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Latest revision as of 05:34, 1 October 2020

Later That Arabian Night
Date of Scene: 01 October 2020
Location: King's Chambers - Wakandan Embassy
Synopsis: After the Avenger's benefit, T'Challa finally has some time to speak with Lara. Halloween plans are considered.
Cast of Characters: Lara Croft, T'Challa

Lara Croft has posed:
With the party advancing on to a casual setting, the dancing had taken over as the primary source of fun for people in attendance tonight. T'Challa had gracious asked Lara for a dance and she'd gladly accepted it.

Together, the two stepped out on to the dance floor, and with her blue dress making it a bit awkward for her, Lara has enough experience in such frilly clothing to pull it off. So long as its a slow dance!

In the now, Lara's arms are up upon T'Challa's shoulders and her eyes are on his. She smiles at him. "How many people are looking at us?" She asks him quietly as they move to the music. "I think Okoye is going to will her eyes into fire-starting laser beams aimed directly at my dress." She softly jests, knowing how much his faithful friend and guardian disapproves of Lara's presence like this.

T'Challa has posed:
As much as Lara was his date for the night, T'Challa had spent most of the night playing host by virtue of the event being held at the embassy. The event was billed as being hosted by Avengers, so people were expecting to get to rub elbows and talk with members of the team. Which meant even as the pair were near to each other for much of the night, so much of it was spent talking to others.

That moment finally came though when he looked around found fewer people, and none seeking his attention. He'd looked back to Lara, just standing for a few moments to take in the sight of her in the beautiful, authentic dress. "I do not know if the Sultan and Scheherazade danced in the story? But it would be an honor to dance with you tonight, if you'll have me," he tells her.

The answer made him smile, and now they are there on the dance floor. One of the Wakandan staff comes over, crouching down to quickly pin Lara's dress up slightly. It still takes a little care to dance in, but far less than it had.

T'Challa gazes down at the English noblewoman. "I do not know how many are, Lara. But they should be. All of them," he says. "In a crowd of a hundred? You stand out. And not for Okoye's laser eyebeams either," he adds quietly along with a soft laugh.

Though he doesn't look over towards Okoye. He's far wiser than that. "I have faith the more that she gets to know you? The more she will see what I do."

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara's eyes remain on him as well while they move to the nice beat of the music's calm pace. At his summation of Okoye she'll nod vaguely once and flutter her eyelashes in a way that accompanies an alteration to her expression, going from amused to a bit more reserved and serious. "I believe she will too. She's a good person, and I think she has to learn that I am ... such, as well. I believe she simply pictures her King's date to have been native to their country, however. But, Kingdoms were notorious for seeking partners outside of their own territory. Such a thing is far from unusual in the history of the world."

She smiles faintly again then. "Thank you for an invitation to the party tonight. It's one of the first that I've actually enjoyed, and I've been to many... many... of them. I guess it required me to attend with someone that I enjoyed the company of."

T'Challa has posed:
The band continues to play, and seeing that T'Challa and Lara have chosen a slower song to dance to, they keep the music to a suitable pace. The sounds could be something heard drifting over the sands outside a Bedouin camp. T'Challa's Sultan's robe fits the part, if less so than Lara's authentic dress that flatters her as if made for her.

The man's eyes glance to the side for a moment before he says, "She always favored a woman from my past. The two of us both moved on years ago. But I believe Okoye always held out hope that might change," T'Challa tells Lara.

He leads her in a slow turn, arm extended to let Lara drift away from him before drawing her slowly back. His hand goes about her waist, resting on her back near to her hip. "These sort of events are a duty, indeed," he says quietly. As he talks, there's a different voice being used than during the bulk of the party. As if the great care in choosing his words has been let go. T'Challa lowering that public demeanor and letting Lara see him in his truest form that the outside public rarely do. "But I cannot think of one I have enjoyed this much," he tells her. "It makes me think we should throw another one. So I have an excuse to dance with you more," he says, lips drawing into that warm, lopsided smile of his.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara moves to the music with his guidance, his lead, fanning out from him to extend herself and put herself on display for their onlookers before she's drawn back in to him where she meets him again much as she had been before. "Oh, I see." Lara replies about Okoye's favor. "That makes sense." She adds. "I've never really had anyone in my life that impacted me that much, romantically, at least. I've had flirtations, and suiters, for a very long time. But I've mostly pushed them away, or outright ignored them." She smiles more openly then. "I've been... pre-occupied. Lost in my own fantasy worlds, so to speak." Her research, her work.

A quick glance is given out around them at the mention of possibly more social gatherings like this. She quickly grins up to him and tilts her head just a little to the left. "Well Halloween is coming up." She comments. "Though I suppose that is a particular busy party event, even more difficult to find the right time for one. I think I'd be lying if I said that costumes, generally, make me like everything more." She laughs lightly then. "A hold-over from my childhood, I believe. Fantasy worlds, after all, right?"

T'Challa has posed:
After hearing Lara's admission about her enjoyment of costumes, T'Challa's head slowly drifts into a little bobbing gesture as if an admission of his own. "We do not really have the traditions with costumes. Not in Wakanda," he tells Lara.

A couple come out on the dance floor to say good bye. T'Challa inclines his head to them and wishes them well, though his eyes are soon back on Lara. "But I admit to a certain joy with the tradition. When I encountered it at Oxford," he tells her. "Now some? They might say it had something to do with the costumes that college students choose," he says. He gives a look of mock disagreement, brow furrowing. "But we do not listen to those people, agreed?" he says, breaking out in that soft smile again.

"So, what costume would Lara Croft choose for Halloween? I do not know what events are going on. But barring an alien attack, or a wave of locusts back home? I will find a Halloween event to take you to. Or host one if needed. If you would allow me that pleasure."

Lara Croft has posed:
"Yes, of course. Every culture has its own traditions after all." Lara says of Wakanda and Halloween being foreign to one another.

When the departing couple approach to announce their leaving, Lara also sends them off with a kind word or two before she puts her stare back to T'Challa's own. At his following words she smiles, and very nearly laughs at the college costume options. A shake of her head dismisses that and makes it clear that's not the angle she's going for. "I ... well, yes, Halloween parties at college were, mostly about how much you could get away with not wearing. Not precisely the angle I'm going for here." She says with a smile remaining.

Another moment of thought is had as she gathers her thoughts. "In... my experiences growing up, I was in many different places, every year. All around the globe, in fact, and because of this I tried to dress regionally appropriate. So, I suppose, if this is to be my first Halloween in the United States, that means... what, a cowboy outfit? Charlie Chaplin?-- No no, his mustache was far to similar to Adolph's." Lara smirks then and there.

"How about the Statue of Liberty?" She asks, in good humor. "But then I'd be required to keep my right hand up all night. That would grow uncomfortable quite quickly..." Lara isn't usually this talkative, or happy... this party has yielded this for her tonight. And a bit of alcohol helped too, of course.

T'Challa has posed:
Lara understanding what T'Challa meant about the costumes of the college crowd gets a soft laugh from T'Challa. His eyes dart to the side for a moment as if trying to look behind him surreptitiously where Okoye is standing off along one wall. He whispers to Lara, "I know she is scowling slightly. I know she can't hear our conversation. Just she has this sense. When a scowl is deserved."

He gives a tiny shrug of his shoulders. "Deserved," he admits. "Yes, these are important considerations in a costume," he agrees with her. "Also being able to enjoy a beverage without having to remove part of the costume. That one I learned the hard way as a freshman," he says.

T'Challa glances down at Lara thoughtfully. "Perhaps a Native American?" he suggests. "I would imagine you could do quite a bit with that as a subject? Though I would have to come up with something connected. If you are letting me escort you. Perhaps a palomino horse for you to ride on?" he says with just enough levity in his voice to suggest he's joking.

Lara Croft has posed:
His comment on Okoye makes the British woman grin once more, but she refuses to look at the Wakandan guardian, out of respect for her really. She keeps her eyes on the King instead, listening to his response about the options for American-themed costumes just makes her openly laugh, and glance down, to shake her head side to side. "Something to consider. Maybe I'll just go with something far more British, however, as I'm not looking to upset any Americans. They're rather touchy, you know?" She grins again, faintly and briefly.

"I do have access to a wide range of suits of armor. Maybe an Arthurian Knight? That wouldn't rule out the horse costume after all."

Lara's grin returns. "I'm afraid, I couldn't possibly ask you to be a horse for me though, your 'Majesty'." She says his title again, for the fun of the moment. "I truly think your entire court would have me thrown out then."

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa draws a slow, deep breath. "Quite touchy. Some. But not all," he says with a slow nod of his head. As Lara mentions the knight outfit and then the likely results of him dressing up in the two man horse costume, he seems to give that consideration. "You are probably correct in that," he agrees with her. "Are you sure that you would want to walk around in a suit of armor? While I have great respect for your fitness, that might be a taxing outfit. If you intend authenticity."

He looks thoughtful. "I could probably dress up as a dragon. Not a fearsome one though. Like the one magician? Biff the Dragon? But a bigger costume, with just my face showing?" he says, moving a hand to circle his face as if to help Lara see it.

He glances around the room. "It looks like people are continuing to clear out," he comments. "I can probably consider my duty for the evening, performed." T'Challa's eyes focus back on Lara. "The evening is lovely still. If you do not need to leave yet? We could get a bottle of that fine champagne that Tony's people supplied. Go up to one of the embassy's balconies and see the city lights?"

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara shakes her head in a serious way at his return question about a suit of armor. "I am not sure of it." She tells him. "But I'm a good sport, I promise. I'd wear it and not complain once... probably." She laughs softly then before just smiling at the thought of him in a dragon costume. "Now you're just enticing me to make this a thing." She adds with a soft additional lyrical little laugh. "I suppose we can talk about it more later."

Another look is given to the quieter social gathering around them as people have begun to mostly filter out into the city as the night grows later. Her eyes return to his at his question and she offers him another warm smile. "That sounds lovely." She says. "I'd be happy to do that. This has been a wonderful night after all, one of my favorite in this country yet."