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Latest revision as of 13:17, 24 October 2020

A Vampire and a Demon Walk Into A Bar
Date of Scene: 24 October 2020
Location: Noonan's Sleazy Bar
Synopsis: Levian and Selene meet up in a Gotham dive bar to get to know each other a bit more.
Cast of Characters: Levian, Selene Corvinus

Levian has posed:
Gotham isn't a place Levian's really explored, but when he learns that Selene is there through a series of texts, he makes his way so that they can sort of sit and talk.

Thanks to another friend, one Daisy Johnson, he's learned about sending photos through texts. Selene gets sent a photo of a random rat walking next to the wall of some building in the middle of the night, with flash that creates a distinct redeye. His text that follows reads:

> 'I've suspected this for weeks, but Earth has rats too.'

About an hour after the text, he heads into the bar and sniffs around, looking for Selene. "I like this atmosphere..." he says outloud. "Like being back home. Lots of danger and filth."

Selene Corvinus has posed:
Selene doesn't like to spend time with her Coven's people, not most of them anyway, some of them she enjoys. But as the leader of the Death Dealers, she prefers to separate herself when in off-hours, and though the 'night is young' she's still awarded some time off now and then. Tonight,m was one of those nights, though... she's the one awarding herself the time off. They'd gotten Dario, that was a win, he was a bad bad dude...

She got the text, smirked at the screen, and ended up telling Levian where she was through a few quick responses.

When he arrives, he'll see her, near one of the dart boards. Wearing black leather pants, a crimson hued sweater, and small two inch heeled shoes of equally black leather to that of her pants, the woman is dressed nicely, likely to draw a lot of attention i na place like this, considering the clothing is all form fit to her fit form.

She's playing a game of darts with a middle aged man, her red-tailed darts all sitting in bullseys, while his blues are scattered around the board.

"I told you, Larry. I'm quite good." She says in her husky-hued voice. The aging man strokes his whitening beard. "I believed it then, I believe it more now." He states with a smirk.

She throws her last dart and nails another bullseye. The man scoffs. "Free drinks for the night." Selene says to him with a half-cocked grin as she goes to get both of their sets of darts.

"Don't think my wife's gonna like this on the credit card bill." The man says back to her.

Selene just grins, before seeing Levian. "Well, Hello there." She pulls the darts from the board, then looks around. "I dunno, I think it has a bit of a charm about it. Perhaps we're used to rough places though." She tells him, showing a faint smile.

Levian has posed:
Levian straightens his denim jacket, dressing rather simply himself with a white t-shirt under the jacket, some blue jeans, and red Converse. He probably doesn't stand out at all, and she'll notice that he distinctly keeps his third eye closed here. He might have slightly pointed ears, but... he otherwise looks like any goon with bad posture. "Rough places on Earth, they're just enough to remind me of home, but not enough to remind me of why I don't want to go back. It's like... a balance."

He looks her outfit over, then to her. "I thought you'd always be dressed to kill things, but you seem like a normal woman here."

Selene Corvinus has posed:
Selene sorts out the different colored darts while listening to him, his last few words making another faint smile cross her pale pink lips. Her eyes look down to her hands as she rolls the darts out over her fingers to let them fall down into the metal cup they belong in. "Normal woman. Not something I've any recollection of ever being called before." She states, looking back up to him then. "It's certainly fine with me, however." She nods once to him. "Look at you though. For someone with your backstory, you're dressed rather... American Caqsual, I'd say. Who did your shopping for you, when you crawled out of the depths of Hell?" She's teasing of course, and her soft tone should elude to that.

Selene steps back to her standing-table to grab up the glass of beer she had there.

Levian has posed:
"I stole my clothes from the teens who accidentally summoned me. I took them as payment, they didn't give me appropriate payment when they summoned me. Though I see people dressed like they do on Earth all the time, it's just... I suppose it depends on a demon's experience." Levian points down at his jeans. "I actually had these in Hell, stole them from a lord."

Then, motioning to her, as if shooting a similar question back. "You're older than me, and you've been on Earth the entire time. Does Earth get boring to you?"

Selene Corvinus has posed:
Selene takes a position beside that standing table, meant to be used by dart players, but since nobody is playing darts now, she just stands there with Levian before her. after a sip from her beer, she holds it between her hands, her left elbow resting upon the table's edge.

She takes a moment to glance at his jeans, then process his last question. Her eyes back on his she lightly shakes her head. "The world doesn't. But the people do. If that makes any sense. Not all of the people either, mind you. I'm fascinated by the ones who have so little, but yet still find ways to keep going. I find a ... strength in that. I enjoy to hear their stories, especially the elders. I might be older than they are, but our lives are radically different. I can still learn a lot from what they have to say, because they face challenges I never will... and vice versa. So what they tell me... mm, can be intriguing to listen to."

She sips her drink again. "Hell Jeans, mm? Perhaps I'll be seeing those first hand one day, when it is finally my time to end up down there."

Levian has posed:
Levian stares into the dart cup, then the board, tilting his head. When Selene starts talking, he focuses on her, seeming genuinely interested in her perspective as his brows furrow in thought. "Humans become weaker as they age, it's a strange thing. But I think the ones who aren't afraid of it become very wise. If mortality is inevitable, and you feel no misery, then I would imagine that they know something..."

"I don't know a lot about the innerworkings of how things... work. I know that there are damned souls, why some people are damned, things like that. But I don't really know everything, I guess I always focused on eating, evolving, becoming a wizard, and killing what lords summon me to kill." He walks around the table to get closer to her, trying to take a subtle sniff in her direction, though he clearly tries to hide this gesture.

"Why do you kill lycans? How do you know they're evil?" he asks, more of a genuine question than an accusatory tone.

Selene Corvinus has posed:
Selene's eyes look over to him as he finds a spot beside the table she's at as well, it's not a very big talbe, mostly just meant for drinks and maybe a few ash trays or bowls of peanuts. "Evil is a point of view, of course. But... in my case..." Selene's eyes glance away toward the bar where the other patrons are, they're not listening, seemingly, so she looks back to him. "I was saved by the Vampire Lord of my land. Lycans had burned my home, killed my parents and siblings. If I had been home when they'd attacked, I would've been slaughtered as well. The Vampires found me before the Lycans, thankfully so. I was... turned, of my own volition, and now I fight against the Lycans, in the name of my fallen family." She glances down at her hands, at her drink. Then raises it up for another sip.

When she sets it down, she looks over at him. "You'll learn more of this place, and humanity's customs, as you settle in. You already clearly are adapting more every day, so it would seem."

She pauses then. "Is this your only form?" She asks then. "Back in the... office building. You ran, on all fours, like a hound. Not common for someone with your human-like form."

Levian has posed:
"A blood feud. That seems reasonable. Well, to me. They sound very vicious. Demons of my low level are usually a lot like that, probably why we aren't usually on Earth like the higher functioning ones." Levian starts to reach over, staring at his hand, then her shoulder, but he lowers it instead, seemingly second-guessing himself.

He leans his hands on the table, considering her question... "I have two forms. This form and my elemental form. They're both humanoid, though the other is mostly just lots of fire. I use this form to interact with other creatures, including other demons who aren't like me. They're both equally my natural form, I think, but this one causes less problems."

Raising his arm, he bends it back a little unnaturally, then does the same with his fingers as he demonstrates his range of movement. "In Hell, I'm used to walking like the other lesser demons, crawling on rocks or just running around hunting things." He hunches over a bit more, as she's already likely noticed his posture, until he's sitting in an almost dog-like position with his body slightly contorted to do so. "Standing like a human is kind of inefficient, but I'm getting better at it."

Selene Corvinus has posed:
Selene's stare goes back over to him to watch him as he moves. She observes him adjust his posture and position. "I will admit, you're the first of your kind that I've dealt with up close and personal." She relays. "The one the other night? I'm not sure what would've happened if I'd fought it without your exorcising it from the body it had claimed first. But I'm willing to bet it would not have gone entirely well."

Her eyes are on him now, and he might note that they're not blue'ish silver as they had been the first night they'd run in to each other. Instead now, they're a deep shade of brown.

"You'll unsettle the common folk if they find you moving about like that though. It, likewise, probably won't end well for you." She tells him with a soft smirk. "Hell sounds unpleasant. You're motivating me to do my best to stay here... in whatever this is that I'm doing. Life, is apparently the wrong word." She watches a pair of men get up and step out of the bar's front entrance.

Levian has posed:
Levian stands up mostly straight again, though he tends to perpetually keep some measure of poor posture. "I try not to unsettle humans, it's why I keep my third eye closed. Don't really need it right now anyway."

He motions at the bartender, then calls out that he wants rum before turning his attention back to her. "People keep referring to me as undead, which is strange. I've never died before, all of my hearts and heart-like organs are beating. If anything, I'm less dead than the average human."

"But... I don't know. I'd save you from Hell, but I don't really have the power to do anything about it. I don't even know if a vampire can sell their soul. Though I'd rather not own my friends. Well... there is an appeal to owning my friends, but I'm trying to follow a human moral framework." He shakes her head, then points at her face. "Your eyes are different."

Selene Corvinus has posed:
Selene has to look away from him as he gives her yet more of a rundown of his life from... down below. "And here I thought my situation was laced with complication and dramatic undertones." She states dryly, her gaze sweeping back to him. "You deserve an award for such a thing." She's joking, of course, just comparing the oddities of both of the lives they lead.

As he asks his question of her eyes, she's holding her glass up to her lips for another sip from it, her eyes going from it up to him. She lowers the mug down again and takes a second to compose herself.

"My vision is connected to my hunting desire. My fangs will elongate, my ability to see in a different spectrum from the average human will come in to play. Which is how you saw me before. Now? I'm seeing more like a standard human does." She shows him a faint smirk then. "If only the others here could hear us speaking. They'd probably... chase us out of here with a broom, or something." Another half smirk follows her statement then.

Levian has posed:
"We're both natural predators of humans, it's only natural that they'd want to kill us. I wonder what our species are to each other. I've heard vampires referred to as 'damned', so it always made me believe there is a connection." Levian heads over to grab his rum when it's sat on the bar for him, leaving a few dollars before heading back over to Selene.

Reaching up, he starts to poke at his canines, which are a bit sharper than normal, though not enough to impede his speech or the closing of his mouth. "I can see fire with my third eye, among other things. That makes sense to me. I wonder what it's like to see like a vampire."

He does smile at her joke, though as he leans back against the table, watching her, a few thoughts cross his mind. "What happens if you drink my blood?"

Selene Corvinus has posed:
When he returns to the the table, she's had another sip from her drink. She looks back up to him then. "There are more than one kind of vampires in this world. You might be most familiar with those associated with religion, heaven and hell." She softly shakes her head side to side. "That's not the kind of Vampire that I am. The strain that infected me, was a mixture of that variety, but it became mutated with an Immortality gene that my sire possessed. I'm whats called a biologically immortal transgenic." She grins, knowingly at hin, aware of her own words.

"It's complicated, as I said." She shakes her head lightly side to side then. "And to be entirely honest with you... I haven't the foggiest idea what would happen if I indulged myself with the demonicly hot blood that I smell rushing through your veins." She props her head up in her hand as she leans on the table some, showing another faint smile.

"I imagine it would be... challenging, to absorb. If not fatal. Fire, you see, is one of my weaknesses. Like a human, you could say. And like your standard vampire, sunlight is the worst weakness of them all. Which is terribly sad, because I was always fond of sunsets."

There's a faint smile, and then she looks down to her drink again. "Such is the way of things."

Levian has posed:
"Strange what humans can become. They seem to have infinite potential to be infinite things. A demon is usually still a demon, but a human can be so much..." Levian raises his hand, as if to watch the blood pump through his own veins, considering her observations.

"I don't think it's like acid or anything, unless I change, though it is definitely warmer than human blood." He holds his hand out for her's a look of curiosity on his face. Though he doesn't take it unless she gives it. "I suppose for you, it's like when I see a particularly corrupt soul, like a serial killer. Seeing things, abnormally ripe things, it's appetizing."

Selene Corvinus has posed:
Selene uses the hand that she's not holding her chin up with to reach out to put her fingers around his. Of course, her hand is fairly chilled, and to touch his is to feela much contrasting sensation. She shows a soft smile toward him. "You feel warmer than an average human. Over a 40 degrees, I would guess." Where she feels quite cold to the touch. "Humans are greatly effected by their genetics, something that I imagine is not an element of what makes a demon a demon. Our genetics, as I obviously still have them myself, are a countless number of building blocks that can forever be adjusted, shifted, morphed and manipulated to make humans a wide variety of things."

She shows a grin. "Just look at mutants, for example. One of the reasons I've come to the United States, is to help my Coven here learn to better fight against the varying arrays of which mutants come. If the Lycans garner themselves a mutant army... well, things will get much more dangerous for my people."

"Not having to feed on humans, or animals, has been a great benefit for my people though. I don't wish to ever go back to the way things were before." Apparently she can feed from other things besides human too then.

Levian has posed:
"Demons are affected by things beyond my understanding. We can often work in ways that aren't consistent with others. I have genetics from two kinds of demons, but I've also eaten many demons, and have taken on their genetics. I wasn't born a humanoid, I was born a pile of hot slime full of bone, flesh and fire. It took many, many years to become a humanoid." Levian raises her hand, briefly pressing his face against it, then sniffs at it.

"If I was something more pure, like my father or mother, maybe I would have been born as something more stable, something with a name. Like an incubi, or a hell knight. But yes, it is very complicated, beyond genetics..." He continues to sniff at her hand, as if gaining some measure of information from it. "Your scent is unique, at least, from things I've smelled in the past."

"Not having to feed on humans gives me freedom. That blood that you showed me, I find it interesting. I'd try it if it weren't in a silver vial." Then, finally taking a drink of his rum, he asks, "Do you live in a house? I don't yet, I need money first."

Selene Corvinus has posed:
Selene doesn't pull her hand away, she lets him take a scent of her, as she's sure he's able to get something out of it that an average person couldn't. She does straighten up a bit again though to stand more erect beside the table once more. "I'd hope it isn't a foul scent." She says with a faint smirk, before her eyes fall back down to her mug of beer. She lifts it up and takes the last few drinks down from within it, leaving the mug empty.

She does take her hand back though as she has to reach behind the small of her back, wher eshe lifts her sweater up a little, then pulls one of the silver spikes out from behind her back.

A moment later and she's emptying its contents into the now empty beer mug. She turns it around and slides it over to him, a good drinks worth of dark crimson blood residing in a glass, rather than a silver spike.

She shoots a smile toward him. "Bottoms up." She tells him then, showing a faint smile. "I live in a home, an estate, as it were. It has many other of my kind within it, however, so I don't really enjoy spending my off time within it. I've always been a bit of a loner in that regard, much to the chagrin of some within my Coven."

Levian has posed:
"Don't know how to describe it. It's like a new color." Levian sips his rum again when she takes her hand back, and then sits that down to take the new drink she's come up with for him. "Oh, then it probably isn't a good idea for me to see it. II don't really know what vampires think of demons. And it makes me nervous anyway, lots of new people and a new species."

He finally lifts the blood, taking a drink. He wrinkles his nose for a moment, then nods and drinks some more. "I like the taste of desecrated things. Though humans call it processed or synthetic, I simply enjoy the taste of something that's just... very unnatural, like nature's been defiled and twisted."

"Sorry, I meant to say, 'I like it, it tastes good'." Then, looking to the door, then to her, he shrugs. "You wanna go somewhere?"

Selene Corvinus has posed:
Selene shows a soft smile at his words about new species, the coven's home, and the vampires there-in. "It would be a wide variety of judgemental stares, questions, taunts, playful and distrustful. It isn't fun. I assure you." She tells him then, her hands resting side by side on the edge of the table as she watches him drink from the glass.

"If that's how you feel about food and drink, then you'll be woefully excited to visit any local grocery. The United States isn unparalled for its unnatural food selections. They're filled with shelf after shelf of bags of abominations. Why, just look for something called a 'twinkie' and you'll see precisely what I mean." She says these words with a playfully European way of teasing the States.

"We can leave, if you'd like. This place is just... a nice refuge fro me when I wish to get out of my element." She reaches for her leather jacket, which is resting on the wall's edge beside her.

Levian has posed:
"I like this place, but I want to walk with you." Levian finishes the blood, and then washes it down with the rest of his rum. "Gotham is fascinating. Human cities have different auras, and I want to feel more of this city's." Licking a bit of blood from his lip, he heads outside, taking a deep breath. "I want to be in my element sometimes, but I find it difficult to do that."