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Latest revision as of 04:05, 24 September 2020

Not a Spider. Move along.
Date of Scene: 24 September 2020
Location: Liberty Island
Synopsis: Drake happens upon the end of a battle on Liberty Island. He learns about Arana, and she tries not to stick her foot in her mouth.
Cast of Characters: Anya Corazon, Drake Riley

Anya Corazon has posed:
"Ouch," says the young lady as she staggers around a corner. She's holding her ribs, gigantic goggles covering her eyes and half of her face, and she looks hurt. Wincing and holding onto the corner of the outbuilding, she looks as if she's just been in a fight. The goggles though, they turn the look into something different. This isn't just a girl, it's a Villain! Or a hero, one or the other. Hard to tell right off the bat really.

She's got scratches on her right cheek and is bleeding a little, her voice hoarse. There was, not long ago, some kind of ruckus on the Statue. Perhaps she was involved?

"I need to find a way to get a med kit into this outfit," she muses as she leans her back against the wall. People might spot her. Or someone could come along...

Drake Riley has posed:
Indeed, someone does spot her!

Drake had taken it upon himself to do a bit of the tourist thing tonight and explore the city. He'd been here a little while already, but never quite took in the sights. Today, he thought he'd change things up and visit the most iconic location in all of New York City.

Except a scuffle happened. He couldn't resist looking into it. After all, he'd engaged in some 'hero' antics before. But in his current state without so much as a hoodie to provide cover, there's not a lot he could really do to help. But sometimes it's more of a numbers game.

What he finds, however, is a girl leaning against the building and looking a bit scuffed up. He really isn't sure which side of the ethos spectrum she's landed, so his approach is halting, cautious. "Hey. What's goin' on back here?," he calls to her.

Anya Corazon has posed:
Dangit. "Um, nothing to see citizen," she says, her mexican accent pretty evident. She doesn't look like nothing, she looks like some kind of bug-person. The goggles; otherwise it's really nothing abnormal for NYC. T-shirt and pants. Cool tattoo on the arm though.

She seems to not be doing so well though, regardless of what she's spouting. "Seriously, it's probably safe now. But I'd not go into this..." She pauses, looking at what she's leaning on, then winces. "Toilet? I locked him in the washroom? Oh yeah, that'll hold him, good job." She sighs, then turns to Drake. "You don't need it right now do you? Because it is not pretty in there." There's been other times in her life folks have told her that about washrooms. Normally for different reasons though.

Drake Riley has posed:
Drake Riley pauses when he's addressed as 'citizen'. That's usually a thing heroes do, right? It sounds about like it. But she still doesn't look like she's in good shape. His approach resumes, now at a trot.

"Hey, it's cool, don't sweat it," he assures, though his focus is clearly on her condition. "You okay, though? You look a little.. rough." His head tilts, attempting to get a look at her eyes through the goggles. "Was that you in a fight? Are ya hurt?"

Anya Corazon has posed:
She steps back a little when he steps forward, but not enough to be considered a retreat. "Um, it's just.." she starts to say something but seems to not be sure WHAT to say; it's kind of new to her too. "I mean, yeah, I was the one swinging on the line up there. Thumped on some of the fliers, but I think most of them got away. I've got a clean-up crew coming."

She touches her cheek, the had coming away bloody, and frowns. "You don't happen to have a damp cloth on you do you Querido?" The mexican accent is coming out a bit more, but she hopes he doesn't know the meaning of that term. It just slipped out.

"Don't get too close. I'm probably dangerous." Don't get too close, I don't want you to see who I really am.

Drake Riley has posed:
Thankfully, Drake doesn't speak Spanish. He wouldn't have a clue what to do with it, if he had the information anyway.

He backs up a couple steps when she warns him away, however. "You probably are? You think you're radioactive? Or like they hit you with something?" He glances over his shoulder briefly, then quickly back to her. He can't see too much of her, but she certainly seems a little on the young side. And seeing her in this state, while inspiring, doesn't leave him feeling particularly good. "Does your clean-up crew include a medic..?"

Anya Corazon has posed:
The sigh that comes from her, putting her left hand into her hair, is very human. "No, I'm not...I mean, I'm not going to kill you or anything. Just, hanging around too close to heroes makes you a target too." She turns her head, obviously looking around. "Most of them got away, and I'm not sure if they actually left. So, yeah. Little blood on me, it's best you ignore it. Don't be a hero dude."

The 'I'm not worth it' is audible, if unspoken. She does look fit though, and if she was swinging on a line up there, that's something. "What's your name?"

Drake Riley has posed:
Drake Riley frowns a little at her. That 'I'm not worth it' is indeed loud and clear. But who is he to argue? She's a girl in goggles with a scuffed cheek. A superhero - maybe. Jury's a little out on that, since he didn't really see what had happened in enough detail to be sure. But he's willing to take her at her word, and stays his ground. Hands stuff into pockets, and he even eases back a step to give her the option to easily dart away.

"Drake," he replies offhandedly. "I'd ask you yours, but I'm guessing incognito is what you're goin' for."

Anya Corazon has posed:
She puts her hand through her long, frizzy hair again. It seems to be a habit that she has, and she tugs a knot out like she's brushing it away. "No, I'm supposed to be public. Public persona and all that. I mean, I'm...the name is Araña," she says, the accent clear and the r rolled. "It means spider."

Like the spider on her t-shirt wasn't a give-away. "I mean, I'm sure there'll be someone asking. People are taking pics over there." She points to an incoming barge, which also has an angry-looking blonde woman on it and a few others in official-looking suits.

"Aaaand that's my posse," she says, grumbling. Then she turns to Drake. "Look, you're nice. You want to avoid being pulled in by the police for questioning though, you might want ta vamonos." He might know that one.

Drake Riley has posed:
Drake Riley is familiar with that one. He's seen Speedy Gonzales. He says that sometimes.

A surreptitious glance is cast to the barge, his brow knitting in concern. No, they don't get anything more than a profile shot of him, and that's on purpose. The tilt of his shoulder, a twisting of his frame to avoid exposure, and he's nodding to "Arana".

"Fair enough point. Be safe, Spider." He lingers a moment to give her a final look - then takes off at a sprint. He'd rather lose himself in a crowd of tourists than be tracked down by federalis or whatever is coming!

Anya Corazon has posed:
Damn. He was nice, she thinks to herself. Wonder if he'd....nah. She shrugs it off, not having had time to date in ages, and quickly checks inside the toilet. The mutant inside is looking rough, beat up, and very unconscious. "Getting tired of mutants already. Wonder if there's any good ones," she says, as Nina and her crew come pumping up the hill.

"Hey," she says, turning the site over. The 'who was that?' and 'full report, now!' are expected. She glances to make sure that Drake is out of sight, then gets wrapped up in a blanket. Out of sight, out of the press.

But not out of memory. There'll be other meetings.