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Latest revision as of 02:18, 2 October 2020

Like A Boss
Date of Scene: 01 October 2020
Location: Sub Basement Three
Synopsis: Ted Kord and Peter Parker have a heart-to-heart over the finer points of synthetic spider-silk.
Cast of Characters: Ted Kord, Peter Parker

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord is in inventor mode. He'll tell anyone he's not a scientist. Peter, Dr. Richards, Dr. Pym beat him out but when it comes to back engineering or tweaking stuff, he could give Tony Stark a run for his money. Not tat Mr. Stark would run, he'd fly really fast in an armor suit. Also the luck with the ladies, he had to work on that. He was voted mostly likely to die surrounded by his robots.

Focus Teddy. Focus!

Wearing goggles and a face shield he uses forceps to take an alembic from a burner and quickly inserts a glass rod to stir a clear, bubbling liquid. Almost immediately the rod gets stuck as the liquid turns smokey then a sort of grey, then solidifies. Ted swears and throws it in a recycle bin, already occupied by four smashed alembics, that are still held together. "Son of a bitch... oh well, now for number six!" He reaches for an alembic with a sign by it reading 'six.' this time the stirring is sitrring and he quickly pours the liquid into a short of blue casing resembling a shot gun shell and caps it. He manages to repeat the process four more times before number six has to get tossed, without most of that fluid. Ted laughs and rubs his hands.

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter Parker shows his badge to the security guard and heads towards the elevator as the computer notes: "SECURED ACCESS (ENTRY): PARKER, PETER B.

He came fresh from his classes at ESU, which most of his current paycheck is going to. It means his living situation isn't changing much, but his education is the best investment he can make.
Peter runs his badge again to get access to Lab No. 6, where he is currently working on a waldo improvement for fine motor control. The alert that he is in Lab No. 6 is also noted by the computer system.

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord does not note it. he is in full on geek. He ignored Rogue in a bikini top to get to the Fantasticar. For all his lovelorn vibe, Ted gets on better creating than peopling. He's got his BB Gun out on the workbench, having shut the burners and is critically examining the shells he made. Any leaks and he'd be out a BB Gun and those suckers cost ya. Also, he doesn't have a Beetle Sense. He does move pretty quick at the last minute, but that's not the same as dodging bullets, which some metahumans do. Oddly, many of them are the same ones who are bulletproof in the first place. Them that has gets, it seems.

With the goggles, shield and lab coat he looks very much the mad engineer in fact.

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter puts on his lab coat, then looks around the work space. He spots the Post-It on the computer screen. He smiled as he read it.

"Hangar - Rewind elastomers."
A tiny cartoon web and a cartoon bug smiled back at him.

Five minutes later, the door to the hangar opened and Peter Parker walked in, white lab coat hanging over his baggy clothes. "Hello, Mr. Kord? I got your message. I...uhm, sir? What are you working on?"

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord is examining four blue shells (about 12 ga.) with a magnifier. He seems satisfied. He sets the lens down and turns to Peter. "It's Ted, we're all builders here." He pointedly shuts off the security cameras. "Think I brewed a primo batch of your web fluid. I had surmise a lot of the formula, but I found some when you swung after Brickhead. This is... you're amazing. You made this out of household products, I'm guessing? It took me a couple grand for the materials and the glassware. Stuff kept solidifying before I could pour it and seal it or... exploding. I got glued to the ceiling for a half hour... not a problem, I took a nap... until it decomposed." He hands Peter a tablet with molecules rendered on it. "Close?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter took the tablet and peered at it. It was pretty close, he had to admit. The man had brain cells to spare.

Peter pointed at the framework of the compound molecule. "It's close...but it's slightly off." He taps the screen, dragging some of the components around into a configuration that is more familiar to him. He turns the tablet so Mr. Kord can see it. "And you have to mix it, like epoxy, when putting it in the web cartridges. It hardens when it oxidizes, so you have to remove oxygen completely from the containers. Vacuum seals. And the delivery system is also important."

He brings out his own tablet, bringing up one of the hidden files and opens it for Ted to see. How the needle that draws the web-fluid also stirs it to keep it uniform even as it extracts it. How it measures out the filaments as it adds air to harden the stuff without removing its elasticity.

"So, it's chemical AND mechanical."

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord peers at the design while listening to Peter. "Brilliant. I may be working for you one day. But I'm being rude. How are Aunt May and MJ? How are your classes going? Oh... does anything degrade this molecule? Time, sonics? What if you glue someone, say to a ceiling and need to get them down? Sorry, tell me how things are going first!" He's already designing... something. He does more than one thing at once.

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter chuckles. "Uhm...in order. Aunt May is well. She is working on another apple pie as a thank-you. Act surprised when she comes by. MJ is...well, she's been a bit busy, but she's being her usual awesome. Still wants to be with me, as well, so...she's blessed with endless patience, as well."

He paused as he looked at the molecule. "Classes are going well. Already tested out of two of them and moved to the 200-level classes. History is a bear, and no one seems to know much about Hyborea. And it usually takes an hour before the continued oxidation becomes detrimental and the molecules begin to lose cohesion, but I also put together a solvent that I put in a small spray bottle. Because sometimes the cops don't want to wait an hour to process a guy."

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord nods. He gestures to the casings, then picks one up and places it in the barrel of his BB Gun. "I didn't get the trick of spinning filaments with the needle/agitator. This is more of a one shot area weapon. Want to fly around and hope we run across the Juggernaut or a Kaiju? Or a gang. I'm not proud." He jerks a thumb at the Bug. "I'll let you drive. She's very forgiving in fact if you try to crash her she'll eject you. Well... she won't crash. We can do a team up. maybe I can find Booster and introduce you. I think you'd hit it off... especially if you like football players."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter sighs. "Never got into football. I can understand the logistics, but football..."

Flash Thompson seemed to crow in his head, *What's up, loser?!*

"...it never really held any appeal for me."

He paused, looking at the Bug. "Mayyyybe some sort of simulator with the flight characteristics for the Bug would be better? I think I could focus better if I wasn't worried about suddenly doing a Villain-Lackey-Riding-Shotgun-With-James-Bond impression."

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord gives Peter a nudge. "Oh come on. I'm the lackey, you get to pilot and it's easy. an old girlfriend of mine picked it up in a day or so. You fucking swing on tethers a hundred stories up, don't tell me this bothers you? It's like driving a car. You drive, right"

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter looked at Ted oddly.
"Uhm, yes, I *can* drive. My Uncle taught me and helped me get my license. But this is New York. Even people who DON'T avoid traffic by swinging around on weblines don't drive in the city. Besides, when you can swing around above traffic, getting from place to place in one-tenth the time, why drive at all?"

Peter hooks a thumb at the Bug. "And the last time I checked, my Uncle's old Ford pickup's gearbox doesn't say, 1-2-3-4-R-UP-DOWN."

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord peers at Peter and says, "What do you do when there aren't any buildings to swing on more than two three stories? Say you fight the Astounding Sponge in Sheepshead Bay? I mean even that anty-guy has a flying ant or that weird jet he flies. All right. I'm being a jerk. When you want to fly come to me. Oh, I did a bit of weaving of my own for you... consider this a partial payment for that apple pie. I made it for you though because I don't know Aunt May's size."

Ted goes to a safe and again makes sure the cameras are off, before opening a heavily armored locker and pulling out... a Spider-Man uniform.

"I made it for you out of Resistweave. It turns blades, is nearly fire proof and a terrific insulator. It also cleans up in Woolite."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter looks at the suit...and stops. His mouth drops open. He has enough presence of mind to put his tablet down before walking over to the locker.

For a solid five seconds, he just STARES at it. He reaches out to touch it, almost afraid to touch it. Touching it makes it real.
But his fingers do touch the suit, running along the fabric.

"Sir...I..." And suddenly the glib, snarky Spider-Man is simply dumbstruck.

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord brushes off such concerns. "Oh come on. We're in the same... calling? This is professional courtesy. besides, I don't want my team leader straining my medical plan. Besides... I like making things with a good purpose. I... wasn't always too careful about that. I had an uncle... My uncle Jarvis. He used my robotics for bad things." Ted turns away to look at the Bug. "He... I want to emphasize this... he was my uncle. He was brilliant and he encouraged me, mentored me and he was someone I could talk to. Someone on our level. I was devastated to learn he was using my robotics to build an army. This sounds like some kind of a comic book, I know. I never told anyone this but I feel like you could understand."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter looked at Mr. Kord for a few moments. "My Uncle Ben once told me it's not what happens to a person that defines who they are...but how the person responds to it. He also said that you are what you do...and how you do it." He pauses for a moment. "My parents...abandoned me, basically. Left me for my great-aunt and great-uncle to raise when I was only four years old. I never knew why. I still don't. But my uncle said that I could resent them for what they did...or put it in the past and be the person I should be now."

Peter smiles. "My uncle was a great man."

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord nods. "Sounds like it from how he raised you. Anyway these robots... were a danger. I asked an old friend to help me investigate and that friend turned out to be... the first Blue Beetle. We found my uncle and Dan, the Beetle fought the robots. He died. Uncle Jarvis died and I froze. As the robots started blowing, Dan made me prmise to carry on for him. I hope I did, I am... I don't have powers, the source of his powers was buried with him but I always wonder if I could've saved them both, if I hadn't froze. Amazing how a split second changes your life. Dan was my uncle too in his way. He was a good man. He deserved so much more."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter smiled. It was a sheepish smile that seemed more natural on his face. "Just...never give up. Succeeding is great, failure hurts...believe me, I know...but the moment you give up is the moment you REALLY lose. Everyone has gifts. From what I can tell, you're using yours to help people. What could be better than that?"