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(Ben gets a parfait and a little bit of hope from your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man)
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Latest revision as of 02:38, 10 September 2020

Date of Scene: 10 September 2020
Location: The Coffee Bean
Synopsis: Ben gets a parfait and a little bit of hope from your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man
Cast of Characters: Peter Parker, Michael Hannigan, Ben Reilly

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter stepped out of the alley and jogged across the street at the crosswalk, stepping into the coffee shop and stretches. He has a good hour before he has to go into his Advanced Chem class to work on the labs, and right now, a nice ice-cold drink would be welcome.

He looked around and stepped to the end of the line, hefting his backpack. It was a beat-up laptop bag, but the laptop inside was a beast, courtesy of the company discount, which meant it suited his college needs well. College was MUCH more demanding than high school, but he'd already been bumped up from the basic courses to the advanced ones within a week of the start of the semester.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
While Peter is coming in, Ben and Mike are already situated in the coffee shop. Having acquired a booth table off to a corner to afford them a little bit of privacy, their table looks very similar to the tables of the students that grace some of the other parts of the store. Not in terms of books but there is a folder and some papers. One stack in front of Ben and a seemingly identitical stack in front of Mike. There are some pens between the two of them and in front of the elder of the two gentlemen, a steaming cup of coffee instead of the usual hot tea. No vocal training on the campus today. There's also a cookie to the side of it.

"I know it seems like a lot." Mike comments in regards to the papers. "But, it's either jumping through these hoops or paying full price."

Ben Reilly has posed:
"Well, I think I'll be happy to fill it all out, then," Ben replies as he finishes his parfait, takes a quick sip of hot chocolate, and then goes for the first packet. If it saves some money, then apparently Ben is all ears. Luckily, since he's started the steroid treatment, he looks and feels great. No more blackouts. No more absently bleeding face. Still no memory, though.

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter isn't the kind of guy to eavesdrop. Well, not as PETER, anyway. Spider-Man eavesdrops ALL the time. It's part of his schtick.

However, when he gets his strawberry-banana smoothie and heads for an open table, the only one around is near Mike and Ben. So, he tries to be quiet as he unpacks his Advanced Chem textbook and laptop, opening the lid to reveal the text for the lab project and puts the textbook aside for the moment.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike gives a nod, lifting up his cup, taking a sip in the time Ben takes to finish off the dessert. The cup lowers, "Wade's been thinking about getting a dual function printer for the condo for awhile. So this might get him off his butt to do it. If so maybe we can partially fill a version of this out and just copy them when we need it and just fill in the fields that actually change each time."

He pauses, picking up the cookie, "How's it been working for you?"

Ben Reilly has posed:
"Great actually. Feeling wonderful. I'd say I've never felt better, but that's been like a month." Ben writes quickly, taking sips of hot chocolate every so often. All of the sudden, he seems to tense. "Hey, I think I know that guy." Something strikes him and he can't put his finger on it. "That guy."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter sips his juice, peering at the model on the screen. The valence is WAY off, and...

It's not Spider-Sense warning him of danger, but he does feel a change in the air, and he looks around, slightly puzzled.

His ears aren't burning, but he heard something along the lines of "that guy" and wonders which guy is the guy>

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike lowers his cookie as Ben gestures towards Peter. Glance following, a brow arcs as he looks over to the student getting a familiar feeling as well. He blinks slowly, glancing back to Ben and then Peter.


He looks between the two of them again. He sighs, looking to Peter, "Hey, by any chance do you know him?" He tilts his head towards Ben.

Ben Reilly has posed:
"I don't really know," Ben says as he starts to point. He just sort of gets a glassy look on his face. He leaves everything, the hot chocolate, piles of papers, all that. Ben stands up and walks over to Parker's table and he sits down.

"This is going to sound weird, but do you know me?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter is about to stand up when the guy sits down at his table and asks the question. He blinks, then eyes Ben curiously. The voice is familiar, but Spider-Comm was designed not to analyze voiceprints for its user.

"Uhm...hum a few bars, I might be able to follow along?" He raises a hand in greeting. "Peter Parker."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Well now that the mystery of who 'that guy' is and the name given jogs a memory of a failed attempt to get a job at this coffee shop of all places, Mike glances down, giving a slight smile. He hangs back a bit giving Ben a moment with Peter as he quietly starts to gather the stacks of paper together. He is curious but- Printing out all that paperwork takes a lot of time. He's not about to risk losing them by leaving the table unattended.

Ben Reilly has posed:
"Ben," he says as he waves back. "But that's just the thing, though. I don't know my last name. Was hopin' you could do me a solid, but doesn't sound like you know me at all." He slumps back in his chair and looks to Mike. "False alarm. Something pinged me in my Mellencamp, but guess it was no dice."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter looked concerned as Ben spoke. "Amnesia? Crud, that's rough." He paused for a moment, then asked, "Anything I can help with?"

Michael Hannigan has posed:
As Ben states his conclusion, Mike's forming smile fades. "Well, that sucks." The rocker looks between the two. "Honestly, if I squinted, you two could look related. But then again if I squinted, he'd also look close to the guy from Tremors. So, that's probably not close enough."

Ben Reilly has posed:
"I don't look like that Kevin Bacon guy, man, how many times do I have to tell you?" Ben looks to Peter, "Pardon us." He gives Mike a look, then back to Peter. "I have no idea, man. Crap, I thought for some reason I knew you. First name is Ben, last name Doe, as in John Doe, as in that amnesia doe." He has no idea if the joke lands, but doesn't seem too worried by it.

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter cannot help but smile a little at that. "Well, at least your sense of humor is intact. Hang on to that, it'll help you in ways you never thought it could."

He looked over to Mike, then back to Ben. "What are you guys working on?"

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike gives a slow nod while tapping on his nose as Ben looks to him. "Bacon nose." He lowers th hand contining the nod for a few moments before he realizes Peter is asking what they're working on. "We're doing a bureaucratic dance in a tornado of unecessarily large amounts of paperwork." The visual makes that point clear. As for what's on the paperwork, well. That's up to Ben to say. And being the guy has a go fund me, well. He probably will.

Ben Reilly has posed:
"So, I got amnesia and a bit of the leprosy, going on," Ben says skipping over some details. "Also a bit of a blacking out issue. So this paperwork is going to help me get some drugs." Pause. "Good drugs. I mean, drugs that'll help."

Peter Parker has posed:
This makes Peter sit up straight. "What exactly do you need, and in what dosage?" This does not seem like an idle question. "Do you have the exact name of the medicine you need?"

Michael Hannigan has posed:
"Basically if we get him set up with the paperwork and keep doing it each time, we can get it at the 'affordable' rate." Mike summarizes, looking over to Ben for any sign that he's ok with sharing that information. A hand thumbing through the stack idly, feeling for the different, finer, texture of the color form he had to retrieve from the pharmacy.

Ben Reilly has posed:
"I have no idea what it's called," Ben says with a shrug. "Some sort of roid magic. They're sending me to see some sort of special mutant doc, even though I'm not a mutant." He shrugs again. And again.

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter looks to Mike. "Uhm, hi. Peter Parker. And you are...? I never caught your name."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
At the quasi-permission, Mike pulls out the form he was touching. From a look it is blatantly something that the company distributes to the pharmacies that carry their product to give to anyone who gives the secret password of 'But I can't pay that much'. There's even a lovely graphic of the bottle. He glances down to it, making sure no personal information got filled out on the form yet before he slides to the edge of the booth to hand the sheet over to Ben to reference.

"It's Mike." He replies, "And I thiiiiink I may have met you before a long while ago. Just not sure where or when. Don't worry. My memory is still mostly intact. It's just naturally this bad."

Ben Reilly has posed:
"Mike's pretty awesome. He hooked a brother up during these dark times." Ben's reply is absent, almost as if he's listless since his hunch of knowing this guy was just blatantly wrong.

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter hmmed at the brand, the active igredients...he frowned slightly. "Listen, I could have someone look into this company and this compound. I used to make a living on taking his picture, and I could do some checking on what it would take to synthesize this stuff. I won't make any promises...I still need to know what the makeup of it is."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
"It's use of a sofa." Mike replies, giving a smirk, "Not the Taj Mahal." At Peter's offer, Mike tilts his head curiously. Smile fading as he starts to look a bit more wary, "...Are you a chemist?"

Ben Reilly has posed:
"Or a drug pusher?" Ben's eyes flash. He can't hold back his chuckle very long before he exhales. "Man, I thought we found the key, Mikey." He shakes his head in dismay. "But if you could help us out, that'd be awesome Peter."

Peter Parker has posed:
Him, Walter White? RIIIiiight.

"I'm in college, in the Neuroscience program. I'm not sure if I can do anything...yet...but I have my own lab, and if there is a way I can help make this work, I'd like to help."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
"Hmm." Mike gives a slight nod, glancing over to Ben, "I guess that'd be like agreeing to do a clinical trial... if it panned out. Plus you have that appointment with Dr. McCoy coming up..."

He frowns, but looks to Ben, "In the end, choice is yours."

Ben Reilly has posed:
"Let's do it," Ben says without hesitation. "The more help the merrier. The less my face falls off, the happier I'll be."