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Latest revision as of 05:44, 20 September 2020

Namor breaks a boat and annoys Huntress
Date of Scene: 19 September 2020
Location: Gotham Docks
Synopsis: Huntress comes back from New York on a boat and Namor sinks it.
Cast of Characters: Helena Bertinelli, Namor

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
The nautical Huntress pulls up her black boat to the docks, letting it drift most of the way in order to keep quiet and not arose any attention. The muggy night is not very busy near the docks, so she's mostly in luck, at least for the moment.

Huntress takes off her nautical goggles and fixes her mask back into proper position, then cuts the power completely. She's no expert boat driver person but it at least does the job to covertly get her to New York back. She tosses a rope onto the docks and starts securing it back into place.

Namor has posed:
"Usually humans in masks sneaking around at night by boat is something for me to be concerned about."

Namor is suddenly floating a few feet above her boat, behind her. Water drips down his body, though is rapidly drying from the cool air and likely his own flight.

He's in his Atlantean armor as he lowers himself to the boat, his considerable weight for his form causing the boat to noticably rock, but he seems unconcerned. "I am King Namor, the Emperor of the Deep, and all of my other titles. I don't particularly care what you're doing on the surface world, but since I happened to notice you, I thought I'd find out if you were doing anything I should actually care about."

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Huntress finishes tying up the cute little black boat just as Namor hovers in on her. She turns her head and frowns as the Namor comes aboard her boat, "What am I doing? None of your buisness, that's what," she smirks.

Huntress is dressed in purple and black leather, her usual costume of night time vigilante-business. "Who the **&* are you supposed to be, huh?" she wonders, and puts a hand on her hip as she waits for an answer.

Namor has posed:
"As I said, I'm the King of Atlantis. And as you just travelled across my kingdom, it is my business." Namor pierces her with his eyes, entirely unflinching, standing there silently as if he is definitely //entitled// to an answer that he fully expects. "Well?"

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Helena Bertinelli frowns and looks at the water as Namor proclaims himself king, "Great," she mutters, probably thinking of her current situation as really inconvenient.

"I was just out for ice cream, asshole," she tells him, "Get off my boat."

Namor has posed:
Namor is quiet for a few moments, closes his eyes, then opens them again. "Fine."

He raises a foot, and then immediately slams it into the middle of the boat to smash it clean in half, though keeps himself floating above water even after. "Get out of my ocean then."

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Glug glug glug. The boat starts taking on water as it starts breaking up and the water splashes onto her boots, "Jackass," she tells him. She has to hop off onto the docks to avoid sinking with the ship and sighs as she watches it glug below the water, "Batman is going to kill me," she mutters, "Why are you such an asshole? That's my boat! What the hell do you want?" she yells.

Namor has posed:
"I asked you a simple question and you didn't answer it. You disrespected me so I destroyed your boat. Do you normally have trouble with critical thinking?" Namor asks in turn, floating there above the sinking boat, still barely moving from where he appeared to begin with.

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Huntress points at the water where the boat used to be, "Disrespected you? What the **** do you think you're doing?" she wonders, "I'm traveling on my boat! You broke it---you sank my boat, you idiot!" she yells. She furrows her brow and frowns at the water where the boat was, stewing for a few minutes, "You must be a great diplomat," she says sarcastically.

Namor has posed:
"I'm not being diplomatic, I asked a direct question. But since you don't seem inclined to cooperate, I'll just warn you that if whatever you're doing here has anything to do with the ocean, I'll drown you." Namor did hear the bit about Batman, but he seems entirely unconcerned with it, sliding his arms behind his back. "Understood?"

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
"Okay fine! Whatever!" Huntress yells, "This is such a wonderful situation. I love it when strangers break my **** and blame it on me. Can I go now, mister king?" she wonders, putting both hands on her hips, "Can I have leave of your ****** kinglyship now?"

Namor has posed:
"You may leave my presence, yes. I insist." Namor answers her with a perfectly straight face, though doesn't seem inclined to be the first one to leave. He's floating there waiting for //her// to leave.

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Huntress turns around and leaves, walking off the docks. She still looks kinda angry.

Namor has posed:
Namor finally dives back into the ocean, not saying another word.

He's apparently as satisfied as he's going to be.