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Latest revision as of 02:34, 21 September 2020

Harley's Pizza Place
Date of Scene: 20 September 2020
Location: Ami's Pizza
Synopsis: Harley and April spend a night in the arcade, chatting and enjoying each other's company!
Cast of Characters: April O'Neil, Harley Quinn

April O'Neil has posed:
April and Harley had set out on the town tonight, having a desire to get out and get some food... all the way down to the pizza place that was literally just a few doors down, and visited fairly regularly, but hey! Who doesn't like the comfortable setting?!

Along the way, April told Harley all about her podcast from earlier today. She'd had an archaeologist on who was telling her all about how aliens built the pyramids, and that everything we think we know about their construction is wrong! It's the kind of guest that amuses April quite a lot, since she has a fascination in Archaeology, mentioning quite often how she likely would've gone in to that field if reporting hadn't grabbed on to her first.

Once inside the Pizza Parlor though, April took off her hoodie and hung it over the back of a chair. She turns to Harley and motions to the row of Arcade machines in the back. "Ya wanna pretend like its the 1980s and just drop a bunch of money in to the arcade machines tonight?"

Harley Quinn has posed:
Pizza at their favorite place?! Say no more! Harley was up and ready and .... *drumroll* ... Harley actually said she'd pay up tonight. A rarity since she was always so short for cash after her rising career as bank robber and henchman for a certain Mistah J had taken a sour turn. Or well, to her it was a turn for the better... She hoped... Maybe. So either she was back to robbery or .., maybe a job!

"Ya know what? Why not? I mean we got aliens just wanderin' about... I met this gal who claims ta be an angel. AN ANGEL!" she hard rolls her eyes. "Well, once I am done with her she will be a devil instead." a wicked little smile appearing on her lips. Honestly, sometimes her stories just seemed a little too out there to be true.

"Mmmm, smells like anchovies will be in my future soon!" a whiff taken towards the kitchen and then back to April, eyes widening with anticipation. "Hell yea, lets bust up all those quahtuhs." she reaches over to dap her fist with April's.

April O'Neil has posed:
April's hands are up above her shoulders tossing her dark hair back behind them, then dropping down to her sides, only to have one bounce up and return-dap Harley's offered fist bump. She grins at her there-after and motions over to the games. "I'll order for us. Go get us setup with one of those machines?" She asks then. "And prepare to spill you guys on this Angel person, because that sounds like something I need to investigate for my show." She smirks then, before heading for the counter to order from the employees behind it.

She's there for a few moments, long enough to casual chat a bit since they all know her by name now. But after a few moments she comes back toward where Harley is and offers her an empty cup for her drink to get from the fountain. "The guy behind the counter asked 'What's her story?' about you." April tells Harley with a grin. "You're turnin' heads, everywhere you go, ya know that?"

Harley Quinn has posed:
It was a night off so Harley had dressed to impress! It even meant pants instead of her usual shorts, brown-colored, pair of low shoes, a dazzlingly colored shirt that seems as if whoever dyed it just tossed a rainbow over it such is the disparity and randomness of colors. Hair is up in multiple braids instead of the pig tails, each alternatively painted between red and blue and, of course, those large square sunglasses with faux diamonds around the borders. Yes, sunglasses at night. While going out to the restaurant next door.

"She is my new partnah in crime.." Woah! "Well, she's a bounty huntah.." but before she continues on with that she goes to the arcade machines. First up, Outrun! The popular racing game..., for some reason she likes that, so similar on how she likes driving her cars in her usual life..

So she is already playing when April comes back, hips bouncing from one side to the other as she takes those corners, always at max speed!

The compliment makes her grin widen further, "Yea? Is he cute oh somethin'?" But it's mostly a joke, she taking a break from playing to take the cup and set it atop the machine. "Yoh the one that turns heads when we go out!" she then exclaims. "I see it. They all know ya, Apes!" she peeking over April's shoulder to the counter. "One is even starin' at ya right now too!"

April O'Neil has posed:
The Outrun machine just so happens to be near the drink fountain station, so April starts to key up ht escreen on it's digital display while she listens to Harley on her left side, which makes April just grin and shake her head. "No crime sprees, Harls." She tells her friend. "I visited ya once in Arkham, and we all know how that ended up, don't make me go back there. Even the rats looked at you like you were meat there." She mutters there-after. "Or at least at me..."

"What do you want to drink?" April asks as she starts to fill her cup up with a fruit punch. Once it's filled she lids it and reaches for Harley's cup to get her what she wants. Her comment about being watched makes April glance over her shoulder, smiling and finger-waving to whomever might be eyeballing her.

She's used to it. Especially when she's out doing remote pieces for Channel 6, which has gotten increasingly more rare these days due to internet monies being way nicer! "I think he's in high school. So we're on our own again tonight, my fun and fabulous friend."

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Fine, fine. And I made a pinky pwomise too." Those are important! "No crime sprees..." just a brief grumble of complaint. Hey, you can't really take all the 'bad girl' vibe out of her. "Besides, I dont wanna get my knee shot by this Brandon Lee wannabe that's risen fom the dead like in the Crow. Fuck, I love that movie." ok, that was oddly.., specific. "But ah think we ah buddies now." yep, undoubtedly! "A vigilante that I sohta blew up in Gotham some yeahs back and ..." honestly, sometimes her stories just seem a bit too hard to believe in. Surely she must make some of them up right?!

The talk about Arkham has the gift of sobering her up. There is a flash of sanity in her eyes, which is terrifying enough because she most likely remembers certain things of her past that she'd prefer to leave buried. "I am not goin' back theah..." she is adamant about it too.. And then she gets the 'GAME OVER' on the screen, which brings her right back to her normal self. "FUCKIN' MACHINE!" a little whap on the side for good measure.

"Just some soda ta staht, I have the whiskey back home foh us." for celebration at her having some money! "And seeeee?" she pointing at the finger-waving given. "I still remembah all the tindah match-ups ya got a while back! Popular I tell ya!" yep, it's details she was to blame for that. She points. "Yoh turn ta play."

April O'Neil has posed:
Admittedly, sometimes Harley's stories go right over April's head too. "Never saw it." She says about the Crow, which is true, she'd heard of it but never seen it. "I've heard a lot of people talk about it though, so it's one of those movies thats like 'on a list' of must watches. Just yeah... it's so hard to even know where to go to find movies nowadays with all these streaming wars going on."

With a sigh, April gets both of their drinks filled up. She moves around Harley and pauses to put her chin on the blonde's right shoulder after she curses at the arcade machine. "There's kids here, in the far corner. Inside voices, ya sweet thang." April says quietly in to Harley's ear before snapping her teeth at her playfully and walking around her to join her on her left side now.

"Where'd you get this windfall of money, anyway?" April has to ask now as she reaches for a quarter and then crouches a little to drop it into the slot so she can race too! "I stopped checking Tinder, thank you for that." She says with a sideways smirk too before her eyes go back to the screen. "It was like the Walking Dead on there..."

Harley Quinn has posed:
What?! Harley just looks .., flabbergasted, eyebrows up to the moon, mouth open. "Whatd'ya mean ya nevah saw that movie?!" Her hands go up in the air as if this was the most offensive thing she has told Harley for .., well, tonight.. "Yoh and me. We gonna solve it. Soon." the tone leaving no space for doubt. "How can I be usin' good lines like 'it can't rain all the time' and leave ya without undahstandin'...?" a capital sin..

She peers at that far corner, where indeed a few kids are looking and their parents. She just wiggles her fingers. "Haaaai." but then leans her head closer to April's. "Ya know, they ahe hooked to the webz, they must heah nastiah every single day.." but sure.. She can do inside voices! She has a lot of them afterall so they can get busy talking with one another..

And as April gets to the machine and slots the quarter in she goes about to rest a shoulder against the side of the machine, soda in hand and her eyes on April. "So, I stahted bounty huntin'.. And got a slip! A slip is someone that's been evadin' justice, oh breakin' pahooule, that kinda stuff. Hawwy explained it ta me, he's this down on his luck bounty huntah that leads a place. Can ya believe he didn't know who ah was?!?" it may also explain why she got the gig... "I had no license, so Hawwy said I needed ta hook up with anotha licensed bounty huntah. Honestly it's all a bunch of buoucracy. But anywaaay, so I hooked up with this gal called Sera, the angel wannabe. We bounty huntin'" *slurp* *slurp* on the soda. "And yea, what ya said earlier was a good idea, maybe I should tell huh ta go to yoh show."

April O'Neil has posed:
April's eyes are on the video game now as she controls the racing, terribly of course, but still she's trying! "What year did that movie come out? Like the eighties wasn't it?" She glances over to Harley for a second, slams in to something on the game and looks back quickly, quietly muttering "Shit..." at least in an indoor voice!

"We can watch it then. Whiskey and The Crow pizza night?" She asks then with a grin. "A bounty hunter? Really? Bounty hunting is a complicated profession, Harley Quinn." April gives her the Mandalorian quote from last season, grinning at a chance to use that quote in reality, like the pop culture nerd that April is!

"You better be careful though, that really is a messed up job. I've heard horror stories about bounty hunters ending up just as disgusting as the people they're going after. It's like one of those jobs that just is deeply ingrained in like, drugs and alcoholism. Least that's what I've heard anyway. I've... never met a bounty hunter." She glances to Harley and bumps shoulders with her. "Until now, apparently!"

Harley Quinn has posed:
"What yeah?! It's, like, one o' those etahnal movies, the yeah doesn't matta.." Harley shakes her head to herself as if in disbelief. "But fine, fine ..., like uh, nineties. Ya still get all the face paint and the long heahs and all that, so.." but the 'Shit' from April makes her eyebrow waggle, a wicked little grin on her expression. "Yea, I told ya. That machine is the devil bringin' out the worse in us."

"And hell yea, this turnin' out ta be the greatest night in a while!" Specially after the video from Vorpal. That had been a blow. Not that she hadn't been having some wild adventures, but maybe she'd leave the meeting this six-armed dancer for another time.. She continues the slurpin' on her soda, making sure to do some noise, but then an instant narrowing of her eyes at that look from April.. "Complicated? Whadya mean?" a shrug of a shoulder. "Just catchin' bad guys and slammin' them back in jail." a beat. "And come on Apes, do I look the type ta get obsessed ovah something? I know when ta stop.." ok, noone answer that..

The shoulder-bump is certainly returned, the infectious smile a genuine one. "But what about ya? What stories ya got foh me?!" She asks. But worse of all is that she seems to not have realized the earlier quote from the Mandalorian. Did she not see it?! Shame.

April O'Neil has posed:
April gives it her all on the arcade machine before she exhales and doesn't bother with more quarters when it throws a big 'GAME OVER' up on her. "Yeah, screw that. That's too modern. I like the older stuff, like..." She takes a step over to the next machine. "Asteroids... oh shi---ooot, this one has all kinds of games on it." She leans down and pulls her hair back to read the list with the tiny text. "Christ, can you make the font any smaller?" She murmurs whilst reading.

While she does this, their food is brought to their table in the arcade section and the man calls their number off. Generally one has to go pick food up from the counter, but for these two? Clearly the employee is willing to bring it to their table!

April straightens up and smiles. "Thaaaank youuuu." She says to him as she grabs her drink and walks over to sit down on one of the tall chairs, since it's a gaming tamble it sits up higher than others.

"I'm sure you'll see that bounty hunting gts a little more gray than that." She says to Harls then with a slight grin, moving her hands to get their food sorted out. "and stories from me? Well, I've mostly been dealing with the average citizen, freaking out about alien invasions, and how this whole world was supposedly created by aliens. Everyone's pretty stressed out since that thing in Metro."