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Latest revision as of 21:40, 22 September 2020

Foul Ball
Date of Scene: 21 September 2020
Location: Brooklyn
Synopsis: Bad night, question his purpose with his ex. Casey jones is breaking, but April shows him the light.
Cast of Characters: Casey Jones, April O'Neil

Casey Jones has posed:
Night is the time to stalk; it is the time to protect. His time, the maks freshly wiped clean of blood and reflecting the street lights., Casey moves along the street, his bag moving up and down the sound of clinking metal, filling the road. He is moving along, tracking a creepy, this little dude tried to grab a woman from behind, her purse or butt. It does not matter to Casey Jones. He is a target, a no-good bastard that needs a little bat as he walks up a hand behind his head, gripping the baseball bat, as they are passing a building. Wait, isn't that Aprils, no stay focused? She ain't around, and you got work to do, big man, concentrate on the creep.

The creeper is a large man, 300 pounds of muscle, tall standing 6'7, pale as a vampire, wearing too tight of a muscle shirt. His eyes are hidden behind a pair of glasses, hands in a pair of cheap leather gloves, wearing tight jeans and a belt that reads Apex Predator. He is leering at any passing girl, but none of them seem to strike the Predator's fancy yet; he is looking for the right victim, or the right time to pounce; little does he know he is being stalked while stalking, who stalks the stalkers Casey Jones does!

April O'Neil has posed:
As it so happens, April is onher way home from her studio a couple blocks over. April's internet podcast, 'Truth Seekers', has been taking off ever since her interview with Harley Quinn in Arkham Asylum-- which lead to Harley becoming April's room mate.

On her yellow and black bicycle, April is riding down the side of the street, on the street that Casey is running past her building on... as it so happens!

She sees him too, you can't really miss him in his getup. With a bike helmet on, April's eyes dart over to him as he runs past. "Casey!" She calls out, but he's a good twenty or thirty feet away from her spot...

Her bike skitters to a stop on the pavement, before she curses and starts to pedal again, standing up now on the pedals, April tries to speed up to catch up with the street vigilante... as whatever he is after, it looks serious.

Casey Jones has posed:
That voice April, no it's your head, Casey, work fun times with the ex, later work Casey, work Casey. He is moving quickly. The Apex Predator is moving now; a college co-ed moves into an alley; he is going for it. The man looks so pumped; well fuck that! "Goongala!" Casey grips that baseball bat, as he kicks off the lampost, launching himself forward as he swings bat meets skull, with a loud crack of meat and bone, as he rolls along the ground to stand in front of the victim."Your safe now!"

That redhead is scream screaming, pointing at Casey Jones."MY BOYFRIEND! We are role-playing you fucking freak!" Her pigtails are shaking in the alley's dim light with the low lights are too low for her to get a good look at him; as he looks at her, that white mask is blocking his face. His eyes shining with confusion, as he listens, stoping his head is slightly tilted to the right, and then it dawns on him."I'm so so sorry, I mean......"With that, Casey is running out of the alley, looking at April."I got to hide. Can I crash with ya April!"

That man is lying knocked out his arm is reaching for his lover; she is kneeling next to him. Her right hand is holding her cellphone, the bane of fuck up heroes, as she is calling the cops."A man in a weird mask, with a bat, knocked out my boyfriend!" That dark alley, a scene of one hell of a foul ball tonight.

April O'Neil has posed:
April arrives just in time to see the aftermath of what happened. Her bike skids to a stop and she dismounts it, setting it aside at the mouth of the alley. She reaches up to remove her helmet and rush toward them. She's arriving at the time that Casey is turning around in confusion, stepping over to her no less. She reaches out to put her hands on his arms. "Casey!" She says, looking over her shoulder, she can tell something bad happened. "She's calling the cops." April loud-whispers to him then.

She does a double take between Casey and the situation over his shoulder. "Look, look at me." She says, serious expression on her face. "Go back to my place. I'll come back there to see you, but I have a civic duty to tend to this now. Okay?" She says to the man behind the mask, definitely not to the mask itself. "I'll be there ASAP."

April moves to step around him, and jog over toward the woman and her supposed role playing boyfriend, to help them out... or so she hopes.

Interally, April is freaking out, to say the least. She was afraid of vigilantism, for this very reason...

Casey Jones has posed:
The woman is getting told, it's a busy night, and if he is not dead, they will follow up later, but an ambulance is on the way. Her boyfriend is waking up, as he speaks in the nerdiest soft voice."Baby, ya good, I mean, this roleplay was supposed to bring us closer...I guess it did." He chuckles as he spits out a tooth, as he grins up at her, they seem to be so in love, this might bring them closer. Death or violence tends to do that, briefly at least.

Casey is gone like a flash running for April's place, his hands are ripping into his flesh, he hurt someone, he hurt someone that was not bad. BAD CASEY! BAD CASEY! That voice is ripping over and over into his mind; his hand is ripping deeper into his left arm. Blood trailing along that arm , from his nails. He is moving to April's digging for the key! Letting himself in, and then he sinks against the wall. His mask is sailing into the other corner, as he slumps down arms around his legs, the quiet is making him think, but it will not stay that way for long in his head.

April O'Neil has posed:
April, spends the next 45 minutes with the Ambulance and the Police that respond to the scene. She says that she arrived late and only just saw the man running out of the alley. Which isn't untrue, it's just not all of the truth, yet. She has to bide her time on this one, as it's... personal.

Once her part in the situation is handled, April reclaims her bike from the dumpster she leaned it up against, and she starts to ride it back home.

It only takes her a few more moments to get home, up the stairs and in through the front door. "Casey?' She's not sure if Harley is even home, if she was... well... it'd probably be a much more complicated situation.

April drops her keys on the table beside the door and takes her yellow hoodie off, dropping it on to the sofa chair she starts to look around for him.

Casey Jones has posed:
"April, I hurt a good dude." The voice comes from under the table, where Casey crawled under, after he could not be in the corner, his mask is dangling off his right hand, middle finger. "I mean, he good?" His voice is broken, sound like a boy with a kicked puppy, that then got light on fire."He looked so bad, he was leering and trying to touch, he had that apex predator belt, he looked like a rotten egg. So I was going to crack it, save a life."

April O'Neil has posed:
April finds him under the table, she'd seen his shoes sticking out from under it. She takes a moment to get them both a drink, bottles of water, and then lowers down in front of the table in to a crouch. "Casey..." She says softly to him as she nudges the chairs out of the way and offers him one of the water bottles.

"The boy is in bad shape. But they're taking him to the hospital. He seemed... like, in good spirits about it." She knows it's unlikely the kid will be okay, a full recovery after a hit like ethat? It seems unlikely to her. "You got him real good, it's just, seems like it wasn't the right play this time." Of course, she says this softly to the vigilante, it's likely not easy for him to hear after all.

"Either way... mistakes like this? They're gonna be hard to work through..."

Casey Jones has posed:
Casey's hand is darts out to grab the bottle, as he listens top removed, with his teeth. As he spits it, watching it roll along the floor, as he hits it with his left hand, stopping it, as he downs half the water quickly."Ain't my first wrong hit, ain't going to be another. But last one long ago, April. I've been good, but lately, just so mad.....all time." His eyes are moving away from her ashamed, as his teeth bite into his lower lip."Ever, watch dem reruns in ya head, and see all dem mistakes ya made, when you should have won?"

As, he slides out slowly, as he walks over to the leaky sink. Reaching over the sink to grab his backup tools, as he starts to fix the plumbing, he is quiet now, he said too much. He is working slowly; his hand is removing the sink, placing in a new rubber stopper, closing it, as he tightens it now."Ain't ever simple, like a sink and like dis, why it all gotta be so hard and complicated. I miss the old days, just me and just the streets."

April O'Neil has posed:
Of course, for April, there's a lot here for her to take in. She and Casey had been through quite a lot together. They, and the Turtles, had partipcated in the fall of a rather large crime syndicate last year, around this time, and now, they've all been going through the aftermath of those actions.

She raises up as he gets out from under the table, and watches him go to the sink to perform that quick bit of handy-man work. It's endearing, but she also knows what is at stake here.

"Casey." April says softly, moving up behind him to put her right hand on to his back where his gear isn't in the way. "This stuff, that you're doing. You gotta take a break from it." Of course, this is a conversation they've had before, one of the many that lead to shouting matches between the two of them.

However, this time? April has some 'evidence' on her side to prove her point. "You gotta focus on the... normal side of yourself, the not-vigilante side..."

Casey Jones has posed:
"April...." Casey stops working his hand is resting on the side of the sink, he is tried, he is beat down."I would if I could, but it's like the night calls to me, people need a hero." His hand is resting in the sink, as his eyes close now."But, I can try to tune it down, turn it down low. Like a slow burning burner or somethang. Ya, know and if you....."His voice is breaking now, his eyes moving towards the room, remebering it all, the joy, the violence, the feeling of power."But, I can't give it up.....but after tonight I'll stop for the rest of the week....unless I stumble on something."

April O'Neil has posed:
Everything he says here, to April, sounds like a man whose holding on even through the events that just transpired...

"Casey." April says quietly to him. "I think the cops are looking for you now." She has to break this lightly to the man, after all, he hated criminals. Vehemently!

April sets her bottle of water down on the counter, untouched, and moves to get a towel for him to dry his hands off. "Look, you can stay here tonight if you want, but... you probably should think about turning yourself in over this one, Casey." She states, glancing over at him as she offers him a handtowel with a turtle stitched into the fabric of said towel.

Casey Jones has posed:
"Ain't the first time the cops are looking for me April, ain't going to be the last, they ain't doing the job, and I got to save my city myself." Casey grabs that towel as he places it under the now working sink, turning on the water, as he pulls out that heavy wooden bat from his bag down by the side, as he starts to wash out the blood getting it all over that turtle in it.

With a sigh as he watches the blood dripping down on to the cloth, as he thinks for a moment."Fine, I'll stop for a bit and no more hunting, and I'll be good focus on me or whatever." His eyes are watching that blood, innocent blood on the bat, as he gnaws his bottom lip."Unless your or the pizza's breathing ones call me or need me. I'll not hunt myself; that is good as you are going to get April."