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Hela-va Banshee
Date of Scene: 26 October 2020
Location: Asgardian Embassy
Synopsis: Siobhan seeks answers, turns out a particularly helpful Hela is there to provide partial answers.
Cast of Characters: Siobhan Smythe, Hela

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
It was a mere suggestion and nothing more. Go see the Asgardians at their embassy to see if they knew anything about the Banshee curse. Already, several have suggested removal of the Banshee from Siobhan only to realize...that they are the same person now. It's as if Siobhan's actual soul is now the Banshee's soul and vice-a-versa. They are sharing the same being. Seperate but the same. To remove one removes the other. So, now she is trying to understand things. Trying to figure out more about the Banshee.

Upon entering the public area of the embassy, she considers asking for an option to talk to someone in charge or with some authority to speak to her. She damn near considers going full Banshee to get attention but for now, she instead just does what others who come to visit do and heads into the main area to be a 'tourist', so to speak.

Hela has posed:
Hela is a tourist in her own embassy. If it's even hers, really, she's not typically on good terms with the other Asgardians after all. But Amora promised her the embassy would be ready for her. She's not exactly the best at wandering Midgard, not having the experience of Thor for example - she is cloaked with the illusion of earthly garments - a black dress, naturally - and she smoothed her antlers back into long black hair, but she's still 7' tall. She didn't really think of that, as really tall people isn't that unusual where she's from, and she doesn't really think about it.

There's a forbidding aura of cold about her though, which if anything she's enhanced, as she doesn't want random people bumping into her or something. She knows how crowded Midgard is in places.

She has a solitary draugr with her, acting as her servant, as she's not running around the embassy herself to find out where her room is. She's actually waiting near the guardsman at the door, waiting for the draugr to come back.

It's interesting that the first human she meets has the reek of Death about her. She's not quite sure what the formalities are here though, so the Queen of the Dead doesn't say anything, merely watches with some interest. Close interest. Which wanes just a little when she realises she's not actually dying right now.

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
It's a little wonder that Siobhan was too busy to see the seven foot tall woman at first. It might be because she actually is around some rather tall people on a regular basis anyway. Heck, she's a rather tall woman herself. She does pause a tick when she realizes that the woman nearby is huge. Not to mention there's a...whatever that is with her. Almost immediately the hair on her neck stands on end and a brief glow hits her eyes as she realizes she hears no sounds of biological function from the draugr and that woman doesn't have a normal heart beat either.

The Banshee writehs internally, screaming out at Siobhan to let her out. Siobhan takes a step back and grits her teeth, pushing the demonic woman thing down before she causes a scene and then she looks over at the guardsman before looking around briefly to see if anyone else is staring.

Hela has posed:
Hela actually smiles. Is that a spirit in there writhing around? "Calm yourself, spirit." she says, not exactly to Siobhan herself, but whatever it is that's attached to her soul. If it's even attached, it's hard to see where one ends, and the other begins.

"And yourself too, Midgardian." she adds. "I mean no harm, even if you have heard unfortunate tales about Asgardians.". The draugr scurries off upstairs, as the giantess puts her hands behind her back to prove a point.

"What are you seeking here?" she wonders, glancing over at the minion who was dealing with Siobhan before she intruded. "Perhaps the Queen of the Dead can be of assistance? Bureaucracies are rarely efficient.". Said with a somewhat sharklike smile, though she is trying to be nice.

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
A blink at Hela as she tells the Banshee to calm down and the Banshee briefly calms though...it's strange. It's not the same. It's like calming a hurricane. Calming a massive storm. It doesn't calm so much as it stops moving. It'd not be difficult for Hela to feel the fierce nature of the Banshee. Siobhan herself is surprised. She stares down for a moment and then watches the Draugr scurry off.

"What'd you do?" She asks and looks at Hela carefully, tilting her head, "I have not ever seen her cow down so quickly." She takes in a breath before she can feel a tremor of frustration and anger from within. Siobhan then swallows, "And...wait? Queen of the Dead?" She asks and tilts her head as she looks at the woman, "Hela...?" She hmms as she looks at the woman. She at least looked into Asgardian gods and goddesses before coming here.

Hela has posed:
Hela nods. "The same." she says. "I rarely leave Niffleheim, but have decided to take a greater interest in Midgard of late. Which is why the Queen of Niffleheim happens to be in this room.", and she looks around at the room for a moment. it's quite impressive, but it's a bit warm for her, the decor is just off.

"And you look to be possessed by... or more than possessed, merged with... a fylgjur, or something akin to it. There are many such in my realm, though none quite like yours.".

She smiles at being heard of. "Hela, yes. Stories of being half dead are as you can see, exaggerated. You Midgardians still talk of me, then? Or is it merely that someone part spirit is interested in such things?".

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
The woman looks at Hela in disbelief for a moment before shifting in her spot as she takes in a breath and lets it out, "I do not know what...a filligur? I am sorry, I can't say it but I don't know what or who dat is but I'm the Banshee. The Silver Banshee." She nods her head as she looks around the room, "I was comin' here to find out information about such an old ting as what lives in me."

Hela has posed:
Hela happens to be something of an expert in mythology, being a goddess and all. Though not exactly Celtic mythology. "The fylgjur are guardian spirits that wail a warning when death approaches. They generally only warn, but the more powerful ones can kill the assailants of the one they protect. There are some in my realm. Banshees are supposedly similar.". Naturally, she's coming at it from her point of view. "You seem to be merged with something similar.".

"What information do you seek beyond that? You probably know that already. Do you want me to ask questions of it?" she wonders. She looks around, but there's no throne here to settle onto. It feels weird not to have a throne. She'll have to get on to the embassy staff about that.

"Let me explain why I am here first. My distant relatives are making a name for themselves here, and, I am told, quite popular on Midgard. As Midgard is one of the nine realms, I felt I should make similar efforts. An ambassador from the land of the dead, perhaps.".

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
A blink as she hears that and she nods her head, "It is similar, to be sure. However, I'm not sure if what I am is the same. My family has been cursed with holding this being within us." She gestures to herself and then states, "To be the Silver Banshee." She nods her head and then tilts her haed, "Well, I am the Silver Banshee. Me ma was the Black Banshee." She takes a breath and lets it out, "I'm not sure how it works but I know that she seeks deat' and fear or sometin' similar." She takes a breath before letting it out.

"As for yer, uh, family, I can say at least dat Tor is rather well known around here." She nods her head, "And I have personally had a bit of a run in with Loki." She nods her head, "Not a fan."

Hela has posed:
"No, not exactly the same. Every spirit is unique, and yours is not quite in the same category. Midgard is quite an alien place to me." Hela admits. "As I'm sure Niffleheim would be to you.".

She ponders a bit, and eventually says, "Death and fear attract all manner of creatures and spirits. It is why the spirits of the Asgardian dead are protected on their final journey.".

"Is it a problem for you to resolve? Or are you merely curious about it?".

She darkens even more than she already is at mention of Loki. "That silver tongued serpent is unwelcome in Niffleheim, or many other places. I am not like him." she assures. "I am not like Thor either. I've not hit something in this entire conversation." she says silkily.

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
A smirk and she chuckles a little, "Well, ye might say ye aren't like him but you do have quite the tongue on you." She states with a girn at the comment about not hitting things. She then looks to the side and shakes her head, "Problem? Curiosity...depends on who ya ask. I'm not sure meself." Siobhan looks around before looking back to Hela and looks at her hands.

"I don't know if it is wise to show ye what control I do have here with utters about." She states, "I don't have good control over my nature." She takes a breath and lets it out, "I have done some good as the Banshee but...I also have done something I tink is rather terrible."

Hela has posed:
"Nobody in my extended family likes me all that much. It's one reason why I'm in Midgard, to see if it's any different here." Hela mutters. She doesn't sound all that positive about her prospects, though!

"And if you are not confident about not blowing the embassy down then don't do it. I'm sure my relatives will find a way to blame me, given I'd be standing here being blasted too, and therefore, 'involved'.". Yeah, a fair bit of bitterness there.

"We've all done good and bad. Sometimes there is no choice, even. Odin once told me we all have our place in the realms. I assume maybe that applies to both you and I.".

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
A blink and she stares for a long moment before sucking in a breath and letting it out, "I suppose." She states simply enough and then shifts her spot a little. She isn't sure she feels the same way but then, what can she really do? She then shrugs her shoulders and lets out a sigh, "Sorry, I know you're a death goddess and all that but I only just met ye." She shrugs and rubs the back of her head lightly, "I mean, ya seem nice enough I suppose but who are ye really? I don't know. I get ye might be used to people bein' all scared or reverant or sometin' but once ye faced down Lucifer, a space station, have friends who are incredibly powerful, live with a death spirit in ye, and have seen the birth of a literal god and been part of helpin' it be born?" She shakes her had, "Death goddess is a matter of persepective..."

Hela has posed:
"I'm not expecting you to be scared or reverent. In fact, I am hoping you are not. If nothing else, because you are close to death already. I know nobody allowed past the guard on the gate is likely to be a peasant, either." Hela blinks. "I would like to be ... accepted, in fact, in general, so you are giving me hope.".

"I am not dwelling on my role as guardian of the dead allocated to me. In my case death goddess is more of an office. But you did come here seeking help... and as the fates woud have it, seem to have found one of the better pantheon to meet." she says modestly.

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
A smirk as she nods her head to Hela, "Well, dat's good to see." She nods her had and then smiles, "I can say I will accept ye aas ya are." She nods her head and then she shifts slightly, "Mainly because I can't imagine everyone else isn't also just a person." She then looks with a blink at Hela and then nods.

"I suppose I did. I am mainly wonderin' if anyone knew much about where teh Banshee came from." She nods her haed with a sigh, "How she came to be."

Hela has posed:
"I am a being. Perhaps unusual by Midgard standards. Unusual by Asgardian standards even. And appointed an unusual task. But I still make my own decisions as you do. I have moments of weakness, moments of glory.". Hela sighs. "I have my doubts and my hopes. I also believe I've done more good than bad, though I feel less people understand me.".

She smiles a rather icy smile, but then she is mostly frost giant. "I am a more pleasant entity than Lucifer, I am sure you would agree.". A pause, and she adds, "And you are the first Midgardian I have met really in the present age. I have met a few others, but they were not in a position to speak.".

Hela has posed:
"And as for your special guest, it seems at a glance to be very old indeed, and as you said, focused on seeking out fear and death. Or even encouraging it. In fact...". Hela leans slightly closer, peering with her luminous green eyes for a moment. "I am not sure it is a soul at all. So perhaps not entirely in my sphere, as it were, after all.".

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
A blink at the woman and then she tilts her head, "I..." She then hmms, "Well, dat at least answers sometin'." She nods her haed as she looks at her own hands before looking to the side, "I knew it was somethin' else but I didn't know what it was. I just, wish I knew why." She then sighs and looks over at Hela before adding, "I am sure we all see ourselves as someone tryin' to do good for da most part." She nods again, "Ye might not be human but ye sure seem to have a perspective like one." She laughs.

Hela has posed:
Hela smirks at being called having a human perspective. "I am trying my utmost to be pleasant, and without the long experience of Amora or Thor." she admits. "I certainly don't have a quarrel with you, or with Midgard. And I am pleased to see that it is apparently working, at least in part.".

She paces around a bit, looking over at her draugr servant for a moment, who has been sitting there patiently all this time. "If I was in my realm, I would behave differently, I admit, but here I am the guest, and not the ruler. You have rulers here, you must understand. That's why this is called an embassy.".

"As for your guest. I am pleased to be of help to the living as well as the dead. If it really was a case of possession by a soul I could help more easily... Perhaps you will look to me for help again." she says with a pleasant smile. "And spread the word of my presence within Midgard. I do not have the fame of my relatives.".

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
A frown and a nod, "Well, at least I'm a step closer to findin' out more about who or what I am." She states and nods her head, "And maybe Harley is right. I need to accept dat dis is me, not just simply sometin' else." She frowns softly and then looks over to Hela before grinning, "I'll let people know about ye if dat is what ya want." She then idly looks Hela over and smirks, "Ya know, you are pleasant in more ways dan one." She chuckles and then shrugs and starts off the way she came, "Until next time, Hela. Look into gettin' sometin' called a smart phone. Might come in handy."