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Latest revision as of 05:54, 28 September 2020

Cat Got Your Brain
Date of Scene: 27 September 2020
Location: Harry's Hideaway (Bar)
Synopsis: Chatting about Henry's feral instincts resurging and plotting ways to deal with it.
Cast of Characters: Henry McCoy, Carrie Kelley

Henry McCoy has posed:
It had been a bit of time - things were getting worse. He needed a lifeline. Henry had reached out to Carrie, asking if she'd meet him for food at Harry's. She'd know what to do, she was studying psychology, right? All his own learnings seemed to be harder and harder to recall. As if they were being sealed off in his own mind.

He sat at one of the booths, iced tea before him, flipping a menu over in his hands.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley had been busy of late. Perhaps too much so as she hadn't ventured outside of Gotham in awhile. When Henry messages her she's quick to respond and quite glad to have a chance to catch up. It had mostly been her fault (and the fault of the city under a silent seige) for not coming out sooner to visit. It's not long that he's left waiting as she pushes the door open to enter.

She's still dressed casually though one arm is in a sling. Not one of those 'your arm is broken' type slings, but one meant to alleviate pressure off the joints. The rest of her attire was simply comfortable, and a bit on the warmer side given the impending chilly temps of Autumn. Skinny jeans, sneakers, and a loose fitting cream knit sweater.

Spotting the familiar and hard to miss face she breaks into a warm smile. "Henry! Been waiting long? It's good to see you again," she offers while leaning down to give his cheek a fond kiss.

Henry McCoy has posed:
He stands as she arrives, smiling - the smile faltering as he spots the sling. "Not long, no..." He offers, returning the kiss to her cheek. "Busy times in Gotham?" He asks, familiar with that sort of support. "Nothing too serious, I hope?" He asks, eyes on hers.

Once they take their seats, he offers over a tired smile. "It's wonderful to see you again, truly." The man starts. "It's been some time, yes. Hopefully I can get the loft all arranged so there's more opportunities."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley gives a slight one armed shrug in return almost apologetically for not mentioning the injury to him before this. "Just popped out of joint. Sore muscles. Giving it time to heal," she explains in an attempt to reassure him that she wasn't going out doing anything crazy. "But, yes... a bit busy in Gotham lately. Sadly." She sinks down into her seat resisting the urge to sigh at getting off her feet for awhile more. Reaching out with her non-injured, non-dominant hand she moves to take hold of one of his hands if he lets her.

"No hurry. Well, other than wanting to spend more time with you that is." A little grin comes before she tips her head to the side questioningly. "How has it been on your end of things?"

Henry McCoy has posed:
Takes the hand, clasping her's gently. "Soon, soon. And ouch - dislocation is never a fun sensation, or a comfortable recovery." He says, with some empathy. "Hopefully it'll be right as rain, soon enough." He grins over to her. As she asks after him, his brows furrow.

"Not... good. Not good." He admits, running a hand through his mane, nervously. "I feel like I am losing myself. We had... an encounter with Vulture and Green Goblin. They had stolen a prototype power neutralizer, and were looking to kill Spiderman." He remembers. "There were henchmen there, with weapons left over from various alien issues. They were harming people, causing problems."

A deep breath. "I felt... like beating them wasn't enough. That they would just come back to cause more trouble. I wanted to do more than just beat them." He alludes to. "And it... wasn't anything I would normally consider. It was intinct."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
As Hank explains the situation Carrie listens intently with gazed focused on him. There's no judgement there, or scolding, just listening. Paying attention. When it results in a small thoughtful frown at the end she gives his hand a squeeze again. "I think we all have that instinct at times. That's not to dismiss what you've gone through, but more to say that it's not uncommon. Though in your situation it might be heightened a bit from your recent experiences."

Pausing a moment she regards him and the frazzled mannerisms. "Do you want to talk about it more?"

Henry McCoy has posed:
A sigh from Henry. "I have had those before... but last night, as I was picking up Ororo from a cafe, trouble happened. Some ... cat burglar on the wanted list was being chased by gun-firing Mafioso." He says, eyes narrowing. "They shot at she and I, when we stopped to assist."

His voice goes low. "I nearly killed him. I beat him savagely - he'll need a doctor, likely the ER." He says with a shiver. "I couldn't stop myself."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley draws a slow, deep breath at that particular news. With a little scooch of her chair she squeaks it closer to his so she can lean in against his side. It wasn't the best sort of hug, her arm was right there in the sling, but it was what she could do in the middle of Harry's. "Sounds like we need to work on these instincts of yours a bit. I know it's not quite the same, but some anger management techniques may help... As well as finding outlets for your 'instincts' that don't include physical violence."

Henry McCoy has posed:
Her lean-hug is very much appreciated. "I ... yes. I need to make sure this isn't overwhelming me. It feel like... when it happens, I'm locked inside myself, unable to do anything but watch." He murmurs, his arm going around her as she settles in, careful of her shoulder.

"It feels like all my work in learning is slipping away. Some things seem more difficult for me now - like I am losing my understanding of some sciences."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley frowns again. She remains quiet a moment just enjoying the closeness while she thinks on this as well. "This is... hm. I know you thought this was a furthur mutation, but perhaps it's the opposite in some ways? A regression to a more primal state?" Her mind is working over the issue, trying to suss out any potential solutions. "Either way it'll have to be dealt with. Perhaps giving yourself some room to vent will help. But at the same time if you feel you're losing your mental facilities... Then this might require more than just the basics."

Lifting her head to look up at him she offers a faint smile. "Of course if you ever feel the urge to beat something again, you know how people always used to say hit a pillow? ... In your case, maybe hit the pavement." A little pat is given to his arm around her on his bicep, then she squeezes there a bit. "In a way this change probably filled you with a lot of testosterone if it bumped up your strength so much."

Henry McCoy has posed:
He blinks. "Degeneration?" He wonders, looking not pleased at the thought of such things. "I should talk to Moira... she might have some ideas for a solution, if that is the case." He murmurs, leaning over to kiss her cheek. "Thank you... and yes, it is terrifying. What if I become a raging animal? No reason, just action?" He whispers.

A grin at the hitting the pavement. "Perhaps more running, more free-running." He chuckles. "Get my need to act out."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley grins a bit as she receives the kiss, and leans in against his side a bit more comfortably. Public be darned. "Hm, yes, exactly. It sounds like your fight or flight response is kicked into the 'fight' area, so burn the energy. Trick your body into thinking that's what it's doing. Fighting. There's actually some research done into anxiety issues demonstrating that it's the fight or flight instinct being triggered, but since there's no outlet, it just creates feelings of, well, anxiety. Clenching your muscles for thirty seconds then relaxing can trick your brain into thinking it's done the fight part, and won."

"Though certainly free running is good and I highly recommend it as well," Carrie adds with a chuckle. "I should do more of that myself these days."

Henry McCoy has posed:
The advice is listened to, noted for further events. "All good points. I'll have to give those strategies a try. Hopefully I can look into any possible degenerative effects ongoing with Moira." He decides. "The old trick to relax yourself - clenching your toes in carpet for a moment or two, then letting go." A grin, the man taking a sip from his iced tea.

"Thank you, Carrie - for everything you do for me. You are amazing." A smile. "And I would be glad to go jogging with you, at least until your shoulder mends up?" The man offers.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley grins a bit at that. "Yes, I'm afraid I'm not going to be very good at jumping and climbing for awhile. I mean, I *can* if I have to, but I'm trying to avoid the 'have to' part for now," she points out with a wink toward him. "Jogging is just as good. Maybe we can find a nature trail somewhere. Get some fresh air, and some different terrain as well."

"You're quite welcome, too. You know I'll do anything I can to help. I hope your friend Moira can too. Just best to cover all bases while there's still the chance to do so."

Henry McCoy has posed:
He grins over to her. "Yes, rest that and mend up. You can't help others if you're laid up yourself." He winks. "And jogging, it's a date. We'll find a nice forest trail and enjoy the day?" He suggests. "I can bring a lunch or what have you..."

"Thank you for the suggestions and the ear." A smile. "You mean a lot to me. A lot." He blushes. "I don't want to lose the thoughts of you to the animal."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley makes a little 'ftt' noise between her teeth as she reaches up to pat his cheek gently. "I won't let that happen if I can help at all. I'll just have to find a way to keep your mind occupied," she suggests with a broader grin. "I could always recite the periodic tables while we jog," she teases.

Henry McCoy has posed:
His blush intensifies, the man shaking his head. "Not with your shoulder injured." He teases back. "Yes, the periodic table while jogging - including atomic weights." The man nods, with a wink. "I think you can help, yeah. Just... be my light at the end of the tunnel?"

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley turns a bit redfaced herself at the mention of not while she was hurt. "I'd manage..." comes mumbled in protest, but she does nod as well. A small concession to make, really. "Jogging it is then. I can do that also. Honestly I have a fairly wide range of knowledge on a lot of topics, even if it may not be my speciality. The Boss was good at making sure I learned. A lot." She regards him a moment considering. "Speaking of... I had asked if it would be alright to share some secrets with you. The general concensus was, and I quote 'if he hasn't figured it out by now he needs to return one of those PHDs.'"

Henry McCoy has posed:
His brow arches at that, the man chuckling. "Secrets... probably not the best place for that here, right?" He glances around. "And... the other activities can wait until your shoulder is mended." Henry assures. "Your boss is a smart one, getting you involved in all these different fields. A broad understanding can help with a greater perspective."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley nods solemnly with a glance around. It was almost easy to forget where they were since she'd been to Harry's so often. It was far more relaxing a place given the usual clientelle. "True. Not for here, just to let you know. Some of it was my own interests as well. I always did like computers and figuring out how things work. I think that's maybe why I could never settle on any single topic. I like learning in general."

Henry McCoy has posed:
Henry smiles. "Good, we'll arrange a place? Or we'll talk it out at the Loft." He decides. "And it's one of the many things I like about you, your inquisitive nature." A grin. "I am always a fan of learners, and learning in general." A smirk. "I suppose that's why I get so frustrated with students who have no interest in learning - no wonder at finding something new."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley chuckles quietly at the explanation of what frustrates him. "I think everyone has an interest. It's just a matter of finding it. Sometimes the typical school structure or learning methods don't work well for everyone, and that can make it difficult for them as well. I knew one girl in college that was terrible at math... Unless she was allowed to doodle in class. Suddenly she could comprehend it. But just staring at the numbers didn't do it for her at all."

Henry McCoy has posed:
The man considers that and nods. "I suppose so - I hadn't considered that, immediately, but it makes sense. Learning in different ways, with different methods." Henry smirks. "I might have to look into alternate methods of teaching."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley can't help but laugh at that, and give his side a gentle nudge with her elbow. Just a tiny one. "See, now you're learning. We could go shopping to decorate the loft too if you're up for it. Something not work related or related to your worries might help. Stress can be a real pain in the butt."

Henry McCoy has posed:
He oofs, grinning to her. "Always learning. I want to be always learning." He admits. "Shopping sounds amazing. We can look for some comfortable furniture, and more retro science fiction decor?" He suggests.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"That sounds like an excellent idea. Comfortable especially." Nodding in agreement Carrie grins again toward him. "Feeling a bit better at the moment at least, I hope? Anything else I can do? I'd offer a massage but I'm afraid it'd be half-assed at the moment," she adds with a wiggle of fingers on her good hand.