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Latest revision as of 04:26, 5 October 2020

Until You Decide to Wake Up
Date of Scene: 04 October 2020
Location: Turtle Lair
Synopsis: Kainashi returns from a patrol to check on Donatello, and briefly meets the aged Master Splinter, whom she promptly defends Donatello from. Donatello wakes up from his injuries. There is fluffiness, and a forbidden room.
Cast of Characters: Donatello, Kainashi

Donatello has posed:
    Donatello's body had been tended to the best anyone could. It's no secret that this is the sort of thing that Donnie himself would have handled if it had been anyone else. But, the Turtles and their allies did what they could, especially thanks to the combat medicine performed by Sally Pride.

    For the most part, Donatello had not moved. His eyes were closed, uncovered by the purple face mask that had been placed on a nearby table. His face was expressionless, mostly, but there were moments throughout the week where something was happening. Brief looks of fear crossed his features, his eyes never opening. No sound came from the turtle, but it was clear he was alive. At least a little bit.

    The wounds, internal in nature, had been covered up by Sally's dressing. Splinter had changed it, when necessary, and the bleeding finally stopped for the most part. There was a moment, a few days prior, where someone had moved Donatello -- there was the thought that flipping him onto his plastron would alleviate the pressure applied by his shell, but the group had changed their minds. This could cause a re-opening of the wounds and another leakage of blood.

    Presently, Donatello remains motionless, but signs of improvement have been made. A sweatshirt that had been placed on him for warmth somehow got into one of his hands and his fingers have curled into a tight grip around it.

Kainashi has posed:
    Earlier that day, Kainashi had found something akin to what she was looking for, a way to remove the smell of Donatello's blood from her nose.

    Unfortunately, it also involved throwing several members of a certain gang into the Hudson, and pulling one or two in with her. So, reeking of river water, and a cut-up shirt slashed across the Foot Clan Symbol, Kainashi had returned to the Lair -- ultimately empty-handed from her search for more information -- but having given the chance to get patrols done and given relief by being a distraction, the red canine flops down bonelessly on the couch ... and then slides to the floor out of habit. Hard to break a 'not allowed on the furniture' rule.

    This was the third time she had come to the Lair; the first time was with everyone recovering. The second time was to drop off an armful of greasy, cheap hamburgers and a bag of french fries. She hadn't stayed long either time, but this time, she was 'parking'. She sat on the floor, looking to Donatello with her ears back, limp.

Donatello has posed:
    Donatello had been fighting some battles of his own. One of them was in the Turtle Lair -- a fight between his body's natural healing process and the injuries provided by that high-powered laser blast. Sally was right -- had it happened anywhere but his shell, it would not have been pretty. The second battle was occurring elsewhere -- somewhere ethereal -- but that's a story for another time.

    One area of the Lair, all these years, had been partitioned off with the ornate shoji separations more common in Japan -- certainly uncommon for the New York City underground. The paper door that maintains its privacy quietly slides open and a figure slowly steps out. The door is closed before the figure moves to the living room area where Kainashi waits.

    "Some say that the path from inner turmoil begins with a friendly ear. My ear is open if you care to use it," a voice rasps.

    Standing behind the couch, Master Splinter stands holding a wooden tray. On the tray is a copper tea pot and three cups. One of the cups is upside down.

Kainashi has posed:
    Ninja masters are crazy. Kainashi, whether because Splinter is such, or because she was distracted with how helpless she felt, hadn't heard the door open. Hadn't heard his approach, but be darned if she didn't LEAP up and strike a defensive position, putting herself squarely between the rat and the turtle. One heartbeat and it seems like she would strike the aged mentor, her lips drawn back in a snarl, eyes narrowed and teeth showing how much business she meant -- but then she blinks, looking him up and down a moment before embarrassedly standing down, and she breathes out.

    "I... I'm sorry, I should have knocked --" she stammers a moment, the scarred canine looking worried, and more than a *little* frightened.

Donatello has posed:
    "Your apologies are not necessary, for you are welcome in this place," Splinter replies. He sets the tray down on the coffee table and reaches for the pot. It's unclear if Splinter recognizes Kainashi or even knows who she is -- but, as they say, Master Splinter knows all.

    The rat tilts the copper pot to fill one cup, then the next, and sets the pot back down on the tray. The third cup is left upside down in anticipation. One of the cups, now filled with green tea, is offered to Kainashi, while one is kept by Splinter for himself.

    "I hope that I have not kept you waiting for long," he adds, cryptically, and slowly lowers himself onto the couch.

Kainashi has posed:
    It'd be difficult to dismiss the Foot Clan insignia on her shirt. It would be further difficult to dismiss the recent wounds, or the fact that the sweatshirt that Donatello was holding onto was just her size. Kainashi has shifted around, on the other side of the coffee table from the venerable rat, as is polite -- she's a guest. The copper pot is filled with fragrant green tea, and the young canine accepts the cup, very -- *very* -- carefully.

    "Are... you their--" she stammers a moment, and settles on "Sensei?"

Donatello has posed:
"That may be so," Splinter replies before moving a cup up to his mouth for a brief sip. He lowers the cup and stares off in the distance, briefly, before allowing his tired eyes to look upon Donatello.

    "But, I am also their father, which is a far greater honor," he adds before setting his hot cup down onto the coffee table. Splinter turns his head to inspect Kainashi. The Foot Clan insignia is given virtually no attention whatsoever, but the wounds cannot be ignored.

    "My child," he begins. "You have sustained injuries..." There's a pause. Splinter knows all, but it's often unclear when to demonstrate this. Now.

    "...In honor...of my son."

    The rat stands, abandoning his tea, and slowly moves towards one of the cabinets in the kitchen. "He is very lucky," the rat adds, his voice raising in volume in order to reach Kainashi. "But, this I am sure he knows."

    After just a few moments, Splinter returns holding an assortment of medical supplies. Bandages. Gauze. Antiseptic.

Kainashi has posed:
    "It..." she trails off a moment, and she covers her arm with her other hand, her ears drawing back a moment, "it's nothing. I'm still standing." she states, and Kainashi is caught between trying to be mindful of Donnie's father, and attempting to book it out of the lair. She shifts her weight, unsure, though her tail curls.

    "And he is very lucky -- getting to grow up with brothers, having a dad--" she trails off, the filter from mind to mouth not being one of Kainashi's virtues. "Getting training from people who care about him... an' he's smart! And lucky! What a great guy." she states, attempting to fill the silence between Spliter getting the first aid items and his return.

    "... but... really, I'm fine. I don't get in-fex-uns easy."

Donatello has posed:
    His head tilts to the side and he remains quiet, allowing Kainashi to say her peace. When she's finished, the rat sets down the medical trinkets, next to the tea tray, and sighs. "I may only offer you the tools," he explains. "But it is for you to take them."
    Without warning, Splinter reaches forward and flips over the third tea cup. With a small tuft of air, hmm, Splinter fills this one with tea, finally, and sets the pot down. The rat watches Kainashi's growing discomfort, the obviousness of her fight-or-flight response, and her willingness to miss the point he was alluding to. In response, he tilts his head in a knowing nod.

    The rat inhales a loud lungful of air and begins to move away from the couch. "Kainashi-san," he rasps. "I know who you are, very much, and you are always welcome in my home. You may stay for as long as you would like."

    Splinter stops in front of the paper door to his tatami room and turns to regard the canine once more. "But not in that room," he adds, pointing at one of the bedroom doors. He lets out another tuft of air. "Kids..." he mutters to himself before turning back to open the shoji door.

    "Please, tell my son that I will speak with him soon," he adds, calmly, before stepping into the tatami room and slides the door behind him.

Kainashi has posed:
    Kainashi blinks, and she looks down.

    "I'm sorry. I'm still learning." she replies, quietly to Splinter, her ears still back, but not able to really loo at him as he retreats to the privacy of his own space, and Kai regards the hot, steaming tea, the medical items, and she blinks her eyes at the 'not that room'.

    What/ever/ could the parent mean?

    Either way, she frowns, thinking that she has done something to offend the rat, and she brings her hands up to her muzzle, wrapping them around it and mumbling 'when will I learn to just be quiet?'

    And she shifts her weight, looking to Donatello and where he lay, and she gives a slight, sad smile. "... though he didn't hit me with anything. Probably better than I thought it would go." she states to the still terrapin, and very, very gently reaches for her tea.

Donatello has posed:
    The tea that Splinter poured in the third cup is given almost no time to grow cold. Almost as soon as Splinter closes the door to the tatami room, as if on cue, Donatello's still hand closes tighter on the sweatshirt. The rise and fall of his chest grows in intensity for a few exchanges of air before his eyes slowly open. He lets out a gasp of air, now in control of his own breathing. The gasp slowly putters into a quiet cough before Donatello turns his head to examine his blurry surroundings. Even his turtle senses are able to pick up that smell. His eyes lower to examine the contents of his hand, the source of that familiar smell.

    "Kai?" he wonders aloud, his voice weary. He's talking to the sweatshirt, confused.

Kainashi has posed:
    "-- Don?" Kai's voice comes from nearby, and she makes her way over to him, peering at him. Her breath is held, her ears up, and she gives a huff of a breath out, reaching down to very, very gently place her hand against him. She now smells like blood. And the Hudson River. Bleech.

    "Hey -- you were out a while." she whispers gently to him, her knuckles pressed gently to his shoulder. "Be... be careful. Your shell's a little messed up."

Donatello has posed:
    The turtle blinks his eyes, rapidly, to try and unblur them. He brings the sweatshirt up to his face, now clutching it with both hands. Donatello's face contorts to a sudden look of pain, as the movement of his arms applied tension to his sides, where the shell and plastron form a border.

    "Kai, is that you?" he whispers back at the sweatshirt. His face is equal parts confusion and pain. He takes a deep breath, trying so hard to get his bearings. "Kai, where am I? Where was I?"

    Kainashi's hand against his shoulder is a confusing thing for the turtle -- and it's something he doesn't precisely reconcile. After all, he's holding Kainashi in between his two hands. Still, as if by instinct, the turtle releases the sweatshirt from one hand so that he can bend at the elbow and rest his fingers on top of Kainashi's. The pain in his face to do so is palpable.

Kainashi has posed:
    "... okay, it's probably a lot messed up." Kai replies gently. She keeps her hand in place, trying to urge him to stay down. "It's okay, Donnie. They brought you back to the Lair. I think they and Sally have been taking turns watching you." she whispers gently. "... I've been running patrols. Keeping things safe. You're okay..." she states, and with Donatello living, breathing, talking, Kainashi lets go of a breath she wasn't sure she was holding, her ears going slack, her tail limp behind her as she leans her head forward, and Donatello might feel to wet drops as she presses her forehead to the top of his head.

    "You're gonna be okay, Donnie." she squeaks out, shaking.

Donatello has posed:
    With beleaguered breaths, Donatello manages a faint smile. His mind has begun to make sense of what's happening. His senses are starting to synchronize with his brain and the details of where he was, mere minutes ago, have begun to fade away into nothingness. All that remains is some blurry vision, pain, and Kainashi's comfort.

    "The Lair?!" he calls out suddenly. Kainashi is in the Lair? How? When? He is in so much TROUBLE. The turtle leans forward, suddenly, before being overcome with pain and falling back, urged to do so by Kainashi's hand. The pain is met with deep breathing and tightly closed eyes.

    The turtle's panic is calmed, however, by those wet drops and their source. As Kainashi's forehead is pressed to the top of his head, Donatello takes a long, slow breath, as he had been taught, and lets it out with a quiet sigh.

    "Where is everyone?" he wonders quietly.

Kainashi has posed:
    Kai does her best to keep him staying put, brushing her hands over his shoulders to keep him down, not pressing down -- but not letting him up.

    "I... I don't know? Maybe patrol. Or maybe they got news. Your d- fa- sensei's in the next room." Kai whispers, keeping Donatello laying down for a moment more before she hesitantly asks:

    "Casey and Leonardo brought you here. I followed behind to watch your backs." she whispers gently, her hand rising up and very softly patting his head. She doesn't trust herself to not hurt him just at this moment.

    "... do... do you want me to help you move to the couch?"

Donatello has posed:
    "Father?" Donatello whispers suddenly. He gasps suddenly -- a sudden pang of fear crosses his features, but soon fades away and is replaced with a comfortable smile. It's fine, it's fine. Whatever panicked Donatello moments ago has been replaced with confusion. "You've met father?" he wonders.

    With Kainashi pressing on him, however gently that might be, Donatello is not going anywhere. Either that's the injuries or it's just her brute strength, but it really doesn't matter presently. "The couch..." he whispers, confused again. "...Okay." There's some hesitation there. Relax, Donnie, a couch is a perfectly normal place to be. After taking a deep lungful of air, he shifts his weight, wincing, to try and get up.

Kainashi has posed:
    "He brought tea and bandages for my... ah... arm." Kai states quietly "... you didn't mention he was a rat."

    Kainashi is, when she wants to be, very gentle. She reaches beneath Donatello, braces herself, and slowly helps him up, grasping him by the belt and carefully looping one arm over her shoulders as she lifts him, leaning to one side -- and she carefully shuffles the injured turtle to the couch, quietly, concentraiting on not jostling the poor purple-clad turtle.

Donatello has posed:
    "He brought tea for your arm?" Donatello wonders, wearily, as Kainashi begins moving her body to support his. There's still some confusion from the turtle, but he'll get there! Donatello closes his eyes tightly and bares his teeth, a display of pain, as Kainashi moves him to a seated position on the couch.

    With a deep gasp of air -- the pain of moving now at an end -- Donatello opens his eyes again, blinking them, to watch Kainashi. "A rat?" Donatello questions, squinting. "Oh, right. I forgot." An unusual thing to forget, but Donnie's mind is playing catch up, right now.

    "What happened to your arm?" he asks quietly, his chest rising and falling.

Kainashi has posed:
    "Aaaah... threw some Foot toughs in the Hudson." Kainashi replies quietly, patting on Donatello gently as she eases him down to the couch, very gently and with the utmost care, and she notably doesn't sit on the couch -- she crouches, nearby, looking up at Donatello in concern. "... an' yeah. He's a rat... I didn't know. But he's an ice rat. But I would have fought him if it meant keeping you safe... even if he's scary."

Donatello has posed:
    "He can be..." Donatello's voice trails off there as his eyes focus on something distant. The words are vague, unclear, and lack an obvious context. After a deep breath, Donatello turns to look at Kainashi's position, crouched at the floor. "Why don't you come and sit?" he wonders, wearily. Donatello takes a breath and moves to gently indicate the free spot on the couch.

    "Oh, that explains the water," the turtle realizes, managing a smile. It's unclear if he means the smell or the wetness, but either one doesn't seem to bother him.

    Finally, the turtle closes his eyes slowly. "What did he say?" Donnie asks, wondering about what meeting Splinter was like.

Kainashi has posed:
    "Oh! I'm not allowed on furniture." the canine replies, her ears flicking back again as she gives a shrug. "And that way you can lay down if you need to."

    Kainashi very gently pushes the most recently poured cup of tea to Donatello.

    "He said that I was welcome here and I shouldn't be scared, that you were very lucky, an' that he'll speak with you in a little bit. I think he was gonna bandage up my arm but..." she states, and she looks at the long cut.

    "Eh. I'll be okay."

    It's not bleeding anymore, at least.

Donatello has posed:
    Donatello has recently returned to the realm of the living. Normally supportive, perhaps he came back with a voice, though it might just be temporary. "Kai," he whispers. "Please sit with me on the furniture. I've been laying down enough."

    Suddenly, Donnie finds himself with a cup of tea and looks down at it. The cup is brought to his nose slits and he takes a sniff. Splinter. Donatello manages a faint smile before taking a sip of the green tea. Setting the cup down, Donatello's eyes linger on the cut. "Oh...Let me take care of that," he whispers, leaning a touch to reach for the bandages. Wince.

Kainashi has posed:
    "You--" the canine states, slowly coming up and not quite sitting, but somewhat more like 'perching' on the furnishings, as if someone was going to show up and talk her off it.

    But... she does lean a little bit against the turtle as she gives a huff of breath. "Are in zero condition to order anyone around, or do any med-ik-kal stuff... I'll be all right." Kainashi gives a gentle smile, folding her arm against her stomach as she leans very lightly against Donatello, warm. And slightly damp from the Hudson River. She smells like Wet Dog.

Donatello has posed:
    Emotions can be funny. Normally, the smell of wet dog would be unpleasant. It probably is, in fact, for the other four people who live here, but it's no problem for the weary turtle. Donatello watches Kainashi's discomfort with the couch, her perch, and takes another deep breath. "I mean," he whispers. "...I said 'please'... I wasn't ordering you around." His tone suggests that he took her statement seriously, as though he might worry that he came off that way.

    Donatello takes another sip of his tea and closes his eyes. Another measured breath. "I feel like I haven't eaten in a week. I'm guessing that they ordered pizza recently, but without the usual 'and one slice with pineapple' custom order," he wonders, managing a faint smile towards the end, looking over at Kainashi.

Kainashi has posed:
    "I dunno. I dumpster dived most of the week." Kai admits, though she remains leaning gently against Donatello. Her eyes are closed. She looks like she was crying. "I brought some burgers by the other day, but I know Sally and Alopex like 'em. I could... I Could go get you some food? What would you like?"

Donatello has posed:
    Donatello has managed to get a hold of the bandage roll and has started to unravel it. With a few inches of material between his fingers, Donnie takes a loud breath and leans to drape it across Kainashi's arm. It would seem that he's ignoring her protests and trying to tend to her arm while she's describing the food situation.

    But then, as Kainashi suggests going to get him food, the turtle lets the bandage go from one hand. He suddenly presses his empty hand against her arm -- the one without the wound. "Please don't leave me..." he whispers suddenly, worry in his voice.

Kainashi has posed:
    Kainashi's ears flatten a little as Donatello begins to bandage her arm up regardless of her protests, and had been ready to comment when Donnie speaks up, and his hand presses against her arm.

    She blinks, her ear sdrawing forward as she turns to his expression, though the words carried more than anything his face could have said. And she breathes out, leans back against him, her injured arm now against his leg, the uninjured arm rising to very gently take his hand, curling her warm, calloused fingers around his. Her breath was warm.

    "... I'm not going to leave you tonight." she states gently. "I'm here, Donnie."

Donatello has posed:
    Donatello's eyes, wide and filled with worry, slowly close. The tension carried by his hand relaxes as he releases the pressure on Kainashi's arm. When her hands curl around his own, Donatello takes a breath and reaches his other arm to rest his hand on top of Kainashi's. The reel of bandages have been left on the couch cushion. Perhaps he'd return his attention to them, in time. For now, the turtle strokes her hand gently, breathing deeply.

    "Me too," he replies softly. "Finally."

Kainashi has posed:
    The smaller canine keeps her hands curled gently against Donatello's. Her eyes were closed, her head gently against his shoulder, and she 'sits' and 'stays', letting her legs relax as she sinks a little furhter into the couch cushion.

    "... I... I was really worried. That you wouldn't come back."

Donatello has posed:
    Donatello turns his head just a touch, an attempt to catch a glimpse of Kainashi's head against his shoulder. Her words bring a look of remorse -- his eyes lower, his mouth opens. He draws in some air. "Oh, Kai," he whispers. "...I'm, I'm sorry." It's honestly a dumb thing to say, but it's the moment where Donatello realized that she might have been worried about him.

    Donatello gives Kainashi's hand a little squeeze and he manufactures a smile. It's disingenuous, but meant to cheer. "'Not much could keep me from coming to see you,' I think is what you said," he whispers. "It'll take more than that." There's a faint hint of confusion towards the end. In truth, Donatello wasn't completely sure what did him in so badly.

Kainashi has posed:
    "You don't have to be sorry, Donnie!" Kai protests quietly, and she raises her head just a little bit. Her nose might have grazed against his ear-hole.

    "You... you got hit. With one of those weapons. The big ones they were using. Right to your shell." she states quietly, explaining. "... there was a lot of blood. I could smell it." For days.

    And she reaches up gently, her hand on his head as she gives a huff of breath.

    "... I remember what it feels like. Like... your heart is so heavy that you can't carry it, even though you know you're strong..." Kai tears up again. "I was scared I'd hurt you worse if I touched you, that I'd break you and I didn't..." she whispers quietly, her ears limp against him before Don's shoulder gets those two little drops again. Not Hudson water, nah.

    Kainashi was crying.

Donatello has posed:
    By now, the dreamscape that had served as a prison for Donatello's mind had all but faded from memory. He was present, coherent, and processing. He's no longer talking to Kainashi's sweatshirt -- instead, they're holding each other for real. It would be a tender moment if it wasn't for what led them here. Donatello allows his cheek to lean against Kainashi's head. Her description of what happened to him earns a gulp followed by a look of confusion -- that wasn't how he remembered it. But, that could come later.

    As Kainashi's hand comes up to his head, his hand follows and rests against the top of her own. There's a lot happening, right now, and Donnie is trying his best to remain present and in the moment. The pain. The confusion. He's putting it aside to be here.

    The sense that Kainashi may have been crying brings Donatello to lean back a touch. He stares down at her, his own eyes forming a reflective glaze of moisture. He takes a deep breath and reaches out with both of his hands to cradle Kainashi's face. Each thumb moves to gently wipe the tears. "Oh, Kai," he whispers. "...Don't cry...It'll be alright. You could never hurt me."

    Donatello states that last point matter-of-factly, as though he was reciting Ohm's Law or something. As tears continue, he once more lets his thumbs move against her cheeks, staring into the canine's eyes.

    "I trust you," he adds, taking another labored breath.

Kainashi has posed:
    Kainashi was also hellaciously distracted with what happened, and spent several days attempting to track down those responsible. With her limited vocabulary, the canine, just holds Donatello closely, and she steadies her breath, Donatello's thumbs wiping away those tears as her amber eyes look up to him, and she gives a soft huff out, one hand rising to brush against his, the other against his side as she looks up to Donatello's face, and then she brings her head up, her nose pressing against his as she closes her eyes. She won't argue it here and now, but she takes in his scent, the feeling of his hands, and she breathes out in a gently huff of breath.

    "I'm not crying. Dogs don't cry." she states, though there's no conviction behind it. Kainashi is, after all, an awful liar.

Donatello has posed:
    Nearly every moment spent with Kainashi, asuming they're not beating on criminals, was uncharted waters for the young turtle. With her nose against his, he makes a point to let out a little tuft of air from his nose, meant solely to mix with Kainashi's. And now, with her eyes closed, Donatello brings his thumbs up to gently graze against them, trying to further wick away the tears. His own eyes now close, slowly, and one thumb returns to Kainashi's cheek so that it may gently stroke against it.

    "Neither do turtles," he replies softly, trying his best to let the words go out the side of his mouth so they're not directly on Kainashi's face. The moment is equal parts awkward and heartwarming. For now, Donatello is content to remain as he is. The bandages have been forgotten. The pain seems a distant memory. Perhaps meant as another source of comfort, Donatello's other hand is dragged gently against Kainashi's face so that his fingers can softly move through the curled patch of fur forming the beginning of a hair-do.

Kainashi has posed:
    "Good. Then we're both definitely not crying." Kainashi replies, reaching up with her other hand and cupping Donatello's cheek, content to remain there for a while, before she takes a deep, shuddering breath, and draws just slightly away, only to yawn, tongue curling, showing all of her teeth as she does so before stretching her arm, and just... nestling against Donatello.

    "You get rest, I'll keep watch."

Donatello has posed:
    As Kainashi pulls away to yawn, Donatello smiles and lowers his eyes. Animals with snouts all yawn the same way and he will allow her the privacy of doing so. Donnie reaches a hand to rest gently on Kainashi's and then gives it a pat. "Kai," he begins softly. "This is home. There's no reason to keep watch."

    With a wince, Donatello manages to stand under his own power. "Let me find you some blankets and a pillow," he adds. With some difficulty, the turtle begins to move away from the couch. As he does, he catches sight of her sweatshirt, which has been left on the ground, near the dried pool of his blood.

    "Oh, I think that's yours, isn't it?" he asks, though doesn't bend down to pick it up.

Kainashi has posed:
    "No." Kai states sternly, reaching up to grasp loosely at Donatello's hand. "I just need to shut my eyes a little while, I'll be okay." she states tiredly, though she frowns when Donnie stands up. "You're hurt, sit back down!" she protests quietly, and then he spies her sweatshirt. She looks down on it, and then winces a moment, then rubs the back of her head.

    "Yeah... I covered your shell with it. In case you got cold." she comments quietly, drawing one leg up and setting her chin on it.

Donatello has posed:
    Ignoring Kainashi's protests, Donatello seeks to bring her comforts. After some beleaguered breathing and the sounds of rummaging, Donatello slowly returns to the couch with some blankets and a pillow -- they're fresh with the smell of detergent, though the pillow may have a vague impression of Michelangelo, while the blanket has traces of Donnie.

    The turtle takes a deep breath, preparing himself for how this is going to feel, and leans down to set the pillow at one end of the couch. He then flaps the blanket, wincing, and lets it slowly cover Kainashi's legs. That's as tucked-in as he can manage.

    A lasting glance is given to the sweatshirt and he smiles. "Well, that's good thinking," he admits, giving Kainashi another smile. "I'll be in there if you need me, okay?" He points to the doorway to the room that Splinter warned would not have overnight guests.

Kainashi has posed:
    Kai's ears flick down. "And if something happens and you can't get up?" she asks, rubbing her eyes a moment. "You shouldn't.... I mean, you're hurt, and I can sleep on the floor, it doesn't bother me."

Donatello has posed:
    "You'll hear it, I'm sure," Donnie tries to assure.

    Kainashi's concern for him does not go unnoticed. Donatello leans down, pained, before slowly lowering to a knee -- that's much better. He takes a breath to prepare himself for the next motion, a slow bend to rest his face against the top of her head, burying himself in her hair. "Please," he whispers. "Stay on the couch. It's more comfortable than the floor." As if trying to seal the deal, Donatello plants a loud kiss into her hair -- it's loud to make sure she can hear it, since feeling it wouldn't really be possible. One day, they'll have a real one, but it won't be like this and it won't be tonight.

    "If we ever manage to have that second date..." Donatello begins with a smile forming. "Now one of us can walk the other home, at least, since you know where I live, now." He lets out a half-hearted laugh, just one pass of air, before he moves to his bedroom door.

    "Goodnight," he adds, managing another smile.

Kainashi has posed:
    Kainashi wasn't going to let her tail wag at his petting at her hair. That was a little too much, she had thought, but the idea of walking Donnie home? Well. As she layed on her stomach, her arms crossed over the pillow, her tail did wag, with exageratted movements from the blanket as he murmured into her hair, and she just gives a slight smile -- though she sticks her tongue out at the loud MWA! sound.

    "... goodnight Donnie." Kai replies back, and then gives a yawn, and crashes out on the couch, three days of not being home and not sleeping well finally catching up at her now that her loved one was safe.