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Latest revision as of 03:48, 18 September 2020

Estimated Arrival Time in Wakanda Will Be Eight AM
Date of Scene: 17 September 2020
Location: Aboard a Wakandan Aircraft
Synopsis: Tony and Pepper are flown to Wakanda for a medical procedure related to Tony's chest-implanted arc reactor.
Cast of Characters: T'Challa, Pepper Potts, Tony Stark

T'Challa has posed:
The aircraft didn't depart until night had come to New York City. Anyone in the Avenger's hangar bay saw the Wakandan jet that had come in cloaked earlier in the day lift off the ground almost silently and then shimmer as it cloaked before climbing into the skies above the Big Apple.

Inside, the aircraft is spacious by the standards of such vehicles. A padded seat runs around one side of the aircraft, while the other has closed storage areas. The middle of the ship has a table of some sorts made of dark grey material that might resemble slightly Tony's holographic tables, though an obviously different technology. However, the holographic controls being used by the pilot are much like Tony's own technology.

T'Challa finishes climbing the aircraft out of the New York area and out over the Atlantic. He punches in a destination into the autopilot and then the holographic controls disappear from around him. He swivels the seat back towards Tony and Pepper. "Now we have a bit of time to talk. Drink?" he asks as he rises and moves over to touch a section of the wall which lifts up to reveal some refreshments.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Given Pepper's working life for the last almost decade, taking private flights at a moment's notice to points around the world really isn't strange to her. She keeps a bag packed for such an eventuality, actually; a bag and a garment bag with dress suits that can't be folded, lest they turn into wrinkled messes- and she's not into wearing wrinkled messes. So, there's an ease regarding the flight itself, but under such circumstances?

Uneasy is the redhead.

Pepper smiles at their host, pilot, and the King of the country that they are flying to, and quickly nods her head. "Yes, please. Something light." There's a hint of a nervous laugh, but she keeps it in check, "I'm not sure I could handle much of anything else."

There is a quick look outside the window, and NYC's lights are quickly fading behind them. That's the worst part of flying, really- she loves her city!

"I've never been to Wakanda, so I have no idea what to expect." There's a warm smile, though the nerves behind it remain underscored, "I'm positive it's not like the travel brochures say."

There's a quick glance towards Tony; it's a delicate balancing act, and she reaches out for his hand quickly, just for the momentary contact.

Tony Stark has posed:
"She'll want light, I'll go hard," Tony replies to the drink question evenly. He'd promptly reclined his chair and unclipped his seatbelt once things were in the air - the normal precautions of a takeoff tossed aside once airborne. Tony orients to Pepper reaching for his hand, though, and gives her a flippant, immediate, automatic flash of charismatic smile. He's fine, clearly. What need to worry?

Tony packed a bit heavier than Pepper-- in the sense that he had a bunch of gear, so that had to be loaded in the cargo area. Other than that, he packed like always - barely a gym bag, like most other bachelors. It's Pepper that makes sure he has more than just the bare minimum that occurs to him. Somebody needs to take care of the guy.

"It's not really a tourist trap; avoid the vacation photo sets, Pep," Tony teases Pepper. He releases her hand after a squeeze, because he's standing to go inspect the drinks personally. "I got a breakthrough last night, so hopefully this won't be as invasive as originally planned," Tony adds, switching topic easily.

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa pours a glass of scotch for Tony, and an iced tea for Pepper. He offers them over, telling Tony, "Consider this a start on your anesthetic?" Once they have the glasses he motions to the comfortable seats. With the engines so quiet it has more the feeling of being in some kind of electric train or something than it does an aircraft.

The mention of the breakthrough gets an interesting look from T'Challa. "That is good to hear. We can send the information ahead. So the surgical team has time to alter their plans," he says in his quiet accented English. "I am not sure if my sister will be the one leading the surgery. Or if she will have one of the medical staff handle it. Either way? You will be in good hands," T'Challa tells TOny.

At Pepper's comment about Wakanda, T'Challa moves over to the table in the center of the aircraft. "Rainforests and jungles. Savannah grasslands. Beautiful rivers, and a ring of mountains on some of our borders," he tells her. "Beautiful land. That is what most of the world knows," he tells her. "But you will also see what the rest don't. Our capital, Birnin Zana, hidden beneath an energy dome to be kept out of sight. A modern technological city built in harmony with the land," he tells her. He then smiles to Pepper and moves his fingers to his lips in a quiet gesture. "Still very hush though. So no posting selfies."

Pepper Potts has posed:
'Light' is basically said at the same time in terms of her taste in drinks, and there's that glance, complete with a fond smile. The more of the 'him' Pepper sees, and she's seen a lot, the more she realizes he pays more attention than she's given him credit for. And she doesn't make that mistake often with him.

"Thank you," is murmured at the handing of the glass. "That's perfect."

The brief contact made with Tony is more than enough that's necessary for the moment. Brows do rise as he admits to some breakthroughs, thus potentially mitigating the more invasive and/or intensive procedures. "I suppose that was after I turned in," is offered up. The news, however, looks like it does go a distance to relax her a little more. "Tony, makes me feel a lot better about all of this."


The description of Wakanda gains Pepper's attention, and with a smile that remains behind regarding the vacation photos, she looks almost.. wistful. "It sounds lovely. And, I promise- no selfies." That last part, however, she looks across at Tony. He's the selfie king! "When this is done, I'd love to spend a little time looking around, seeing the sights."

Tony Stark has posed:
While Tony doesn't like being handed things, he came over directly to get the drink and certainly wants it enough to not even make it an issue in the slightest. He accepts his drink but doesn't sit yet, with some low-key pacing energy keeping him on his feet. He wanders to the table area, drink in hand: the scenic route back towards the seating.

"I'll keep her on her best social media behavior, though at times it /is/ a struggle," Tony deadpans into his drink while staring at Pepper. He lifts one brow a little at her in a challenging way, as if baiting her to deny her extreme selfie habits.

There's probably a palatable difference with Tony and Pepper's interaction. In that there's a shift in their relationship here, and Tony is doing zero things to mask that it's there. He's openly playing at her, with only a mild undertone of flirtation. It indicates that whatever they've got is fairly stable.

"Right. Sounds like Pepper wants a tour, while I eat jello and heal. Can we make that happen?" Tony asks evenly.

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa takes his drink and moves over to sit down on the padded bench. "We have had very few people see where you are going to," T'Challa tells Pepper, his voice that soft, deep rasp of his. "You might find people are as interested in seeing you as the other way around," he comments. "Though, it would be best if we stick to the palace and labs, and then outside of the city for a tour. I am working gradually. To bring my people around on the subject of openness. There have been good reasons for staying secret as we have. I cannot argue otherwise. But I think the state of the world? We would be better served being more open."

He takes a sip of his drink and then flashes a soft grin over to Tony. "We might even get you to try a few new dishes while you're recuperating. I will have to ask the doctors how long until you can handle a good, spicy water buffalo stew," T'Challa says, completely straight-faced so there's no indication if he's serious.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper looks back and around, following Tony's progress through the cabin, a smile on her face as she watches him. The drink thus handed to Tony, there's that look, coupled with a quickly quirked head before she smiles. She missed that one on the uptake, but the drink has been gained. The pacing isn't out of the norm for the man; not when there are so many things going on, so many variables.

Her lips press in a smirk, those green eyes bright and they roll lightly in amusement. "What? Oh.. don't pin that on me..." she begins, light laughter unpinning her words, "You are the worst.."

Now, though, Pepper looks back around at T'Challa, the warm smile still evident, and it easily brightens her features. "I would like a tour, yes. I would //love// one. Even if it's just parts of the city." She does understand, even if she's a touch on the disappointed side. Brows do rise at the suggestion of the stew, and her words hold that lilt, "I'm sure Tony would love to try some of that water buffalo stew.. wouldn't you, Tony?"

Tony Stark has posed:
"Feels like that should be the meal /before/ I have to fast for surgery or whatever else. Water buffalo steaks, maybe?" Tony suggests serenely, willing to go along to wherever this leads. "It isn't like I'm asking for cheeseburgers, that'd be painfully American of me," Tony asides to Pepper with a lift of one finger from the side of his scotch, as if to catch her from butting in with some sass about his cheeseburgers.

"Hook us up tonight," Tony invites T'Challa with a smile, finally sauntering back to his chair, and digging his tablet out of where he'd pushed it down against one of the armrests. With that now in hand, he comes back to the comfy seating to plop down, and drink while he one-handedly boots it up and gains access into the system.

"Sending across that data to your team's dropbox," Tony adds, distracted, attention now into his tech for the most part, setting down the glass nearby on an appropriate cupholder spot without looking.

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa sets down his iced tea and tells Pepper, "The waterfalls in the lands of the river tribe are particularly beautiful. Wakanda is such a mix of landscapes and eco systems," he tells her. He reaches down to a beaded bracelet he's wearing, touching one of the beads as he looks over towards the table in the middle of the plane.

The table begins to rise up, almost as if the surface was composed of an endless amount of iron filings or something that can be reshaped, and soon it has taken on the form of a topographic representation of Wakanda. "Take a look if you like," he tells her as he touches another bead. One end of the table turns into a section of a globe, showing where the plane is. It's already nearing Africa according to the display, fast even by the standards of supersonic jets.

T'Challa tells Tony, "If it is less invasive, hopefully we'll have you back on your feet by afternoon. I should know shortly what the doctor's say."

Pepper Potts has posed:
It's the best when Pepper doesn't have to say a //word// and Tony knows exactly what she'd say, should she offer up her opinion. There again lies that tightlipped, affectionate smile, and therein lies warmth and humor. She's content to remain silent there, but fills that quiet with a deliberate sip of her tea, green eyes looking up and over the lip of the glass.

As Tony finds his way back to the seat, Pepper shifts in hers, tilting her head slightly when the tablet is gained and accessed. The thought that perhaps things will be less invasive definitely fills her with a great deal more.. confidence, less dread anyway, and she nods.

The display offered to Pepper brings a pleased smile to her face, her attention enrapt for the moment at the descriptions. "It does sound lovely.." even for a city girl like Pepper. Even as the holographic rendering is offered up, the redhead is looking at it, manipulating the topography to get a better look.. the animals, the landscapes, the farms, and the smaller settlements scattered. She could look at the verdant plains, the forests all day.. and she looks up briefly between the two men, "I think it's time for a vacation."

Tony Stark has posed:
"This isn't a vacation? We're out of the country and I'm not in a suit," Tony teases blandly from where he is. Indeed, he is not in either kind of suit at the moment. He leans back, with ... snacks? Where did the snacks come from? Tony has an adept, special talent at squirreling little packages of snacks here and there: sometimes in a pocket, or near his seat, or wherever. This looks like almonds. He's having a few while he works on the tablet, leaving Pepper and T'Challa to browse the beautiful landscape display.

Tony IS aware, though: he's a supreme multitasker. Just most of his attention is on his own project, as it rather takes priority. "Your head surgeon is already responding to me. Great to see she's ready," Tony says, typing away. He's probably grilling the surgeon lightly, to see if they pass muster of his personal filters on his requirements. They probably will...

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa checks on the aircraft's controls and then returns to where Pepper is viewing the display of Wakanda. It turns out it isn't actually holographic, as T'Challa zooms in on an area. "This is where some of our army train with their rhinos," he tells her, reaching down and picking up one of the rhinos from a pen. It's a real object made out of... something grey. He offers it to her to take a look at it. "This one is Biju," he tells her with a smile. "The mount of one of my generals."

A satisfied nod is given as Tony mentions the medical staff are already in touch with him. "We'll begin descending soon," he says as he moves over to the pilot's chair, which floats above the floor rather than being mounted to it. The holographic controls come up and he causes the display of the canopy to widen a bit and give a better view of the African continent they are flying over.

Soon he begins to descend, saying, "And here we are. What you see ahead of you is Wakanda," he tells them. Mountains line the horizon with the morning sun just rising over it. There are grasslands and hills, and large sections of jungle. No real signs of cities though, just small villages of a few hundred people mostly.

Pepper Potts has posed:
"No, this isn't a vacation." Pepper casts a look back towards Tony, her voice dropping to add, "Yet." Though, she does have at least two suits packed for him; a suit and a tux. Never know! Always prepared.

Returning her attention to display, her breath catches as the rhinos are drawn forward, and she's looking as if she's a kid in candy shop; green eyes are wide and pleased. "Oh... that is amazing," is breathed. "How...?" the question begins, but falls again. Even if it was explained, the chances are better than even that she wouldn't understand the technical aspects, but Tony would! She holds out her hand and makes to take hold of the little rendering of the rhino and looks at him. "Hello, Biju.." and looking back up, she reaches to put him back in his pen carefully, "Now I want to meet the real thing."

Pepper resists the urge to rise from her seat, but instead looks out the window at the approach. She can't help it; new places, new faces!

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa glances over his shoulder. "The real one is sweet. Though this one likely smells better to someone from New York," he says in that gentle raspy voice of his, a small smile given to Pepper. "What you are holding, are particles of vibranium. They can be arranged to form the display," he tells Pepper.

The African monarch turns back towards the view out the front window. "You will want to see this," he tells them both as they fly over the grasslands, where boys are herding animals, and people are riding on horses, or camels. Some areas have farming where water buffalo are pulling hoes to make furrows in the ground for planting.

Up ahead is a hilly area covered with trees. "We are not going to crash, even if it looks like it," T'Challa says, his voice set to instill confidence as he gives the warning. The aircraft descends and is heading right for the side of one of the hills. As it reaches it though, they pass right through the trees, and through the hill. There are signs of some kind of energy lattice that they pass through. And then ahead is a modern city sitting on a beautiful waterway. The city seems to be at one with the surrounding forests, the trees as prominent as the buildings. Those buildings themselves are built with a distinctly African feeling to them, architectural designs like New York and other cities have never seen. "Welcome to Wakanda. Welcome to Birnin Zana," T'Challa says as they being to descend towards a landing area, the plane coming in to hover and gently touchdown.