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Latest revision as of 03:16, 15 September 2020

To Be Continued
Date of Scene: 15 September 2020
Location: SoHo
Synopsis: Angelica and Cecily catch up. Nothing huge happens, but they're still friends.
Cast of Characters: Angelica Jones, Cecily Winters

Angelica Jones has posed:
South of Houston Street, the SoHo area of NYC is the place for artists. Music is on the streets, buskers hang out here a lot in the hopes of being picked up for work, and you can see some of the best (and the worst) art in the world.

Angelica hangs up her phone, sitting on a bench nearby. She's just called Cecily in the hopes that she can meet with her, catch up, and maybe even talk. There's a lot happening in life but she will not, repeat WILL NOT! ignore a friend.

Not even if her friend has fur and fox ears. After all, Angelica melts stuff. Which is worse in the long run? Fur is soft and huggable after all!

Cecily Winters has posed:
    There's a nice deli in this part of town. Or two. Or three. Cecily definitely frequents them, and it's not Taco Tuesday tonight, so why not? She grabs some food and drinks, and makes her way to the meeting point.

    Dressed as she always is, blouse and vest, pencil skirt. It's hard to imagine this woman wears anything else ever. She's still strapped, too, shoulder holster secured and filled. But instead of a bookbag today she's got a shopping bag with a couple of sandwiches and cans of iced tea. AriZona Green & White.

    "Miss Jones," she says, formally, as she stands before the girl on the bench. But the warm smile indicates she's being playful, and nods to the space next to her. "Is this space taken, dear?"

Angelica Jones has posed:
Angelica looks up innocently as Cecily teases her. She blinks those doe-eyes and then nods, saying, "I'm waiting for a friend," with what approximates her closest thing to a gentle counter-tease. "So I...can't..think of any more to say sit down already you wonderful foxy!"

She smiles then, her face bursting out, and slides over a touch more to make sure there's room. Kind of an automatic motion, she just has so much welcome in her that she wants to ensure Cecily sits. "It's taken now," she adds with more real Angelica in the statement than ever.

"Tell me, what's happened? I want to know all the things."

Cecily Winters has posed:
    Cecily laughs, and she takes that seat. Her trio of tails align themselves to make it comfortable for sitting, and they slide themselves around Angelica's middle. She fishes out a can of tea and hands a sandwich over. "Chicken or beef?" she asks. "Philly cheesesteak, and one's California style," she explains. There's a soft sigh, "All the things? What do you mean?"

    The fox is a little bewildered. She hadn't actually been up to too terribly much. "...I mean aside from the car chase last month... I've just been keeping tabs on Bushwick... there's been incidents. Just... nothing big?" she gives a lopsided smile.

Angelica Jones has posed:
Angelica had actually forgotten about the tails. She grins as they wrap about her and places one hand on them, stroking idly as she listens. She listens with full intent, actually wanting to know. "Well, you always seemed to have an exciting life," she explains honestly. "You've done a lot more than I have. And I'll eat anything," she says, not even glancing at the food.

She takes one sandwich, eyes still up on Cecily, and places it into her lap. "Thank you," she says automatically, her heart still on Cecily's life and anything fun that might have happened. "Who's Bushwick? You were in a car chase? Honestly hon it doesn't have to be big, to be important. I mean I got into a new school and that's huge! Not exactly the most dangerous thing ever though."

Cecily Winters has posed:
    Cecily opens her can of tea and keeps one sandwich for herself, then. She ended up with chicken. "I do suppose it's exciting, but not always..." she smiles. "Ah... I was part of a security detail for Doctor Henry McCoy. He's... a big fuzzy blue fellow, I'm sure you've seen him on television.... there was an attempted assassination at an event he was at... and it turned into quite a car chase... the Green Arrow and his partner showed up, too.." she laughs. Yes, it really is exciting, she just thinks it's normal?

    "And... oh.. right. Most people don't... call it Bushwick anymore do they.... Mutant Town?" she clarifies. "...people are celebrating being home and safe but... anti-mutant aggressors are still causing problems..." she mumbles. "...someone caught it on video, the incident I was in.." she grins, and even blushes a little. "...no footage of me, per se, but I got called 'Lady Punisher'..." another shake of her head before she takes a nice, long drink.

    A new school? That sounds wonderful. Are people treating you well? Do I need to be your bodyguard?"

Angelica Jones has posed:
Angelica has her free hand over her mouth, her face alight with all kinds of things. She's got her mouth open, her hand hovering there, and so much to say that she can't talk. When Cecily stops, she's sitting there staring and starting to giggle.

"Oh...my god," she says finally. "Ohmygod. So much," she can't even, apparently.

She stops, raises her hand, the other still on Cecily's tails, and gives a 'one moment' gesture, as she closes her eyes to get her brain in order.

"Oh, mygod. Cecily. I have Doctor McCoy for one of my classes! In the new school! He's adorable but don't you dare every tell him I said that. I'll tickle you til YOU'RE blue!"

She's trying not to laugh, nodding, and says, "Nobody should try to kill him, he's too nice. And I know Mutant Town, I was there for a protest myself recently. I am a mutant after all. Forgot the name though. The real name I mean." She pauses, almost frowning, then shrugs. "I haven't had any bullies there yet. Give it time?"

Cecily Winters has posed:
    "Well they weren't actually after Doctor McCoy... they were after someone receiving the award... a pro-mutant sympathizer..." Cecily sighs, unwrapping her sandwich. She starts to eat, letting her friend gush as much as she wants, her brows lifting. She noms, swallows, "I imagine he's a wonderful teacher. He's intelligent, and mild-mannered. At least until you force his hand..." she recalls the way he'd leapt, quite impressively.

    "Oh, here," she fishes out her StarkPhone and thumbs through it, one hand holding her sandwich, the other sorting through things. It's almost easy to imagine her being a normal person, off the clock like this, looking like she does but also being so casual. "Ah! There." She holds up a twitter post, with a video on it.

Angelica Jones has posed:
Angelica has her hand over her mouth again, her fingers in Cecily's tail tighter. "I was there!" she says, gulping. "My last ...when I was...I was there! Not that time, I mean I wasn't THERE then, but..." She sighs, pulls her fingers over her own hair, and takes a deep breath. Then she looks at the sandwich, the cheesesteak no longer looking quite as appetizing.

She leans against Cecily then, quieting a bit. The camera cutting to the reporter talking plays on. And she sighs. "Yeah. School's exciting. I mean, it will be. Was anyone hurt?" She seems much more worried about others. She hasn't even brought up the whole space mission.

Cecily Winters has posed:
    Reflexively, Cecily slips her arm around Angelica's shoulders, gently hugging the girl. "People were hurt yes...." she says, being honest. "...the kid they tried to rob got beat up a bit. I put a couple of rubber bullets in one guy's calves when they were trying to run... the car accident probably hurt... I got shot..." she rattles off everything, then shrugs, like it's just a normal day in the life.

    "You'll have to tell me how school goes, when it starts up. I'll make you lunch even," she says with a gentle smile, pocketing her phone in a hidden slip in her skirt when the video ends. "I've been spending time in Bushwick since everyone got returned... so I could help curb shit like that.." she mutters. "...though the food is good and the music is lively there."

Angelica Jones has posed:
Angelica sighs. She never pulls away from a hug, so this is good. "I came here for the art; I haven't had time to study or do any since space...since things started changing. I mean, lots has. So...I'm glad you can be there for them. Wish I could be, there's just so much to do in a day. I need more hours." She leans a little more, shaking her head.

"Got some new friends though. I should bring Karolina to meet you sometime, I think you'd hit it off pretty well."

Cecily Winters has posed:
    It's a nice, warm hug. Her arm, her tails, all hold the girl close. She continues to nibble on her sandwich, though. The fox is hungry. Even if the shooting was last night, it's hard to see any evidence on her arm now. There might be a few small red marks where the buckshot had torn through, but she'd been resting and healing.

    "Space? Things started changing?" she asks, ears lifting, brow quirking. "Sounds like you've been having a more exciting time than I have, dear..." she teases, smiling warmly. "...space? New friends? It sounds like you've really found a place you belong, and people who are worth sticking with."

Angelica Jones has posed:
Angelica, at the same time as Cecily asks her questions, looks up from the hug. "You got shot?" she asks, her words overlapping Cecily's. She pauses, clearly inspecting the woman to make sure that she's alright...

Then blushes. Smiles, and almost laughs a little. "Okay, okay. I'll go first. I mean, I learned how to throw fire, so I got to go..you know. The news?" She motions upward with a hand, shrugging.

"Nothing special, I passed out and woke up at home. But I think I can fly. Not sure yet, but I'm pretty sure. Wow, grammar." She frowns at herself, then turns and nudges Cecily. "Your turn. I'm changing, of course I'm changing. I'm alive. Tell me the getting shot part."

Cecily Winters has posed:
    "I got shot," Cecily nods. She looks fine. Her arm has those red marks. But she listens, she's interested in her friend, and what stories she has to tell. "Oh! You were... part of the operation out of Metropolis? I was staying in New York to make sure there wasn't any spillover... you got to go to space? That's...." she laughs. "That's incredible. Was it fun? Was it scary? Are you okay?" she asks, looking Angelica over now, upon hearing she passed out and everything. "..and you can fly... and throw fire... and.. well. Aren't you just a wonderful bundle of amazing, mm? A far cry from the worried girl I gave a ride to so long ago..." Was it really so long ago?

    Then she puts her sandwich down, showing her right arm. It's a pattern of several round marks, long-ish range from a shotgun fired at her. They're healed internally, the damage is just superficial until her skin resets now. "In the video..." she explains, "...one of the men pulled a shotgun from their getaway car. Not the best option for a long range encounter, I had one of my rifles.." she tsks. "...I'm fine, though, but thank you for worrying."

Angelica Jones has posed:
Angelica looks at the arm. She has this worried look on her face, but she tries to make it into a smile when she looks up from the wounds to Cecily. "Don't you try to change the subject to me, I don't care about myself," she says grumpily. She touches, softly, and then sighs and leans against Cecily's side.

"Space is dark and scary. You'd love it, I know you would. You're all about the excitement. I can't fly, but I think it's possible. I shot a big building with a fireball. In space. Yes I know that makes no sense, it happened anyway. They're going to teach me how to do better." She adds 'I hope' in a very quiet voice, mostly to herself.

She's still scared.

Cecily Winters has posed:
    "You should care about yourself," Cecily furrows her brow. Then she bites her lip, looking away. "...but I guess that makes me a hypocrite, doesn't it. I DO care about myself, but I care about others more. I'll take a bullet because I know that if it doesn't hit me, it'll hit somebody that wouldn't come back from it.." she explains softly, but hugs Angelica tighter for a moment. "And I'm not really much for space..." she admits.

    There's a bewildered expression on her face now, though, and she actually laughs. "...do I sound like I'm such a thrillseeker, sweetheart? I'm... really not. I just know I have a job and a duty to do... I'm not an adrenaline junkie, really," she says with a sigh, ears flattening against her head, which is now shaking. "I mean things are exciting, yes, but..." she playfully pokes her tongue out, maybe because she thinks it's silly that she's painted in that way, or that she's trying to lighten things up.

    "It sounds like they'll take very good care of you when I'm not around to do so... and they'll probably be able to do more with your powers than I could ever hope to..."

Angelica Jones has posed:
Angelica pokes Cecily in the ribs. Gently, but with a smile. "You're you. What I think of you isn't nearly as important as what you really are. And you will do things with me. Got it? To be continued, and all that." She sighs, then leans against Cecily again. But she shakes her head softly and mumbles.

Something about having another child to take care of. If she could stick out her tongue, she probably would.

But she's getting tired, and there's a lot to do. So she looks at the sun as it begins to set, and smiles.