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Latest revision as of 19:38, 15 October 2020

Just a few things
Date of Scene: 14 October 2020
Location: Dakota: Pepper and Amanda's Apartment
Synopsis: Chat at The Dakota leads to plans for s few 'projects'.
Cast of Characters: Pepper Potts, Tony Stark, Amanda Sefton

Pepper Potts has posed:
Wednesday night, and it's a cool, clear evening after several days of overcast and just not nice weather for the Tri-State Area. The stars are finally coming out, a little brighter for the mostly absent moon in the sky. One of those evenings where traffic is a little heavier outside, both on the street and on the sidewalk.

Within, it's a scene of slightly organized chaos. The high-rent apartment is clean, smells of freshly brewed coffee, and is showing more of a combined style of the women; little additions here and there showcase the aesthetics that seem to blend well together. Teapots of various origins showcase on shelves now, more decorative than not, but still quite probably get use. Of course, Patrick, the little red-racing-striped cleaning 'bot looks to be mulling a particular situation.. things are a little messy in the bedroom; not for usage per se, but there is an open suitcase again(!), with clothes laid upon the side as if they'll be packed, or may be packed.. or the decision still needs to be made.

Pepper is in the living room, taking a quick break from the packing. There is the more obvious addition to the tableau in that Tony's there, in a half sprawl, half seated sort of manner on the couch with a redhead not quite settled on his lap, an arm draped around the back of his neck comfortably. She's dressed casually, comfortably in yoga pants, a dark, form-fitting, longsleeved shirt she usually wears for working out. Her hair is up in a pony-tail, up and away from her face, but for loose strands. She looks as if she's in the middle of .. something, and will be shortly back up to what she had been doing- undoubtedly packing.

The sound of a laugh rises, finishing off with, "I want to see the look on his face after that..."

Tony Stark has posed:
"Well, don't be staring at him; all eyes on me," Tony says, drawing a hand up between them and gesturing at her with two fingers at eye-level, that at his own face, with a playful squint and then following smirk.

"More importantly, did you find your bathing suit after all?" Tony questions Pepper. He stretches his arms out slightly, folding one palm over her far hip, then settling the other palm over his other hand. A secure 'keeping' gesture that does not really allow much continued search for bathing suits or otherwise. "It's not /required/, though."

Tony's relaxed on the couch, one leg up on it, the other down, with a Pepper partially perched on him and the couch in a mixture. He's in jeans and a t-shirt, a sleek atheltic jacket draped off to the side, and some athletic shoes by the door. He's gotten better about putting them there.

Amanda Sefton has posed:
Keys jingle in the lock to the apartment door. It swings open and Amanda uses her hip to keep it open as she drags herself through the door, arms laden with packages. A heel kicks the door closed when she's through and she takes her packages to the kitchen table as an intermediate stop between the door and her bedroom. Unlike the other two, she's dressed more in a business casual manner. Tan slacks, a light blue blouse, a brown leather car coat. Her hair is loose.

She glances toward the living room once the packages are no longer in the way, and see the couple on the couch. Oh, look. They're cuddling.

Guess Pepper finally got over her fear of dating 'the boss'. 'Bout time.

"Hey," she greets. "Sorry to interrupt. I won't be long, if you need the room." Maybe they should instigate that old charm on the door thing again. Or maybe Amanda should just start teleporting directly into her room, instead, since the chances of her needing that little charm decoration are slim to none. (Which, btw, is fine with her.)

Pepper Potts has posed:
"Mmmhmm.." Pepper offers in response, green eyes bright as she holds a smile, "//That// isn't hard." Tony is easy on the eyes; just ask a million different women about that, from housewives to actresses, and everyone in between.

Looking off in the direction of her room quickly as she shifts a little under his hold, Pepper looks thoughtful. "I did..." but she sounds a little dubious. Not in the 'I found one' way, but in that 'I should probably buy a new one' sort. "One of them, anyway." That last bit, however, gains a quick look back to him and brows rise in amusement. "Oh?"

Before elaboration happens there, if it does at all, the keys jangle in the door, and there's that bit of the awkward (on her part!) 'caught!' moment. Pepper's smile shifts from the happy amused to the slightly self-conscious. "It's okay," Pepper begins and looks back at Tony briefly before she's back to her roomie, "We were just taking a small break from my packing."

Rising from her spot slowly, extricating herself a little reluctantly, Pep is ready to give her friend a hand with her packages. Of course, that doesn't come without a quick kiss to 'her boss' before doing so.

"What did you get?"

Tony Stark has posed:
Tony parted his hands /after/ obtaining the obligatory kiss, spreading palms apart to easily allow her to turn and draw away. Tony shifts to sit up more after Pepper has moved, as he had slid down into the couch some, and pulls one of the throw pillows towards his stomach, to spin and play with it in his hands. This is normal behavior from him: Tony often likes to fiddle with something.

"Hi Amanda," Tony greets, cheery enough. "Nah. I'm just being a distraction from packing," Tony announces smoothly, shamelessly. He also baps Pepper's butt with the pillow, as she hasn't moved far enough to not get hit lightly by it. Proving his point, maybe.

Amanda Sefton has posed:
A faint smirk touches Amanda's lips as Pepper goes all school girl self-conscious... just as she expected. "The handbills for the film fest," she tells her friend, gesturing to one of the packages, "and a bunch of spell components. I need to refresh my potion stock." If only so she's got more 'emergency rations' on hand in case of another series of completely draining back-to-back battles.

Damned dark mages and their monsters. At least Kurt's okay.

"Hey, Tony. Where are you guys headed this time?" she asks. "Or are you finally making good on your threat to kidnap her and force her to move in with you?" See? This whole them-being-a-couple thing is old news, as far as she's concerned.

She flashes Pepper a grin. "If not, I'm sure I can find suitable ribbon for the door."

Pepper Potts has posed:
Once Pepper gains her feet, no.. she hadn't moved out of Tony's immediate 'reach', and the moment she's bopped in the butt, the redhead turns around with that affectionate 'really?' expression on her face. Just short of laughing, but the amusement is definitely there. Shaking her head, coupling it with an eyeroll, her attention returns to her roommate for the moment.

"Oh, the playbills," is enthused. "How'd they come out?" That is something Pepper actually wants to see. "The other.." and she gives her friend a quick, knowing look. Not a secret amongst the three, but she's learned over the years //that// stuff is hard to acquire at times. It's, for lack of a better word, sacred.

Amanda's quip, however, gains another long-suffering, theatrically exhasperated sigh from the redhead, and she looks between the pair now before she starts a cross towards the coffee pot. Before she pulls the mugs, though, she fills the kettle and sets it on the burner.

"I don't think a ribbon will be necessary."

Tony Stark has posed:
"Was that your code in college? A ribbon?" Tony wants to know, reclining back into the couch with the pillow loosely held in one arm near his abdomen. Pepper moved out of range, or she'd maybe have earned another swat. He's observant of their chatter and movement, in a relaxed way, as if he were here all the time. He isn't, but Tony can sort of 'own' any space that he's in. Part of his magical charisma. He looks over the various parcels that Amanda's brought in, but he clearly lost interest around 'spell components'.

"Threaten? Kidnap? No, I coax with honey, in the form of bribes and manipulation," Tony assures Amanda, without dodging the idea of Pepper moving to the tower.

Amanda Sefton has posed:
Amanda looks at Pepper. Looks at Tony. Looks back at Pepper... and gives her a flatly disbelieving look. "Three ribbons, in fact," she tells Tony, flashes a grin. "Green was the all clear. Yellow was enter at your own risk. And red was if-you-interupt-me-you-die."

Nevertheless, she finds a slender utility knife from the 'junk drawer' and pulls it out, carefully opening the package with the handbills so Pepper can see them. She peels back the paper and reveals the image -- a design that highlights both the vintage subject matter and the campy horror movie Hallowe'en vibe. "What do you think?"

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper stares at her friend again before she starts laughing, a bobbing of her head as she underscores Amanda's explanation. Of course they all did things like that in college. Right? "And a blue one that said 'I won't be home tonight'," is added as she pours out a couple of cups; one for her, one for Tony.

Wandering out, she sets the one poured for Tony on the table in front of him before she cradles hers in two hands, gaining the warmth from the mug. "Bribes and manipulation?" Pepper bobs her head and looks at Amanda, her expression set back on the 'really?' setting in brief explanation. Not that Amanda needs it. "He's in the lab, I have access to the jacuzzi on the landing pad.." She pauses briefly, theatrically again, "... balcony." There's the bribe. Manipulation? There's something of an affectionate smile, then, that is cast in Tony's direction, "He gives great shoulder massages."

As Amanda cuts open her box shortly after, her head tilts as the papers are revealed. "Ooooh.."

"Amanda is doing a roving horror movie festival," comes in brief explanation. "I've asked a couple of people in PR to give her a hand with it, get the word out. Nothing too huge, but we definitely want something of an impact."

Tony Stark has posed:
"Yes. 'Shoulder' massages," Tony says, putting the emphasis on the appropriate word to suggest anything but shoulder. He's smiling, sly expression amused. "Your use of the jacuzzi seems more like a bribe to get /me/ out of the lab," Tony also observes mock suspiciously to Pepper. But he doesn't stay down in that flirty area: there's no reason to really lay it on heavily in front of Amanda.

"A horror movie festival? Huh. I have some old projectors for holograms if you need some quick and convincing ghosts," Tony says, his mind immediately moving to adding, building, creating. A normal place to be in for him, and one others often experience if they spend any time with the man.

Amanda Sefton has posed:
Amanda rewards Tony with an appropriate snicker, as he emphasizes his idea of what a shoulder massage may entail. "I'll take your word for it," she tells her friend, blue eyes sparkling with amusement. "And note that the 'balcony' you refer to is so high up in the city I think the only ones who'd see it own satelites." Or, you know, fly. "So, you might as well enjoy it."

She grins at Tony's idea. "That could be fun," she says. "There's an abandoned theatre in midtown I've secured. The Majestic. We have to hold the festival in the parking lot because the building itself is too rundown to let anyone in. So, something like that could be a hoot."

Pepper Potts has posed:
It is no secret that Tony is a ladies man, and there are lots of stories, should one look, in the gossip columns regarding his 'conquests' spanning, well, nearly a couple of decades. So, the 'shoulder' massage quip gains another theatrically exhasperated look given him, though at it's core, it should be //painfully// obvious she adores him. "See?" Pepper turns it around as she stage-whispers to Amanda, "It's actually me that is doing the bribing." She looks between the two before she straightens out a little, taking the first sip of her coffee, finding an easy spot to lean not far from Tony.

As for the definition Pepper is using for 'balcony' now? There are decided benefits to being so high up, and Amanda's observation is met with a smile over that coffee mug with the second swallow.

Tony's offer of aid, however, brings a new smile. It's not unexpected, really. Pepper knows him, knows that what Amanda is seeing is more the //real// Tony Stark, rather than the 'on camera' one. He's comfortable, they're comfortable, and away from the world for the moment. As a result? She'll let the pair talk on how, where and the like... it's what she does.

Tony Stark has posed:
Pepper's claim of the bribing 'blame' gets a finger gun from Tony at her. Yep, entirely her, see? It also comes with a click of tongue and a very proud, /smug/ little smirk at Pepper. Still, there's no actual edge to it either. It may be equally obvious that while Pepper adores Tony, he isn't just using her. There's a lot of spark on his end there, too, from a comfortable place of teasing, built in trust.

"Cool, I know the one, sure. I mean, I don't want any of the tech wandering off if it's a really open festival plan, but I could secure the things...." Tony rotates his eyes upwards towards the ceiling. He then chuckles, catching himself. "Don't let me take over. If you want some of that, let me know the boundaries, and I'll try to stay in them with what I offer."

Amanda Sefton has posed:
Amanda arches a brow before. "I've never seen you bribe a man in your life," she says with a laugh. Then, to Tony, "but she *will* accept them if they're done right." Her blue eyes gleam.

Then, she switches topics. Before she gets swatted. "If you can secure it, I'm happy to use it," Amanda tells Tony. "It's not a greatly open plan, but it's still a public parking lot. So, that will play a factor. But to sit on property, people will need tickets; we will have security, albeit a modest amount." It's a community festival, after all, not the NYFF."

She picks up a mug of her own, filled with tea, and joins the pair in the living room. Albeit, she takes a single seat in a rocking chair rather than the couch. There are times three's definitely a crowd.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Those same tabloids, once they get their teeth in the story, will probably paint Tony as the 'victim' of a gold digger, particularly because it may be obvious that he seems more attentive by manner, mien, to her than most of the others. It's all in the presentation! When everything is said and done? It's really okay. "Accept massages? Or bribes?" Pepper's trying for a blank stare at her friend, but the mirth behind green eyes completely gives it away before she reaches for that pillow that Tony'd used to swat her.

In the turn for that pillow, she's looking at Tony's dark eyes, that theatrically smug smirk, which gives her pause before she clears her throat and turns back to the fuller conversation, pillowless. "We're only going to be gone the weekend. If you want to walk the site before? When are the workers due to start on the construction you need?"

Tony Stark has posed:
"Also maybe Monday," Tony says helpfully from behind Pepper, now that she's turned her back on him and her failure to take the pillow away. He diffuses that situation by leaning forward to put the pillow back on the couch where he'd found it: but also makes no move to get his legs out of the way. It would be difficult for Pepper to seat herself and not be in contact with him, even if she avoided his legs - though she may know she can just move him out of the way or tap his leg and he'd adjust.

"I'll send a drone over to map it," Tony offers, reaching out for his mobile device on the nearby end table, and starting to thumb through it. This is entirely normal - just send a drone, of course. "Is it family friendly and you need Casper, or do you want to terrify?"

Amanda Sefton has posed:
"Next week," Amanda says. "Most of the fix-ups we need are external. We're not usuing any of the building's services; everything's being brought in from offsite -- power, sanitation, food services. The whole lot. It's the only way we can be sure of reliable facilities, in this case." She frowns faintly, a thoughtful expression. "The building... has *presence*. There's a sense of history to it and a feeling of... I don't know. A place out of time. It's cool." And creepy. That's why she chose it.

She shoves out of her seat and wanders to get one of the handbills, bringing it back to hand to Tony. "There's a list of the old films we're screening on it. Ideally, I'm thinking apparitions that match these." It's a list of old horror and suspense thrillers from the 20s through the 80s. Everything from the original Dracula to several Hitchcockian classics and even things like The Shining. "Not precisely family friendly, no. But not a slasher flick, either."

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper looks back at the couch and takes the step in order to sit down on the couch, aiming for that little available spot that Tony's made. She pulls one leg up and under herself, giving her that slight lean on him, comfortable and natural. She nods in his his direction, underscoring the words in a gesure that swings towards Amanda, "Or Monday." She looks back at Tony, a ghosted smile there. That does mean, then, they're on a schedule to return. Unless--

When Tony reaches for the phone, Pepper does chuff softly, the air a soft laugh. Drones. "Of course," she starts again, dryly. "Forgot about those." Perfectly normal! "He'll have a complete holographic map if you need it, 'Mands. I'll give him the floorplan of the Majestic when we get back" Or, he'll find it on his phone, because, well.. it's Tony. When he's got a potential project, and he's helping someone? Everything kicks into gear.. his mind, his creativity, and his time.

The handbill, when it's retrieved from the box, however? Pepper leans forward in her seat to take it from her friend with a quick, 'thanks' and falls back into the cushions when she's done. Turning it around in her hand, checking the lists of the films as described, Pepper's smile broadens in anticipation as she searches, "Ooh.. tell me you got Creature from the Black Lagoon.."

Tony Stark has posed:
Tony continues on his phone a little longer, and then looks over as Pepper starts to read off the movies, rotating fully and pulling his leg down to position to look over Pepper's shoulder at the playbill she nabbed from Amanda, putting his arm behind her on the couch. They've figured out their mutual space as a couple, it isn't still in the awkward phase, but a familiarity phase. Like they've been doing this for years.

In a way, though, they have.

"I have some ideas on some transparency things I want to test out, though, so I'm still leaning ghosts and simple visual tricks. See what bang we can get out of the old gear without upgrading.... which is sort of a test as it is. Hard for me to not upgrade," Tony chuckles. He pauses, then, as his device scrolls.

"Oops, got something related to something that is not at all a surprise," Tony smirks, squeezing Pepper's ankle as he gets up, and diverts into Pepper's bedroom to take the call, wearing a cheeky smile.

Amanda Sefton has posed:
"Among others," Amanda laughs to Pepper. "And the plans would be awesome." A beat. She smiles to Pepper. "The city's letting us rent it for a steal. I think they're hoping someone will take them up on the buy-it-for-a-dollar-if-you-promise-to-renovate thing." She would, but it's still a little out of her price range. Not the dollar... the reno.

She watches Tony retreat to the bedroom. Then, she glances to her friend again. "Took you long enough," she says simply. And then grins behind her tea mug.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper shows Tony the bill, and as he shifts his position to look at it, it's a mutual shift on her part that gets her a little closer, under that arm that he sets behind her on the couch. It's strange, that work and play mode that really is almost indistinguishable one from the other. There's the mutual comfort, affection, respect; they're a team, regardless of what the project might be. Brows rise as she looks to him, turning her head, "You have something unupgraded." She's suspicious, theatrically dubious. "I'm..." Beat. "There are no words."

She looks back to Amanda now, quickly and effortlessly, her entire manner amused. "Plans it is," as if answering for Tony, which she does a lot. It's natural for her. Then? She'll make sure it's in front of him for his attention until it is resolved. Some would call it 'nagging', she prefers 'task assignment'.


Pepper is jostled a little at the pronouncement, and as he rises, she's moving to get reoriented on the couch, green eyes following his progress. "Something that is not--" A surprise from Tony? Not always a good thing..

Tony takes his phone call into her bedroom, her own gaze watching him disappear down the short hall and into her bedroom. "Did I ever tell you how much I hate surprises?" It's good natured enough, and her tones have dropped. There is humor in the underpinnings of the words, though, so it's not all bad.

Once what Amanda had said hits her, however, Pepper takes her forgotten coffee mug to hide behind it a little. She cradles it to have something in her hand, after setting the handbill down. "I.. it's kinda funny," she begins. "I didn't think I could love anyone as much as I do him. I never believed my mother when she told me that I'd meet someone one day, you know.. that whole 'dream' thing. But she was all about, 'meet a guy, settle down, raise a family..'" That last bit, however, Pepper wrinkles up her nose. She is a //career// oriented woman. Obviously. "I know he knows it."

All in all? Pepper takes a swallow of her coffee, finally, and nods, "It did. I think this was the right time, though."

Amanda Sefton has posed:
"Mm." Amanda nods to Pepper, still holding that mug before her face. It's warm. Her nose is cold. It works. "Timing is everything." A beat. She grins. "Besides, he's nothing like the guys your mother wanted you to date." Another beat. A chuckle. "Not that any of the guys I've seen you date ever were." Of course, she's thinking of college guys. Not the same at all.


There are arguments that could be made.

But Tony trumps them all, to be sure.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper takes hold of //the// pillow and shifts it so she can relax a little more fully on the couch with her coffee in hand. "I think she's be.. a little put out if I hadn't told her before the tabloids did," comes out with wry amusement. "She.. has a great deal to say on the matter." A LOT. "To be honest? I don't think it'd be a good idea to go home for Thanksgiving this year. I'll have to tell her that I'll be spending Christmas in California or something. Or have a meeting in Abu Dhabi."

She looks back at the closed door again, then back to her friend and exhales in a sigh. "I'm just glad he likes you, and you like him. We've had the whole 'neither of us are seeing or dating anyone else' talk, so.. that's a thing." Because for Tony? Sometimes she feels she has to actually lay it out. He's a genius tech inventor. Not necessarily someone that understands subtle social cues, which is fine!!

Though now? Now that Tony's out and behind closed door, Pepper's changing the subject. "How are YOU. How's Kurt." Statements rather than questions. She wants to know the answers, and green eyes don't fall from her friend's.

Amanda Sefton has posed:
Amanda chuckles at Pepper's mother's reaction. Not a surprise, that. "I have no idea what I'm doing for Thanksgiving," she says. But, then, she's European. She's not actually experienced a full American Thanksgiving. So, she doesn't really know what she's missing. Thus, she grins. "Maybe I'll put out some glitter dust for Patrick and spend the day animating dust bunnies for him to chase." Her tone takes on a broad New York twang. "Dust bunnies wit' attitude, I tells ya. Fighters right to da end."

It fades, along with a soft chuckle, and she nods. "In other words, you made it official. I figured." The way they were draped on the couch made that obvious. "Like I said: It's about time."

She inhales a deep breath as Pepper shifts her attention to Amanda. Then she lets it out just as slowly. "I'm good. I've had time to replenish my energies, so when the next hit comes I should be able to meet it on my feet." She won't promise to walk out of it that way, but at least she'll go down swinging. Nevertheless, she smiles at the last half of that statement. "Kurt's... coping. I know him too well to imagine he doesn't shoulder a world of guilt over what happened. But if we can stop this dark mage in the end... it'll go a long way to making him feel better." A beat. "Me, too."

Pepper Potts has posed:
"I said //tell// her I'm going." Pepper has that quick rejoinder. "We'll have something at the Tower. You are joining us. You, me, Tony and Happy. We're.. a family. Or something." That 'or something' comes out dry, filled with humor.


That comes at the mention of his name, and there is the distinct sound of the *whrrrrr* of his treads on the floor of the apartment as he comes from down the corridor where the bedrooms are. There's another *beep* that sounds, a little more plaintive. "Did Mr. Stark lock you out, Patrick?" Pepper looks from Patrick to Amanda and back again at the pitiful cleaner 'bot. "It's okay. Really. I might have dropped some coffee grounds while making coffee. Can you go check for me, please?"

Pepper returns to Amanda and she grins, "You know he's yours, right?" Amanda does spend more time with him than Pepper does, for obvious reasons. Still, the 'it's official' gains a warm smile. "It is. I think he's adjusting to it. But then again, this is the longest time he's spent, I think, without a push against the clock for something. And, it's given him a little time to think. And a little time for us."

It's about time.

Now, she's done.. and the coffee, while lukewarm, isn't ignored. She sips it, more to have something than a need for the caffeine. "Tell me what you need me to do." It's not a question asking for input. Again, it's a statement of purpose. To hear of Kurt, and the fond smile at the image the name conjures for her friend, her heart hurts for the thought, even if the words are meant to be initially encouraging. "I wish I could help. Maybe when this is all over, we could do something for him? For both of you?" Vacation? Cruise?

Amanda Sefton has posed:
"Or something," Amanda echoes with a laugh. She doesn't know what to make of Happy, yet. He seems like a nice fellow. Earnest. It's... sweet. Not her type, mind. She prefers rogues, as Pepper well knows. But sweet nonetheless.

She laughs again at the suggestion Patrick is hers. "Are you kidding me? You cannot give another witch your familiar, Pepper. It just isn't done." Nevertheless, she does hold some affection for the little bot. How can she not, since she's seen to his care and 'feeding' more often than not. But her statement stands. Pepper is a technowitch. Tony Stark may be the great technomagical artificer, but Pepper's skill in weilding his arcane artifacts should never be discounted.

"I'm glad you and Tony have found some sort of a balance. That's important." She gives her friend a warm smile. "And I don't know that there's much anyone can do for Kurt except give him a safe place and time to heal. His friends in Westchester are good for that, I think. They understand a lot of the pressures he's under." A thoughtful expression touches her lips. "And he's not alone out there. He recognized the artifacts of two of the monsters we faced. He'd seen them on his friends. So..." she trails off, the implication obvious. He's got company in more ways than one.

"I need to locate Zalmoxis' Tomb once and for all, go there, and strengthen the wards. I've narrowed the search field consderably. Maybe you can get me some satelite time? Or some 3d maps of the area?"

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper's leaned back on the couch, and every once in awhile, she looks back to the bedroom. She's not distracted from the conversation as it lies, no. She's fully engaged there. It's just.. a need.

"That little bot means a lot. And I don't like just any robot." Poor HOMER is only now gaining her good graces. JARVIS is a hard act to follow, and she does still miss him. "Maybe if he doesn't choose you, and I'm sure he would, another will." Lord knows there's a lot of them, and Tony has a knack of doing things that have unintentional consequences, such as, well.. little personalities on bots. At least, being able to ascribe personalities on bots.

There is that balance, the equilibrium that the pair have found, Pepper and Tony, and another sigh exits the red-head. "It's honestly like everything and nothing has changed. We still work together and separately. He has his projects, I have my meetings. But, we do more with our time together. We actually spend it together. Talking, building, fixing things." NOT the Tony the world sees, at ALL.

For Kurt's part, though? Pepper listens intently, her head nodding slowly, "I'm glad he has them." After all, Kurt is a ... unique fellow. Hard not to like, though. Charming through and through. "I just want to be sure to make sure he knows he can come to me, too." With all that entails.

Pepper rises from her seat, finally, and navigates towards the kitchen and the coffee pot, snagging Tony's cold cup that she'd placed before him. She empties out both, the remnants of hers and his, and pours herself a new cup. "I think I can, yes." Pepper's been learning a lot in the last few months, actually. If push came to shove, she could probably figure out the tracking satellites that Tony had access to during the space ship thing. "Absolutely. Tell me you're not going to go there alone. If you need drones...?"

Amanda Sefton has posed:
"Alone? No," Amanda assures her. "I'll take a team with me." She chuckles. "At the very least, Kurt will insist on coming. And there are a couple of others who I think can help." She regards her friend a moment. "If you want to send drones, I won't say no. They're as likely to be useful as anything or anyone else. I just..." She gives an apologetic shrug, deciding frankness is better than beating around the bush. "I can't have you physically onsite this time, Pepper. It would distract me too greatly." Like Tony, no doubt. She'd be too concerned about keeping Pepper in one piece. "As a telepresence, though? Yes."

So, that's something, isn't it? She does respect Pepper's techowitchery; she just thinks it works best from a distance. Until proven otherwise.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper re-emerges from the kitchen with her fresh cup of coffee and moves back to the couch, folding one leg up and under her as she sits back down. "You know I would, though." Go, that is. "We'll get that information, but I don't want you going in there without some way of my being able to help. Whether it's.. being online to feed date, or operate a couple of drones to help." Ones that aren't marked 'Stark Industries', just in case.

"I'm just really glad you're not going to go it alone. I know Kurt wouldn't let you, unless you left without telling him." Ditched him! "I just don't trust many to have your best interests at heart." Spoken like a true best friend?

"When we get that 3D image, we'll see what it looks like."