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Latest revision as of 05:54, 28 September 2020

Sneaks and Geeks
Date of Scene: 20 September 2020
Location: Penthouse - Kord Co
Synopsis: Ted builds a boat. Huntress moves his stuff.
Cast of Characters: Ted Kord, Helena Bertinelli

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord is working studiously on the fabulous BB Gun. The device is partly disassembled as Kord quickly places a particular component in the stock. His hands move quickly as he begins reassembling the weapon. He gives a large folder marked "For Hun" a look as he works, finally assembling the device and holding it aloft in triumph. "Done. If this works, this will be great. He turns his attention to his blue gloves (more accurately gauntlets) and adjusts a small component in the cuff of the right glove.

"Dang, Ted, you'll wear yourself out with many Saturday nights like this! maybe I'll fly up and down the river cruising for chicks. So people still say 'chicks'?"

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
@FuckDamnShit texts Ted, "Beetle, Namor attacked and sunk my boat. Have you ever pieced together a boat before?" she asks, "I'm coming up the secret elevator."

Huntress tappity taps on her lil phone and then walks into the secret elevator, hiding in the shadows until she's at the top. She walks out of the elevator and looks around, "Beetle? You got my text, right?" she wonders.

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord is taken a little aback by the text out of the blue (ha!). When the doors open he is still at his desk, trying his gloves on. He looks at Huntress, starts to say something and then shuts his mouth... pondering furiously or experiencing stomach problems. Finally he says in a careful, neutral tone, "Good evening. How are you? I'm fine. Just working along."

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Huntress frowns, "How am I? The guy sunk my boat. I need a Namor zapping tool like immediately," she whines and then shrugs, "I had to go to New York to check on another mafia lead. These mob problems are getting more frequent and--" she starts to explain in more detail, "Oh, am I interrupting you?" she wonders.

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord Steeples his fingers together. "I'm not... I think I... listen I don't know if I can provide you tech support. I'm starting to feel like hired help or doing the pretty high school senior's math homework like when I was twelve. I thought we could partner but I'm sitting around unless you text me because something exploded on you, which is frequent, but not enough. I... I know I'm not being professional now but I don't think I can be professional. I have problems working with women. Always have."

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Helena Bertinelli puts her hands on her hips and frowns, staying quiet for a few minutes. She finally starts to look upset or angry or both, "Whatever," she says finally. She turns to walk out.

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord gets up. "Hey. Wait a minute! I did get those files for you on Johnny Cleancut. Wait... I dammit. I feel like... we could be friends. Not just work together. I need a friend right now and you impress the hell out of me... I really like you. I mean... fuck me, am I twelve? Huntress please don't go... I usually put my words together better than this please!"

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Huntress pushes the button for the elevator a couple times like a manic obsessive, "I don't have any friends," she mutters depressingly, "I don't know what the **** you're trying to say. I'll just go and you can sit there and be &&&&&& impressed with your man self and build your ****** man project without me interrupting your man ass. Whatever. Why don't you say what you mean?" she wonders.

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord sees the elevator is on the ground floor. He has a minute. "Okay. I don't say what I mean because I figure you'd laugh at me. I'll take that because I deserve it for being a jerk. I... have problems with women, especially beautiful and absurdly competent women like you. I have a problem... my friends all seem to leave, or die. I thought we could be friends. I know we only met a couple times but I thought we hit it off. I'm sorry you don't have any friends. I feel for you. I really do. I was suspected of murdering the original Blue Beetle, my friend. I had the cops and crooks gunning for me. I'm not trying to say my start sucked more than yours. every one of us has a sucky origin. We just do. But I can't demand we be friends and I did say I would help. I will. But I need to say this aloud at least once... I find you very attractive. I like you a lot. Maybe we can cross train or something or just talk... besides support I mean?" The elevator dings and he holds his breath. Stupid high speed elevators.

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Huntress looks into the empty elevator, which is about the clearest metaphor for her life ever and she just stares at absently until the doors close. Then she pushes the little button and the doors open again, "You're insecure," she mutters and then shrugs, "Course maybe I'm insecure too. You know, I thought we were friends already but maybe not...okay. You're my tech support? I don't know where the hell that came from. You're not my ****** tech support. Cause you fixed my bike and researched some dumbass Italian guy? Fine, don't do shit. I don't care," she mutters. Helena knows she needs an excuse to see Ted otherwise she'd be socializing, which she's really bad at or scared of, either way, "Whatever. I thought we were friends. I can take on the whole mob by myself anyway. I'm leaving."

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord walks over to the elevator and shoves his hand in the door to keep it from closing. "**** yes I'm insecure! Can we still be friends? I'll try to secure myself. Come back in here. Taking on the mob by yourself... I could believe it. Anyway, I said what I wanted to and you cleared up where I was being a dumbass brilliantly. So there is no reason for you to leave... stay. Look at the files on that stupid guy and tell me who the hell this Namor is and why he was whomping your boat. C'mon... I said I was sorry. Can't you just punch me or something and we call it even?"

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Huntress smirks at what Ted says and steps back off the elevator, then crosses her arms. She stands there for a minute and mutters, "***** drama queen, shut up," she tells him and slugs him in the shoulder as she walks past, not like punching Bane, but still. She walks to his computer and sits down, taking the mouse so she can begin to click around and be the tech support all by herself without his damn help, "Yeah, I'll open the shit files, where are they? I should probably read up on this asshole before he shows up to stalk my ass," she explains, "Namor is the King of the Water People. He owns the ocean or some shit. I can't take a boat on his ocean without a permit or something, so he sunk my boat," she explains helpfully.

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord frowns as she takes his spot. That is his spot. Then he smirks and points. "The file is a file under the BB gun." Yes indeed, there it is marked "For Hun."

"I thought Aquaman was king of the water people... he can't do that to you! He better not try that rough stuff with the Bug. So it isn't a matter of fixing the boat, it's a matter of replacing it... don't click on that file!!!" He makes a mad grab for the mouse as he sees it wandering near a folder marked 'Personals.' Fat chance, he knows she's a little faster. "Nothing to see there... It's home movies of family trips."

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Huntress holds up a hand like a teacher telling the student to zip it, "I got it, I see it, I don't need support," she tells him, then hovers over the folders to find her files. As he invades her personal space and grabs for her mouse, she tries pushing him back, "I got it, I said! Stop!" she lets out, "I don't want to watch your porn! Just my files," she says. "Dang Beetle! What's wrong with you tonight?!" she lets out, "I thought you weren't going to support? Fine, here, you click on the file. Geezus," she says and picks up the mouse, placing it into his hand as he stands there.

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord looks affronted and leaves the mouse hanging. "I don't have any porn on my computer! I don't do that kind of stuff. Those are just... ****ing embarrassing is what they are. And I printed out the ****ing file for you see... it got your name on it! 'Hun', like Huntress or Atilla the... were you trying to shush me, like a teacher or something? Bwahaha. Dang I like you. So... let's get you a new boat. Open that file there... aquatic operations. I got some gear I tricked out for the Bug... let you know if this Namor wants to check you for an E-Z Pass. I could throw something together by morning. I'll get the coffee going and warm of the 3d printers downstairs..." He goes over to another get the coffee going, leaving Huntress at the computer.

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Huntress smirks, "Oh right, Atilla the Hun, so my folder is Hun, how endearing," she says and squints at the computer screen, trying to follow Ted's ramblings, "What...oh...no, don't worry about it. You don't need to build me shit. It's fine," she says and lets out, "Beetle! I said it's fine! Don't 3D print shit!" she says exasperatedly. She rubs her temples and then finally opens the HUN folder to find the file on the Italian guy, "Oh, you said you printed this out? Well why didn't you say so? Okay fine," she begins rumaging around on the computer desk for the print-out. Moving stuff. She moves Ted's pencils and mug, looking under stuff.