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Latest revision as of 12:23, 5 October 2020

City In A Bottle In A City Probably
Date of Scene: 05 October 2020
Location: Throne Room
Synopsis: Maxima comes to the Atlantean Empire in search of her city. Namor offers royal hospitality and at least a little arrogance.
Cast of Characters: Namor, Maxima

Namor has posed:
With everything happening in Atlantis lately, Namor still needs to relax himself. Not so much physically as mentally, since the increasing realization that one might be searching for an eldritch horror isn't an easy one for anyone.

Right now his throne room is empty, he's only letting people in if it's for an emergency or if they're introducing themselves as royalty. So right now he's on his plush throne covered in a strange plant that feels more like a velvety cloth than an actual plant, watching floating holographic screens of various parts of the sea, as well as docks on Earth.

So, partially relaxing, partially still working in the middle of the night.

Maxima has posed:
Maxima is not accustomed to being denied in anything, as the Crown Princess of a Galactic Empire spanning countless worlds she is quite used to getting what she wants and in this case that is admission into the Atlantean Court.

There are some discussions, some brief disagreements but ultimately all seem to acquiesce to her will one way or another, until the doors to the Throne Room open up for her and she strides forth in all of her imposing red headed amazonian glory, "Maxima, Crown Princess of the Almeracian Empire seeks an audience with the ruler of this watery realm!" At least she didn't outright demand it, that's something right?

Namor has posed:
"The Almeracian Empire?" Namor asks, leaning his cheek into his fist as he lazily stares down at her from his throne.

He's either unimpressed or just unfamiliar, it's very difficult for him to express emotions that aren't at least a little insulting or condescending.

He raises a hand, gesturing for the guards to leave and close the door, and then stares down at her. "Granted. How can I help you?" he asks with a sort of casual interest, perhaps mild disbelief.

Maxima has posed:
Maxima steps forward, for all of her relative youth there is an imperiousness to her stride. "I am told you are the ruler of the watery spaces of this planet? I have journeyed across the stars to recover a city taken from one of our worlds by the one called Brainiac that recently assaulted this world before being defeated. Though I am told he ultimately escaped. All signs report to the city having been flung from his destroyed city into the depths. So as Lord of the Depths, I wish your aid or at least your non-interference in my search."

Namor has posed:
"If a city fell into the ocean, I can assure you, I would know." Namor states without hesitation, as he continues staring at her without moving or even straightening his back. It's rather difficult to gauge his mood and emotions at the moment.

"I do believe your claim to royalty, as if anyone looks like a crown princess, it is certainly you. I wish nothing more than to show you my utmost hospitality. Even the vague desire to send a crushing tsunami to drown your enemies has crossed my mind within the last few moments. But as far as your immediate concerns..." He shakes his head. "I don't know how a city could be flung into the ocean without me noticing."

Maxima has posed:
Maxima gives Namor an appraising look, she had somehow assumed all of Earth would be familiar with the Brainiac invasion, but then so much on this planet surprises her with its fractured political boundaries and lack of a single ruler.

"Brainiac is a powerful technological menace." She informs him, "He has the means to steal entire cities, reducing them in size and bottling them so to speak. Typically he also destroys the associated civilizations after. Though the Almeracian Empire was far too powerful for him and he only managed to steal a single city by the skin of his teeth. I am here to retrieve my countrymen from the depths. As their liege I owe them that much."

Namor has posed:
"I'm aware that there was a situation on the surface, as there typically is." Namor states as if it's far removed from him, or perhaps not necessarily his business if it didn't reach the ocean. "I see, I understand the situation now. I've heard of the bottled cities, though wasn't sure of the exact details."

He closes his eyes for a moment, then opens them. "I've sent a message that will spread across the ocean. I'll have the sea life looking out for it. And I'll send a more official message to the numerous Atlantean kingdoms. Atlantis is currently in a crisis that I'm dealing with, but you have my word that if your city is truly down here, it will be found, and you will have the resources you require to find it."

As if showing the most subtle of acknowledgements of her, he finally sits up straight, staring down at her with seemingly his full attention. "Tell me of yourself, and your empire."

Maxima has posed:
Maxima cants her head to the side slightly as she listens, "A crisis? If this crisis poses an obstacle to locating the city, I do not mind destroying it for you." This is stated matter of factly as if she is quite accustomed to simply crushing any problem that dares to get in her way. "Your message and actions are appreciated."

She grows thoughtful for a moment on how to respond to his last question. "The Almeracian Empire spans countless star systems. For thousands of years my people have been carving our way across space, taking the best traits from the worlds we absorb and growing stronger for it as our borders push ever further. Worry not though, this distant rimworld is far from any of the major stellar empires. It is in fact my first time coming so far from the core of civilized space. As for myself, I am Maxima, Crown-Princess and future Empress, the most powerful warrior Almerac has ever produced as is expected of the Crown-Princess of each generation."

Namor has posed:
"I'm unconcerned with the potential invasion of Atlantis, I would simply stop it." Namor states matter-of-factly, then slowly stands and walks over to her, offering his hand. "It is, however, an honor to meet the princess of such an empire. Humans have a tendency to allow the weakest people to ruin their society, so I respect an empire that only considers the strong."

"You are welcome to stay in Atlantis until you find your city." He nods his head to her respectfully. "You will be afforded every luxury and treated with the same respect you would expect in your own home. I can only imagine that humans have not shown such."

Maxima has posed:
Maxima smiles broadly at Namor, "You are not wrong. The political structures on the surface of this planet are... primitive. It is the first time I have encountered one without a unified political structure that managed to remain unconquered for so long. The humans have ...many strange ideas."

She gives a nod of her head at his offer, a sign of respect from one who does not bow to anyone. "Your hospitality is appreciated. I think I shall take you up on that. My experiences with the human nation above have been ...trying."

Namor has posed:
"Understandable. I have a standing agreement not to flood their entire society. A rather complicated truce because of a surface baffoon who many believe have a claim to the Atlantean throne." Namor motions to the rather large doors to the dining hall. "I will have a feast made in your honor. I trust that the Almeracian Empire and the Atlantean Empire will work well together."