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Latest revision as of 04:23, 23 September 2020

Games and Healing in the Rec
Date of Scene: 23 September 2020
Location: Level 4 - Recreation - The Roost
Synopsis: Roy meets Conner and Phoebe and gets some heals.
Cast of Characters: Tim Drake, Phoebe Beacon, Conner Kent, Roy Harper

Tim Drake has posed:
Evening, after dinner-- AHAB had made plenty for those in the Roost, a nice hearty stew with crusty bread that keeps on the stove simmering low for hours, so that folks could come in and eat as they had time. Tim had already killed two bowls and a fair amount of the bread. Growing and whatever. Also, he's been busy.

So afterwards he's wandered over into the rec room, after snagging another soda from the fridge, and has flipped on one of the video game consoles, where he is sacked out on the couch in sweats and a t-shirt, sneakers kicked off in front of the couch, playing some fantasy game where his avatar is running around in dark leathers and sneaking across rooftops-- because apparently he doesn't get enough of that in his real life.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe comes in with her own bowl of stew and some bread, on a tray. She's grabbed a bottled water, and she sinks down onto the floor, leaning her back against the couch (and assuredly out of Tim's way), and turns to look at the screen.

    "What'cha playin'?" she inquires, cracking open the bottle of water.

Conner Kent has posed:
It not a weekend, so it is not normal to see Conner hovering around the halls of the Roost. Or zooming. Which he really, really shouldn't. He hasn't the reflexes to handle quick flight indoors.

But look, he has not broken anything yet (that anyone knows). So he manages a decent landing in the middle of the room. Stylish. "Hey guys. I finished stuff early today and thought I would see what's up here."

Yes, no one asked. But he seems on a good mood.

Tim Drake has posed:
"Kingdom Reckoning," Tim replies, his avatar leaping from one building to another under the cover of darkness. "You're playing a young prince whose evil uncle is the regent, so by night you run around the kingdom in the guise of a common rogue and fight goons and fix the corruption he's been bringing to your city-state." The avatar leaps off the building, landing on a pair of guards and quickly dispatching them, dragging them into the alley after. "Pretty fun game." He glances over to Conner for a moment before returning his attention to throwing corrupt guardsmen around the screen. "Hey man. Just actually taking a couple hours of downtime. There's food in the kitchen."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Yes, please have some, AHAB went all out." Phoebe replies from her seat on the floor, using a handy coffee table for her bowl of stew and bread. She looks like she's letting it cool.

    "Aah, I think I'm familiar with the companyt hat made it; I'm more the 'Semi-Historical Fantastic Fighter' route myself... I do love me some Promise of the Assassin." she replies to Tim, and she looks up at Conner. "Nothing much going on here, but oh my god is there so much stew."

Conner Kent has posed:
"Already raided the kitchen," comments Conner with a grin. The game gets a brief glance and a tsk of disapproval. Yeah, a couple years ago he would be there playing, but it is not the same now.

"Couldn't we, I don't know, watch a movie at the theatre instead?" He asks. "Or are you going on patrol later?"

Roy Harper has posed:
Roy must have smelled the food, because he comes wandering in with a bowl of stew and a hunk of bread, following the sound of voices. He's in a pair of faded blue jeans, some red chucks, and a dark red t-shirt. One arm is bandaged from wrist to shoulder. There are cuts and scrapes all over his face and neck that are healing, and there are probably other bandages that can't be seen. It'd been a rough weekend.

He pauses when he sees the game that's on the screen and then nods when he recognizes it and Tim explains what it is. "Haven't played it, but I've heard of it," he comments idly, dunking a hunk of bread into the stew and taking a bite.

Tim Drake has posed:
"I mean, we could set something up on the big-big screen," Tim replies agreeably, hunkering down in the shadow of a chimney to save. "No patrols tonight. I am on call though, if something happens." He grins over to Conner. "Tried out Rose's new armor last night." Did he mention he was making that for her? No. "It looks great, and I think she likes it." Roy gets an upnod, then a frown. "You all right, man? That looks rough."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Oh? Is there more armor around the midsection for her? I figure that might present an issue with agility, but --" the young woman on the floor states to Tim, but as Roy walks in, she goes a little quiet. Her dark eyes settle against the injuries on his arm, looking at the scrapes on his face. Her eyes narrow a moment, and she gives a soft puff of breath, and stirs her stew idly, waiting at least for an introduction.

    Her hair was bound back in a Dutch braid, for now, keeping it all in place. Like Tim, she was wearing comfortable clothes, though for her it was yoga pants with prancing pieces of sushi on them and a chunky green sweater.

Conner Kent has posed:
"Anything is better than her Deathstroke's sidekick outfit," comments Conner. Then he looks around warily. "Don't tell her I said that," he adds, having long learned being sincere about some women's fashions can get a guy stabbed.

And then there is new redhead. "Oh, hey. You must be Arsenal, the archer. How is?" Conner is wearing jeans and a black t-shirt with a big red S, so it almost counts as a uniform. His real outfit is a bit more elaborated, but this one (the lazy one) is seeing more and more use.

Roy Harper has posed:
Roy looks a little surprised when Tim asks if he's alright for a moment, then remembers the bandages and his face, as though he'd forgotten about it. "Oh, yeah. Drones. And a helicopter blew up." That he blew up said helicopter is neither here nor there! "It's fine. I've seen worse," he grins. He offers a smile to Phoebe when she goes quiet and says, "Hey, I'm Roy. Nice to meet you."

"That'd be me," Roy agrees when Conner mentions his name. He grins a little crookedly when asked how he is. "Still in one piece. Better now." He lofts his bowl in demonstration and then takes another bite of stew-soaked bread.

Tim Drake has posed:
Does Tim make a glance around to make sure his girlfriend is nowhere around to overhear when he replies to Conner? Yes, yes he does. "I mean, that may have played into part of it," he admits. "And yes, she's got full coverage, Phoebe. No point in half-assing armor." He neglects to mention how form fitting the new armor is, but... ahem.

Roy's explanation gets Tim to perk up a bit more. "I assume the helicopter said something crude about your mother," he jokes lightly... it's not as if Bats aren't inclined to deny the enemy resources...

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe looks up to Tim.

    Why are *all* the redheads so terrifying?!

    She leans back against the couch again, holding her water bottle in her hands before she gives a snort. "Well, you made mine, and I promise it's not half-assed." she gives a wry grin, then she looks up to Roy.

    "Phoebe. Team medic. Did you dress those yourself?" she questions quietly, looking over the arm bandages again.

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner offers Roy his hand for a shake. "Conner, good to meet you. Oh, Phoebe can give you a healing boost," he translates the 'medic' title. "I got stabbed with kryptonite a few weeks back and it helped a lot," he flashes a smile to the brunette.

Roy Harper has posed:
Roy offers a hand-wobble to Tim and then shrugs, "Not really. But it happened to belong to the wrong people at the wrong time." He then grins at Phoebe and says, "Heya Phoebe. Yeah, I mean, someone else did on Friday when I got'm, but I've changed them a few times since then."

Roy gives Conner's hand a shake, brief but friendly, an easy smile on his lips. "Nice to meet you, Conner." He then raises his brows and glances over to Phoebe. "Oh. I.. sure, if you want to. It'll heal." He doesn't seem too worried about it either way. He's used to just healing like a normal person does -- slowly, and with a lot of grumbling.

Tim Drake has posed:
"It tingles, but it's a lot better than limping around for weeks," Tim says in regards to Phoebe's healing boosts. He turns off the game, pulling himself to his feet. "You said you wanted a movie, Con? Preferences, or should I just inflict something on folks?"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Well, I mean, if you wanted to get better faster, depends both on how old the wounds are. But if they're from Friday, could probably do something about them before I make my rounds -- " the young brunette states, her dark eyes going from Conner to Roy, and to Tim.

    She looks almost sad when the game's turned off, but she noms another piece of bread thoughtfully, then looks back up to Roy.
    "So, yeah, if you want a quicker healing time, less risk of infection and everything."

Conner Kent has posed:
"Yeah, don't wait two weeks to get back into action," adds Conner. Possibly completely ignorant of how fast (or slowly) a normal person heals. "Tim has work for us," he adds.

As for the movie, "I am easy. Comedies I suppose. Although, I would also like a historical movie or a good detective flick. Hey, anything works."

Roy Harper has posed:
"Sure," Roy says as he glances between them. "I'm not going to turn it down. What do I have to do?" He's not quite sure how these things work, and so he looks to Phoebe to advise him. "I'm good with less risk of infection and not aching for as long." He then glances over to Conner when Tim asks about the movie, curious as to what he's going to pick, perhaps. He doesn't stop eating, however, as another bit of stew goes into his mouth. At least he doesn't talk with his mouth full.

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim pulls up his phone and starts flipping through options, humming to himself. He's actually been in a very... very... good mood for the past couple of days. Actually cheerful, not just a mask of forced candy coating social cheer over a dark chocolate brooding exterior. "Dodgeball? I mean, if you can dodge a wrench..." he begins. It's dumb and awful and comedic.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe shifts, putting her bowl and bread up on the tray she's placed on the coffee table. She draws herself up a little straighter against the front of the couch where she's sitting on the floor, and she pats the floor in frot of her.

    "Go ahead and sit down." she states, and stretches her hands a bit.

    "How bad were the injuries? Anything internal that I should know about?"

Conner Kent has posed:
"That works," comments Conner. "I am going to make a couple calls and then nuke some popcorn; I'll meet you guys at the theatre room." He heads out, towards the kitchen.

Roy Harper has posed:
"I don't think I've seen it," Roy says when Tim mentions Dodgeball, though he does get he reference so he's at least seen a preview at some point. He makes his way over and sets his own bowl to the side so he doesn't knock it over or otherwise make a mess. Once he's settled in front of Phoebe cross-legged on the floor he shrugs his shoulders, "Nah I mean, mostly it was just shrapnel and cuts and bruises from bits of helicopter and drone. My suit took the brunt of it but .. well.. explosion."

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim nods towards Conner, shooting a text to Rose, where ever she might be, to let her know they'll be watching a movie in a bit. He looks to Roy with a sympathetic wince. "I hear you there. Don't flinch, she's gentle." He winks towards Balm and goes back to texting while she does her magic.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "All right, any substances that I should know about? Medications you're currently taking? Do you have an allergy to peanuts, iodine, or shellfish?" Phoebe questions, and she breathes out, rubbing her hands together a moment.

    "What I'm going to do, is I'm going to put my hands on your shoulders. You're going to feel tingly, like your whole body is going to sleep. It'll feel weird. But if you get uncomfortable, let me know, all right?" she says to Roy, and very gently, reaches to lay her hands on Roy's shoulders, a light gathering beneath her palms.

Roy Harper has posed:
Roy grins over at Tim a little bit and then chuckles, looking back toward Phoebe. Though when she asks him about substances there's a momentary tightening of his jaw, something reflexively defensive there. Then he blinks, "Does your healing boost involve shrimp?" Because why would she need to know about a shellfish allergy. Finally he says, "No.. no medications. No allergies.." Though he does look a little skeptical now as to what exactly is about to happen.

When she explains, however, he nods. Apparently there will be no shrimp, and so he sits still and just rests his hands on his knees, as zen as he can get for the time being. He glances over at the light curiously, but tries not to move. "Okay," he says, feeling the tingling as it begins. "That is super weird.." Not bad, just weird.

Tim Drake has posed:
"I think she's teasing about most of that," Tim says idly as he flips through his phone. At least he's pretty sure-- not like she's asked HIM that when he had holes in him. "Not the weird feeling, though." He looks up at them both and grins a moment.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "I was joking about the shellfish, peanuts, and iodine." Phoebe admits "but I've found when I work with the homeless, I also can ease addiction pangs and clear out alcohol. Just.. makes the liver and kidneys process faster, I think."

    Phoebe can't level a wry look to Tim, her hands on Roy's shoulders. It does, in fact, feel like his feet are falling asleep, except this is starting at his shoulders, and following through his nerves, feeling like warm water drawing the wrong way through his veins.

    The aches and pains on his body would wear away, the cuts and scrapes begin to heal over from the inside out. Contusions, bruises, even traumas from the last two weeks on his body will reverse as she sits comfortably.

    The tingling feeling will gather, concentraiting on every wound on his body, trying to heal it.