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Latest revision as of 12:22, 5 October 2020

What is fun
Date of Scene: 04 October 2020
Location: Level 4 - Kitchen and Dining - The Roost
Synopsis: Hope and Conner catch up and discuss phone etiquette.
Cast of Characters: Hope Summers, Conner Kent

Hope Summers has posed:
There were plans to go to Hawaii. And then Hope sent a text that there was stuff she needed to take care of and promptly grabbed her go bag and...went. Maybe there was something the X-Men needed. Or maybe she got nervous about the whole free time and personal relationships thing. Either way, after nearly a week she arrives back at the Roost, her bag over her shoulder.

"Anybody home?" she calls out as she reaches the common area.

Conner Kent has posed:
It was quite disappointing when Hope suddenly has to go just minutes before they were going to fly to Hawaii. Maybe she got nervous? But Conner would be surprised if it is that, because he doesn't think the redhead is the kind of girl that gets nervous or scared easily.

And on the other hand, he is used to the main problem of dating super-heroes. Although generally he has been in the other side of the equation. Conner is the guy that vanishes suddenly because a phone call, or at hearing gunshots in the distance, or by a myriad of other reasons. Maybe this was karma catching up.

The roost is quiet today. Few of the kids showed up this weekend and Conner was worried about zombie owlmen. But there was nothing on the news. After chatting and dinner with Phoebe last night, he decided to catch up in some college projects. It means he will have more free time during the weekday nights.

So, when Hope calls, he is the first one to get out of the room. "Hey, Hope," he greets. "You okay?"

Hope Summers has posed:
"Hey," Hope calls back, dropping her bag by the couch and shaking a hand through her hair. "Yeah, no, totally fine. Sorry about- Yeah." She blushes slightly, sheepish. "I got called back for a mission and I had to go. Wasn't anything major, not the whole world going to end or anything, but, you know."

She looks around, not seeing any other faces. "Looks quiet this weekend. Get the place to yourself?"

Conner Kent has posed:
"I know how that goes, no worries," offers Conner with a grin. "Er... I saw Phoebe last night. I am not sure if she stayed. I guess not, she lives nearby. Looks like none of the others came yesterday." He hrms.

"I think Phoebe told me Cassie and a few others were busy. But I don't know about Tim, Rose or... the other Gothamites. I am not supposed to look for them, but I am going to if I heard nothing before nightfall."

Hope Summers has posed:
"More of the zombie ninja owls business?" Hope guesses, heading over to get herself a drink. "You know, I admire the whole secrecy thing they've got going, but I'm a lot more used to being on the other side of it," she admits, smirking. "The whole not knowing thing is weird, and I'd like you all to know that I've very respectfully //not// borrowed some serious psychic powers to go digging for answers on my own. Because ethics."

Conner Kent has posed:
"I have no idea," replies Conner. "I saw nothing in the local news channels. But that means little in Gotham." And he has been dealing with Robin being so secretive about his city troubles all his life. On the other hand, they weren't living -in- Gotham before this year.

"But yeah, if they get back all bruised and bleeding over the floor, I am going to have words with Tim," he confirms, frowning. A drink seems a good idea, so he follows Hope to the soda machine.

Hope Summers has posed:
Hope's smile twitches, amusement in her eyes. "Words, huh?" she teases, filling up a cup with a medley of different sodas. "Not sure that's going to make that much of a difference. But hey, your call. I figure the best we can do is stitch them up and listen to them. They're not likely to share, but depending on what we find..."

Trailing off, she shrugs. "I'm not above following people out into the field if that's wht it takes."

Conner Kent has posed:
"Sneaky," notes Conner. And probably the right approach. After all Tim is acting on instructions from Batman, so it is very unlikely they can convince him of anything. He is too good a sidekick.

Conner, on the other hand, is bad at following rules. Some rules. That is also part of the problem.

"Take a comm. this time?" He requests. "Also, you might need a phone that is not a burner." Because he called. And texted. Without much luck.

Hope Summers has posed:
"If you can track it, so can people I don't want tracking it," Hope points out with a wry smile, taking her drink over to the couch. "But a secure comm, yeah. I can work with that."

She drops down into the couch, leaning into one corner of it as she takes a drink. "I forget sometimes you guys don't have-" Things she shouldn't talk about. Cutting herself off, she clears her throat. "What's M'gann's range like, by the way? For the psychic connection."

Conner Kent has posed:
"Maybe I could get a Kryptonian phone, if Starktech is not secure enough?" Offers Conner. Could he? Something to pester Kal-El about later. "I have been using Starkphones for a while. And no, I don't know what range has M'gann." Beat, "but it is a thing we should ask her, since Tim made us field leaders."

Hope Summers has posed:
"Useful info," Hope nods, though she laughs at the idea of a Kryptonian phone. "Or you could just accept that there may be times when you can't reach me and that's okay," she teases, smile crooked. "If things go bad, I'll find a way to contact you guys. Promise."

Conner Kent has posed:
"Oh, it is not that," replies Conner. Wait, is it that? Not really, after all he went with out with Hope once and they are not even dating. Yet. Maybe it will be that in a few weeks.

"I mean, we have rather crazy lives. I have been off the grid for weeks at times," he shrugs. "I don't know. If you were doing some important stuff for the X-Men all the week, that is okay. If it was just a couple days and we could have called each other afterwards. Then it would have been nice to hear about you," he sits down at her side. "Yeah, I don't have the right to ask, but I still want to."

Hope Summers has posed:
Hope imagines sitting on the Blackbird and calling Conner to let him know she's okay and chat. Then imagines the merciless questions and well-meaning attempts at assistance that would no doubt follow the very effective eavesdropping. "I'll...think about it," she says after a moment, though she softens it by reaching out to give his forearm a squeeze. "Thanks," she smiles faintly. "For explaining."

"You get into anything interesting this week?" she asks, gently nudging the subject in another direction.

Conner Kent has posed:
Friends meddle, that is a fact of life. It can be fun! Or it can be Tim imagining things between Cassie and Conner that never were there. Still mildly amusing. Some ace detective!

"Nothing very interesting," admits Conner. "So, we are good?" Just asking for confirmation. "Looks like we have the whole roost for ourselves. Anything you want to do?"

Hope Summers has posed:
"Yeah, of course," Hope waves a hand quickly. "Believe me, you'll know when we're not okay." The team hasn't really seen it yet - she hasn't been under the sort of stress here that she has been in the past - but Hope's definitely got a temper.

"Could do some sparring if you want," she offers, apparently not the least bit concerned about the fact that he could utterly crush her. "Or do we have a pool in here somewhere? I feel like I should practice the whole...swimming thing before we go to Hawaii and the beach."