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Latest revision as of 17:32, 22 September 2020

Cold Pizza and Warm Beer.
Date of Scene: 22 September 2020
Location: April's Apartment
Synopsis: Casey and Leo have a heart to heart, Casey picks his path in life.
Cast of Characters: Casey Jones, Leonardo

Casey Jones has posed:
Daybreak, Casey is sitting on the couch with his hand on the remote, his shirt is stained up, covered in oil and grease and blood. Next to him is a box of pizza cold, as the night was last night. There is a warm beer sitting on the table, two six-packs as he is popping open the first of the cheap beers.

On TV is dirty harry is playing, the Deadpool more violence, more blood, more shooting better movie, dammit! Casey, you got this man, you not going to cause trouble, you promised April. Sit here, watch tv, be a good boy, and maybe you get your girl back---these thoughts over and over on loop in the mind of the unhinged man. His eyes locked on to the tv as that beer is coming up to his lips. Then a cold slice of meat-lovers pizza fellows; it's the process it seems given the empties going on for a few hours.

Leonardo has posed:
It is a matter of great debate which of the brothers is more stealthy, who is the better ninja. It's universally believed that it is either of two of them, however: Raphel or Leonardo. A source of much sibling rivalry, the pair have, for years really, tried to one up each other in an endless cycle to show they are superior trained in the arts of silence.

Suffice that both of them are very stealthy.

And one of them is here in the apartment.

A beer is slipped out of the sixer on thet able, a finger scissored around the neck to check the label before letting it slip back inside. Leonardo is wearing a Blue METS cap rather than his usual blue bandana and carries his swords in a decorative clothe rap with a long leather strap lined with Japanese characters that is easier to remove and lean up against the wall as he approaches April's couch where Casey Jones is watching Dirty Harry.

"Deadpool... good movie. Arguably not as well acted, but the action is definitely better... Fine choice." Adjusting his ballcap, the five five turtle turns his ballcap around and leaps over the back of the couch to drop down into a cushion beside Casey. "What kind of pizza we working with?"

Casey Jones has posed:
"What the hell....." Casey watches as one of his beers is gone, bringing up his hands to start count as he lose track he shrugs." I drink more than I thought, come on, Casey. You got to do better, or April will be mad, bro."

Leans back into the couch placing the beer on the table, munching on his pizza as he watches Jimmy Carrey dance around like a loon, with a wicked chuckle. Then the turtle is leaping forward, Casey is going for his bag of toys, but then he sees it's one of those turtles."Hey, Leo." His voice is soft, as his hands rub the back of his neck, sadness coming out of the large man, as he burps now, letting out the junk and beer in the best way for company."I messed up, and April wants me to stay here for a few days."

He reaches for the remote to pause the movie, as he looks at Leonardo, watching the turtle with a little sigh of displeasure, as his hands rub his hair ruffling it up and down."I hurt an innocent man, he looked like a predator, smelled like one, danced like one, chased woman like one, and I put him in the hospital. April saw it and wants me to stop, and I might stop, man."

Leonardo has posed:
Leo twists off the cap of the beer and holds it out to Casey, explaining where the lost bottle disappeared too. It's clear he needs this more than the turtle, not that Leonardo was likely to drink it anyways. Not with a perfectly good cold pizza sitting on the cushion beside him. Suffice that he grabs a slice and dangles it into his mouth, munching away happily while listening to Casey's explanation of the series of events.

"So he is a foil to the age old theory: If it walks and quakes like a duck?" The rounded head hoists in a backwards nod, looking towards the bedrooms where April, and by proximity to the second room, Harley Quinn sleep. "Perhaps it's not about stopping, but getting better at finding the people you target? I've never been a huge fan of your whole..." Swishing the pizza crust around like a baseball bat.

"But it puts April in unnecessary harm when she takes pitty on you and lets you back in." That part is just teasing, he's grinning see? Totally teasing. Leo is not the rude one, after all. "Or, ultimately, decide what's more important to you."

Casey Jones has posed:
"I want April back, whatever that takes Leo. She made me feel.....sane." Casey nods slowly, his hand is resting on the neck of the beer, as he looks at the turtle."But, I wanna protect the city, too. I want both my beer and my pizza.....But she wants me to slow down, or think more and not just act." With that, Casey looks over at the door as well, watching April's room."Yeah, you know maybe....you could help me learn to observe better, or something, man. You guys seem to go this hero thing down better than me."

Leonardo has posed:
Leo inclines his head, understanding flashing in his eyes, "I can appreciate that... wanting April back, that is. I think she's been lonely, even if she's got a roommate." Of whom Leonardo is mixed opinionated, he doesn't get into that though. "Suffice that if you're serious, it would be my pleasure to help you. Be it by teaching you to be more observant or even handed or by sneaking love notes into her breakfast cereal." and they say he doesn't have a sense of humor... it's just bad, that's all.

He said too deadpan.

"I'm not a hero. I'm a ninja. You want heroes, you talk to Mikey, he's the one who went to fight invading Aliens in Metropolis." Which usually may have been said with an air that it was a sore subject, but ... he actually sounds rather proud of his youngest brother. "What I /am/ is willing to help. But it wont be easy. Nothing worth doing or having ever is."

Casey Jones has posed:
"Okay, let's do it and let's make me better at finding the right target, and I'm a hero already good at the swing swing." Casey grins lopsidedly as he looks down at his bat, then a frown over his face. His eyes are going wide as he remembers last night, as he kicks the bat under the same table he hide under till April got back.

"Yeah, yeah. Let's do it and wait, did ya say space aliens, what sort?" His eyes are drifting slowly back to the turtle, as he struggles to stand, as he moves to grab a coffee cup, walking towards the Keurig to place in a pod, as he slides that mug into the spot. The button is pushed, everything whirling, coffee quick best thing and best thing in the apartment.

Leonardo has posed:
"Balls in your court, buddy." Leo grabs another slice of pizza and escapes the cushion of the couch by the same means in which he got into it, leaping over the back. His landing is neigh silent, padding along behind Casey to rest his shell against the door-frame. Arms crossed with one jutting up so he can consume the cold slice, "mmm... the bad kind. Nearly leveled Metropolis." He wasn't there though. Only knows what he knows from accounts from his brothers and youtube hits from shakey phone cameras.

Gorilla footage.

"All of Earths heroes fought to protect the world. It was kind of amazing. Shame I missed it." The bat, which he'd grabbed before joining, is whirled around his hand. A spin over the back of his wrist and it swishes it across his body in an upward thrust that is expertly clear of striking anything, but air.

"Not sure why you would throw a perfectly good weapon. It certainly isn't its fault, whatever happened." Spun down to rest against the floor with a quiet click, he leans on it like a cane.

Casey Jones has posed:
"I'm just not wanting to look at it right now, that is all." Casey looks at the bat and that at Leo, as he frowns slowly."It's more that I don't wish to dwell in that moment, but yes, it's not the bat's fault." As he listens about those aliens, with a shake of his head."Glad we stopped that; that sounds righteous bad man." As he watches all those fancy moves, with a wicked smile as he sees the turtle leaning against the door, his hand is bringing that beer to his lips.

"So it sounds like things are getting wild, wildly and crazy times." His eyes shine with joy as he thinks for a moment as his hand is rubbing the back of his neck."So if I saved the world, April would see I'm a real hero. Maybe, that is it, and I need to fight aliens. Cause they are wrong if they blow up the planet. Also, next time I watch to see more and not just go for it. I learned something, thanks, Leo!"

Leonardo has posed:
"Is it really that simple?" Leo rocks the bat outwards onto an extended finger, creating a right angle between the side of his foot, the bat, and his arm along the back of one thick digit on the bottom grip of the weapon. "Sometimes you have to face the greatest failures to move forward, Casey." Shaking his head slowly, "It's part of growing. Failure is human, but ignoring ones own failures for the sake of how bad it makes you feel..." Sucking at his teeth gently, a quiet tsk.

"Suffice that if there are aliens to fight, yeah.. yeah absolutely fight them. I'm sure that will do a wonder in getting you back into April's life, but... I think maybe just being around, putting in the effort, and showing her you're serious about the relationship might work too?" It's just a hunch, of course. Leo is hardly the leading authority on matters of relationship.

"I'm glad to know old dogs still learn new tricks." The bat leaps up, two fingers against the underside of the rounded bottom to toss it in Casey's direction. It's not thrown like a projectile, just a toss, catch it or get hit by it, situation. "Now put that away before someone slips on it and breaks an ankle."

Casey Jones has posed:
"Yeah, I'll do that and yeah, I'll put it away, Leo!" Casey grabs the bat as it is thrown it him as he spins it quickly, shoving it into his bag by the side of the pack. Inside is a golf club, cricket bat, umbrella, bowling ball, and a large metal crowbar."Yeah, well, this roomie, who is it?" His finger is pointing at the door as he looks around. "Every time I come in to fix stuff for her, that door is closed. Never laid eyes on de new person in her life and shit?"

With that he is picking up the pack, moving to the door, placing his mask on the little hook on the side, turning as his hair is falling in front of his face, brushing it back with the back of his left hand. As he thinks for a moment, as he says softly."I fucked it up with her last time, I need to do better, man, or someone is gonna steal my girl. I mean the foot is gone, why I hate the streets like a fiend, looking for a score still?"

Leonardo has posed:
"Uhh..." Leo watches Casey put the bat away, scratching at the side of his oval face with the curl of his index second finger. "Well, you ever heard of Harley Quinn?" Who hasn't? She's made national news for a few years as an associate of one of Gotham's worst serial killers. "Her." Probably putting Casey's mind at ease as Leo's is that this person is living with April.

"April assured us she's rehabilitated though."


He's always been suspicious of new people.

"Yeah, someone definitely is going to take her if you don't get your act together." That isn't even a jab! It certainly wasn't meant to be callous, just honest. Casey is, as much as anyone is, Leo's friend. Following along a few steps behind the vigilante, he's leaning against the wall beside the bathroom when Casey turns. He didn't make a sound, so it very well could be startling when he's just right there.

"I can't tell you that..." Hands up in a little shrug, "..only you know the answer anyways. I know that there's plenty of vigilantes, so if you intend to keep going facey smashy time, you're not going to stand out much... I mean, consider it professional self interest that you get more effective? If you're going to do something, be the best at it, or don't do it."

Casey Jones has posed:
"Yeah, Harley Quinn? The clown of mayhem and rehabilitated, living with April?" Casey is confused; his hand is rolls along his right shoulder as it pops from the motion."I see, well, she always had a big heart, and I can't judge. I mean, I run around in a hockey mask beating in faces, with a sport tools." A wicked laugh of joy coming out of his lips as he looks at the door, as he looks at Leo."I need to hit the garage, gotta fix up some cars, and got work I have been letting slide. I'm focus on being a real person, leaving that here till after I figure stuff out."

Casey's opens the door, his eyes watching the mask and the bag, he is regretting this, this is wrong. He needs it, but then he is forcing himself into the hallway, pushing himself out of the shop and down the street. With each step, it is both more comfortable and more challenging for him to abandon his past.

Leonardo has posed:
Leo doesn't attempt to dispute any of what Casey says regarding the Clown Princess, he'd only met her the one time, and it had nearly gone disasterous. Thankfully, April had stepped in. So he just nods along, arms set loosely down in front of the shell, one hand wrapped around the cloth wristlets, big eyes watching his friend from beneath the bill of his hat.

"Let me know if you need help fixing those cars... I'll send Donnie over." Because Leo doesn't know jack shit about cars. A wry grin, then... well... for lack of a better word, he's gone. One minute he's there, then Casey looks away, and if he looks back Leonardo isn't there anymore.

Like a thief in the night or a ancient spirit animal that disappears into the spirit realm, the ninja slips backwards and escapes the apartment with just the rustle of a curtain by the window to signal in which direction he'd gone.