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Latest revision as of 21:25, 6 October 2020

Wakey Wakey pizza and bakey.
Date of Scene: 06 October 2020
Location: Turtle Lair
Synopsis: Donatello is up Casey vists. Donnie gives Casey alot to dwell on.
Cast of Characters: Donatello, Casey Jones

Donatello has posed:
    Some things have changed in the past few days, while some have not. Donatello had woken up, though the precise circumstances of how that came to be are rather mysterious. There was still a dried puddle of blood on the floor where the turtle had been laid to rest initially. Nothing's been done about that.

    Presently, Donatello sits hunched forward at his work bench. His bandages have recently been changed, but they still seem to be showing signs of blood pooling underneath. Nearby, there's some suspicious evidence that the turtle might have snuck out against the wishes of his family. A Jansport backpack sits on the workbench, open and clearly full of tools. He must have taken them out.

Casey Jones has posed:
Casey is coming down slowly; his hand is filled with pizza boxes. Pep, Sausage, and meat lovers make his way forward, placing them on the table, spreading them out as he looks over at Donnie. As he walks over to the turtle, he is quiet, placing a big of parts down next to the workshop, his arms crossed over his chest.

He is waiting for the turtle, his eyes over the wounds slowly a look of failure on his face, as he sighs his teeth softly digging into his bottom lip, with that look of one that failed his brother, as he walks over to the wall to lean against it now.

Donatello has posed:
    "Hey, Casey," Donatello quietly greets, though his eyes remain focused on his work. There's little joy in his words -- all business! On the workbench, a small robotic mouse is held by a vice arm. Donatello is examining it through a jeweler's loupe. It's difficult to sneak up on the turtles, especially when bringing in pizza and auto parts.

    After staring at the robot mouse's insides for a few moments longer, the turtle takes a pained breath and reaches up to remove the loupe from his eye. He sets it down and swivels his chair to look up at Casey. "What's up?" he asks, completely ignoring the elephant in the living room: he might have been dead.

Casey Jones has posed:
Casey takes out the parts slowly; it is brand new tools. As he grins at Donnie."Dis, dude wanted to get rid of some stuff, so I brought it down to ya. Tools for cars, pipes good stuff. I got it for a song; I aint' ask where it came from." He is lining it up on the workbench, placing them in the missing bits from use or just things Donnie never had."I was worried aboutcha bro."

Casey looks at Donnie as he sighs softly, his hand is resting on the turtles shoulder, as he speaks softly."Ya, my family, Donnie, all of ya guys, and I was scared as hell."

Donatello has posed:
    Donatello's head nods up and down a couple of times. "Well, I appreciate it," he replies, glumly. The Turtle Lair was strangely empty -- if anyone else was home, it would be a shock. Taking a breath to prepare himself for the pain that would follow, Donatello slowly rises from his chair and reaches to turn off his work light.

    "I'm sure April told you about the weird robot stampede that went through your neighborhood," Donatello begins. He begins to walk from the workbench towards the pizza, but then juts a thumb back in the direction of his work area. "I've got one of them over there. I'm trying to figure it out, but...well, I've obviously fallen behind on that."

    With another breath, Donnie reaches down to flick open the pizza boxes. Pepperoni. Sausage. Meat-lovers. Donnie settles on a pepperoni slice and starts plucking the toppings off of the cheese, leaving them behind in the box. The turtle moves to bring his slice to the couch and lowers himself into it. "Thanks for bringing pizza, Casey," he adds with a wince.

Casey Jones has posed:
"Yeah, be careful, bro, don't hurt yaself." Casey moves to help, but he stops himself as he nods slowly with a grin at Donnie."Nah, she ain't had a chance to catch me up, that is wild that thingy there, was in my hood?" His finger points to the mouse robot, on the desk with a shake of his head."Shit is getting wild out der, this thing with the factory, and that seems. It's good I'm going to put on the mask, just to help ya'll and I aint' work alone. But I wanna help."

Casey watches as the turtle moves so slowly, towards the food, watching the toppings, as he nods to remember for the next time. He looks sane, no longer driven by the madness, something almost serene about him."So, I really like dat game up to level 60 now, and much more to go. But like, I got this rare lava turtle, I named it DonDon. Dude, least I can do and stuff, ya'll need to eat easier, bring it, and then have you fetch it. Caught by pizza, is not the goal, right?"

Donatello has posed:
    "Yeah," the turtle replies breathlessly. "It's getting weird out there." On this, they agree. Donatello brings the corner of the pizza slice to his mouth and takes a bite. He chews it thoughtfully before frowning a touch. "I haven't been able to figure anything out, yet, but I just started. I've been distracted."

    "You know, Casey, I hate to burst your bubble," Donatello begins. Does he hate it? "...But, the game doesn't even begin until level 120." He manages a faint smile, looking over at Casey from the couch, before taking another bite of the pizza.

Casey Jones has posed:
"Yeah, but it's still fun, brother, I mean, and if I am having fun dat's the point right?" Casey winks at Donnie as he sighs again, watching the room, for a moment."So quiet, where is everyone?"

He starts to take out something larger now it is an RV built like a tank as he sets it down on the desk in front of Donnie."I found that it's a military used for scouting in a wreck, figured ya might have a use for it, bro. Of course ya distracted, ya almost died."

Donatello has posed:
    "I don't know where everyone is. It's almost like they're avoiding me or something. The only people I've seen are, well, you...And Kai," he answers, looking down at his pizza slice. After a pause, Donnie's mind briefly lingers on Casey's enthusiasm for Warcraft.

    "Well, April and I are both 120," Donatello reminds Casey. He'd have to get higher in order to properly join them. He finishes the pizza as he stares down at the coffee table in front of his seated position at the couch. As Casey places the military-grade item down in front of him, Donnie nods his head a couple of times.

    "Casey," he tries. "That's really nice. Any chance you could stick it in there and close the door?" The turtle winces and reaches up to point at a microwave oven on his work bench. It's not plugged in -- in fact, the power cord has been cut off. "I need to make sure it's not transmitting anything. Can't be too careful."

    The couch where Donatello currently sits looks like it was recently used for someone to sleep over -- there's a pillow and blanket and the vague smells of wet dog. A black sweatshirt remains, as well, and it's been neatly folded and placed on one of the arms of the couch.

Casey Jones has posed:
"Gotcha bro." Casey picks it up, walking towards the microwave, opening it, placing the RV in it as he slams it shut."Yeah, good thinking and stuff, it is dead totally." As he looks down at it, as he grins slowly."I got a humvee, for cheap fixing it up for resale, and stuff. It's going to be a fun project, got a military hook up, does it with auctions."

"Really, that sucks bro, well everyone is freaking out aboutcha going down, and it got insane." Casey nods slowly, as he walks back over, grabbing a slice of the meat lover pizza, as he bites it quickly."How long ya been up and shit?" As he munches down it quickly, wiping his hands on his leather jacket, as he grins at Donnie."I rushed over, soon as I heard ya know."

Donatello has posed:
    "Well, just because something seems dead doesn't mean it is," the turtle replies quietly. Truer words have never been spoken, considering recent events. "I haven't even seen father," Donatello adds, a tight look of confusion passing by his features. Had he seen Splinter? It's a topic for debate. The turtle remains unsure. Donatello reaches out to take the blanket and begins to fold it on his lap.

    "I've just been awake since last night, I think," he replies, looking down at the blanket in his hands. "It's all a little unclear. Sometimes I'm not sure I'm awake now." He brings the blanket, now neatly folded, up to his nose slits and takes in its scent.

Casey Jones has posed:
"Yeah, well ain'tcha speaking the truth, I know ya would be fine. Your too damn annoying to die." Casey's voice is teasing, as he looks around for a moment."Also, we need ya and shit."

Casey looks down at the RV for a moment, as his hand is touching the microwave, as he makes his way back over."Ya have not seen ya dad, isn't he like always hanging out in there? I think I have met him like three times in my life." His finger pointing towards the medication room.

He is thinking now, it is a slow process, as he looks around for a moment, chewing his bottom lip."Guilt, over things we can't control, makes one mad. I hope they shakes it."

Donatello has posed:
    "He prefers to not be disturbed," Donatello replies, glumly, as he lowers the blanket from his nose. He grips it between his two hands and stares down at it. "I don't think I saw him, though. It's all kind of...cloudy." He takes a breath.

    "I don't think I saw him," he repeats, confused. As Casey reapproaches, the turtle glances from his seated position and the pizza box. He takes a breath and leans forward to stand but then doesn't. "Casey, any chance you could bring a slice over?" he asks.

Casey Jones has posed:
Casey Jones nods slowly as he walks as he walks to over a remove the toppings bring over, a cheese slice for Donnie, with a little chuckle."Of course Bro, whatcha mean you saw him but you didn't, whatcha trying to say?" His hand is passing the food over, his eyes worried.

Donatello has posed:
    As Casey approaches with the slice, Donatello puts the folded blanket on top of the pillow and then places them both on the folded sweatshirt on the arm of the couch, in case the human decided to take a seat. The last thing the turtle would want would be the smell of Casey's butt taking over and replacing the faint traces of Kainashi on the blanket, pillow, and tiny sweatshirt.

    Donatello takes the slice, nods a thanks, and brings it to his mouth. "I'm trying to say that I don't know if I saw him," he replies, artlessly. "Things are...fuzzy."

Casey Jones has posed:
Casey Jones nods slowly watching Donnie with a little sigh, as he reaches into his bag to grab a water bottle, flicking the top into the trash. As he takes a long sip of the water, nodding slowly as he looks over at MIyaki."I gotcha, sounds weird man." His eyes travel back to DOnatello, his eyes on th blood on the ground, and than back to the turtle."So, how bad ya hurting?"

Donatello has posed:
    "They say that the shell is part of a turtle's skeleton," Donnie explains after taking a bite. "So, my skeleton was cracked." His words are delivered joylessly, as though he expects them to be enough of an answer. The bandages at his sides show that his wounds were local to his sides, where the obvious shell itself wraps around to form a plastron at his chest. The front half of Donatello and the rear half had come apart under the force of those charged up energy weapons.

    The pizza slice is brought up to his mouth again. "I've been meaning to tell you -- April told me she's cool with you fighting, as long as it's with us. And...you know, as long as it's like us. How we fight. And why we fight," he mutters before stuffing the slice into his mouth.

Casey Jones has posed:
"Nice. That was what I talked to her about too, but yeah and I just don't wanna be crazy." Casey nods slowly, as he thinks about it as he walks over to look at the mouse robot."I mean, yeah and I'm feeling more sane, more like clear and stuff ya know." His hand is rubbing his hair back, as he thinks now walking over to Donnie peering at his shell."Damn, man that explains why ya down for the count for so damn long. That sucks."

Donatello has posed:
    "I think there was another reason I was gone for as long as I was," Donatello explains with his mouth full of food. He chews it thoughtfully, staring forward, before lowering his arm to rest on his leg. He takes a breath and lets it out in a long sigh. "Don't listen to me -- I don't know what I'm talking about."

    He stuffs the remainder of the slice's crust into his mouth and goes back to chewing. "You gotta try to find a reason not to fight," he tries. "Not to hurt people." He turns his head towards Casey, watching him busy himself at his work area. The turtle opens his mouth to protest, but he doesn't.

    "Martial arts is just as much about fighting as it is not fighting," Donatello explains. His eyes move back to the couch, lingering on the pillow and blanket. "I mean, everyone jokes about my bo -- and how it can't hurt people the same way a sword could -- but did you know that the bo is considered the strongest weapon in all of Okinawa?" There's a lesson in here.

Casey Jones has posed:
"Nah, why it the strongest, ya know." Casey leaves the first bit alone for now, as he watches Donnie he is not touching anything, as he looks at the robot, his eyes studying the weird thing."Why a mouse." His head shakes slowly, as he chews on his bottom lip, as he rolls his neck with a loud pop of the bone."Yeah, well I aint' kill the dude that hurtcha, even thought I wanted to and ya then I carried ya outta the battle, so yeah getting like better at not losing my shit."

Donatello has posed:
    "It's the strongest, where we're from, because the bo exerts its strengths against all other weapons. For other weapons to succeed, I have to make a mistake and expose the bo's weakness. I don't need to wait for my opponents to make a mistake," Donatello continues. He finishes chewing his slice and takes a long, labored breath. "Not bad, considering it's not a blade. It's not even metal. If someone dies or goes to the hospital -- it remains my choice." The turtle turns his head to watch Casey and his reaction to this.

    "I always pick the hospital," the turtle adds.

    With a long sigh, Donatello reaches a hand out to rest on the stack of pillow-sweatshirt-blanket. "Yeah, well, whoever did it is just lucky," Donnie replies, taking another deep breath. "He's lucky Kai didn't find him."

Casey Jones has posed:
"He is a target now for life, me and Kai, and Ralph we all want him dead." Casey nods again with a shake of his head, as his teeth bite into his lower lip. His eyes moving towards Donnie, now as he thinks on his words, his hand is rubbing the back of his neck."Yeah, that is like wise and shit. I getcha, it's why I guess I use my stuff. To pick how it goes down, at some point my rage not my head was picking ya know. I'll do that mano."

Donatello has posed:
    A brief glance is given to the shoji door, closed, that leads to Splinter's room. "Well," Donnie adds. There's a deep breath and then a long pause where the turtle falls silent. Finally, he musters the courage to continue. "Do you ever wonder if you're just looking for a reason to go looking for this fight?" Donnie slowly closes his eyes. "Going at it for the right reasons? What would it change?"

    There's another gap of silence. "Maybe I can explain another way," he begins. "April worries about you. Do you understand that?" Emboldened, Donatello takes a breath. "I don't think you fully understand that worry, Casey."

    "I'll put this another way. I feel about Kai the way you feel about April," he explains. "And the thought of her going out there to try and find this guy brings me no end of worry. As soon as she told me she was going out there, it terrified me." Donatello looks at the blanket and pillow again.

    "And, Kai is the single strongest most durable person I know, and I worry," Donnie adds, finally reaching his point. "So, how do you think April's worry might feel when you consider that you don't have that super strength or resilience?"

Casey Jones has posed:
Casey listens now, his eyes locked on to Donnie's as he nods with each word, his face getting more serious with each new detail, as he thinks now his teeth biting into his lower lip. Pushing the hair out of his eyes, with the back of his right hand, as he nods slowly."Okay." His voice is soft as they get to the bit about Apes.

"I mean right reasons, are to protect not to enjoy harming, trying to switch that thinking ya know. It's hard." His head nodding again, as Donnie keeps ongoing, as he frowns slightly as Kai is brought up, as he looks away now sheepish."Okay, I get it, and I get it, man, that is heavy. Ya I can die easy, but till Apes, I didn't care but, now I gots to for my family." He is pacing now; his hand is resting on top of his head.

Donatello has posed:
    "I'm not convinced that Kai could even be hurt," Donatello continues. "At least permanently. But, that doesn't stop the worry. And I know I can't stop her." The turtle takes a long pull of air. "But yeah, you're right -- protecting is good. It's the right reason. But, I don't need protecting. It's all over, I think." Donatello takes another deep, pained breath. He reaches out to hold up the pillow and its matching blanket.

    "And she's gone, Casey," Donnie adds, rubbing it in. "She could be out there, right now, trying to find this guy all on her own. I don't know why she's doing that. But I know I can't stop her."

    "And that's what's going on with April, I'm thinking," he adds, finally. "So, we gotta get your fighting to be like our fighting if you're going to keep doing it."

Casey Jones has posed:
"Yeah that make sense, okay I'll do it your way and Leo is suppose to teach me anyways. I asked like a bit ago, and I'll take any help ya wanna give." Casey checks his watch it cheap sports watch on his wrist, as he shakes his head."I gots to bounce, got someone coming by with more stuff, I gots to fix. More of the same, Miltary shit. See ya." With that he is heading out of the lair, deep in thought.