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Latest revision as of 05:52, 17 September 2020

Mission: The Trickster's Toys
Date of Scene: 28 August 2020
Location: Abandoned Warehouse
Synopsis: The Outsiders stop the Trickster!
Cast of Characters: Tim Drake, Carrie Kelley, Roy Harper, Laura Kinney, Rose Wilson

Tim Drake has posed:
The warehouse in the Bronx is filled with cardboard shipping containers, some on pallets, some broken down. Red Robin had given the mission assignment:

Your Mission:
Infiltrate the warehouse.
Destroy the contraband items.
Bring the villain to justice. Name: Trickster. MO: he's like Toyman, only possibly crazier.

The 'contraband' is, if one looks inside any of the open boxes, cheap cellular phones and tablets in a plethora of bright colors. Of course, they are all also booby trapped with electroshocks, so once they get into consumers hands, they'll hurt a lot of people.

The warehouse itself, on the outside, is guarded by four street thug-looking guys with AR-15s, all kitted out like they spent way too much time at Tacticool Arms and Armaments. The guards are in pairs, and walking around the building in obvious shift positions.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
A man with the same MO as Toyman. This entire mission had Sparrow on edge, clearly, but she had buckled down to a stern resolve that she hadn't really shown to her fellow Outsiders before. Tim would recognize the way she was grinding through the evening as if she had a personal vendetta against the man, but was holding back. Positioning herself a few rooftops over she's finishing the last minute recon of the situation.

<< The men out front are well armed but don't seem particularily confident in the use of their weapons. This means they're extra dangerous as they'll be unpredictable. We can use this to our advantage though. They likely won't be keeping as thorough a watch as someone more skilled. Easy to sneak past. >>

Roy Harper has posed:
Arsenal has positioned himself on the opposite side of things from Sparrow so that he can get a look from the other side of the building. << The other two in the back look about the same. Their pattern's regular. Easy to predict. Should have plenty of time between shifts to slip inside. >> Only very recently having joined the team, this is his first mission with the others, and he's been pretty quiet on comms, listening more than he's been talking, mostly just getting a lay of the land and a feel for his other teammates. << Ready to go on your mark, Sparrow. >>

Laura Kinney has posed:
X-23 waits, silently with Aresnal. He had given their status, and doesn't seem to disagree with him in the least. The slender girl, all in black save her face, a domino mask over it, seemed certainly ready and determined with the task at hand.

Arsenal would be quick to notice the girl's intensity and focus for the mision at hand. No casual air about her, nothing relaxed, that spoke more of military-like training than anything else, but she is barely old enough to even enlist.

She sniffs the air, once, twice, tentatively, her expression not changing in the slightest.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
<< Go. X-23 alert us if you hear or smell anything untoward that might tip them off. >>

As the guards pass Sparrow makes her own move from rooftop to rooftop methodically. Even with her slightly bright colored costume she lingers in the shadows as she was taught until the last possible moment. Then she's leaping out into open air with her cape snapping open behind her. The ridges inside it receive a small electric impulse that causes them to stiffen offering her a glide to the top of the warehouse itself where she again dips into the shadows.

<< Main goal is getting rid of these nasty electronics. If you find any info on where they were planning to distribute though, that may come in handy later as well. >>

Roy Harper has posed:
Roy Harper's own suit is primarily a dark red, from the hood to the boots, his bow in hand, a quiver with a myriad selection of arrows for different purposes on his back, and plenty of other smaller bladed weapons stowed on his person, not to mention a couple of small gadgets on his belt. His own demeanor is decidedly more laid back, even if quiet for now.

He studies X-23 but seems to respect her intensity and focus, and doesn't mess with her at all. Once the okay to move is given, he's descending over the side of the wall and crossing the distance to the warehouse with ease, silently counting in his head when the movement of the guards will be. Up and over the fence with acrobatic skill and across the intervening ground. Up the wall on the side, glass cutter to put a hole in the window, and he holds it open for X-23 to slip in and scout ahead. "I'll cover you," he tells her.

Laura Kinney has posed:
X-23 slides down after Arsenal, moving in perfect synch with him to not let any gaps or delays in their timing cause interference or lag to break the team apart with the timing of the guards approach. She might not have Roy's acrobatic skill, precisely, but she moves up the fence with solid efficiency and skilled movement nevertheless and as little noise as possible.

When the glass cutter comes out she gives him a curious stare, briefly, before nodding once and suggesting over the comms, << Understood, Sparrow. >>

She slips in, then holds the window open in turn for Roy, while watching, smelling, and listening for other guards or workers. It's not going to be a good night to be caught in this location. Not at all.

Tim Drake has posed:
There are, wandering through the stacks of boxes and pallets, a half dozen goons much like the ones outside. They are not in pairs, however, but simply moving through the warehouse, bored. There is a light in the office window on the far side, likely where Trickster is finalizing his plans.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
After Arsenal and X-23 go in, Sparrow shortly follows after. She took a different path along the roof to get to their entrance setting up a few 'surprises' should they need a distraction for a hasty retreat. She waits until all are in, and then ducks through herself.

Quietly she mumbles, "I am not a fan of this type of criminal. Sooner we get this done, the better."

Roy Harper has posed:
Arsenal catches the stare and lifts both brows quizzically, and then follows X-23 on in on the upper level of the warehouse. He likes having the advantage of higher ground whenever he can get it, and so he sticks to the catwalks and whatever higher areas of the warehouse he can manage. Pulling a couple of tranq arrows from his collection, he knocks one of them and begins to move slowly, keeping an eye on the others.

When he has a clear shot on one of the goons who seems to be off on his own, he lets one arrow fly, sinking it into the goon's thigh. It makes almost no sound, and the goon barely has time to react before slumping over to the ground. "One down, East side." He nods in that direction. "His friends'll find him soon if they keep moving. I'll try and isolate another one and stick up here."

Laura Kinney has posed:
X-23 sniffs the air again inside the warehouse, listens for a few long moments while Arsenal notches up his tranq arrows.

<< There are not many. Perhaps five or six. It is hard to tell after a few. Scents mingle."

She nods to Arsenal then, and she slides beneath the railing on the catwalk, and drops to the lower floor. Apparently height is not to her advantage.

The stack of boxes are, however, and as one guard moves in front of them she slips out, moving behind him. A leg sweep, and he's falling backwards. Her knee comes up onto the back of his skull, and then she's laying him out onto the ground, a fist coming to the side of his temple to knock him out, cold, and clean. The unconscious body is dragged back behind the boxes. The entire thing takes only a handful of seconds.

<< Two down, >> She counts off.

Rose Wilson has posed:
Rose has been here this entire time, but she's been doubling as a ninja, silent as the grave. There's guns on her, but she hasn't touched them in favor of letting those with arrows handle things more quietly. In addition, she's got her twin swords strapped to her back. As they move in and to the catwalk she follows, taking a moment to look over the edge.

When X-23 goes off the edge there's a quick, fierce grin before Rose gives the other pair a two finger salute, then she follows down to the ground as well. After she lands, she moves fast through the stacks of boxes to sneak up on one of the other goons, and then she reaches around him, one hand fastening over his as her other arm curls around his throat, tightening as she drags him back.

No oxygen, no blood flow, it's slower than a knock on the head, but as soon as he passes out she dumps the body.

Tim Drake has posed:
Three of the six down. The boxes are still full of their booby trapped devices, though destroying them may be better to do once everyone is down. So far, so good...

Roy Harper has posed:
Arsenal gives an up-nod to X-23 and Rose as they drop. He then watches which direction Carrie goes and takes the alternate path so that the two of them can split the high ground and reach as many targets as possible. He moves along the catwalks with sure, steady steps, getting a bead on another goon and taking careful aim. His gaze shifts briefly over to the office to make sure the door is still closed, then *fwip* another arrow shoots through the air and another tranq dart takes down a goon. << Four >>

Laura Kinney has posed:
Scent and sound tell X-23 where the next target is, and she hears rather than sees Arsenal's next target sink to the floor with the tranq-arrow. Handy, those things.

Spying Rose in the shadows, Laura signals to her silently where the two remaining men are, and then X-23 is moving to the next target, which is hopefully the second-to-last guard inside.

She moves behind her target and slams her foot into the back of the man's knees, sending him off balance. Instantly she rolls over his bent back, wraps her legs around his throat so he can't scream and squeezes, hard, to restrict air, and bringing him to the ground where again slams a hard fist into his face; this time his forehead. Once, twice, and the guard is out, cold, and silently.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
While the others deal with the guards, Sparrow has gone straight for the office itself. Or at least toward it. The darting motions along the support beams, rafters, and catwalks as necessary lead her there while still keeping to the shadows as she could so as to not alert any guards to her or her fellows presence. Now there she descends on a rapel line hanging upside down. The little movements are controlled by the press of her feet around the rope to ensure she doesn't fall as she hovers there. What almost appears to be a small smoker gun is withdrawn from her belt, and the tube fed neatly in the cracks of the ventilation system to feed through the sleeping gas to those within. Better to knock them out quickly in one go than just barge in and risk alerting them.

It's only once the sounds of a few quiet thumps and groans inside are heard that she withdraws the device to tuck away. << We should be good. Do a final sweep but otherwise it ought to just be the guards outside. >>

Rose Wilson has posed:
The body laid out on the ground is stepped over as Rose notes the indication as to where one of the last pair of guards are, and she then starts to move in that direction.

There's a quick, quiet movement forward before she grabs the second thug much like she did the first, tightening her arms around him until she's able to cause them to pass out, and then she dumps him. Then she dusts her hands off, glancing around to make sure that is all of them.

Roy Harper has posed:
<< Want to pop the boxes open and then douse them with the sprinkler system? >> Arsenal offers over comms. Because water's bad for electronics, yo. He's certainly open to other ideas, though, as he moves back along the catwalk, circling from above. << Doing one last sweep overhead. Not seeing anyone else inside. We should be good to go. >>

Laura Kinney has posed:
With all their targets down, X-23 reminds, "There are still the four guards outside. We should deal with them on leaving. I suggest we use their weapons," meaning the electronics and the electrifying cell phones, "Against them to ensure they are taken into custody."

Still, ruining the goods with water and sending them on the fritz is a good enough idea, and she nods her head. A pair of hand claws on each hand pop out, "We should destroy the boxes and spill the contents. They will take too long to short out without direct contact."

She demonstrates by slashing apart several boxes at once with a few swift slashing motions to rend several boxes apart.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
<< That's the idea. Ruin the electronics. Make sure they're not able to get back on the market somehow. The guys outside are our last issue. After that, GCPD can be called on these guys. >> There's a pause as Sparrow flips herself rightside up only to slide down the line the rest of the way to the floor. It's here she speaks openly though still keeping quiet.

"If it weren't for the guys still being inside, I'd say detonate a small charge to ruin the devices. That may cause a fire though."

Rose Wilson has posed:
"I'm sure that there is some rule about leaving behind evidence, too." Rose offers, although blowing everything up probably would have been first on her list too. And calling the cops last.

But she pulls one of her swords so that she can start for the boxes, slicing them open and kicking them down so that the contents spill across the floor.

Tim Drake has posed:
Cardboard is no match for claws and swords. It's not too long before the floor of the warehouse is covered in spilling cell phones and tablets, some making small zztt! noises as they are laying there already.

The sprinkler system can be activated by any of three different emergency pulls on the ground floor, or one off the upper level catwalk. OSHA and all that.

Roy Harper has posed:
When Arsenal completes his sweep, he makes his way over to the emergency pull up on the catwalk and says, << I'm about to make it RAIN! Uh, more literally than figuratively in this case. Last one out's gonna be soaked. >> He gives them a few seconds to make a break for it, and then pulls that emergency lever and lets all those little tablets and phones get good and soaked. Then it's a quick sprint for the window to slip out the way he came in.

Laura Kinney has posed:
As Arsenal makes his statement, X-23 is moving quickly to the exit herself with the rest of her team, retracting her claws. Of course, she's not getting out the same way -she- came in, catwalk and all. Instead she'll be heading out with Ravager on the ground floor, eyes alert for the four guards they'd left patrolling on the outside once they get out.

Rose Wilson has posed:
With the warning of the rain coming she's on the move, out the door and then she looks around. Much like X-23, Rose is going to make sure that any that might be left on the outside are going to get taken out as well.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Sparrow doesn't particularily rush. She lingers behind a moment to watch and ensure that the goods get a thorough soak before heading out after the others, ignoring the fact that she too was soaked. It was hardly the first time such a thing had happened to her. It was even warmer than when in Gotham.

As soon as she's out the door she intends to either catch up with the others or see if the guards got taken care of already. Likely they would have been. << Good job all around everyone. >>

Tim Drake has posed:
Within 15 minutes, the first of the flashing blue lights of NYPD cruisers can be seen down the road. The goons are knocked out. The Trickster himself as well. The contraband destroyed. All in all, a successful first true mission for the Outsiders.