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Latest revision as of 21:42, 28 September 2020

You should meet Harley.
Date of Scene: 28 September 2020
Location: Angela and Sera's Brownstone
Synopsis: Sera and Thor catch up on their recent efforts.
Cast of Characters: Sera, Thor

Sera has posed:
It's certainly rarer to encounter someone who can pack a punch that'd actually hurt an angel on this planet. But a suped up necromancer fit the bill. She has extra pillows on her couch, an ice pack and some whisky. She's taking it slow and letting the gentle songs of the world refill her magical coffers.

Thor arriving was expected, She opens the door and as he steps across the threshold there is a flash of Enochian magical symbols along the entry way walls. Of course, the sign 'Heven on Earth' is still there. She smiles and then flips back on to the couch and gathers up her whisky for a sip.

"There's a spare glass if you're in the mood - or beer in the fridge." Sera looks quite beat, the most worn out she's been since her escape from Hel. Running the ritual -and- fighting the necromancer was a lot more work. It's a shame she only had a novice mage and a magical battery to help out.

Thor has posed:
    Stepping through the door, one hand closing it behind him, Thor takes a moment to consider the apartment and its state. The small changes to accommodate Sera at her repose, the subtly somber aspect to things as well as the subdued nature of the normally vibrant child of Heven.
    There's a faint /whum/ as the umbrella in his hand is set down next to the door as he walks in and holds up a hand, "Thank you, but I am comfortable as I am for the moment." Though as to the nature of booze and the Thunderer that could likely change shortly and at a whim.
    A few more steps into the room and then he'll stroll over to an empty cushioned chair, quirking an eyebrow her way as if asking silent permission and then settling into it with a faint creak. Hands on his knees and his gaze wandering the room, he looks back and tilts his head. "You seem fatigued and perhaps ill-used." A statement, not quite a question though one implied.

Sera has posed:
Sera spares a glance at that umbrella.. hmm. No matter. She nods to the seat and then chuckles. "You get used to a certain level of indestructible when dealing with the shorter lived, more feeble bodied species. I got complacent and didn't consider that a master necromancer might actually be able to harm me."

She twists her lips and raises her eyebrows. The ice pack goes back against her side and she sips from the whisky once more. "Still, we had the last laugh. No more Vega to worry about." The humour in Sera seems a little strained today as she adds, "And your brother's humour valve is one directional only."

Another sip, "Still, that's the most magic I've done in hundreds of years. It kind of felt like I was blowing dust out of the pipes. I could feel the flow of the energy in me, boosted with a bit of help. Though, in the end.. I am still very very rusty." She stares off at the wall for a moment as if considering how much less rusty she might need to be for a very specific task.

Thor has posed:
    "That's good, and I'm glad you were able to best my brother." Since Thor's position of dealing with his brother is not the best at times, considering the limitations placed upon him by his people and his family. He furrows his brow and nods, "The people of Midgard may be short-lived, but there is a power to them that at times manifests in the exceptional. You have met a good number of them." A gentle compliment to those he holds dear.
    He smiles slightly and murmurs, "If naught else perhaps this incident has convinced you to not let your guard down and to continue to train, if only to counter the rare curiousities that arise in this realm."
    A tilt of his head is given then as if a thought struck him, "Have you any interest in traveling to Asgard? To perhaps speak with mine father? Matters have changed, the results may be different this time."

Sera has posed:
Sera raises an eyebrow a touch further and sips at her whisky, "I did not best him. He wanted to know what we were going to do. It was plain as day he had hoped to take Vega for himself. For what purpose, I don't know. I can certainly guess." She smirks a touch and then continues, "So I told him, we would destroy him. I also mentioned he didn't look very foxy any more and that he was shorter than I imagined."

She shakes her head, "But unlike you, he doesn't share your sense of humour. Can't take a joke, dishes them but doesn't accept them." She sits up and says, "Training. That's a heck of a long montage. I could be at it for many many years. I may need to start my own library and write down all I can remember. It gets a bit foggy up there sometimes," she says and taps the side of her head.

"But your notion's made a motion, I do prefer not to be batted about by undead ghosts attempting to possess young ice mages when their soul armour is too thick for my poorly execute soul burning blade spell." She twists her lips again and sighs, "And it was all going so well up until that point."

She waggles a finger, "Then your brother decided to make things more exciting by kicking the ritual off before we were ready, so I had to rush things - another unnecessary expenditure of magic that would have otherwise been avoided. The SHIELD agents tried shooting him but he vanished on them. He really is a very talented illusionist. May be one day he'll loosen up and learn to enjoy life, not take himself so seriously."

Thor has posed:
    A small snort comes from him and a smile flirts with the corners of his mouth as Thor looks to the side and away, then back to her. "No, he does not care to lose an argument. I have no gift of oration as he does in comparison, but there were times when I had made a telling point and his reaction was not... pleasant."
    But then he thumps his hand lightly on the arm of the chair and motions to her, "But indeed, you should endeavour to expand your knowledge and understanding. Train as you can, branch out perhaps and speak to this young Nessa. She could stand to have good role models. For a time she spoke to me of wishing to learn from mine brother and it seemed as if I could not dissuade her. Yet I believe he showed her his true colors and that saved her the disappointment."
    Then she relates how the ritual went in part and at the end he nods, "I think this is in some ways how he does enjoy life. Which is a pity."

Sera has posed:
Sera chuckles, "Nothing we couldn't handle, but I was vulnerable and those who I should probably protect - Nessa, Siobhan, even those WAND agents of SHIELD. I couldn't have helped them at that moment because I was engaged in the ritual. I used to have Angela to deal with those threats. I could do my magic and she'd have my back. She'd fight the monster and I'd have her back."

There's a small frowns, "I think that may be those days are long gone, or perhaps long away again. I'm not sure Earth would suit her temperament well. I don't know where she is - but she certainly wouldn't be on Asgard."

"I admit when I think of Odin I see the memories, the stories, the songs i sang of fallen angels from wars long forgotten by most. I remember their hatred of him. My thoughts of the man are coloured by these notions. On the other hand.. now I've met you. But then, I also met Lucifer. I wonder if the cosmic arrangement of realm rulers has shifted since Heven was cut from the tree of life."

"Assuming your father doesn't simply throw me in his deepest darkest dungeon.. simply for existing. How do you think he'd fair faced with an old enemy? Not that I'm his enemy exactly. My people, my kind of angel.. we are all but pretty slaves for breeding for all the other angels and I will not stand for that ever again."

Thor has posed:
    A deep breath is taken and he seems to actually sigh a little, sinking down. Such a strange thing to see from a normally so jovial man. He even goes far enough to nibble upon his lower lip thoughtfully before those blue eyes lift back to Sera and he says levelly, "In truth, Sera. I do not know how he would react? If you had asked me a year ago? Two? I would have declared full support and assurances. And even now if this was a path you would wish to pursue I would extend my protection to you there and in the court."
    He sits up then, leaning back in the chair and resting his hands on the arms of it, one foot slightly forward, one back. Almost regal in a way as he takes a deep breath, then exhales slowly. "But now, after all that has passed? With his freeing Loki to Midgard after his crimes, and the games that he has played... I cannot tell you how he would react."
    "But," The tall man smiles a little, "I think it would be good for you to be able to cross that bridge and make peace on some level. And if you chose that course of action then I would back you. I may be no Angela in comparison." His lip twitches, "But I make do."

Sera has posed:
Sera tilts her head thoughtfully. "I have no right to say it but on behalf of my people, I could declare a desire for peace with King Odin." She smirks with amusement, "Oh how that would rankle the Queen of Angels, oh how it would infuriate the Grand Hierophant." She then smiles and sits up a touch more.

"Besides, I deserve a vacation after that necromancer. Those other mages do not know what it is I did for them, nor do they need to know. They all did so much leading up to that point, even stinky John. I think you're right. I'll offer to teach Nessa and I'll try and get back in to battle magely shape."

She lifts a finger, "But I have to warn you.. there's a side of me that I have seen before," sure in other timelines, she doesn't mention that bit, "that even scares me now. Without cheer, a conquerer through and through. I chose this path so that I could be my best self. Not even the King of Asgard will stop me from that."

She finishes off the whisky in her glass and winces a touch as she adjusts her posture, "When do we leave?"

Thor has posed:
    Curiousity. Wariness perhaps. Seen there in the man's eyes as he tilts his head to the side and listens to her, but then at the last his lip twists a little and he murmurs, "Take the time you need to rest, and it will allow me to send word and broach the possibility. Perhaps I can sound the river as it were and find its depths before we depart or set foot on a path we cannot turn back on." A curious mix of metaphors there, but in Thor's mind it likely makes sense in some way.
    He then lifts a hand, "In any case, tell me what else has passed. How you fare otherwise. I find that though I make such effort to see the world I am always left with such wonderings as to the stories and experiences of others."
    That said he draws a boot up across his knee and rests his hands upon it, head tilted to the side with curiousity. "So convey what you would."

Sera has posed:
Sera chuckles and pours out some more whisky for herself from the bottle on the coffee table. "Well, as you know we met Lucifer. A powerful being here, so powerful I thought perhaps he was like the Queen, or Odin, the ruler of this realm. Instead, he has a.. uh.. night club, with demons as serving staff."

She shakes her head slowly as if wonders never cease, "And let me tell you, I didn't see that coming.. and when I say I didn't see that coming, that means a lot." She smirks and takes another sip. "I spent some time at the club in that room looking over his books. I think the demons started to get nervous around me, like I'd bite their head off or something. The more time I spend on this planet, the more I have become convinced that the ancient humans met my kind and merged us in to their legends and culture."

She looks back over to him and says, "Now your turn. You must tell me a tale too. Nothing for nothing, Son of Odin."

Thor has posed:
    "Yes, still not a being to cross on their own setting." Which might have explained the tenseness in his manner when they had met with Lucifer during that briefing before the ritual. He shakes his head, "But he is not... an All-Father if that makes sense. Strong perhaps, but I think his strength more comes from protocol and the rite of experiences he's had." Which might seem an odd thing to say.
    But then he straightens, "A tale?" His eyes widen and he shakes his head, gaze distancing. "I have not formed my experiences of late into the form of a tale. That would take some doing." For conveying such is almost a formal thing for Asgardians as much of their history is oral.
    "There was a great battle held to help free a daughter of a friend, many worthies were gathered and their efforts were very heroic." He tilts his head to the side, "I have met a fair young woman who has piqued my interest and she agreed to escort me to an event held by one of my comrades. So I am pleased as to that."

Sera has posed:
Sera nods her head, "Yes, you are right. His club, Lux, is a place of power for him. I suspect he'd be quite formidable away from it too. I know I am not likely to be his equal if it came to that. Not alone any how. I don't see it coming to that - though he did upset Siobhan quite clumsily."

"Oh. Okay now hang on a moment. The daughter of a friend. Very vague. Great battle - come on, tell me more. Many worthies? Name some names Thor.. you can't leave a bard like me dangling. I need details. And who, pray tell, has caught the eye of the handsome Asgardian Prince?"

Thor has posed:
    A small snort, "Professor Pym, his daughter was taken by men who sought her ill and we gathered. Myself, young Supergirl, a curious woman who went by the name Koriand'r, my teammate Natasha, Pym himself." He lifts a hand and gestures to the side, "But they sought to hold her against her will and we did as we could to save her. There were men in armor, perhaps Stark's contemporaries for this other country and they set upon us. We battled."
    A hand lifts as he smiles, "Eventually we were able to recover her, and Ms. Van Dyne as well, but there may be more in the offing. I feel as if the matter is far from fully closed."
    That said he looks thoughtful, only then seeming to turn his thoughts to her second point of interest, "Ah, Lady Elektra Natchios. Mysterious woman, but elegant. And beautiful. She also seems to enjoy my sense of humor which is a rarity." His lip twists.

Sera has posed:
Sera smiles, "That is quite the ensemble. Supergirl? I've been seeing her on the news, and Superman. They fly around doing good deeds and don't get paid for it. Very odd. I don't think I've met Natasha or Pym. Huzzah at victory though."

She shakes her head, "I've not heard of her .. yet. But if you find her enjoyable company I'm sure I'll meet her eventually. Perhaps at the next Asgardian shindig." She sips her whisky and adds, "Forgive me but I thought Natchios were a kind of food?"

Thor has posed:
    A small snort slips from him as he straightens up and rests a hand on his leg, "I am certain she has likely never heard of that joke. Ever. In all of her life." His eyes widen slightly as if driving the point home, but still. It makes him smile.
    Then he looks back and uncurls a hand, "And yourself? Is there someone special in your life who has drawn your affections?" Perhaps not knowing the extend of seriousness that Angela and Sera may have beyond... well, owning property. "Or have you met someone intriguing of late? I always have found that people like us often travel in curious company and the world seems to conspire to have us find each other."

Sera has posed:
Sera hmms thoughtfully. "I do not think I'd ever meet an equal to Angela. She is a force of nature unto herself. I rather hope one day you'd get to know her.. but possibly not. But, given you also asked about interesting people." She reaches over to a side table and holds up a badge, "I got a bounty hunting license of the state of New York. Quite legitimately too.. and through that I have met someone called Harley Quinn. She's very rough around the edges, but also fun to work with. She knows things about Earth that I never thought to even ask. Did you know they keep oils inside the engines of every vehicle?" She shakes her head. "We captured our first bounty together recently. Went by the name of Lady Stiltman. Surprisingly silly armour, surprisingly effective too."

Thor has posed:
    "Then assuredly you should introduce us." Which, upon saying, the many tendrils of fate that weave throughout the universe might well tighten and streeetch at the horrible portent such a meeting presents. Yet Thor, ignorant of such, continues on. "But that is good that you have found a task to focus on that might lead you to meet people so."
    He lifts his chin, "'Tis one of the reasons I so often go out and about, speak with people, do those charity events that Pepper often asks me to partake of. If only to be able to meet people and be out there."
    The tall man's lip twists a little as he looks away. "Otherwise I would likely..." He shakes his head, then looks back to her. "Spend most of my time training, readying myself for the next battle."
    His brows lift, "Perhaps I should, in truth. In case such strength is needed."

Sera has posed:
Sera grins, "You should meet her. Just be aware that there won't be a cut of the bounty for you, as you're not an employee of the bounty hunting business. Though, I will freely purchase you the drinks afterward. We're going after another elusive bounty - goes by the name Kiteman."

"And it'll be fun. Lots of fun. That may be enough payment for your services I'd hope. I wouldn't want to meet your father while being in debt to you."