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Latest revision as of 00:54, 15 October 2020

Park Time
Date of Scene: 14 October 2020
Location: Central Park
Synopsis: Wonder Woman meets the Blue Beetle.
Cast of Characters: Ted Kord, Diana Prince

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord seems to have realized the Bug puts some people off, as does the uniform. That is to say nothing of the time he responded to a robbery in Time Square and the Naked Cowboy had a whole thing with him about who was on who's turf. This led to him not wanting to hurt the various performers (one dressed as Booster Gold no less) and fleeing down a side street till he got airlifted out.

For his morning exercise, he did opt for a Blue Beetle hoodie with a zip up hood face with real goggle (very real in his case), and stretchy pants. they were quite comfortable as he descended the cliff outside Belvedere castle, to the great annoyance and awe of a ranger and a couple patrolmen. Exercise done he sits on a bench sipping some boring style coffee. A tray with several other fancy coffees sits beside him.

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana often visited the parks throughout New York City to jog in the early hours of a new day. Today was no different. Dressed in a black and white jogger's jacket, with black form fit lycra pants and black and white running shoes, the famous Amazonian representative is coming from the opposite direction that Ted arrives from. Her dark hair is tied back behind her head, leaving her face very visibly recognizable, and though some people may recognize her on her jog, most don't really react to it as they let her just do her thing.

She actually jogs right past Ted at his bench, and comes to a stop two more benches down where she puts her hands on her hips for a moment to come down from her run, then pops her right foot up on the bench's edge to lean over to retie her shoe, because even the Princess of Themyscira has mundane problems like the laces on her new shoes being too slick to stay tied.

She doesn't take notice of Ted Kord, at least not openly, as there are many park attendees milling about, even at these hours!

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord finds it impossible not to notice Diana, though she blurred past him and he can't quite make out her features. As she stops to tie her lace he smirks a little and says, "Try some bee's wax or event chapstick on the laces. The shoe's impact on the pavement undoes the knots. It's an interesting process. I have a little rosin if you want that. I was just free climbing by the castle."

He holds out a small cloth bag. Takes a sip of coffee. "I also have a bunch of coffees going to go to waste unless you'd like one."

Diana Prince has posed:
With the laces tied, and Diana straightening up again she turns her stare over to Ted when he speaks up to her with advice. She stares upon him with her deep hazel-hued eyes and watches him closely for a moment before she summons a friendly smile and glances down at her shoe again.

"I will have to remember that." She tells him as she drops her foot back down to the pavement beneath her. She looks to the bag he offers and takes a step toward him... she's tall for a female, at six feet, clearly in fit shape too.

"You have a... bunch of coffees?" She repeats, sounding mildly confused. "What are a bunch of coffees?" Her voice is laced with a non-American accent, husky in tone, calm and friendly in style, and she doesn't seem remotely winded by her jogging.

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord ticks off his fingers, "A couple is two, a few is three, some is four, five is a group and these six are a bunch. Hence, six coffees. Homeless guys kept coming up to me asking for a dollar for a cup of coffee. I thought I'd make it easier on them, then they didn't want any." He gets up, being old school that way. Whoa, tall lady. He's 5' 10"and she's taller still, in skids. Memory kicks in slowly.

He had Doomsday kick a whole in his memory a while back.

Then he grins and pulls his hoodie up and down to make a half mask, regarding the jogger through the goggles. He says very softly, "Bwahaha. I don't believe it. Sorry I didn't recognize you immediately, Princess."

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana sees the cups now as he indicates them and she smiles at his listing off of the different values it takes to achieve a certain word. "Interesting scale." She replies. "I have often wondered if there are actual values attached to those seemingly ambiguous descriptor words. I assumed not, I suppose that is the wrong thing to do though." She states, a smile present on her lips, if a bit small.

"But, no, thank you, I have never been much of a coffee drinker. I am more of a tea person. That is a sweet thing of you to do, offer the drinks to them."

Diana's hands remain on her hips for the time being. She shows another quick smile when he indicates he recognizes her, and she responds with a soft nod. "You seem familiar, but I cannot place a name. You were... free climbing... at the castle--" She glance sin the direction of said castle, then back to Ted. "You are helping those who are in need. Why if I did not know better, I might suspect you are an aspiring super heroic individual?" she seems playfully coy about her words here, that positivity edging on her facial expression, lingering in a fun sort of way.

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord boggles just a bit and then blushes furiously. His voice remains level though.

"I'm Ted Kord, the Blue Beetle. I was a charter member of Justice League International. I was already in the game we Doomsday arrived and I was... I was going to say helped but that'd be an exaggeration. I participated. I spent the last two and a half years in a coma and rehab. I've been active again these last six months. I guess we just missed each other, you coming on the scene while I needed machines to eat. And I guess I fell through the cracks, not being an unknown but not being of much concern." He sits back down. "I'm sorry no one asked for money to buy tea."

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana's reaction to the man's given information yields a more somber reaction to fall across her expression. She watches him settle back down into a seated position in front of her, while she remains there with her hands upon her hips. She does glances away for a moment as she hears some voices further down the pathway, some young people laughing, but she looks back to Ted then.

"I am sorry that you were injured so grievously that it left you in a coma for that long." She says, her voice quieter and softer. "I am, however, very glad to see that you have come though it and are now back out and attempting to help others." She smiles softly at him. "Do you live here in the city? Manhattan that is?" She now asks next, seemingly curious about this man now.

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord feels less than communicative. He takes a long sip. "Thank you. Yes, I live atop the Kord Co HQ. I like to be near my work. Why do you ask?" His eyes are unreadable behind the golden lenses.

"I mean no one as really asked about me except Booster Gold and the Question since I moved here. I'm not... anybody where our line of work is concerned."

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana's arms move to fold her forearms across her stomach, rumpling the fabric of her black and white joggers jacket, a light sport type of jacket. She shifts her weight from both feet primarily over to her left food as she stares at Ted. A quick nod of understanding is given to him.

"I see." She says. A soft smile is shown for a moment or two. "One of my duties within the Justice League is not just to help oversee the safety of Manhattan, but also observe the active super heroes operating within its streets. This would include you, Mister Kord." She again shows a quick smile.

"So I am intrigued about your intentions with this type of thing. Also curious about the tactics you employ, the goals you set for yourself with it, so on and so forth. Mostly just to understand the level you are hoping to operate on."

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord taps his chin and says, "I build a safe and supportive work environment in Kord Co. My employees will take a bullet for me. I do a lot of charitable enterprises as Ted Kord. I'm building momentum in the business world but I'm probably not going to be as big as Lexcorp because I treat my workers as people, not a resource. Despite this... I wanted to be successful as the Beetle, but I'm really not. I fly around in a 600 million dollar airship to bust purse snatchers and drunk drivers. I am a lousy human being because with all the things Ted Kord has done, this stupid costume and brawling with bad guys is what I love in life and I feel like I've left my best days behind me. As for methods... I'm nonlethal, and try for nonviolent solutions. That about covers it." He shrugs.

Diana Prince has posed:
This very direct rundown from the man on the bench before her, didn't even require her lasso to get all the admissions out of him. Diana just watches him, listens and then lets a lingering silence fill the air between them for a few moments before she replies.

"I see." She says back to him. "I am glad that you are aiming your efforts to a violence reductive direction. That is very good of you. I am... glad that your employees are as loyal as they are to you as well. Your company, Kord Co., is it a... tech based company, I assume? Did you manufacture this vehicle that you spoke of?"

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord waggles an eyebrow at her and then in a partial answer sticks his fingers in in his mouth and lets out a piercing whistle. Abruptly a cloud in the fairly clear autumn sky is shredded to reveal a blue and silver scarab like vessel within it drops down. Ted makes a motion to it and it levels out about a hundred feet up, whisper silent.

"Yes Kord Co is a tech company. Right now we're working on solar power systems, defensive shields and antigrav motors. Yes I did build it myself. This is the Bug Mark 3. It benefitted from technology I encountered in the League in fact. Scott Free is an amazing technologist. God egg too."

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana remains with her arms folded lightly over her stomach and her eyes on Ted's own. She nods vaguely once to his response for her. "Impressive." She quietly says back at him. "Well, I believe you should likely touch base again with the Justice League in its modern form. We are reorganized today, with Superman's return, and we could use more assistance, bot in technology consulstation, and heroic endeavors. What you have described is very street level, but that is a very important level to operate on, the streets suffer a great many injustices after all, and we need more people there to attend to those in need."

She pausees a moment. "You would not happen to have a business card, or contact information on you, would you? I have my League phone number as well, that I can give you, to help you rejoin the League's endeavors. If this is something you wish for, at least."

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord starts looking through his pockets. He produces what looks like a handheld blow drier, a few multi-tools before finding a card which he presents to her.

"You know, I almost considered building an invisible jet... but I just couldn't see it. Well there's my card and I'll gladly take yours. Rejoin the League... maybe. My visit to the Watchtower was spectacularly lonesome. Green Arrow was the only one who talked with me and we just met, and now you. Thank you, for being interested. Read my file though, before you make any promises or recommendations. That's only prudent." He motions to the craft again and it lowers a line for him.

"Sorry, where are my manners... can I offer you a ride somewhere?"

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana slips a head inside of her jacket's inner pocket, then pulls out a small black leather wallet. She slips it open with a finger and pulls out a small glossy blue card with gold lettering that she offers to Ted. "My contact information with the Justice League." She says with a soft smile.

His Invisible Jet joke gets a grin from her, as she knows the public is quite fond of that vehicle. "It is actually the second generation of 'jet'. As the first was retired many years ago, and is now sitting safely in a retirement location."

"I am glad that you got to speak with Green Arrow. He is one of our kindest, and most caring of members." She accepts his information exchange and then reaches down to take one of the six coffees. "I think I have changed my mind about the drink offer as well." She adds with a smile.

Her head shakes then though, as she raises the coffee up for a sip. "I appreciate the offer for a ride, but I have a bit more time left to spend in the park this morning before I move along."