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Latest revision as of 18:37, 26 September 2020

Nice Night for a Robbery
Date of Scene: 26 September 2020
Location: Battery Park City
Synopsis: Spider-Man and Silver Spider tangle with some dangerous toys...and a very dangerous unicorn.
Cast of Characters: Winslow Schott, Peter Parker, Albert Rothstein, Johnny Gallo

Winslow Schott has posed:
The Henderson Research Lab located in Battery Park was a recently purchased acquisition of IRN, a Bulgaria based technological firm that specialized in robotics. The Lab was state of the art, with all the latest technology and security stocked inside. Rumors swirled about what was being researched inside the building, rumors that some feared would attract the attention of sordid individuals. But, IRN's spokespeople repeatedly denied any threats to the building's security, stating that the lab was one of of the most secure buildings in the city and that nothing could breach it. Well, almost nothing, not counting the RC Car that just blew a hole in the side of the building.

Within the span of 5 minutes, the lab was under complete chaos as emergency cries for help filled the emergency airwaves, describing attackers wearing red plastic lab coats with blocky letters that spelled "THE TOY FACTORY" on it. From the sky, the lab looked like a total disaster zone, with smoke, fire, and the occasional explosion rocking the foundation of the very lab. It was quite obvious that of something wasn't done, things were about to get ugly.

Peter Parker has posed:
The alert pops up on his HUD within seconds. Spider-Comm is working faster since he upgraded key parts of the hardware.

The alerts coming in through the NYPD dispatch provided him with the location, and just like that, he was moving from Midtown in the direction of Battery Park at high-speed. Evening traffic isn't an issue when you are a hundred feet above it.

As he zipped between the buildings, he sent out an alert over Spider-Comm to any other members that might be "on duty," along with a waypoint and updates as they came in.

"Toy Factory? Hey...that seems oddly familiar." He ran a search in the database as he picked up the pace.

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein Was driving through town when he saw the commotion. He pulls his car off, and grabs a duffle from the trunk, heading off into an Alley to change. The big man hunkers behind a dumpster until he has the big red. Once he is in costume Nuklon will cut through another alley or two to come out upon the scene, looking about to get his bearing on the scene.

Johnny Gallo has posed:
Johnny Gallo had been out on patrol, running and jumping from roof to roof in his silver and white spider costume. He was not too far away, up the road, when the Spider-Comm went off. He adjusted his path, letting himself drop down, and ricochet off a speeding car, rocketing himself through the air at high speed.

Landing on a rooftop across the way, he looked down to see what was going on before he jumped in. He'd learned that lesson already! He pulled a small pair of binoculars from his jacket, and looked over the scene for a brief moment.

Winslow Schott has posed:
Once TOY FACTORY was entered into the database, quite a few results opened up. One in particular was quite interesting. There was a man in Hoboken that was arressted last night in a attempt to rob a jewlery store with what police described as a water-gun that fired actual fire instead of water. The man arrested was one Alfred Caldrado, a rather scruffy looking man with a goatee, and long, very shaggy brown hair tied into a pony tail. The man, who was clad in the very same outfit the current attackers were wearing, admitting to working for Winslow Schott, aka The Terrible Toyman.

If you were to dive into Schott's information in the database you would find a very long rap sheet that seemed to extend all the way back to 2009. Back in the day, Winslow Percival Schott was a toymaker employed by The Henderson Toy company based in Reno, and was one of the main recreators of the My Precious Unicorn line, a very popular toyline that got it's second chance due to the work of Schott and his companions. The toys, which Schott hoped would appeal to both boys and girls, were very advanced for their time, almost like those robotic pets that came around at the same time. They were able to remember names, learn tricks, know faces, and more. These toys, along with a very popular TV show, skyrocketed Henderson to the top of the heap for a while.

After awhile, the database pointed to Schott quitting Henderson and opening a independent workshop, doing freelance work for Henderson and other corporate giants. Then, the data seemed to take a dark turn when Toyman's wife perished in a car accident, and Schott sold his company to one Dunhill, only to later discover that his technology was sold to arms manufactures, who used them to create death machines for the army. It seemed this is what caused Schott to snap, as the subsequent rap sheet showed, and it started with him blowing up Dunhill with a teddy bear.

The outside of the building was in total pandemonium. From everywhere employees streamed out, holding their hands up and screaming as the first responders finally arrived. However, once the police came out the door, they were greeted with a barrage of gunfire, courtesy of a rather muscular man with a handlebar mustache wearing one of the red lab coats, and a pair of sunglasses. He laughed evily as he bombarded the car with bullets from a rather heavy looking machine gun.

Peter Parker has posed:
<Hey there, Silver. Nice to see you could make it.>

Spider-Man was swinging around the building and closing in on the shooter. <Check the database, search by name. Schott. Inventor that broke bad. Look around for any mechanical constructs.>

Spider-Man landed on a light-pole, then called out to the shooter. "HEY! Why don't you come out and pick on somebody MY size??"

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein will look around and steps back into the alley coming out carrying a dumpster. He moves toward the fight as he uses the dumpster for mobile cover. He maybe able to take the shots from the shotgun but they would hurt, and why hurt when you don't have to. He does notice Spider-man and the other so holds up a minute to see what they are doing.

Johnny Gallo has posed:
<Happy to help out!> He gave a nod, and then did so, using his phone to tap into the database and search up the info Spidey had on Schott. He took a brief moment to go over it, and gave a nod.

Launching himself out, he sailed through the air to bounce on the ground and shoot around to the back side of the building. The Silver Spider pulled a disc from his jacket to prep, <Toys, yeah? Means I don't need to hold back, right boss?>

Winslow Schott has posed:
The shooter takes a look at the source of the voice and let's out a rather nasty swear when he sees you. He suddenly presses on his ear and yells something, which was muffled over the explosions. No doubt about it, this bug meathead just alerted whoever was inside the building with him. He suddenly aims his machine gun at you and begins to fire it at you, still laughing like a mad man as he does.

Meanwhile, if Silver were attentive, he would see a toy tank trundling towards him, aiming it's cannon at him. Suddenly, the tank fires, sending a tiny artillery shell towards him.

Peter Parker has posed:
Oh, great. We're dodging gunfire. Again.
Spider-Man jumps down, not up. A machine gun at full auto "walks" upward as a result of the recoil, and forcing it down is harder than letting it rise. So, while the guy is trying to get it down to fire at him, Spider-Man closes the distances, feints to his right, and fires both webshooter barrels of webbing at the center of the machine gun, right where the belt-feed goes in and the brass gets ejected out, turning the heavy weapon into a 100-pound, fully-automatic PAPERWEIGHT.

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein will drop the dumpster as seems the friendly neighborhood fellow is being rather friendly and keeps them from being shot out. He will head on over towards the guy with the nice heavy paperweight and grabs the gun and backhand the goon, expecting their will be many more goons soon.

Johnny Gallo has posed:
Johnny Gallo 's eyes went wide when he saw the tank trudging towards him. He blinked, "Aww... That's actually pretty... OH SH...." He jumped and launched out of the way, his danger sense kicking into overdrive.

He launched his disk, and it rocketed out, pinging off the walls of the alley repeatedly, before slamming into the barrel of the toy tank with incredible force. <He's got tanks. Do we have tanks?... I want a tank!>

Winslow Schott has posed:
The Toy tank explodes while the man gets sent flying from the backhand, and crashes through the front door of the building, revealing a way into the chaotic building, and to possibly the rest of Toyman's gang. However, before you can go in, you notice something bouncing towards you. As it got closer, you would see that it was a bouncing ball. However, the second it hit a wall, it explodes. Crap! These things were explosive. You hear more bouncing and see more of the explosive ball heading towards you.

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein will move to intercept as many balls as he can. The big man grows to twice, three times his normal height to gather up the exploding balls, as best he can and so the explosions are not as much to him "I got it out here, you two can find him."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey looks at the bouncing balls and blinks. "Oh, 'eck."

He begins firing globs of webbing at the balls to freeze them when they hit the pavement.

<No tanks. We have to get in there and find Schott!>

So saying, he heads deeper into the building.

Johnny Gallo has posed:
Johnny Gallo shook his head, <Yeah, I guess this is a tank-less job...> He offered, grinning at the bad pun. With the explosion blowing a hole in the wall, he jumped through, and the next few of the bouncing balls that came, Johnny launched his disk, letting it pinball off a number of them to set them off away from himself and everyone else.

"For a guy that uses toys, he's not playing around!" He glanced around as he made it inside, "ANY BYSTANDERS IN HERE!?" He yelled out, voice only slightly muffled by his mask.

Winslow Schott has posed:
As Peter made his way down the smoke filled halls, the area you were in appeared to be abandoned. Suddenly, you hear a loud bang and what sounds like grunting coming from a bit further down in the hall. Once you reach these sounds, you would two men clad in the lsb coats trying to break into a door that had Manager's Office written on it. They did not appear to notice you.

The only response Johnny gets is a groan of pain. If he were to investigate, he would see a IRN security guard leaning on the wall, clutching his shoulder, which had a nasty looking piece of shrapnel sticking out of it. Suddenly, a nearby door opens, and a balding, middle aged man clad in one of the red lab coats walks out. His eyes widened and he quickly pulls out a nerf gun and points it at the guard while saying,

"Don't move, or I'll waste him!!"

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man begins to slowly raise his hands as he sees both the two men in the coats and the bald guy holding a...Nerf gun. Well, for all he knew, the darts were tipped with impact explosive.

"Hey...careful there. You don't want to hurt anyone, right, not if you can..."

Then two jets of webbing pin the two lab coats to the office doorway.

Spidey looks from them to Mr. Nerf Gun. "...Ooops."

Johnny Gallo has posed:
Johnny Gallo went to go help the security guard, and froze for a second when the nerf gun was pulled on the innocent. "Hey hey hey, why don't we talk about this?" He asked slowly, trying to defuse the situation. "Why don't you put down your gun, and I'll drop my disk, and we can handle this like civilized people. Look, I'll go first." And with that, he held up his hands, and let the metalic disc drop from his hands.

But, the trick was, when it dropped to the ground, Johnny kicked it, sending it flying towards the gun of the Balding man along the expected trejectory. Even still, Johnny moved to where he'd be able to either catch the bullet, or get the downed guard out of the way if it came to that.

Winslow Schott has posed:
The two goons get attatched to the door, letting out swears as they did. Meanwhile, Mr.Baldy is distracted enough by Peter's entrance to get the goon knocked out of his hand. The man's eyes widened as he suddenly rushed passed the Spider's down the hall towards the main research lab. As the man ran into the lab, you thought you heard a very violent bang, as if a car were driven through the building.

Peter Parker has posed:
Wow, Silver moves more like mercury. Nice to know.

Spider-Man heads towards the main research lab, with a quick warning, <Watch for booby traps. Getting a very strong danger vibe here.>

He does pause to pat the two webbed to the door. "Don't go away." And then he is running towards the main lab, making pretty good time himself.

Johnny Gallo has posed:
<Got it! I'm going to get this guy out of here, and I'll catch up with you!> He helped the guard to his feet, "Woah... You hear that? Sounds like it's time for you to make scarce!" He helped the guard to the door, and kicked it open, leaving him leaning against the light post Spidey Prime had used earlier.

With a last nod, "Stay safe!" He jumped back inside, which certainly wasn't the safe thing to do. He bounded off the walls, picking up speed as he went to try to catch up to the main event.

Winslow Schott has posed:
Surprisingly, the hallway to the main lab was not rigged with any traps. However, once you reach the main research lab, you are greeted by a bizarre sight. Five of Toyman's men were hurriedly gathering mechanical parts and other equipment and were loading them into a van that drove through the wall. The bizarre part was what was overseeing them. It was a tall, regal looking Unicorn that carried a regal, kingly aura around him. The king suddenly looks up and notices you. It stamps it's hoof agressivley and says to the men,

"My servants, it appears that Master Schott was correct! The Spider-Man is here."

The kind then turns to you and snarls before saying,

"Luckily for you knaves, Master Schott wants to have a word with you."

At this, the unicorn's horn begins to glow, projecting a hologram. The hologram was of a short, fat, middle-aged man with slightly-long brown hair and wire-rimmed glasses. He was wearing a blue and purple-stripped three piece suit and had a almost comically large black bow tie. This was definitely Winslow Percival Schott, or The Toyman, or at least his hologram. The projection does not appear to be happy as it's arms were cross and he appeared to be staring at you rather angrily. He then clears his throat and says with a British accent,

"So, you are tonight lynchpin in my acquisition of new parts? I would recommend that you leave now before I get angry."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man has seen a lot of strange stuff in the last month. But this...

For a moment, he is stunned. He blinks at the odd tableau before him, before looking to the hologram.

"If you're angry NOW, you are definitely not going to like the next few minutes. So, why don't you have your brony-boys lay down on the ground, while the Crass Unicorn does the same? Get all the one-two, knock-down-web-up stuff out of the way?"

A wry look. "And you can get Schott of this place."

Johnny Gallo has posed:
Johnny Gallo landed next to Spidey after he burst through the door and glanced about. "Yeah, else we have to beat the Schott out of them!" He grinned under the mask at that one. <I'll follow your lead.>

He let a disk slide down the inside of his jacket sleeve into his hand, prepping to fight, just incase the evil genius wasn't as smart as they should be.

Winslow Schott has posed:
Toyman grips his nose in annoyance as he reaches into his suit pocket, pulling out a remote control. Suddenly, Schott grins wildly and presses a big red glowing button on the controller. Suddenly, the sounds of banging and snarling could be heard in the van. Something was in there, and wanted out. Suddenly, the van door flies open and a very large, very sinister looking robotic lion covered in tribal pain comes flying out of the van. Toyman chuckles a bit while saying,

"It's seems like you have angered King Nogami. I tried to warn you, now prepare to be torn apart!"

The lion suddenly leaps at Spider-Man, while it's tail opens up, revealing a laser, which fires at Johnny. Meanwhile, the unicorn shouts out to the gathered men,

"Quickly my friends, we must retreat! Gather as much as thine arms can carry and return to Master Schott!"

At this command the goons began to gather boxes and flee to the hole in the wall where the van drove through. Meanwhile, a toy plane flew in and projected a second hologram of Schott, allowing the unicorn to stop projecting it's horn and flee the scene, sprouting wings as it flies off into the night.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man BLINKS. "Oh, you have GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!"

Spidey jumps up to land on the lion's back, feet placed almost as a surfer on a surfboard. <Silver! Stop the henchmen! I'll take care of Voltron here!>

Spider-Man reaches up to grab the tail firing the laser and YANKS. He doesn't rip the tail off, but sparks fly as it is pulled seriously out-of-joint, cutting the power to the laser.

"All right, Captain Doo-Dad, let's grab this lion by the mane and see what happens!"

Johnny Gallo has posed:
Johnny Gallo gave a nod as OG Spidey gave the orders. He pulled more discs out, 2 in each hand, and with a spin, flung them out. Anyone that's played pinball on chaos mode knew what true chaos was unleashed as the metal discs began to ricochet off walls and thugs alike. Without bystanders, he wasn't afriad to let loose. The discs pounded into the robots over and over again.

When the discs came near to Johnny, he scooped them out of the air, and moved to make sure all the goods were dropped by the fleeing thugs. <Think you can track him using the remote plane pieces?>

Winslow Schott has posed:
The lion snarled in anger as it's tail was pulled, damaging the robot. The discs did not help matter, as it bounched off the robot lion and into the goons, clonking them out one at a time. Schott began to hop up and down rather childishly while saying,

"No! No! No! You can't be doing this! Not now!"

He then presses two more buttons on his controller and two things happen at once. First, a group of miniature toy biplanes fly out of the wrecked van and begin to shoot real bullets at the two. Secondly, the lion's back suddenly becomes electrified, delivering a rather nasty shock to all in contact with in.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man has dealt with Electro, so he's absorbed a LOT of voltage. So when the hair at the nape of his neck stands on end and it's NOT because of his Spider-Sense, he does a Minoan leap forward over the head of the lion, grabbing onto the bottom part of the mane as the upper part arcs electricity.

He looks up into the snarling face of the robot lion. "Hi there, Mufasa! Something tells me you need to stay grounded."
Spider-Man holds up one hand, giving it four clicks to activate the glue setting.
"...I can help."
Then he thrusts the hand into the mouth and empties one whole web-canister of gluey webbing into the head of the bionic beast.

Johnny Gallo has posed:
Johnny Gallo grinned, "Nice one! Does this make you Scar?... He had the better song anyway." He mused as he continued to fight. As the biplane toy fighters came out firing real rounds, he started dodging and weaving through the strafing fire. "This are actually really cool. I'd be impressed if they weren't trying to kill me!" He plucked the discs from the air, one by one, now that the thugs that were still up, were fleeing empty handed at least. He had to aim more carefully for the tiny fighter planes, but after eyeing his shot, he leaped into the air, spinning as he did, and used all his momentum to try to bank combo shot all the planes one by one.

Winslow Schott has posed:
Toyman shouts out a rather angered "No!" as all of the toy robots are destroyed at once and Spider-Man shoots the glue into the robot's head. The robot starts to fidget around a bit, before suddenly exploding. The henchmen that weren't koed fled into the night, empty handed of course. If you were paying attention however, there was a light bit of comedy when a shorter henchman was suddenly lifted off his feet and swept onto the back of of the returning Unicorn, who gave one more glare at the heroes before flying away, the henchman screaming in surprise as he did. Meanwhile the Toyman hologram starts to throw another tantrum as he throws his controller on the ground and begins to stomp on it. He then looks up and you and glares as he shouts,

"You might've beaten me tonight! But, I'll be back, and I will not make the same mistakes as tonight!"

After this threat, the hologram disappears, and the toy plane suddenly self-destructs.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man jumps clear of the exploding lion, rolling to a stop. He gets up, shaking his head, and looks around.

He's pretty sure no one got away with anything. But there is a distinct lack of Unicorn, and that keeps it from bowling a perfect game.

He looks up at the hologram, then sighs. "Great." He looks around, then signals, <I think the unicorn escaped...but they got away empty-handed. So...good job.>

Johnny Gallo has posed:
Johnny Gallo gave a nod, and shouted, "Make sure the next place you go after doesn't have a spider infestation!" He called out just before the plane exploded.

<Yeah... Not aces with big things, sorry. Glad you could tank Simba.> He walked around and scooped up one of the broken planes, <Think you can science this?>

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey sighs. <I hope so. This one is SERIOUSLY beginning to annoy me.>