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Latest revision as of 18:37, 26 September 2020

A Closer Setting
Date of Scene: 26 September 2020
Location: The Public House - Hellfire Club
Synopsis: Wilson Fisk and Allegra Caradenza meet in the Hellfire Club's Public House.
Cast of Characters: Alexis Carr, Wilson Fisk

Alexis Carr has posed:
    The Public House was one of the places Allegra Caradenza liked to hang out and people-watch. She wasn't on the radar for the more well-known members of the social club, though her position as attache to Emma Frost and her own family's marked wealth in Europe permitted her access to some of the more exclusive areas of the club, she wasn't often found there.

    Instead, on a drizzly day in NYC, she was found here. There was a piano that had been tuned, and she was putting it through its paces with a casual air, something bluesy being played with the dampener pedal engaged as to not disturb the other patrons.

    This early in the day, there weren't many. A few here and there, a couple of business men catching lunch over some important meeting or another. A first date that someone was trying to impress the other, but it wasn't going well, and Allegra herself at the far end.

    She was wearing a red blazer over a cream colored blouse, and well-fitted designer jeans that surely cost more than most of the menu at the Victorian.

Wilson Fisk has posed:
Mr. Fisk had nothing on his calendar for the first time in quite a while, so he had his driver bring him to the club. Dressed in a gold and purple suit, with a Rolex on his left wrist, his hands hidden in a pair of silk gloves. His eyes moving around the public house, watching that date with a soft little smile and a little chuckle, oh to have the time to date and chase, those were the days.

As he steps forward watching the room, his eyes drifting now towards the sound of the piano watching the woman playing it, as he steps forward slowly with that causal gat of a man, with all the time in the world to arrive at the destination ."Hello again, Miss Caradenza." His voice is filled with joy, as his ear enjoys the tickling of the ivories."You indeed do a wonderful job of playing; I'm blessed to have found out first hand. I hope this grey morning finds you in better spirits than the skies?"

Alexis Carr has posed:
    Allegra's fingers continue playing, though she gives a smile. Her cheeks color just a little.

    "Mister Fisk, so kind of you to say so." she replies in a friendly manner, drawing her fingers upwards as she plays. "I've found that the gray days are the best for the blues; something to sooth spirits, as it were -- but I would say my spirits are higher than the cloud cover." she offers as a joke as she finishes, lifting her fingers from the keys as she turns to regard the mammoth of a man.

    "And yourself, sir?"

Wilson Fisk has posed:
Mr. Fisk laughs softy one of those moments of pure joy; his hand is resting on the back of the chair next to her. "Now, then, my day is quite well, open for once time to spare. Not use to such a luxury, trying to find something to fill the hours with, as we both know idle hands, are hands seeking trouble."

With that, he walks over to the bar to place an order for a scotch, placing too large of a bill down, as he takes the drink to her now to sip it slowly. "It is good to hear that your spirits are high and that you are enjoying yourself. Music is a good tool for that, always wanted to sing myself, never had the time to learn."

Alexis Carr has posed:
    Allegra pauses a moment, looking up to Wilson Fisk and finding something quite charming about his laughter of joy. Not often that she gets something... real... frompeople. And in the Hellfire Club, something pure like that is hard to come by!

    The dark-haired woman, gives a wry smile, as he returns to continue the conversation.
    "Learned singing is overrated, sometimes. I've found some of the most trained and well-educated performers to be positively insufferable. There is something about music that should bring serendipity, a feeling that you were not looking for. And it is a shame you never found the time to learn." she smiles up at him. "I'm certain yours is a voice that would cause others to tremble to hear it."

Wilson Fisk has posed:
"Maybe, or maybe it would cause fear and death of the arts. We shall never know." Mr. Fisk chuckles softly again with a wink at the girl, as his hand lifts that cup of this lips to take a small sip, as he looks around at the couple, as the girl is storming off into the club."Well, it seems our mate has lost his turn at bat for this fine morning."

Flashing a smile and thumbs up towards the man, as Wilson points to the bar, and then the man. Telling the bartender to place the youth on his table, as he stumbles over for a little pick me up.

"Remember Allegra, in this world all we have is each other, it is good to be kind, before you have to be cruel. It is a life lesson; most don't pay attention to." Mr. Fisk nods slowly as he walks to a table, slowly lowering himself into the chair, testing it, finding it to his liking, he leans back into it with a loud creak."Care to join me?"

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "I don't think so. You could make a perfectly devilish Mephistofeles, and I could always summon up my limited knowledge of Barry White blues covers." she jokes, noting the tibre of his voice, before she closes the cover of the piano, and straightening her blazer she steps over to join Fisk at his table.

    "... that is, in fact, a lesson well learned. To be kind. One of the reasons, in fact, that I ended up here." she gives a wry smile, leaning a little on a fist. "Did you know it is horribly difficult to find an apartment in this city without having a credit rating?"

Wilson Fisk has posed:
"Indeed, credit is a system used for the wealthy to stay in power, and the power to stay out of it. I enjoy the perks, but it does not mean I agree with it." Mr. Fisk laughs softly as his hand rubs over that dark bald head, slowly as he sighs as he takes another sip of the scotch."But, I can't imagine many would rent to you, at least a decent place. I know of a few non-credit checking landlords, through my dig into Hell's Kitchen and the Harlem. For my charity work, none of those places seemed worth the dimes, asked for. Speaking of singing as the devil, better the devil ya know, than the devil behind. I will think on it; maybe I will give into this dream of the singing."

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "Only two countries in the whole world use it, the US and /China/." the young woman replies with a level of disdain usually reserved for bad smells.

    A drink arrives at the table for her, fizzy and pink. Probably not alcoholic.

    "Incidentally, the Hellfire Club doesn't check credit, but my name was good." she smiles, taking a sip of her fizzy drink.

Wilson Fisk has posed:
"Not at all, if you can afford the ticket, take the ride is our motto." Mr Fisk chuckles softly, his hand is running along the back of his head, as he nods again slowly."But those are two of the most powerful economic superpowers, odd that both keep the gates closed."

As his phone rings now, with a soft annoyance of a sigh escaping his lips, as he answers it."Be right there, hold the meeting till I arrive." His hand is sliding the phone back into his pocket, as he rises with a bowing motions towards Allegra."I have to bid you adieu, there was much stress, and it seems to have gotten worse; an incident happened, and I need to handle it. Right when you think it's addressed, pops it's ugly head back up, this time it will be handled." As Mr. Fisk is heading for the door waving over his shoulder, anyone passing him moves out of the way. This is not a happy man right now.