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Latest revision as of 06:06, 24 September 2020

Costume Help
Date of Scene: 24 September 2020
Location: King's Chambers - Wakandan Embassy
Synopsis: Shuri helps T'Challa pick a costume for the upcoming Arabian Nights costume charity event
Cast of Characters: T'Challa, Shuri

T'Challa has posed:
The message from T'Challa was a text. No doubt dictated into his kimoyo beads, but sometimes such simple things are better than the vibranium-based better than holographic communications that the brother and sister have available.

> Shuri. I am undecided on which costume to wear tomorrow. Come make fun of me. And when you're done with that part, help me pick something out?

T'Challa has a few different outfits hanging up in his room, staring at them with a pensive eye. "Though I do look good in white," he comments as he looks at a white outfit, something not quite so regal but more like a prosperous merchant or soldier of the time might have worn.

Shuri has posed:
Having come in just in time, Shuri smirks, "You will look good in nothing. However, I will make sure you do not look stupid." She states simply enough and nods her head even as she steps into the room from the doorway and starts eyeballing the outfits that are available. She looks over what he has chosen, "So, do you plan to perhaps dress up as Alladin or maybe Jafar?" She looks at the costumes and then at him, already teasing in her voice. She had, after all, heard the theme and her first thought was to that silliness.

T'Challa has posed:
There are definitely Aladdin and Jafar costumes amongst them. "I figured... that would be too obvious. Probably a dozen Aladdins?" T'Challa says in his quiet, deep rasp of a voice. "I do not wish to be ostentatious. Yet as a host should stand out. At least somewhat," he says, fingers moving to the tip of his beard to rub it.

"I have asked an archeologist to be my date for the evening. The Duchess of Surrey. I knew her father somewhat when I was at Oxford," he comments. "I have some matching costumes available for her that I can send over, but I thought I should at least have a preference for myself, even if I'm going to let her decide," he says.

Shuri has posed:
A roll of her eyes and she sighs, "You are hopeless. Obviously, if you are going to go Arabian themed and be the host, you should dress as a Sultan." She nods her head and sighs as she gestures to a costume that is close, "Obviously, this won't do but I will make adjustments that can make it work." She nods her head as she looks at it.

"Add in a few Wakandan symbols, fit in a panther theme into the head piece." She nods her head, "And a sword with a panther for the head of the hilt." She nods as she pictures it in her mind, "Obviously in white though, as that seems to fit you best when you aren't prowling around at night."

T'Challa has posed:
From the sigh that T'Challa gives, his sister will know him well enough to deduce that she has given him much the same suggestion as he likely got from Okoye. And from the valets, and the tailors and other staff that he would have likely turned to.

"That means she would be Schehereazade," he says. "I suppose that might be pleasing. Though I don't know if she would enjoy me putting her on the spot about telling one of the 1001 stories," he says. T'Challa pauses though and laughs. "Actually she probably knows them all. Well, will you be attending, my sister?" T'Challa asks her, turning his attention away from the costumes and towards his sibling.

Shuri has posed:
"I don't know." She states and turns to look at him, "I am busy, always." She states simply enough, "Perhaps I will deign to attend." She states, "I am a princcess after all." She nods her head and turns to look at the costume, "Far more important than a king. So much more responsibility." She nods her head and looks at him, "I can't just go off galavanting and having parties." She gestures idly at him and smirks before looking again.

"Oh, and you'll be happy to know I have been trying to replicate my work on the power source that restored the first stolen city." She nods again, "I may be able to give Wakanda a new, stable, power source that will last for generations." She nods again, "Assume I can keep the mini-sun from going mini-super nova again." She shrugs and nods her head.

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa just stands and gets that small smile he gets when his sister is teasing him. Or maybe it's not teasing but to him it is. "I will remember this when the finance ministers wish five hours of time to discuss the economy," he teases back.

His head tilts to the side a bit at the mention of a mini-super nova. "That sounds like a wrinkle that should probably be worked out. Before going to a larger scale," he says in a vast understatement. "By the way. The operation for Tony Stark has been done. The need for it escalated. We had the chief of surgery handle it. Things are better now. The design change to his reactor's housing was further simplified. So not nearly as complex of a surgery as we feared."

Shuri has posed:
Looking over at T'Challa, she eyes him carefully before saying, "Well, that is good. They should have been good enough to handle it." She then looks forward and considers, "Also, I could balance the finances inside of five minutes. A total waste of my time. They will just fuss over stupidity until they get at least some of what they want. Honestly, what they tell you they want won't be what they want but will only contain a kernel of what they want and once they have that they'll shut up." She looks over at him, "You make politics and negotiation far too annoying."

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa crosses his arms as he looks back at the sultan costume. "You have not experienced first hand the price that gets paid, for just forcing your way in matters because you can. People in roles like this can bring you death by a thousand paper cuts. Which does not mean to let something that is wrong go on. But at the same time, it ends up being beneficial to work to gain consensus as much as possible."

He activates his kimoyo beads and the tailor appears on it. "I will most likely go with the sultan outfit. Perhaps work in some Wakandan flare. But not much. It is meant to be a costume from Arabia after all. And also, prepare a few options for Lady Croft to choose from that would match? In addition to what we already have." The tailor gives a cross-armed salute and T'Challa turns it off. "You should really try to come. Take a night off blowing up your lap?" he teases.

Shuri has posed:
A look at T'Challa and she rolls her eyes, "I'd say there's an innappropriate joke in there but I know you aren't capable of humor." She states and then straightens up and shrugs, "Maybe I will go. I do find it interesting you are now hitting on Lara Croft." She states simply, "Found out I hung out with her once and now you have to, too?" She smirks before shrugging, "Anyway, I have to get back tow ork and you have to get back to listening to people pontificate loudly about their 'needs'." She makes air quotes and starts away, "Maybe I will see you at this party."