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Latest revision as of 05:54, 28 September 2020

Temper Tantrum
Date of Scene: 27 September 2020
Location: Downtown Manhattan
Synopsis: The Juggernaut decides he doesn't want to beat up a kid and leaves.
Cast of Characters: Cain Marko, Kamala Khan

Cain Marko has posed:
A normal day in downtown Manhattan. Traffic, aggressive New Yorkers walking the sidewalks. The distant sound of something booming drawing closer. That last more normal than a lot of residentrs would like, and as it gets nearer they start to scatter, fleeing the scene and even abandoning cars to hoof it away as fast as they can. This is a good thing, since a nearby storefront ends up exploding outwards, a massive red figure emerging at breakneck speed, knocking some cars aside like toys as he skids to a stop. The pavement torn up in the process, he lets out an angry yell to the sky, grabbing a nearby vehicle that's still intact and lifting it, swinging it like a frisbee and spinning it into the second floor of one of the buildings lining the street. It's difficult to say what has The Unstoppable Juggernaut in a bad mood, but the city is paying for it.

Kamala Khan has posed:
Kamala's totally lost online, head down on the bus, screen taking up the entirety of her focus. Those internet comment wars aren't going to win themselves, and she can't just be letting people be -wrong-. On the internet?! Perish the thought! So it takes a few moments for the ground-shaking thuds from a couple blocks away to register. And for a second Kamala thinks it's dinosaurs... it's not like there's -never- been a T-rex rampaging around New York before. But then there's a car spinning through the intersection like a frisbee.

"Heyyyy... waitaminute... dinosaurs don't -throw cars-....!" And so as the bus stops and the usual panic ensues, Kamala hangs back, so she can swap into her costume before bounding out the door, stretching and leaping and making her way against the flow of the crowd towards the trouble. And then as a giant, red-clad figure comes into view, a light goes off. "Ohhh! The Juggernaut! He throws cars! He totally throws cars!" Still, cars have -people-, so as thrilling as it is to see a real deal supervillain, Kamala takes the time while he's just sort of standing there looking all unstoppable to help move some people out of -their- cars, in case he decides to throw more of them.

Cain Marko has posed:
The Juggernaut doesn't care so much whether there are people in the cars. He's not specifically looking to hurt people, just vent his rage. Though he also doesn't care if the cars aren't empty either. So it's probably a good thing that Kamala is evacuating the civilians. He just kicks the next car, sending it flipping through the air to hit yet another building. It doesn't seem to be helping though, and he glances around the area. Spotting the young girl in the flashy costume, he points a finger. "You! Don't get involved!" His voice is booming in that way super strong people can get when they don't hold back. Then he snatches a parking meter out of the ground, plucking it like a hair from a pimple, and wings it at the stretchy heroine. There's an audible humming from it as it comes at her. Not that she couldn't avoid it if she tried.

Kamala Khan has posed:
Kamala does her best to look stern, embiggening one fist and shaking it at Juggernaut, "Hey! If you don't want people stopping your smashing, buy a wrecking yard! Or like... go wreck up a national park, you jerk! I didn't even want to be here but now my -bus- is stopped!" She glowers, she strikes her most heroic, 'Okay, let's rumble' pose... and then that parking meter comes flying.

Kamala can't help but react on instinct, reaching out and grabbing at the flying parking meter... and putting that stretchy power to good use, sort of flailing and elongating like gumby, eating up the meter's kinetic energy until she can let it go and spring back forwards, wobbling side to side with leftover force, "Whoaaaaaahhhh... ugggh, that feels so weird! Stop throwing things! You know, you're supposed to talk about your problems!"

Cain Marko has posed:
"MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS!" The words roared even louder at the petite Ms. Fantastic, The Juggernaut charging towards her down the street. This results in more vehicles being kicked to either side, that huge mountain of red armor and mountain barreling down on Kamala. If he gets close enough to her, he'll unleash a backhand towards her. Not hard enough to kill her. He's not angry enough for THAT. But it probably wouldn't feel good if it connected.

Kamala Khan has posed:
Kamala cries out as she coils and springs above that backhand swing, landing on Juggernaut's shoulder, grabbing onto his helmet and yelling out... if only to be heard over the cacophany of cars being knocked around, "EVERYONE OUTTA THE WAY! TEMPER TANTRUM COMING THROUGH!! UHH... DOES ANYONE HAVE TONY STARK'S NUMBER?!" One arm stretches out, grabbing onto a streetlight on the nearby corner to try and act as some sort of guide and at least aim Juggernaut towards the docks. No one's ever really upset when -the docks- get wrecked up. It seems like it's what they're for! Well, that and longshoremen looking sadly out to sea. But mostly the mayhem lately.

Cain Marko has posed:
The Juggernaut can't stop immedietly of course. So when the teen superhero ends up climbing onto his shoulder, he's still charging forward. The rubber arm on the light post is, for whatever reason, enough to steer him into a wide left turn. He ends up clipping a building with his shoulder and taking out a chunk of it. He growls loudly and says to the girl riding him, "You costumed types always have to stick your nose where it doesn't belong!" He really does sound more irritated than outright raging. Maybe todays rampage will be relatively light. He tries to grab at Ms. Marvel waist as she sits there, skidding to a stop while he does. Again tearing up a long stretch of pavement.

Kamala Khan has posed:
Kamala huffs, "Hey! I was just sitting on the bus on my phone, you're the one who's all 'raaaar, I'm gonna wreck it!' and stuff!" She flails and cries out as he just grabs her off his shoulder, paffing her fists off his helmet fruitlessly, "Heynow! That's just undignified! Put me down!"

Cain Marko has posed:
The enormous redhaired mystical bruiuser glares at the girl in his grasp. That huge hand wrapping around her waist. Unless she stretches herself thin or something of that nature, it would be hard for her to get out of his grasp. After a time of her bopping those embiggened fists on his helmet, he squints his eyes at her, taking a closer look again. Then he lets out a loud curse before saying, "How old are you anyway? Goddamn kids thinking they can do this sort of thing." He gives her a brisk shake like a ragdoll, then tosses her aside. Turning around and stomping off, muttering to himself. He's not really smashing anything anymore. So... crisis averted?

Kamala Khan has posed:
Kamala flails as she sort of soars through the air, grabbing onto a street light, dangling from the horizontal light fixture. She scowls half heartedly and mumbles, "Hey, I could totally get my learner's permit if I wanted to..." Not that she's really going to say anything to get the Juggernaut going again. Sulky villain? Way better than angry villain. Still, Kamala realizes now if she's going to do this heroic vigilante thing, she's going to need training. And resources. And like... probably some allies? She's definitely got to get some allies. Maybe someone with a car.