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Latest revision as of 06:05, 18 October 2020

Just a Little Heavy Lifting
Date of Scene: 17 October 2020
Location: Hammer Bay
Synopsis: Piotr comes to help with rebuilding efforts and talks with Lorna
Cast of Characters: Piotr Rasputin, Lorna Dane

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
Piotr had taken on the most recent shift of going to Genosha to help with recovery efforts. He had taken a few recent alumni to help broaden their horizons and maybe a resume line or two. But Piotr at least has his own uses, being among the strongest of the X-Men, he is able to move debris or help hold things in place so that heavy machinery does not need to be brought in. Especially in some cases, a tractor.
FThe current project they are working on involved removing septic tanks in a rather marshy bit of the capital, installed by people wanting to bypass the sewer requirements or where the ground was too wet to run a sewer at a proper depth. The large mutant has just finished removing one tank from the ground and rolled it to join the others in a pile with a line marked around it with a sign up marking the area as a biohazard site. To further express this, Piotr is in his metallic form to prevent him from getting sick.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna watched from above, quite literally flying above the pit of the dug out, and was directing steel ribbons to help nudge things this way or that to aid in the process. She wasn't particularly useful with lifting heavy objects on her own, not unless they were magnetic of course.. but some things just couldn't be tossed about either. So she just tried to help where she could.

After a moment she floated down, wearing a simple pair of shorts and a T-shirt. Something people still grumbled about Queen or not, she still represented the only authority figure on the island. Even as it slowly cleared out and the remaining populace stabilized. As New York was getting colder, Genosha remained a tropical island, humidity and all. "Let me know if you need a break or anything. There's no massive rush to get all of this moved that won't wait five minutes." She mused, she'd become far too used to the mad rush of trying to stem a crisis situation that being able to say... 'Hey, we can take a break', was something novel.

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
Piotr walks over to the pit and looks down and takes a breath. He wipes the sweat from his brow, as he is still a child of Russia, and not too fond of the tropical climate. There was still a bunch of non-permitted sewer and septic work that needed to be resolved, but Lorna's call from the sky gets his attention.

"Break, eh?" Piotr calls and takes a few steps towards Lorna, "Perhaps break is good idea, da? A little water, snack, should be good to keep going. Also students clearly never work on farm." He gestures to the volunteers from Xaviers who are definitely not having fun in their hasmat suits.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna laughed softly as she settled down on the ground her feet though didn't quite touch the muddy ground. She gestured away from the particularly nasty pit and back up the path toward the supplies that had been carted over for the day's work. A little canvas tent to guard against the tropical sun, and several crates of snacks, a cooler of drinks and so on had been arranged. She was royalty after all, and when she'd said she'd help out... someone had made arrangements. Whether she wanted them or not.

"Not everyone is as immune or can rebuff toxins quite like you can Piotr." She murmured, and nodded at his metallic form. She made her way over to the canvas awning, bending to grab a bottle of water for Piotr and then for herself as she entered into the cooler shade and plopped down on top of a crate.

"I'm surprised you came out at all, what with the fall semester in full swing."

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
Piotr quietly laughs, though does not smile as Lorna descends and comments. He looks down and says, "Da, but they also not used to real work. But they learn, and now they know." The Russian stretches a little as he starts his break and calls over to the volunteers, "You take break, now. Will let you know when we return to duties."

The tent is as good a place as any to spend the break, and he goes forward and takes the offered bottle, "Thank you, Lorna," he says politely. Piotr is good not to chug the whole thing in one go, instead taking a sip. "Eh, it is good for service opportunity. Also have students watching movies and working on essays before last push of the semester."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna nodded as she listened, sipping at her water and crossing her legs as she watched the various volunteers happily drop what they were doing to peel off for a break. She exhaled an amused breath as she settled. "Ah essays, something I do not miss having to write at all. Though, I suppose if I go chasing after my PhD I am setting myself up for more of that." She sighed, and grimaced.

"Not that I think I'll get a chance any time soon either.." She grumbled and gestured around them. "I'd really had some hope I might have a chance to do that this year, but well, seems fate had other plans."

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
"Not a big fan of them, myself, I would rather just paint, but I cannot just assign that, especially to language students," Piotr snorts. He thinks for a little bit and relaxes taking a moment to grab a few snacks, because he is about as hungry as one would expect.

"But if you go for PhD, you will succeed." No dispute from Piotr, "Life seldom fits our own plans, but you can certainly work a way into it. Document everything, maybe it could be of use when you do go? Talk to scientists here who have PhD, perhaps they can help provide advice for research? I am just farm boy, so I am no use in that, but that is what I would do."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna shrugged lightly, still sipping her water, pausing to be perhaps a little rude and chug half of it and then set it aside. "Not much in terms of surviving geophysicists here. And well, my time is pretty used up mostly. I dunno if I'd call myself 'Queen' anymore, but people still look to me for answers or to handle things here. So I am more or less trapped.. And well, a PhD program takes far too much time, and effort than I have to give these days." She grimaced and sighed heavily.

"I was really looking forward to being done here, and touring Europe or something."

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
"Perhaps an opportunity will present itself," Piotr says, tearing into the snacks as if he hadn't eaten in years, when really his last meal was two hours ago. When Lorna mentions the title issue, he remarks, "Eh, you are still effectively the leader. People will respect that. Eventually things will settle down and maybe there will be an opportunity." He tries to be encouraging, "Maybe you need a vacation, even if it's for a week or two."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna sighed softly, "I spent some time away for a few days, but I dunno. I just feel too damned responsible when people here need me. It's one thing to say I'm tired, and take a trip to the school.. Because I still pick up my tablet and keep working on logistics here. Because yeah, I know. I am still in a leadership roll here. Even if I'd prefer to not be." She grimaced and reached for a bag of chips that had been brought over, and popped it open to grab a handful.

"It's hard to say no when I know people here need me."

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
"You have someone you can rely on to lead in your absence?" Piotr asks, "Because you will run yourself ragged and lose a step here and there if you do not take some time to take care of yourself," he points. "You need time away from work to breathe, recover, and come back stronger. It is the only way."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna's lips twisted and she shook her head. "I did, Fabian had been the secretary of state and he'd been managing everything when I'd step away. But he tried to kill my father, and ... destroy the bottles." She whispered, and hung her head. Fabian was trapped, locked away ... and well, that was if he was still alive. Who could say? She certainly had no idea, and the Acolytes were all likewise gone.

"Anyways, I wanted to have elections but with people still trying to figure out if they're staying or going it's hard to say."

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
"Well, crap," Piotr says, not having thought this through very well. Politics is not his strong suit. "That is fair, I had forgotten about that," even if he had been there, "Hm, maybe set goals for that, then. Have election, a couple months of transition, then vacation? Eventually you will just need to call them and if people are here, they are here."

Lorna Dane has posed:
nodded, and shrugged once. "I agree, and honestly I'd rather have people hold an election than parade around with some out of date monarchy. Of course.. there's always the risk they put me in anyways..." She grumbled, wrinkling her nose and crossing her arms. It was something people had advised her against for that very same reason.

After all, she was their nuclear button and their policy. If things went South she was diplomatically tied to plenty of countries, and people.. well they liked her more than her father here. So choices and options were limited.

"Well see either way, I do want to at least get a council up and running and get more elected officials in place."

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
Piotr listens and thinks, "Well, there are goals. Even if it is one like in the UK. There are options, da?" He inquires, then he checks the time. He listens a little more, though, "You will succeed, just breathe, and you will be fine." The Russian then whistles to the volunteers who regretted coming with him, "Time to go back to work. Finish your snacks, the sooner we are done, the sooner we can sleep. And then the sooner we can be back at work again." Piotr gives Lorna a rare smile, "You will do great." Before departing.