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It came from the moon!
Date of Scene: 18 February 2020
Location: R and D Labs: Triskelion
Synopsis: Daniel winks into the SHIELD base room where Fitz-Simmons and Quake are. They discover Daniel has been gone for 70 years. Carol and Clint come as backup.
Cast of Characters: Daisy Johnson, Daniel Hastings, Clint Barton, Carol Danvers

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Wooo, it's R and D day! So exciting! Standing around, waiting for Fitz-Simmons to get on with whatever tweaks they like to do on Daisy's gauntlets. To focus her power better or so they say. It's all mighty boring if one can be honest. Daisy would prefer to be out there, doing a mission, and not going through the same tests over and over.

But sometimes that's just what you get, being a SHIELD agent isn't just danger and excitement. Often the fight can be won right here, with the preparation their scientists go through with their agents. She is slowly starting to learn that.

After another round of tweaking on her gauntlets Daisy stands over to one side of the room, taking and breath and focusing. She is pointing her hand towards a vase, focusing on the molecules about it and making it vibrate and hum, attempting to find that balance between the vibration and simply shattering it. It's quite demanding mentally though, a bead of sweat trailing down the side of her head. Fitz-Simmons look on eagerly and in expectation, the duo quiet so as to not disturb her.

Daniel Hastings has posed:
It's another day in the neighborhood. People doing what they do. It's every day.. before it isn't. There's a small rush of wind and an aroma of fine particulate ash like from near a volcano only without the sulphur. Compressed air.. then a pop as someone appears in the room. Bedraggled, smelling a bit like dirt and strange oils, there's a fellow there coughing and dropping to a knee. There's a small gash on his forehead and his jacket looks a little scorched.

Half a moment later, he looks up and around. "Oh bloody hell." He sighs and lifts a hand with his palm out towards Daisy. "Please don't shoot. I do apologize.. I.. seem to have landed a trifle off course." Another cough and he pushes himself back to his feet, brushing some fine dirt from his thighs. "Leftenant Daniel Randolph Hastings." A beat. "This.. is SHIELD.. is it not?" He seems a little confused on that point as he does not recognize the surroundings.. at all.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Fitz can't help it, the young scientist leaning over just as Daisy is getting it just right. "Good goin', the readin's are comin' out perrfect!"

The young man looks very excited while Simmons just looks at him with an endearing look, then shakes her head just a little.

Daisy's hands tremble with the vibration coursing through her, that natural want that her mutation has to just expand everywhere without focus counter-nature to this fine manipulation. "I thi--"

And then there is someone else in the room. Fitz yelps, along with Simmons, the disturbance enough to make the vase Daisy was focusing on to shatter and send pieces flying everywhere.

Daisy turns to face the odd fellow that just 'popped' in, her hands up and pointed towards Daniel, open but not sending any burst of her power. She listens, blinking once in surprise. "A trifle? Leftenant?"

Simmons interjects, "He talks like my dad..." but then it's Daisy that continues speaking on. "Yes, this is SHIELD. I am Daisy Johnson, an Agent here." her brows furrowed but she lowers her hands a touch. "What happened to you?" she beginning to note the gash on the forehead and the scorches.

Daniel Hastings has posed:
The shattering pottery practically dances away from him as though deflected by an invisible hand. Daniel doesn't even flinch. "Ahh." Hands pointed in his direction. With fancy gloves. He just assumes its a weapon and raises his hands. "Excellent. You see.. that's a rather long story that I'd be happy to tell." He makes a smacking motion with his mouth then licks his lips. "I don't suppose you have any water do you?" But then there are questions. So many questions. So.. he walks over to a stool that slides towards him and he sits on it. Hands now resting on his knees. "I crashed. I'd say it was my ship but I must say that I stole it. From a rather unhappy Kree fellow. I'd be apologetic but he was an uncouth sort that treated me rather badly. And that, as we say, is the end of the tale that begins some two years ago after a tragic mishap in a laboratory here on Earth. Though.. I can't say that I recognize any of this technology." Again, he looks about studiously. "I must say I'm impressed at how advanced things have become in so short a period. Bravo."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Kree?" That's Fitz-Simmons speaking in unison now, their brows shooting up in alarm at this. Then it's Daisy. "You stole from a Kree? Damn, you are either crazy or as brave as it gets. Or maybe both." The corner of the woman's mouth quirking up just so into a smirk. But her eyes follow what seems to be some kind of power being used. And she certainly isn't a stranger to that. "You talk as if you have been around here." she gestures with one hand to the surroundings.

"Inside our building? Are you an agent as well?" Nope, she doesn't recognize the man at all, though it's not as if she has been an Agent for -that- long, just going three years now.

Fitz is already searching around on a computer when Daisy talks, perhaps looking over the roster for the last couple of years. "Not finding anything." and indeed this tech is real advanced. Those computers with all those fancy keyboards, the screens with all the colors and not just monochromatic ones. The uniform Daisy wears being quite the difference from the ones used in the past. Unfortunately, no wall calendars. SHIELD is an eco-friendly agency!

Daisy then asks. "Where were you these last couple of years?"

Simmons is more mindful, going over to grab a glass bottle and placing it on a table near the Leftenant. Not that she goes too close to him though.

Daniel Hastings has posed:
"I'd dare say a trifle of both." Daniel replies with a faint chuckle as he reaches for the offered bottle. "Cheers, miss." Then its bottoms up as he chugs down half of it before releasing a gasp of air much more refreshed. Then he shakes his head. "Not this building, no. My last posting, with SHIELD, was south of here in.. I believe it was New Jersey. But that, as I said, went poorly and I found myself sent off to the Andromeda galaxy and a fringe colony world of the Kree called Kirit." He takes another sip of the water. "I was bloody lucky if you ask me. I could have ended up anywhere in the middle of nothingness and starved to death.. or died of dehydration. As it was, I landed on a planet where the 'white' Kree had settled and blended in.. fairly well. It wasn't hard at all to pretend to be mute and homeless.. which I was bloody near.." He takes another pull on the bottle then sits in silence for a few moments. "Forgive me. I.. I just can't believe I'm finally home." Daniel replies, lifting his attention back to Daisy. "I don't suppose I could inquire after a shower and a change of clothes? I'd like to visit my mum and look presentable for it." He smiles faintly then tilts his head. "My apartment has likely been lent to another by now."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"I am not seeing any Agent mentioned on New Jersey either... Ok, I am gonna broaden my search.." Fitz says, continuing to work over at the computer. In the meantime Daisy lowers her hands further. The man seems genuine enough. And mutants are kin, or whatever it is that power the man has. But still it's noticeable that she continues on alert, ready to fight if so needed.

"Yea, suppose they didn't have McD's over there, huh?" Daisy says, again that faint smile to her lips as if to make the man more at ease after what happened to him. Not that she appears to be believing everything that is spoken by him, her brows quirking up at a few points of the tale. It just seems too weird for her.

"We can get you those once I talk with the Director, security procedures. You know how that is." Daisy gesturing with her hand, "But we can at least bring you something to eat. Fitz, send a message to the Director and tell him."

But Fitz's response is a, "Bloody Hell....." at what is written on the screen. Disappeared in 1945. Presumed MIA. The lab experiment details redacted. It sucks to not have level 10 clearance. Curiously enough, not too far from where Daniel is there's a phone on the table. Curious little thing. It has a date too. February 2020.

Daniel Hastings has posed:
Daniel doesn't really take it to be a phone. It's like.. a digital display of some sort. Maybe a remote control. Anything but a phone. "I'm sorry a Mick Dee?" Nope, not ringing any bells with him. "Bangers and mash? Perhaps fish and chips? I.. suppose this is America isn't it." So much for a taste of home. "Something simple then. A meatloaf?" There is a war on after all. "I know the war's going well but one shant be greedy after all." Still, his eyes keep getting drawn to the device so he leans over and picks it up. Squinting. "Ahh.. Miss.." He looks to Daisy, realizing she's never given her name. "This device. Is it.. a timer or some manner of chronogram? Why is it displaying a date so far afield?" He holds it up to her so she can see it. His confusion.. almost seems wary now and his eyes flit to Fitz with her exclamation.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Daisy Johnson." Is Daisy's reply, offering a nod towards the Leftenant. She then adds a, "Or Quake. We like our codenames." but her attention flits to the screen that Fitz has open, her brows furrowed. "What the ---.." a pause while she tries to process all that's written over there and she wanders over, resting one hand on the table and leans over to look at the screen more closely.

Fitz says, "See? That can't be right?" To Daisy's reply. "But it matches from what we are listening out of him, doesn't it?"

Simmons is quite the smart woman, she glances over, then back to Daniel and lets out a, "Oh, dear." a small, comforting smile coming to her lips. "That's a phone and mmm, that's today's date."

Daisy moves away from the computer, closer to Daniel. "What was the year you disappeared?" she asks, brows knit together in worry.

Daniel Hastings has posed:
"That's a what?" Daniel brings the phone back towards himself and looks at it hard. I mean.. he's seen smaller communication devices on Kirit among the Kree but.. wait.. the date!? He.. slowly puts the 'phone' down and sinks back onto the stool. "I.. see." Now his eyes go distant as he stares off towards the wall. Silent. There's a second where it looks like he might be trying to figure something out but then gives up on the idea with a sigh. "Nineteen bloody forty five. In the reckoning anno domine if such things are still used." A hand comes slowly to his cheek and he scratches at the stubble.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"We won the bloody war by the way." That's Fitz saying it over from the computer desk. He seems a mix of terrified and excited, glancing back to Daniel and blinking, then back to the screen. Daisy seems mostly concerned, her lips pressed to a very thin line. "Well, for what it's worth. I am sorry."

But then she takes in a breath. "Though we will still need to get you scanned and get the high-ups briefed." she steps over to pick up her phone, starting to thumb at it just like the young folks do, fast and furiously! It's time to warn the Director. How made will he be?!

Simmons then asks. "What was those powers you were doing? What can you do?"

Daniel Hastings has posed:
"Ah. Well. That is something then." Somehow you'd think Daniel would be more enthusiastic about the revelation. He seems a little distracted though. There are nods along with the whole scanned and briefing and all that rot. It seems the proper thing to do. Poked. Prodded. Blood tests. Fingerprints. Make sure he's not a Skrull. Simmons' last question seems to draw him out of his reverie and he looks over to her, "I was a part of a team examining the T..." But then he pauses. "but then that's top secret. Call it a laboratory mishap if you will. With residuals. I now.." Then his brow knits a little. "And.. Director Carter.." He looks down at the desk where he put the phone and drums his fingers on it. "Perhaps it would be best to speak to the Director. Whomever that is now."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
It's R and D. It was supposed to be just another routine day, just some gauntlet testing for Daisy. But then a 'pop' and a visitor. Once she sends her message to the director her attention is back on Daniel, her hands resting on her hips and she letting out a slow exhale. "Look..., we will figure this out." her voice is a bit lower now and she looks at the 'old' agent with some concern. "I have sent word to Director Fury. He will be here soon, or send someone. Because hey, I am too new at Shield and all that ..."

Then Fitz interjects. "And you sorta don't follow orders all the time either..." just the casual jab. Which gets a look from Daisy. Simmons is present too, the woman mulling about. "Well, there are no retina scans we can do, or any other such tests but .... I know! Fingerprints!" she goes over to get a kit to test them, approaching Daniel carefully. "Do you mind putting your fingers here on the ink and then on the paper?"

Over on the corner there is a vase that's been broken. But we are talking about Quake. If there was only one vase broken that's a good day.

Clint Barton has posed:
Fury works fast, no sooner than Daisy sends up a report up the chain than agents are voluntold to check out the visitor in R&D.

Guess who one of those agents is? Yep, Clint Barton, the tall blond haired archer doesn't look too pleased about it, but then the last time he got sent to deal with someone who just appeared he got 'mind whammied' and killed a lot of people who didn't need to be killed. It still ate at him. Still it's not like Clint to show that, so the archer strides into R&D, dressed in civies with a SHIELD lanyard around his neck and an ICER on his hip.

Blue eyes scan the room, "Well at least this guy has better fashion sense than the last one, no horns," he says sizing up Hastings, "Hey, I'm Clint," he greets the guy before turning to the other agents in the room, "Got another agent inbound, but what's the situation?"

Daniel Hastings has posed:
There's a small arch of his eyebrow as Simmons comes over with a fingerprint pad and explains it to him like he's five. "I do know what a fingerprint is, Miss." Still, he takes it in good humor with his first smile of the day as he extends his hand and begins to dutifully roll out his prints on his one one at a time. "And I do apologize if I have been reticent to share with you details that were highly classified at the time. For all that I may no longer be a member or.. am.. or let's just say I'm not active and what that means places me in limbo.. without a residence, money or a change of clothes." As he finishes up his fingerprinting, he tries to rub the ink off of his fingers on his already dirt covered pants. "Hah. I'm homeless again."

But then Clint was striding in and Daniel looks over at the fit and trim fellow. Daniel, himself, looks fairly emaciated as though he were malnourished for a number of years. "Agent? Clint. Pleased to meet you." He looks down at his hand then shrugs and profers it to the blond fellow, "Leftenant Daniel Randolph Hastings, His Majesty's Royal Army and.. Agent of SHIELD?" A beat and he looks to Daisy. "Ahh, do be so kind if you could, His Highness has likely passed. Whom wears the Crown today?"

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol is happy when her comm pings with a distraction. She was in her quarters practicing the techniques the shrinks have her doing trying to remember and focus herself.

For the record those exercises are not going well in the months since she got back from space.

So the ping on her comm. Welcome distraction indeed. She snags her ID lanyard off her desk and heads out and down to R&D, reviewing the routed note "Powers huh." then squints "Another planet huh."

Clint definitely had the jump on her getting there, since he was the one who routed it to her, probably due to the from another planet business. Still she makes good time coming in right at the tail end of Daniel asking about who wears the Crown today. "Are you referring to England or some other empire, because that question can get very complicated depending on the scope you're considering." going off the accent. She asides to Clint "Definitely no horns, at least right now. Jury is still out though on that really." yeah she has concerns but those blue eyes go back to Daniel now. "Captain Danvers, Agent of SHIELD." thoughtfully glancing to Simmons, Fitz, and then Daisy then back to Clint.

"Someone said from another planet?"

Clint Barton has posed:
There's a big smile for Carol's arrival, mostly because it's Carol and she's awesome and also alien crap is waaay out of his usual scope.

A nod for the thing about the horns, "Always something," he agrees.

His eyes fall on Hastings. "His Majesty, wow so if you're talking England we're adding a side of time travel with the space stuff, Queen Elizabeth's been Queen for like what? 50 years?" he says looking to their pair of Brit scientists.

"67 to be exact," Simmons pipes up. "Hard to imagine a time with out her to be honest." Fitz gives a shrug.

"Right, 67 then, anyhow, Lieutenant, what's your story?"

Daniel Hastings has posed:
"Ahh. Lovely. Her Majesty Elizabeth is a delightful you.. well.. I'm sure she has been an excellent queen in her father's stead." Daniel corrects himself. She's been queen for some time. It also answers Danvers' question, too." Speaking of Danvers, he looks at her as if there's something famililar.. nagging at the back of his mind. "Captain." He tenders her a curt nod, the recognition of a superior officer. "As I've already explained to those present, I was, at one time, a SHIELD agent. Nineteen Forty Seven is the last Earth year I reckoned prior to my.. accident. At that time, I found myself upon the Kree colony world of Kirit in the Andromeda galaxy where I spent a number of years as a refugee, largely homeless and avoiding the attention of authorities as best I could. Once I had a suitable grasp of the language, I taught myself rudimentary piloting skills and stole a craft in an attempt to return home. Naturally, the local constabulary did not like this idea and my ship was damaged by pursuing forces." He keeps staring at Danvers as if picking out details of her attire and shifting on his seat uncomfortably. "The best I can deduce is that the damage to the star drive did not meld well with my.. accident.. and a ripple in spacetime occurred. I did, at least, arrive in one piece.. for that I'm thankful."

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol makes a thoughtful noise. "Accident." she muses and well she listens to the general explanation. Her expression darkens a little bit when he gets to the whole Kirit situation and interactions with Kree.

Carol lifts her left arm and taps the sleeve of her uniform with her right arm, a small projection coming to life angled for her viewing only really. The letters seen through it though are backwards Kree. "Kirit Colony world. Destroyed over twenty years ago during the Kree Skrull war." she glances at Clint.

Then she looks back to Daniel. "You're actually fairly lucky you ended up in the Kree empire, and it really annoys me to say that. There are a lot worse alien races out there than the Kree to suddenly end up on a planet with. That said, there are a lot worse races out there ...and several are shapeshifters. We are going to have to be very careful with you especially because I have this feeling you are leaving out some details. Like that accident... also..." she glances around "No ship remains, of which I am glad because it probably would have doen more damage landing in here than Quake does on a bad day.."

Clint Barton has posed:
While Carol and Hastings talk Clint takes up a place by the wall. arms crossed, watching their new guest.

There's a nod for the news about Kirit, "Sounds like it was good he got out of there then," he says.

As for the rest? "So when you say 'didn't meld well with your accident', I'm guessing you didn't get sent back to Earth on account of a bad back, care to provide a bit more detail?"

When Carol mentions more testing, Fitzsimmons looks her way, "We can do a full work up if you'd like," Simmons says, "Right now we've been mostly gathering what limited biometric data they collected in Lieutenant Hastings day to compare against SHEILD records."

"Yeah, likely gotta dig that out of storage too, probably still on paper," Fitz adds sounding less than thrilled about the prospect.

Daniel Hastings has posed:
"Dark side of the moon." Daniel amends for Danvers. "The crash site. Not intended mind you but then I had limited navigational controls left to me when I came out of warp." There's a pragmatic shrug offered. "As for luck.. I'm aware. Once I was able to read KRee, I spent a lot of time reading star charts and xenobiological files. It's.. a mad world out there, Captain." Shaking his head at it all, he looks to Clint, "I realize that there will be blood tests and the like to confirm that I am human but.. can I please be allowed a shower? I've been in my own filth for.. long enough not to notice." He's definitely a little ripe along with the fragrance of moon dust and lubricants that would be familiar to Danvers as being part of starship systems. "As for my accident.. that's top secret and I would be happy to share that with the current director or someone with at least level seven clearance." There's a glance to both as if to say he's got a name rank and serial number to offer if they don't want to know his favorite meal.

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol has some sympathy for poking and lab tests, mostly because she has been going through months of them since her latest Kree kidnapping galactic adventure. "Blood tests. Well it will be a start but we will need to quiz you more than anything once we dig out your files."

She looks to Fitzsimmmons. "Skrull can copy the target when they shapeshift down to the DNA, we will need to verify things that can't be faked out by a Skrull unfortunately." she sounds unhappy about it really, sure cool calm collected but there is a note there.

Then she looks back to Daniels "He definitely was in a Kree starship for .. don't know how long by the smell of him." there is a note of distaste in her tone. "I definitely propose someone swab him thoroughly and then let the Lt. shower." she turns her hand and points her palm at Daniel. Yes she just scanned him by the flash of light. There is a response from the sleeve of her suit ~Terran. No Record. Threat Minimal.~ to which Carol nods "Well no record of him in the Kree Colonial Defense systems, but then he wasn't a prisoner by his own words."

She breaths in and then breaths out nodding to Daniel. "I was a prisoner and test subject of the Kree for a time. They are.. harsh and militant but like I said it could have been a much worse place to end up. Glad you made it home." sure she still plans to recommend testing his non-skrullness within an inch of his life but well she is verbally acting like she assumes he is telling the truth.

Clint Barton has posed:
Fitz and Simmons gulp at the mention of: Skrulls. That opens a whole big can of worms, but they nod about the testing, Fitz making notes on his tablet.

When Hastings mentions clearances, Clint pushes off the wall, He gives the Captain and Hastings a moment to talk and for Carol to run her scans before he turns to Daisy and Fitzsimmons. "Can you give us the room? Don't wander though, we'll need you in a bit. "

The agents file out, a little hesitantly in the case of Fitzsimmons, it was a little like he was kicking them out of their own house here and he shoots them an apologetic look before the door closes leaving Hastings alone with Clint and Carol.

Reachiing into his pocket Clint produces a slim little wallet that holds his badge and ID card which he opens and shows to Hastings. There's three things that might be of interesting Hastings there, first 'Clint's' full name is Clint Barton, second it was last renewed in the year 2019 and that Clint was indeed a level 7 agent.

"I'm level seven, and I'm calling an audible here to say Captain Danvers here is cleared to hear what you've got to say as well," he glances back to Carol. "I figure if Fury has an issue he can add it to the list of reasons he wants to put a foot up my ass," he says with a faint smile. "But I'd like your take on this stuff."

After all he didn't know all of Carol's file but he did know she'd had her own experiences with similar accidents, besides having space and the Kree in common with the man. He turns back to Hastings. "That going to work for you?"

Daniel Hastings has posed:
Daniel looks down at the credentials. The 'scan' didn't bother him. On Kirit, he'd avoided them like the plague.. but here on Earth he had nothing to hide. Save a faint snort of amusement when it called him harmless. "Alright." He answers then sits back to wait for the scientists to leave. Once the door closes, he takes a deep breath. "You've heard of the Tessaract then." Hey, it may be common knowledge now but back then it was the holy of holies. "I was assigned from Army lab division to Agent Carter and Mister Stark as part of a team to help unravel what the Red Skull had done with the Tessaract energies. Weapons development, energy storage.." Hell some of the weapons that Cap found on board the helicarrier might have been developed by him. "you name it. We'd recovered a number of Hydra's weapons.. then the Tessaract itself. Sadly, Captain Rogers.. well.. he will be missed. Good bloke." He sniffs then nods. Seems he was a hero to the Brits, too. "In any case, we tried our best to be careful with the thing but it was a temperamental beast and one day it tried to slip containment. I.. was a jolly old fool and grabbed the blasted thing. Put it back in its cradle. Which.. was the last thing I remember before ending up on another planet." He scratches his chin. "And.. not without some side effects."

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol rubs her face lightly as she listens to Daniel explain his accident. She isn't really that aware of the Tessaract's details. It is not really in her clearance and she has been awfully busy dealing with other problems. But the whole grabbed some sort of Red skull artifact with your bare hands and had it cause a horrible accident. Well that sort of chance fate disaster she can totally relate to.

"I feel you.. side effects are pretty much my middle name." to which Carol will hold her right hand up and a glittering of cosmic energy will flare up enveloping her fist, then they are gone. "Also Captain Rogers is fine, turns out he was frozen in a block of ice and all .. SHIELD found him like what.. three years ago?" looks to Clint to make sure she has that right. Her memory is.. not the best. "I think.."

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint knew enough about the Tesseract to flinch when Hastings mentions touching it. "Yikes man, lucky you didn't just blow up," he says. "Heard that thing burnt through half the plane Cap went down in before dropping into the sea."

Which probably would have been a good spot to leave it all things considered.

"Anyhow, yeah, like the Captain says, Cap survived his crash and a few decades as a Capcicle and he's running around doing the whole saving the world thing again," he says with a smile to Carol.

"We're just about at the point where we let Fitzsimmons swab you then we let you go grab a shower and get you some fresh clothes and a bed, but, what sort of side-effects we talking?"

Daniel Hastings has posed:
"Ahh." Daniel brightens a little when he hears that Cap survive. "Jolly good. I should like to meet him.. again.. well.. not that he's like to remember me. I was egg head number three around then and he was off fighting the good fight." There's a chuckle at that. Danvers' glowing hand nets a silent ooh and ahh and a curious eye but then he looks back to Clint at the notion of shower. "Right. Side effects. Nothing bad that I can tell. Best I can work out is that I absorbed a standing wave form.. or something of that ilk.. truth be told I haven't had access to lab equipment to test.. but I can fold space at will. Teleport, if you will. But also survive in a vacuum, which is quite handy I might add when crash landing on the moon. Unfortunately, the folding of space and crossing it requires some finesse yet. I'd meant to arrive at your door step for a more or less formal introduction.. rather than surprising your scientists." Ahem.

Carol Danvers has posed:
"Well. That explains how you got back to the vicinity of earth and into one of the most secure buildings on the planet I suppose." and yes there is a note of dry amusement there. She shrugs a bit and looks to Clint. "I'd say other than quizzing him on his Kree we should probably let the science nerds have at him and get someone to pull all those files out of old storage."

She pauses am oment to think. "I could take a trip to the moon and see if there is a crased ship up there as well to verify his story. Would take me a few hours."

Clint Barton has posed:
"Well, he's around, if things check out, I am sure you'll get a chance to meet him," Clint says of the Captain, his expression a whole lot less guarded than it was when he arrived. "And teleporting huh?" he says to Hastings before nodding to Carol. It definitely explained how he showed up where he did. "Well, I am sure Fitz and Simmons will love to get a closer look at that in a controlled setting, but for now they'll have to settle for those swabs and I'll have someone escort you to quarters for that shower and some rest."

At the suggestion of flying to the moon, Clint nods, "Man, Armstrong must be rolling in his grave to hear you talking about going to the moon like you're going to the corner to get some milk," he quips, before adding as an aside to Hastings. "We got to the moon, by the way," he says before getting back to business. "But that's a good idea, do it, if there's anything worth bringing back, do it, standard 0-8-4 containment... you know the drill."

Back to Hastings. "So, anything else you've got for us before we let the lab rats and Agent Johnson back in here?"

Daniel Hastings has posed:
Daniel seems to have gotten distracted looking at Danvers. In thought. Then he begins to recite Robert Frost.. in Kree. Which no doubt sounds like gibberish to Clint but sums up his situation rather well. Especially as he comes to the third stanza where the last line is quoted as 'I doubted if I should ever come back.' The last line, he saves for English, "And that has made all the difference." He smiles at Carol, dips his chin to her, "You'll find my crash site at.. approximately five degrees lattitude north by.. a hundred and forty or so degrees east. Give or take." The Magellan crater. Not that anyone had mapped the far side of the moon back then. "Do be careful with the memory cards.. I'd made a point of downloading as many star charts as I could for study and it would be a shame to lose them." Then he looks back to Clint. "Did we? Excellent. Before the Russians I hope. That lot has me nervous. Or.. have things settled out on that front?" There's a small sigh. "To be honest, if you can get me a square meal.. a shower.. fresh.. clothing.. to wear.. and a solid sixteen hours of sleep somewhere I'm not worried about someone finding me and tossing me in a pen? I'll give you any samples you need." There may have been things he was going to request specifically but a flit of an eye to Carol suggests he won't say such things with ladies present.

Carol Danvers has posed:
It is a bit strange taking orders from Clint, especially since he was just giving her orders to do what she voluntered to do. "Rodger." she notes dryly but she acknowledges it. "I may need to look up 0-8-4 again though." she muses. She glances at Daniel and then nods lightly. "Your accent is horrible." that was also teasing, though she says it so dryly. Then again Daniels is British, it probably sounds normal to him.

"Right.. I'm going to go make our astronauts sad then, Clint we should talk later about an assignment Fury slid into my inbox. He wants me to act as our official Liaison to the Avengers.. which odd since you and Nat are members. Honestly I think I make people a smidge nervous around here .. that or he thinks hanging out with all the capes might jog my memory... who knows." she is already turning towards the door.

Clint Barton has posed:
The dry 'rodger' earns a snort from Clint, good to see they were on the same page with all of that orders business, though he smiles, "Code for weird shit that sane people shouldn't be touching," he sums up for Carol, while giving Hastings a look about touching the Tesseract of all things. It's all good natured though.

"Yeah?" Clint says about the assignment as he ponders Fury's thinking there. "Or maybe he just thinks Nat and I have gone native, either way, good to have you aboard, and text me when you're back and we can talk."

Then as Carol heads for the door, Clint goes to call in the lab rats, saying to Hastings, "Well let's get those samples and we'll get you those clothes, a shower and some sleep."