins though when Harley exclaims at her claim of being an angel. "No really I am. I've only been on Earth for a couple of months now. Great place. Love it. Helped save it from oblivion twice already. But, I can show you if you want. Clears the bar out right proper though." She chuckles darkly at that and the bartender gives her a worrying look. He calls out to her, "Sera please don't scare away everyone with the wings again."

"Hm, how long. Well, I guess I started doing it not long after I met my ex-wife, so... 800 years? give or take. How's about you, how many centuries have you been bounty hunting?"

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Mmm, I can tell ya a thing oh two on how ta make things hilarious." The dangerous glint on those piercing blue eyes is telling that there's something just not fully right with this one. But then she laughs out. Well, cackles really, taking another drink from her flagon.

"Ya know, ya gotta be careful who ya tell those things to. In Gotham ya might just be taken ta Awkham.." her eyes turning a bit dark at it. "Awful place, but just gweat foh a vacation if ya into it. They ahe way too much into bondage though.." a roll of her eyes given, memories of those straight jackets returning..

"But if youse a real angel I got a buttload a questions foh ya that'd just keep us heah all night, and which would mostly be like discussin' the sex o' angels. Which I admit, I am now curious..." give it to Harley to make conversations weird and uncomfortable. But in her defense Sera started it with the talk about being an angel!

"Girl, I am on mah twenties, and if you ahe 800 then ya got let me know wheah ya get yoh beauty cweams." Translation: Zero experience in bounty hunting!

Sera has posed:
Sera tilts her head a touch at the maniacal laughter inspired by her quip about a teasing Juan. She smiles though, this one seems fun. Fun is the right way to do bounty hunting. What's the point of chasing dangerous criminals for money if you can't enjoy yourself doing it?

"Oh. I kinda doubt Arkham could keep me locked up," she says with a wink. "May be SHIELD, may be. They have some smart cookies. But they're cool. Well, some of them are cool. I don't think they like me though. Their loss." She drinks from flagon and twists her lips and rests her elbows on the table top. "The sex of angels? Well. There's about 90% women and 10% men in Heven. That's just the birth rates for us for some reason. No idea why. Shitty luck to be a guy though. No rights, locked in a temple and forced to pray in silence for our fallen warriors to keep their memory alive. Shitty life. One day I'll return and set tem all free."

Her look goes a touch dark for a moment and she stares in to her amber beer. But she perks back up again and says, "But hey whatever. It's all cool. We'll catch us some jerks and get paid for it and it'll be great."

Harley Quinn has posed:
"I mean, just gotta be careful not ta go awound screamin' FREEEEDOOMMMMMM!" (yes, she screams it right in the middle of the bar), "Because then ya know what happens ta the liberatah.." she making a small, snikt gesture towards her belly, tongue out. "Pooah Mel..."

"If theahs a pay I can help ya with tha liberation though." She says easily, perhaps not exactly understanding what it entails. The question may be if she would even care if she knew how difficult that may be. Impossible isn't part of her vocabulary afterall!

"So ya divohced, I am hopin' no kids cos I don't change no diapahs if ya brought ya kid along on huntin' and foh some reason you an angel too.." Harls brings her hand to her chin, pondering on it deeply. "A'ight, as things go I have woahse. Thing we will be just fine!"