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Empire State Students Probably Like Pineapple On Their Pizza
Date of Scene: 04 November 2020
Location: Angelo's Pizza
Synopsis: Columbia vs ESU! Round two! Johanna gets introduced to Viola by Alexander.
Cast of Characters: Alexander Aaron, Johanna Mitchell, Viola Fiore

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    The door to Angelo's jostles and jangles as it is pulled open, the small bell that hangs from the inner bar catching against the glass and giving a hint of a tinkling sound to the otherwise chill ambiance of the pizzeria. Inside it was nice and quiet with only a pair of customers and D'Attilio at the counter, leaning on the wooden divider and with his eyes lifted to the Jets game that's playing out on the flat screen up on the wall. The volume is low, just a hint of a buzz and occasional comments heard from the announcers but not enough to interfere with conversations.
    But the bell rings, and through the door enters a somewhat familiar blond youth, holding the door open for the other who follows after him, making sure she slips on inside without having to face the horrible hazard of a swinging glass door.
    And indeed. It is that one troublemaker. The Empire State Student known as Alexander Aaron who clearly brings trouble and danger with him wherever he goes. He announces that presence wickedly as he waves to he counterman.
    "Hey D." Perfidy.
    Then he strolls in and does a small doubletake, "Oh hey!" He waves toward Viola. He lifts his voice as he turns his head in the direction of the person following after him. "That, Jo. Is a Columbia student. Notice the evil narrowing of the eyes. You can always tell them in a crowd."

Johanna Mitchell has posed:
    The glass planes of the pizzeria face out to the bleak of night. Not that it's super late or anything, but it's that time of year where you can enjoy the sunrise, and then enjoy the sunset forty-five minutes later. The streets are lit up with lamp posts, traffic, and tiny string lights that are ubiquitously wrapped on every tree within the concrete park.
    Johanna's never been to -this- pizza place, per se, but she's of the certain mindset that if you step into one you've stepped into almost all of them. To Angelo's Pizza credit, she ain't seen arcade machines in forever. Didn't those go out sometime in the 90's? "Ah sweet," she murmurs as steps inside to the door-holding Alex, "I haven't seen Time Cop in ages. I wonder if it works."
    She stands roughly a few paces behind the youth as he makes his greeting to D'Attilio, giving a polite lift of her hand to complement Alex's informality.
    She'd been eying the rest of the brick interior when Alexander calls out Viola, and it is with interest and lifted chin that the tomboy falls in line with Alex's shoulder as he instructs her on how to tell a Columbia student apart from an Empire State student. "Mmm. Mmmh. M-hm," she nods seriously, taking a forefinger and thumb to her chin to hold and consider gravely Viola's appearance.

Viola Fiore has posed:
Viola is wearing a pair of designer jeans, boots, and a sweater that's just thick enough she can go without a jacket tonight as long as it does not get too much colder. She's standing over at the counter, elbows resting on it while her hands drum out a little beat as she's talking with the clerk.

She doesn't look back at the sound of the jingling bell, but does turn as she hears the description given of Columbia students. She laughs and turns so she's leaning against the counter behind her now, arms crossing as she looks over at Alexander and the young woman who is accompanying him. She turns her head to tell the clerk, "Do you know why ESU graduates hang their diplomas in their cars? So they can park in the handicapped spaces."

The Italian-American girl looks back to flash a good-natured grin to the pair. "So, we meet again," she says in a voice full of mock suspicion and enmity.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    As for Alexander, she's seen him in similar garb before. The ubiquitous sneakers and blue jeans, his t-shirt is the main thing that changes and today it is red and proclaims an enthusiasm for, of all things, McRib sandwiches with an image of such and text that states, 'MCRIB IS BACK AND BETTER THAN EVER!' though it's partially obscured by his black leather jacket that is so trendy and so severe it might actually make /him/ seem more the heavy of this story than Viola.
    The pointing continues at Viola even as she speaks with such malice about the good people of Empire State University, though she causes him to laugh as he steps over to the counter. "Oh man, yeah well. Your face lets you park in the..." And then the words falter as he confesses, "I got nothin'."
    He tilts his head toward Johanna and says, "This is Vi, she and I share good taste in pizzas, kinda. Viola, this is Johanna, she is my..."
    A pause as he sort of looks at her, then shrugs a little and says. "My significant type person?"
    Which assuredly clarifies things. Then he asks, "Have you ordered? We could get a whole pie thing if we can avoid coming to blows over topping choice."

Johanna Mitchell has posed:
    Johanna is similarly dressed, but in a set of clothes that are slightly too big for her frame, lending a sort of grunge-type appearance to her look. Her shirt features the the almighty Nyan Cat, exploding forward up the length of her stomach and over slim breasts to the opposite shoulder. Jeans hug her hips and thighs but become loose again around her calves, feeding into scuffed white sneakers.
    She's perfectly willing to go along with what her compatriot is saying until he starts toward using the phrase 'Your face', at which point the tomboy shoots Alexander a /look/ as her back hand gives the side of his leather-clad arm a sharp THAP.
    She departs from his side to approach Viola with a wide-spread, easy grin that speaks of warmth and honey. Her hand is offered for shaking, the sleeve of her shirt falling loose off her arm. "Johanna Mitchell, at your service."
    She gives Alexander a scrunched expression when he tries to figure out what to call her, and then her voice takes on a taunting tone that is somewhat similar to Sandra Bullock's from Miss Congeniality, "Awww.. He's wants to call me his girlfriend," and then back to Viola, she beams. "He's got simply awful tastes. Awful."
    Then the topic of pizza toppings is broached, and that's when Johanna flares her hands in front of herself, giving her person gravity as she states with all seriousness. "Give me the pineapple and no one gets hurt."

Viola Fiore has posed:
As Alexander leaves the comment about Viola's face hanging, she finishes it for him. "... lets me park in the valet section?" she offers with a little laugh. Her clothing has a bit of tasteful expense to it that could leave one imagining she does frequent places with valet parking, at that.

She greets Johanna then, shaking her hand. "Viola Fiore," she offers back. The younger woman breaks out in a soft laugh at Johanna's proclamation about Alexander. "Well, may we get what we want and not what we deserve, I figure," she shares.

She glances back at the counter and says to Alexander, "I was just trying to decide what to get. Was just planning to get it to go. But if you are hoping some education and grace will rub off on you, I'd be happy to sit down for a meal together if I wouldn't be a third wheel," she says, eyes twinkling as she gets the little jab in.

Though a groan sounds at the mention of the topping. "Are we having fruit, or pizza then?" she asks, tone still good-natured.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    A wry smile settles on the youth's features as Johanna's casual thump does shift his stride a little as he strolls toward the counter. He looks over his shoulder at the two of them and crinkles his nose slightly as if no entirely sure if the prospect might be a good one, but then he decides.
    "Sure," Alex says at the prospect of sharing a meal even as he casually strolls up to the counter and looks up at the list of toppings on the menu. He looks down and then back toward the others. "Though, I am a man of classical tastes. I prefer, you know, pepperoni. Extra cheese. Maybe some mushrooms?" That said he holds up his hands and double points at each woman.
    "But if you guys can hammer it out I am will to compromise for the sake of peace." A beat then he adds, "Or we could go halvesies? Half Hawaiian and half classic?"

Johanna Mitchell has posed:
     At Viola's groan and quip about fruit or pizza, Johanna raises an eyebrow and lofts her chin. Her arms come to cross in front of herself as she primly sniffs, "I don't understand the question and I won't respond to it."
     With Alexander approaching to make the order for them, she gives in with an eyeroll. "Naaah... That's okay. I don't want a whole half to myself. I'll just imagine what could have been and suffer." Her hand finds the seat of one of the barstools. Her hip swells onto it, not quite sitting but not fully standing either, and she holds her hands in front of herself as she gives Viola a sweeping glance. It's the type of look-over that all people give to each other at some point. The stuff that builds first impressions and all that. When her eyes get back to Viola's face, her smile is soft. Curious as the kitten that's plastered all over her shirt, she asks, "Columbia, huh? Watcha' learning over there? Or have you already graduated?"

Viola Fiore has posed:
Viola makes a two-handed gesture towards the counter as if for Alexander to proceed once Johanna has conceded on the point of the Hawaiian topping. She turns to Johanna instead as the other woman asks Vi about her own schooling.

"Graduated last year. I've been weighing exactly what I want to do now. I have an offer to partner with an event coordinator I worked with part-time while I was in school. Which... is appealing. She does a lot of high end weddings and corporate events. Though my degree is in sociology and I'd kind of aimed at maybe working for a charity in the city here." She lets out a sigh, lifting one hand and lowering the other as if they were opposite sides of a balance. "Make a nice living. Help people," she says with a sigh. "I feel selfish if I go with the other job. Considering maybe trying to work out a part-time thing, but... well. I have a little time before I have to decide, anyway. So, what about yourself?"

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "She graduated," Alex says to Jo as he gives a nod to D'Attilio, he slips his comment in there somewhere and then adds, "Otherwise we'd already be having a knife fight to prove whose school is da best."
    Though the way he smiles might make one imagine that Alexander isn't being entirely honest with his opinion. Then he's leaning forward making the order and listening over his shoulder for suggestions while D is nodding along and scribbling on the pad of paper as he takes the order. Alex makes a few notes and nods a bit then steps back as he looks to the two women. "Alright, gonna be a bit, got us a pitcher of soda and some bread sticks too, cuz why not?"
    As he says that he scoots across the way a little and heads over toward one of the tables, pulling out a chair a little for Viola and Johanna before he sees to his own seat. Then he'll drop into it and settle in.
    "Did I tell you you should become an international assassin?" Alexander asks Viola, brow furrowing as he tries to remember if he made that wry comment. Or just thought it. "Oh well, 'tis a growth industry."

Johanna Mitchell has posed:
    "Mmh," Johanna murmurs, acknowledging Alexander's answer, her eyes skittering along the edge of the counter toward him, but not directly at him.
    Both women turn toward each other, Johanna with her hip swelled against a seat and her arms casually crossed underneath her slim chest. She's one of them active-listener types. Full attention. Without trying to come up with other things to say, or responses part-way through--just pure absorption of what's being said until Viola gets to the end.
    Then Johanna cants her head to one shoulder more so than the other. "That's a tough decision," she agrees, her eyes lowering toward the counter in thought. "One offers networking and familiarity. The other seems to be more in line with your personal ethics and would perhaps offer more meaningful satisfaction in the end..."
    Asked about herself, Johanna's lips quirk briefly--and then she is promptly saved as Alexander meanders over with details on the goods. "Breadsticks! You fool! You mad man! You're going to give her weaponry?" Because. Because breadsticks look like clubs. Or something. What matters in the end is that Johanna finds herself funny.
    They make their way over to the tables. "Thanks," Johanna smiles as her chair is pulled out from its tuck, and she promptly flops into it, arms smacking onto the table. A picture of grace. She's not certain if she's just out of the loop or if she doesn't get it, about the assassin bit, but she appears vaguely bemused by the idea of it. "She's got the wardrobe for it."

Viola Fiore has posed:
Viola takes the seat as it's pulled out for her, settling in and cross one ankle over the other under the table. "Thank you, and bread sticks sound great," she agrees. A warm laugh is given at Johanna's comment. "Well I'm sure James Bond would know a few ways to kill someone with them, but for me I'll probably just end up eating them. Maybe dipping them in marinara first," she says.

Viola glances down at her attire. "Do international assassins wear sweaters? I do love them this time of year," she admits with a gentle laugh. "Well, on the good side, you get to travel in a job like that. On the bad side is the whole being hunted thing if you get found out. But I'll add it to the list of possibilities," she assures Alexander.

The young woman gently drums her fingers on the table. "The worrisome thing to me... is that confronted with this choice, I realize just how much I enjoy some of the luxuries in life I've had so far," she says. Viola's tone isn't bragging in saying that, it's a tone of admission and with notes that she finds the realization about herself a little troubling. "And it feels selfish to put that ahead of helping others. Yet... I'm sitting here undecided. So maybe I'm not as good of a person as I'd like to be," she says, pursing her lips and then giving a sigh.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Alexander sits up a little in his seat, but then leans back and rests one leg on his knee, hands at rest upon his shin as he considers the others there at the table. "I... like bread sticks?" He offers in way of explanation. Though he does look over at Viola and shrugs a little as if that was enough of a reason.
    In answer to Viola's comment he bobs his head, "Tactical Turtlenecks, all the rage in fashionable espionage." Which has him biting his lower lip as he looks over at Johanna. "Remind me to get some turtlenecks?" Since that would be cool.
    "You should, however," Alexander starts, speaking as clearly a voice of wisdom. "Pick something that you'll enjoy, that you'll like for more than just a feeling of doing good for others, because that sort of thing can turn around. Altruism can flip to cynicism and resentment pretty easily if you let it. Or feel unappreciated." As if he spoke from some position of knowledge. Which... he kind of does. Partially.

Johanna Mitchell has posed:
    "Oh, yes," Johanna murmurs sagely. "I mean. Usually they're turtlenecks, but sweaters?--"
    Alexander chimes in. Johanna grins widely. They were both thinking the same thing.
    "I dunno. I think you'd probably look more like a villain in a turtleneck with that blonde hair of yours."
    She turns back to Viola. "Totally on the assassin list of things to wear. Probably more comfortable than the domina leather stuff, too."

    "Hey..." Johanna strokes her hand up through her hair as she shifts positions. She grips it, keeping it pinned away from her eyes as she shifts to watch Alexander give his own perspective of things. Which she seems to agree with, because at certain points she gives a nod of her head. But when he's done talking, she leans forward against the table and allows her hand to fall from her face onto the surface, a pointed little 'thwack' that promptly knocks all of her thoughts together in presentation order before she speaks them. "He's right. You gotta take care of yourself before you can really be in a position to care of others. Sometimes, being selfish is good. Really good. You're young. You've got an exciting life ahead of you. And I know that it seems like this is an either-or choice, but it's really not. There's always the opportunity to help people. Maybe not in a professional manner, but if helping people is important to you, then you're going to be finding ways to help people regardless of what career you initially choose to pursue."

Viola Fiore has posed:
The Italian-American young woman lets out a soft laugh. "I love a good turtleneck. Mock ones too," she comments. "Though I probably need to buy some guitar cases to carry my weapons in. That, or, you know. Carry guitars in them."

The breadsticks are brought over, and Viola pours them all glasses of soda from the pitcher. "Thank you," she tells the clerk with a smile, and waits for the others to get theirs first as she takes a sip of soda instead.

"Hmmm," Viola responds of their comments. "A friend once told me, when I asked her whether I should do something or not... that when you ask someone things like that you're just looking for validation of what you really want to do. That if you hear it from someone else then it isn't like you're being selfish in a decision," she says. And she slowly bobs her head a bit from side to side. "And I can tell I like hearing what you're saying, which tells me how I truly feel about it inside." That also brings out a soft sigh though. "Well, appreciate the advice. I just need to make peace with it inside I think."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Alexander bobs his head a few times as Johanna echoes his sentiment somewhat and he then looks over at Viola as the first wave of food and drink is brought over. He helps himself to a bread stick, tearing it in half and offering one part to Johanna before he leans over and dab-dab-dabs his end in the marinara before taking a bite and chewing.
    "There's some truth to that I imagine. It's like flipping a coin to choose your next course of action or make a decision. You flip it and then realize you were hoping for the other outcome, voila, choice made."
    Then he tilts his head to the side and inclines his eyebrows at Johanna, then shoots a look at Viola before looking at her. "I think, we're all sort of going through thought processes about, you know, employment and junk." He looks over at Viola, "Myself as well kinda."

Johanna Mitchell has posed:
    Johanna leans back again, taking her drink with her, and one of the wrapped straws left behind by the clerk. She begins fiddling with the paper, ripping off the tip, and then jabbing it lengthwise into the table to pull the sleeve down the entire length. Dropping it into her drink, she allows the straw to sit there, but keeps her fingers pinched on it, as though she might swoop down to take a sip at any moment.
    "Pretty much," Johanna agrees with Viola's friend. A sip is taken. And then she releases the straw to jab a thumb into her own chest. "I'm the queen of unsolicited advice. Servicing anyone, anywhere. But seriously, I'm sorry if I over-stepped or anything. Feeling like you're beholden to a singular path forward sucks, no matter what the reasoning is behind it. A lot of people get all the way through school just to realize that they'd really rather be doing something else all along. Everyone's ultimate goal is just figuring out how to be happy."

    The breadstick half is graciously accepted. Stirred in marinara. Simialrly chewed upon, perhaps a bit slowly. She gives an enthusiastic nod (her mouth is stuffed!) when Alexander mentions the bit about employment. Her expression toward Viola is a silent expression that states in no uncertain terms: 'life is misery and everything sucks, especially job hunting.' In other words, a big frownie face.

Viola Fiore has posed:
The Columbia grade slowly makes her way through her own breadstick. "They get just the right amount of crunch in them," she says of the seasoned, baked pizza crust.

Viola's eyes go back to Johanna, "I don't recall if I caught what it is you do," she comments. "And how did you two end up meeting anyway?" she asks, not afraid to just dig into their lives apparently.

The young woman looks over towards Alexander with a curious expression. "I thought you were focusing on school. Are you talking about picking a major? Or are you looking at a job instead of college now?" she inquires of him.

A sip of the soda chases the breadstick. The smell of baking pizza is pretty much always present to some degree, but definitely the more enticing as their own pizza pie is nearing completion.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    A hand extends to rest on Johanna's and give a small squeeze, his lip curled as he eyes her sidelong as if to tell her it's cool, but still with that mild hint of admonishment that one can see at times in the youth's pale gaze as if to say, 'It's cool, but don't be a nerd.'
    Yet after that his smile grows and he turns to Viola and says, "I'm trying to figure out what I should do with my life after school, which is a fair ways off, though a friend of mind told me I should start working in whatever field I choose so I get a jump on things. Intern or whatever. But dunno."
    He uncurls a hand toward Johanna, "Jo is also an instructor, fitness and self defense and things like that. Though..." He glances to her and asks, "Did you hear from Colleen about her thing?" Which, to be fair, he gained no idea which way the sensei of the Chikara dojo leaned.
    "I mean," Alexander slouches in his chair a little, leg unfolding as he continues to nibble on the breadstick. "I suppose I could go live a life of luxury, find a rich Saudi and marry him. But alas."

Johanna Mitchell has posed:
    Johanna glances at the hand that lays over top of hers. Then at Alexander. Then back at the hand. Then back at Alexander! Her brows furrow together in a silent '/what/'.
    Chew. Chew. Munch. Gulp.
    Johanna, finishing the rest of her breadstick, reaches for one of the napkins to begin running her fingers across a napkin one by one, knocking off salt a bread crumbs in the process. The joy of eating with one's hands! "You don't remember? I have to earn a black belt in her dojo before she'll employ me." Not unexpected. But... "Which means I still gotta do the job search thing in the between." Ahhh. Some part of the expression from earlier makes sense now. Her gaze drifts long for a moment, then her shoulders shrug underneath that oversized shirt. The thought is interrupted on its on terms before she leans forward to take another sip of her fizzy drink--and nearly snorts it in a bubble of laughter when Alexander says /that/.
    Viola's question just goes unanswered!
    But apparently not ignored. "You first. How'd the two of you meet? It's probably more interesting than how we met," she gestures between herself and Alexander-...Then sits more upright as she sees that pizza being brought out on a wide round tray. Yum times are nigh!

Viola Fiore has posed:
The future is a heady topic, but there's at least one thing in the world that can make the contemplation of it take a back seat.


Their order is brought out, fresh from the oven so it's still steaming, and the clerk gives them a gentle warning about not burning themselves on it.

The round wooden tray holding it is placed on the table with a fresh plate for each. The glasses of soda are topped off. And then the next span of time is filled with nothing but quite sounds of satisfaction and enjoyment as the pizza is eaten.

And WITHOUT pineapple.