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Latest revision as of 23:03, 20 September 2020

A Super Visitor
Date of Scene: 20 September 2020
Location: T'Challa's Room - Avenger's Mansion
Synopsis: Supergirl visits T'Challa to ask after Three Mile Island events. He realizes she's Kara Danvers, and she reveals the Justice League has been talking about him.
Cast of Characters: T'Challa, Kara Danvers

T'Challa has posed:
After the incident at Three Mile Island, T'Challa was a little worse for wear. It says something about the magnitude of the blast of cosmic power from the large robots that even it wasn't a direct hit, the concussive force was so strong even his Black Panther habit couldn't absorb enough of it that the incredibly hardy man within wasn't injured.

It is the next day, and the beating he took is making itself known even while his body heals it faster than a normal human would. T'Challa leaves the jets of the jacuzzi tub where he was soaking, drying off and slipping into some black sweat pants and a large hooded sweatshirt. The kind of apparel that would get a glance of disapproval but no words from Okoye if he lounged in them at the Embassy or the Palace.

T'Challa walks over to pour himself a drink and then goes to take a seat in a comfortable chair, giving a quiet groan as he sits down. His hand goes to his side where his ribs are bruised, but that brief touch is the only accommodation he gives the injury as he slips on his kimoyo bracelet. "JARVIS. Please display a briefing for the last 8 hours," he asks.

The smooth, pleasing voice of the Stark AI that runs the mansion replies, "Doing so now, Your Majesty." The TV above the fireplace comes alive and begins showing information on noteworthy events as T'Challa sips his drink and reads.

Kara Danvers has posed:
Perhaps a little out of curiosity for the JLA, but certainly out of curiosity for herself too. Supergirl needs to talk to someone about what happened at three mile island. Power Girl and her have a relationship they're still trying to work out. She's always so evasive about details. Kara's theory is she doesn't want to lead her down the same life choices she made.. but why? she seems fine.

Then of course there's T'Challa who gave such a great speech and time chatting that she got a distinction on her essay. That was a lovely surprise. She wouldn't mind chatting with him some more - though he knows her as Kara Danvers, not Kara Zor-El. Kara Danvers can't land on T'Challa's balcony though.

With the quietest of *whomps*, a whip of her cape more than anything else, Supergirl sets down on the balcony. Red boots touching marble. She approaches the glass doors and taps on them with the back of her fist. Even if she were visiting an enemy, she'd still knock first - it's polite!

JARVIS politely interrupts the briefing to alert him, "Your Majesty, Supergirl has been detected on the balcony." Hearing the voice of JARVIS, but never having actually visited the Avengers Mansion herself, she tilts her head and smiles. "Tony. Of course. Good morning King T'Challa of Wakanda. May I come in?"

T'Challa has posed:
The sound of the boots touching down caused T'Challa's head to tilt just slightly, cocking his ear that direction, though JARVIS is quick enough in revealing the source of the sound. T'Challa rises to his feet with only the tiniest evidence of the discomfort the movement costs him. He crosses over to the door made of high impact resistant glass, sliding it open as his eyes take in the sight of Supergirl there.

In that quiet rasp of his, he says, "An unexpected pleasure," to her. The breeze blows in, carrying her scent which he'd have noticed even without the wind assist. One eyebrow rises slightly to show a moment's surprise. "Most certainly. Whether Supergirl, or Miss Danvers. Your presence is most welcome," he says, moving aside to let her pass through, and sliding the glass door closed behind her.

He moves further into the room, "May I get you a beverage? Or is this more of a serious matter?" he asks her.

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara has a friendly morning smile on her face. Her hands on her hips. She can't fail to make an impression wherever she goes. The hoodie and slacks is not what she expected to find T'Challa wearing but somehow it suits him. The friendly smile is short lived though, quickly replaced by a look of surprise. "Kara Zor-El, if you please. It's my real name."

She steps inside and asks, "How did you know? my disguise usually works really well." Her eyes scan around the corner suite and then back to T'Challa, taking note of the way he's moving. "I'd like some coffee if that's okay." She looks up at the big screen and fire place and asks, "JARVIS is the name of your artificial intelligence? Tony has installed them everywhere it seems. This is an unofficial serious visit - I'd like to hear about what happened on the three mile island. It seems you took a bit of a beating..."

T'Challa has posed:
There's a deep inclination of T'Challa's head towards Supergirl as she gives him the other name. "Kara Zor-El, then," he agrees before giving her an apologetic look. He motions towards the couches, saying, "Please, have a seat," as he begins moving towards the suite's kitchen to make Kara her coffee.

T'Challa tells Kara quietly, "I apologize for the revelation. It did not result from any intent of mine to intrude," he tells her. T'Challa selects a blend he thinks she'll like and starts the machine making her beverage. "My sense of smell. I can tell people apart by it even easier than by sight," he says. "As soon as the door opened, I couldn't help but recognize the same charming natural scent I had experienced on the campus," he tells her.

It doesn't take all that long and the coffee is read. He returns it with to offer it to her. "I do hope it is not upsetting. I assure you, I have no desire to reveal your identity. And will hold as secure as any knowledge in my possession."

He takes a seat again then. "It was a surprisingly strenuous encounter, yes. And the outcome even more surprising," he says to lead back into her question.

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara settles down on a couch. Her posture and her manner, far more confident than Kara Danvers. Not quite as 'hero to all' as one sees on the television either. This is pretty close to the real Kara Zor-El right now. She accepts the coffee and smiles warmly, taking a sip. "Smell. Well, I'm not sure there's much I can do about that. I suppose Kryptonians must smell very unique amongst all of humanity."

"Thank you for the compliment. When you were talking about how much you enjoy physics I was busting at my sides wanting to talk to you about it. But my civilian life, so that I can blend in and experience humanity without a giant crowd wanting to ... you know, uh.. well she's learning to be a journalist. Don't get me wrong, I'm loving that too. But I am a science nerd through and through."

"Right, the encounter. Well, this isn't an interview, but in your own time - what happened?" She takes a sip of the coffee and then sniffs it. Another odd blend, another odd taste. This planet is still very foreign to her.

T'Challa has posed:
The comment about the smell of Kryptonians makes T'Challa look thoughtful. "I am not sure I could tell a difference from humans," he says with a slow shake of his head. "Not unless I had others to go by? You have..." the man tells her in his soft African accent, pausing as if to find the words he wishes to use. "An attractive scent would be a fair way to put it. It stood out before we first interacted. But not in a way I would have thought out of place," he says.

He picks up his glass. It's scotch, should she detect the scent of it, just a couple of fingers to help take the edge off his ribs. "And I would welcome a discussion of physics with you. Or any other topic. I found Miss Danvers to be a pleasant and intriguing young woman. One who inspires hope for the future. But I had no idea how short that impression fell of the truth," he says with a wry smile, as if pleased at having been fooled.

"Yes, so the events. There was an energy, noticeable on the right sensors, and also by mystical senses such as Wanda Maximoff possesses. We arrived, along with Power Girl, and the woman Dove from the Titans who noticed it on her own. I know very little of her beyond her name," he comments. "Which is when turrets popped up and began firing extremely power energies at us, of the same variety that had drawn us there."

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara looks somewhat surprised. Yet another strange clue as to 'Why Earth?' when her parents, uncle and aunt chose this planet. She has been starting to piece together the mystery every since the time traveling DNA of Kal's offspring made itself known to them. If they even smell human.. the odds of that are astronomical. Are humanity a long lost relative of Kryptonian?

"Thank you for letting me know. Just those with super senses in smell to worry about. It was a bit of a crazy happenstance we met like that the first time. This meeting," she motions between the two of them with a finger, "is far more probable. At the Justice League we were discussing you.. this is not an official thing or anything, but some of us were wondering if you'd be a good fit, or if you'd even want to be a fit. But, that can wait for another time. Three mile island."

She listens to further compliment and her smile grows just a touch more. T'Challa seems like such a gentle soul, it's hard to imagine how he stands all the politics back home she imagines he must endure. At the mention of Dove she raises an eyebrow. That she had not expected to hear. Still a new comer to the city and to the Titans, it heartens her to hear she jumped right in to danger to protect the city.

"When you say extreme power energies, ... what did they do to my sister.. er.. Power Girl?"

T'Challa has posed:
One of T'Challa's eyebrows goes up a bit, evidence that the Justice League's discussions of him is unexpected to the man. He looks thoughtful for a moment, but is quick to refocus on the situation at Three Mile Island as Kara Zor-El comes back to it.

T'Challa laces his fingers together in a thoughtful way. "She survived them, but I believe in increased amounts they might have been harmful. After the turrets came a pair of robots, two or three times the height of a person. Their weapons were more powerful versions. She took a direct hit but survived it to attack them back," he tells Kara.

The African man picks up his glass, taking a small sip from it before continuing. "At the bottom of the elevator shaft the robots had emerged from, we found an AIM base. The Advanced Idea Mechanics. One of their men was having these energies pumped into him. However... they are not conducive with matter in our universe. As it turns out their source is from outside our reality. The man exploded. And the base was at risk of a catastrophic explosion as well," T'Challa says.

He doesn't keep Kara waiting for the finish. "AIM had a man from another universe knocked out with some of MODOK's technology. He was the source of the energy, converting what was most likely cosmic radiation, into this form of energy which was slightly at odds with our matter. We woke him, fearing he was the only one who could handle the energies already unleashed in the base. Which he did. And he has been friendly so far as we have been finding out his story. He is here at the mansion with us, getting examined and debriefed."

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara casually sips the coffee as they discuss extinction event level energies. You know, casually coffee conversation. If Power Girl could survive it, so could she.. in theory. But as the story developers she realises she may not need to worry about it after all, not if this entity is friendly.

"I see. AIM. This is the first I've heard of them. I'll check the computers at the Titans Tower about them later. Do we know how this man got to our universe? Will he be going home now? Will he also explode?" She has raised eyebrows and ponders, "I think I should meet this person. I recently had an encounter with a doorway to another dimension. I met a her by the name of Replica who helped me shut the gate way. We were attacked in the mind. The creature trying to come through the gate way had tentacles and a beak with an eye inside of it. I think? It was hard to tell. Do you think this is at all related?"

Why are so many other dimensional creatures and people trying to get here? First her sister, now this cosmic energy guy.. and that slimy tentacle monster... what changed? did someone breach reality recently? she'll have to investigate.

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa crosses one leg over the other. His feet are bare, which just highlights that Kara is seeing him in circumstances that so few do, either getting the monarch or the hero. Though perhaps there were some signs, less monarch and more T'Challa, while the two conversed on the campus of Metropolis University.

"We still need to be clearer on his story," T'Challa answers. "But from his comments? So far, I suspect AIM had opened the way to his universe. Which would not bode well. Given their pursuit of power regardless of cost. He spoke of destroying the gateway. So I suspect he was a hero defending his world. But was caught on our side. And captured by AIM. To... harness his powers for their own uses," he says.

A nod is given at Kara's mention of wanting to meet him herself. "I do not think that would be a problem," he says in his soft raspy voice. "I would be happy to help arrange it when you are ready."

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara finishes the coffee and smiles just a moment. "I see. That must have been horrible for him. Trapped and siphoned like that. Nightmare fuel." She has been learning colloquialisms. "I hope he's doing okay emotionally. It is curious though how different versions of reality have different heroes to the ones we know."

She rises and walks to the kitchen, washing out the inside of the coffee cup and leaving it on the drying rack. "The Avengers Mansion. I've never been here before. I hope all those other people don't mind me wandering around here. I know some people get nervous around Kryptonians. Let them know I am very discrete."

She walks back in to the room and folds her arms, "And also, you can reach me through the Titans T-comm system which is linkable from the Avengers comm system. Ever since Brainiac. Thank you so much for your time and hospitality T'Challa." She approaches and crosses her arms over her chest to him, "May be one day I will get to see your home.. Wakanda forever."

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa rises, and makes a move to head off Kara cleaning her cup herself. Though he can spot the determination to do so, his objection going unsaid then as he lets her do as she prefers.

He looks around the suite. It's one of the corner rooms in the Avengers Mansion, giving an extra wall of windows to enjoy the well-landscaped grounds through. "It is a pleasing place to be. I split my time between here and the Embassy when I am in town," he says. "I think you are quite welcome though, Kara Zor-El. But I will make sure the others know of the invitation for you to speak with him."

He returns the salute. "It is a beautiful place. I would love to be able to show it to you some day," T'Challa replies. "And it sounds like we have more to speak on another time. I will look forward to that as well."

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara smiles and then that smile fades rapidly. She listens out the balcony and says, "I am needed in Metropolis." She touches her ear and says, <<I'm on my way!>> over the T-comms. "Sorry, emergency. Bye for now T'Challa." In a blue and red blur, she is gone, leaving only a swift breeze behind.