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Latest revision as of 05:54, 28 September 2020

Grand Slam
Date of Scene: 26 September 2020
Location: Casey's Apartment
Synopsis: Casey Jones and Kainashi meet in a dark alley way -- for FRIENDSHIP and VIDEOGAMES! Alopex arrives for MORE FRIENDSHIP AND VIDEOGAMES! ... also beware any time Casey and Kai get to cut loose, the collateral damage will be pricey.
Cast of Characters: Casey Jones, Kainashi, Alopex

Casey Jones has posed:
Nightfall in that rotten apple, crime, trouble, violence is the name of the game. But, Casey has hanged up his mask, his sticks back in town for a moment, not staying long. But there is a video arcade that he has been chillen in since he was a shortie, old man Johnson was like a good bro man. Free food for the kids, and free games when they aint' got the quarters, it is a good thang down here, Casey is chillen catching up with the old man.

That is when the door is kicked open, men coming in with guns robbing that old man, Mr. Johnson is used to the baddies of the hood, handing over the money, everything they asked for but they are not the normal ones. They still beat the older man, pistol-whipping him till he is down, as Casey watches as his teeth grinding up and down. He promised April, but this old-timer, was there for him after his dad died, the debating of action takes too long they are gone, but Casey grabs two battered old pool cues, rushing out after them they are docking down an alley, he is on the hunt. His mask is grabbed out of the back of his truck, bent to the left, but still working Casey is on the hunt!

Kainashi has posed:
    Casey might be on the hunt, but there's at least a friend on the prowl.

    Kainashi was wrapping up a night patrol, making her way down a side-way to get back to the Den when she heard a commotion.

    She sits up atop a building, her hood raised up but her ears up and attentive. She hard the sound of people being hurt. Cries out the back of the arcade, and she draws her weighted chain from her bag, preparing to interrupt -- when Casey Jones bursts out of the arcade and grabs his mask.

    Hooboy. This might be a combonation of stopping some punks from getting away with what they did -- and stopping Casey from brutalizing the punks!

    She turns, taking off in the direction that the punks fled, trying to out run them, her nose to the wind as she tries to pick up where they're going.

Casey Jones has posed:
Casey is rushing forward, trying to find those punks; his hand is gripping that stick hard. His eyes watching the world, down the alley as his eyes glazed over with pure rage. As he moves forward, snarl, so much pent up rage, as he is hurled down the alley.

He is rushing forward as his hand swings those swinging hockey sticks, as he leaps off the car with a wicked chuckle, as they are running left and right, as they are arriving at the end of the alley, dead end. Two big guys with their goods dropped as they turn to face Casey, walking towards him with arms ready to throw hands. Casey has no idea he has back-up yet, as he starts to swing those two pool cue-sticks quickly, as he is howling out towards them, with a gnashing of his teeth.

Kainashi has posed:
    And that's when for the second time that day, Kainashi gets to throw smoke, a pair of pellets slapping down in the back of the alleyway as she scales down on a handy dandy fire escape, balancing briefly on the back of the escape and then down she goes.

    THe punks in the front are ready to throw hands? The ones in the back are going to fell the radical bite of justice!

     -- or at least Kainashi! And not a bite, that's rude -- but definitely the chain!

    The weighted chain swings about as she looks to tangle two of the goons in the back!

Casey Jones has posed:
As the smoke is going over everything, Casey is rushing forward, swinging towards both of the man, as his swings hit square in the skull for both of them, as he leaps backward, ready to fight the next target. The chain is yanking both men together, as they trip down on to the ground, as they hit the ground with a heavy thud sound.

" WHO IS NEXT! Ya damn ninjas, aint' no purple clothed bastard, taking me down!" As his body is ready for the next battle, the sound of rage spinning that cue quickly around his body as he is moving quickly, with a wicked snarl of pure pleasure.

As the smoke clears, he is standing there ready to fight, but his pool cue is spinning right for the next target, his eyes moving quickly as his eyes moving as he chews on the bottom lip.

Kainashi has posed:
    "Damn ninjas?" comes the squeaky voice of the canine, very, very loosely associated with the Turtles. The hooded canine raises one hand, catching the pool cue with one hand, not .... really wanting to hurt the angry human.

    "You kiss yo mamma with that mouth?" Kainashi's ear rises up as she eyeballs Casey Jones -- not trusting a fit of rage to quell the anger -- but better to beat on her than on the goons!

Casey Jones has posed:
"I know ya, I know ya.....Kai....or something right." Casey is drops the other cue pool, as he grins at the doggo."Hey, whats up these pricks, hurt my friend and my mom is dead so is my dad."

Sighs softly, heavy breathing as his eyes closing now, as he yanks the other one back throwing it down on the ground."I'm trying to get stuff, straight in my head. Learning to stop, it's hard ya....knows."

Kainashi has posed:
    Kainashi gives a grin at Casey. "Happened to be dropping by. Decided to give you a hand -- nnnooot that you looked like you needed one." she states, and then she straightens. She's small. Smaller than the Turtles even, and squeaky-voiced. She tugs her hood back a little bit, and rubs the back of her head.

    "I'm... sorry about your parents." she states hesitantly, and she looks around the two, and hears the pool cue throw to the ground.

    "... I know how that is. You see red, an' you can't stop." she admits, "Want... to talk about it? I mean, these ears do more than just frame my face!" she wiggles her ears, her scarred-up, fighting-dog looking face giving a wry grin -- well, it might be a wry grin. Her lips are pulled back, and she's showing her teeth.

Casey Jones has posed:
"Yeah but not at the same of the crime and shit, promised April to not hunt, but these dudes like pistol-whipped an old man, ain't no way they aint' got that coming to em." Casey nods as he walks down the alley as he ducks into the garage after a few blocks, leaving the back door open for her, with a grin."Welcome to casa, da grease trap or the Jones residence, it's my place."

The apartment is cleaned as if he has OCD about it, the plants are well cared for too damn many of em, but they cause oxygen, clean air is the way to be right. He moves over to the couch, sinking into it, kicking his dirty boots up on the coffee table, waiting for her to magically appear, so used to the turtles at this point.

Kainashi has posed:
    She doesn't just magically appear, she follows Casey in, sniffing about. She wipes her paws on the threshhold to make sure she's not tracking anything in, and she peers about the place keeping her hands firmly to herself, and appearing more than a little bit nervous.

    "So, you know the April too?" she questions, "I don't think I've met her. I've not met any girl humans, other than--" she trails off a moment, giving a frown -- and changes the subject.

    "Casa da grease trap? Is... there an issue?" she questions, and as Casey sinks into the couch, she sits down on the floor, crossing her legs and being attentive, her ears pricked up.

Casey Jones has posed:
"Yeah, April and me go ways back and stuff, she is my gal and my lady love, or use to be. Trying to make it a thang again, if she is willing, ya knows." Casey nods slowly, as he watches her with a little chuckle, as he points to the fridge."Got sodas, milk, water, aint' got no beers or wine, I'm quitting that shite."

Casey watches her now, as he leans back, trying to get comfy, not able to do it, as he reaches behind him, finding a hockey puck, throwing it into a garbage can."No issue, it's car shop, ya know I fix cars and stuff for a living, I'm no Donnie, but I'm aright at ya know." With that, he gets comfy leaning on the couch, his arms resting on the back of it as he looks at Kai."Ya should meet Apes, she is a aces ya know, like a ace in the hole or like a full straight, or like a perfect batting a round, or like a good dunk on that old court."

Kainashi has posed:
    "... I have no idea what any of that means." Kainashi replies, her tail curling a moment as she keeps her ears up, listening and watching Casey "But you like her, so that's good enough. I hope she likes you too." she replies with a little smile, and a small tail wag. "An' I can't have grapes or wine or beer, Alopex says that would make me sick." she gives an embarrassed look to Casey.

    "So... you kinda get mad a lot too, huh?" she questions, setting her head on her knees as she watches him.

Casey Jones has posed:
"Yeah, I get mad a lot, lost my cool, blow my top like a rage machine. I aint's gonna do that no more, trying to find my path. I moved out to like this farm that my uncle used to own. Back in town, to pick up some stuff.... then going to get back upstate. Like, the fresh air and the quiet helps my head." Casey nods slowly, as his eyes closing now as he speaks again, then he stops before he does it.
"Ya know, it's like alot of work, to like to think over the nosie of the apple, it's so much and it's driving me mad and shit. I found out in small trips, I'm good.....but like do it too much, the madness swells, and the violence wants out and I got to punch in the faces of no-gooders."

Kainashi has posed:
    "Oh! You get the noise too?" Kainashi asks, her tail giving a bit of a wag. "I get those. It's just like so much noise banging around your head and you can't concentrate, and you try the meditation thing and that doesn't work so you have to find something before you break the refridgerator again or bend up the countertop or suddenly all the kama blades are twisted around /backwards/..." Kai lists what is likely a laundry list of 'oops'-es around the house, and she leans back, within sight of the open door to Casey's place.

    "Alopex had me pick up drawing. I have to concentrate really, really hard on not snapping the pencil."

Casey Jones has posed:
Casey is leaping to his feet, as he leaps up and down, arms spread wide, as he grins at Kai, his hands clapping over his head, as he then rolls back to the fridge, as he leaps up in a spinning of motion, as he opens the fridge after landing."YA GET! Not many get it, but ya get it!" His hand is reaching in to grab two glass bottle waters, I mean they cost more gots to be better, right, as he offers one to Kai."Cool, cool drawing, I ain't got the patient for dat, I play video games and stuff, like my favorite game is totes Bad Dudes, or Doube dragon, now in to this wow thang, cause of Donnies."

Alopex has posed:
    Minutes tick by, concern increasing with each moment that passes. Granted, Kai wasn't the most punctual individual when it came to patrols. Sometimes something was found that had to be dealt with. Sometimes friends were ran into. Sometimes things just happened. ... Thanks to Don, however, they all had ways to communicate and no communciation was coming.

    The fox had their own patrol to complete, but there was a sort of point they usually met up at near the end. A sort of 'homestretch were paths often converged, but not this time. At the end of that stretch, coupled with how late it was getting? It was time to retrace steps. It wasn't too difficult to find signs of a fight, thugs scattering, obviously battered and bruised. The place looked familiar...

Kainashi has posed:
    And shouting. Casey shouts, and Kainashi winces a little, her ears drawing back -- but hey, she got it. She accepts one of the cold waters, and she opens it, and with some difficulty she takes some in.

    "YEah! I get it! It's like a buzzing in your skull that you can't get rid of and so you gotta do SOMETHING whether it's run an agility course or chew up something or just get *out* and see what you can *do* to just -- fix it. Just for like ten minutes!" Kai agrees, "'Cause like, nothing else /works/ unless your heart's gonna bust right outta your /chest/!"

Casey Jones has posed:
Spinning his water around his hand, is he flicking off the cap with his middle thumb, as he watches the cap soar into the garbage, as he downs like half of the water, wiping his jaw with the back of his sleeve."Aint' gonna do it with violence no more; Apes told me no more fighting, no more hunting on my own. No more of it on my own, and I'm going outta town till, I can think, and than come back, when I'm pop again head on back, I got like chickens and cows now and shit."

As he grins down at Kaianshi with a wicked little chuckle, as he flashes her a double thumbs up."Ya, cool with me ya know, wanna play some NES and like bad dudes it up, ya think ya bad enough dude to like save the president, Kai!"

Alopex has posed:
    Chatter. Familiar chatter. Well, that sounds like both of them. Having no issue with Mister Jones, and wanting to check on her student, Alopex makes a rather obvious approach. She drops from the rooves and makes her way to the nearest entrance where they are, then taps at it, window, door, or otherwise.

Kainashi has posed:
    "Aah... I... don't think I'm a bad enough dude to save the president... in the last movie I saw they ended up being the *bad guy*." the canine replies, rubbing the back of her neck.

    Definitely not 'I may break the sensitive thing'. or 'I can't read screens'.

    "But I'll watch you play! -- you have chickens? Do they smell as bad as anyone says? I've never met a cow before. Are they really big or are they small? It's hard to say when all the figures are the same siz,e but I'v enever met a chicken either. Are..."

    She holds up her hands a moment, as if sizing "Are chickens /bigger/ or /smaller/ than cows?"

Casey Jones has posed:
That tapping on the glass has Casey walking over to open as if he is trained, the answer is he is too many late-night turtle visits.

Walks back to the couch to sink into it looking Kai, with a little chuckle."Cow are bigger, and smelly and chickens are small and smelly." Grins like a kiddo that told the best joke evar, as he takes another swig of his water.

"If ya wanna come out ya can, I like it middle of nowhere, folks able to not see ya, Donnie and the boys should come too. I'll like love that and shit, have em ride up in that odd van of ders." With that, Casey is kicking his feet up on the table again, with a loud burp as he settles in, with a sigh of happiness.

Kainashi has posed:
    The smaller canine's ears go up, finally realizing the tapping wasn't part of the sounds of the city, and she casually states "Hi, Alopex."

    And then her ears go up. And then she looks down at her bag, and then at Alopex, and then she jumps up. "ALOPEX! I'm so sorry! First I helped a Spider-Man stop a jewelery heist, and then I was running my normal patrol and I heard shouting and stopped to help Casey stop two people who were beating up on his adoptive dad and then Casey hit me with a pool cue but I blocked it and everything is fine and I didn't realize it was so late!!"

Alopex has posed:
    Tap tap. Window slide. Casey to couch. Kai to casual greeting. "... Mm. Red carpet tonight," she teases as she rolls in, only for the pup to realize what she's done. Cue the panic. It was expected. Step. Step. Step. Flop. Shoulder pat. "Shh." Well, that's ... is it reassuring? Maybe? "You do not have to explain yourself. Nor does Casey. I just wanted to check and it would seem you are alright, and also had quite the night. Relax. You've earned it." Then to Jones. "Sounds like a nice place to relax should one need it." Of course she heard the discussion. She's a fox AND a ninja. What doesn't she hear?

Casey Jones has posed:
"Yeah, I aint's left the city like in no remember like when, so yeah and it's been good and stuff." Casey waves towards Alopex as he watches Kai freak out, as he leans back in the couch, letting them handle it, as he downs the rest of the water, waiting now. Aint' his fight, aint' his circus, his clowns not around.

Kainashi has posed:
    Kai stiffens a moment, and then relaxes. She exhales and rubs the back of her head.

    "It's... it's his place, Pex. We don't /need/ a fallback point. We've got the whole city!" Kainashi states, and then looks back at Casey. She narrows her eyes.

    "Raccoons. Bigger or smaller than deer?"

Alopex has posed:
    "I like to be prepared. Thankfully, right now, we do not need one. I agree." Breath. Fox is relaxed and then glances over. "Thank you, Casey, for your hospitality. I hope you are well. It's been a while." Pause. "Smaller."

Casey Jones has posed:
"Smaller, den deer, yeah much smaller. Ya, should come out sometime and judge for ya self, ya know. I've been good, ya know now good, aint' good for a bit but good now ya." Casey nods slowly, watching the two ninjas now, as he reaches over to pick up his remote flicking on the TV, as he stands up moving to pull out a SNES from the closet, as he hooks it up slowly, as he thinks for a moment, his teeth biting into his lower lip, as he nods again slowly."Super Mario Kart!"

With that yell, he is reaching under the couch to pull out games, as he slams Super Mario Kart into the system, as he plugs in three controllers, waiting for it to boot, it fails. Yanking it out, blowing in the cartridge as he slams it back in, as it boots with a loud cheer from Casey."Come on, let's game, and I'm beat ass. I'm Browser!"

Kainashi has posed:
    Kainashi doesn't look thrilled at the idea of playing a video game, and even worse, looks intimidated when a third controller is plugged in. Her ears go up, and then flick down as she looks up to Alopex, pleadingly.

    "I... I don't know how to play video games." she stammers a moment, hoping Casey would buy the excuse of her not partaking. "Alopex, you play!"

Alopex has posed:
    "Thinking of it as dexterity practice, Kai. But if you -insist- I will let it go as you had quite the patrol," the fox decides as she accepts a controller. "These.. are rather new to me but with the way Mike and Don talk about these..." she decides to give it a try. Peach. And please for the love of all things, do not pick rainbow road first. That's just cruel.

Casey Jones has posed:
Mario Circuit 1, is the one thing Casey picks, always start on the easy as he grins at her."Kai, come on try it and I mean like when I was a young this was like my life line to sainty." Not like he had much life, but many moons ago, it is hard to think of but yeah, maybe. His hand is grips the controler, as he waits for player three to select, or to unplug it as he watches the others."Ya, this say this is like too classic to like be good or something, but I mean, call me old but I like dis."

Kainashi has posed:
    "Peeeeeeehx." Kainashi states flatly, but she hops up on the couch with Casey, with Alopex between them as she carefully holds that glass bottle. She gives a bit of a wag, ready to watch the games begin!

Alopex has posed:
    "It is your decision, Kai, but I really think you should try. Maybe watch for a moment, first.." when the race starts, the fox doesn't have a good start because they didn't know which button was accelerate. Once she has it though, off she goes. "It could be a hobby."

Casey Jones has posed:
A phone call, the ender of the moment as he answers it slowly, as he sighs softly."He is in the hospital, I'm been going on down quick." With that Casey is leaping up thrusting that control to Kai, as he starts towards the door throwing it open, as he is running down the stairs, as he leaps down the stairs quickly, running for that old man.