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Latest revision as of 06:17, 6 November 2020

Bloody Aquisitions
Date of Scene: 05 November 2020
Location: A New York waterfront Warehouse
Synopsis: Wolf Spider intervenes in one of the Punisher's operations to grab some new guns while taking down an uppity gang. He manages to save a few thugs... and gets shot at for his troubles.
Cast of Characters: Frank Castle, Leon O'Malley

Frank Castle has posed:
It was a quiet afternoon in New York. Well, as quiet as New York is.


As Wolf Spider swings by a sweet nearby the waterfront, there's a loud explosion, along with enough of a bang to create a window shattering shockwave, near a dock.

Whatever just happened, it was loud enough that it could be heard a bit further out.

Then, the sounds of panicked gunfire fill the air, followed by screams.

Leon O'Malley has posed:
Leon halts mid-swing, twisting up and wrapping around the strands of black goo as they harden into a solid pole like beam, his head snapping to eye the source of the explosion. He kicks off the strands and they detatch from the wall, returning like tendrils to the base of his hand as he hastens to the scene, "How should I know? It's New York, it's probly another gang....I hope it's not clowns this time...No you can't eat the confetti, stop asking!"

Frank Castle has posed:
By the time Leon is at the waterfront, the bystanders are already running from the explosion... but the gunfire as stopped. There are screams though, "He went that way!" Inside the warehouse. Occasionally, there's a bit of a spray from pistols and shotguns as Wolf Spider arrives.

There's no obvious gunfight just yet. Though the door leading out onto the water from the warehouse as a gigantic hole in it now... and plenty of debris from an explosion thrown inside and outside of it.

Leon O'Malley has posed:
Leon O'Malley hits the ground in a roll, coming straight up into a sprint for the warehouse. As soon as it's in range, a tendril shoots out and snaps him to the wall next to what used to be the door, "Ok, cut the chatter, time to focus." He says to...himself? as he slips down off the wall and cover glances through the door-hole.

Frank Castle has posed:
There are about six people in total that Leon can see in cover inside. They seem like they're 'pinned' and are deathly afraid of leaving.

So far, it's... quiet.

"Who the fuck are you?" Comes a voice from a man who just peeked over the edge of the pier... and he's wet.

Was he just... diving? He's looking right at Leon through wetsuit goggles.

Leon O'Malley has posed:
As the diver peeks up over pier, Leon tenses and starts to turn, as if having seen him in the act. The vulgar identification request is met with a horrific almagamated growl, like several animals and a human being audiomixed together with the bass turned waaaaay up, "Rrrrng, do you kiss your mother with that mouth?" The white spider emblazoned around his torso beginning to writhe in agitation.

Frank Castle has posed:
"Are you with those assholes inside, or are you just in the wrong place at the wrong time?" The man pressed.

Yes, he just ignored the question.

Leon O'Malley has posed:
Leon O'Malley straightens up, tilting his head back and forth at the diver before slowly and pointedly stepping between him and the cowering group, "We just got here..."

Frank Castle has posed:
With that, the man lowers out of sight.

By the time Leon might look for him over the side, he's gone... somewhere.

Leon O'Malley has posed:
As the diver lowers, Leon turns back to the group cowering in the corner and begins stalking towards them, "....Explain..." They growl, beginning to pace back and forth in front of the group.

Frank Castle has posed:
Walking right into the middle of a bunch of terrified gangsters who were just shot at by an unknown with an intimidating presence? His only response is a sudden barrage of bullets. "GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE, FREAK!"

The warehouse comes alive as pistols and shotguns are aimed right for the Wolf Spider.

Leon O'Malley has posed:
As the guns come up, Leon sighs, shooting up into the air as the fire starts and disappearing into the rafters like a ghost.

Frank Castle has posed:
"First an explosion and one of us dead, now this shit? This was supposed to be a simple deal man!" "DON'T YOU THINK I KNOW THAT?! WATCH OUT FOR THE FREAK!"

They're still behind cover, but they're not moving. They're shooting anything that moves and seem to think they're pinned down.

Just then, one of the thugs behind a crate in the back slumps over... and a pool of blood begins to form around his body; shot through the heart. Then, the smell of the Hudson hits Leon like a truck from that door.

Just as quickly as the the shot came out of nowhere, the perp is gone again.

Leon O'Malley has posed:
Leon slinks about the rafters, his already padded steps even more silent when compared to the din of gunfire below. As the goon drops dead, he pauses, looking down over him and muttering to himself as Wolf whines in head head about the smell, "Diving gear, crack shot, vigilantism....Oh crap...Ten to one, we get blamed for this...Ok, gotta make this fast. Harden up."

    He says before taking a breath and slipping down to kick off the rafter in an overthetop cannonball of a tackle at the panicky goons, tendrils sprouting out to begin battering any missed for the insolence of their continued consciousness.

Frank Castle has posed:
Wolf Spider is much too fast for them when he's really trying, so he gets a couple of the thugs within seconds of each other as he dives down.

The three he didn't get immediately start running, blind firing towards the Wolf Spider as they head for the gigantic hole in the dock side of the warehouse entry.


The diver is nowhere to be seen. For now.

Leon O'Malley has posed:
Straightening back up, Leon kicks off again, bounding towards the runners like a tiger in chase and lashing another tendril out to swat their legs out from under them, paying no heed to the incoming fire.

Frank Castle has posed:
As the thugs fire at Leon... their bullets harmlessly bounce to the ground... and their asses bounce off the ground as a trio of screamsd and gasps sound out as Wolf Spider takes them down.

The warehouse... is quiet, and that diver from before can be seen turning the corner.

It's the first real look at him that Wolf Spider has had. He's wearing some sort of custom diver suit... with a gear web filled to the brim with weapons, ammo, and utilities. In his hands is an idled M16.

The most identifying feature is the bold and large white skull on his chest. If Leon keeps up with the news at all, he'd recognize it.

"So not with them." The icy voice of the Punisher drily states to Wolf Spider.

Leon O'Malley has posed:
Leon straightens up as Frank makes his presence fully known, moving to stand between him and the newly downed goons, "We knew it....Stand down, Castle. The situation's been handled, nobody else needs to get hurt. Just let the cops takeover..." The attempted talk down being almost comedic when run through the horrible garbling of the amalgamation of hellish alien goo and human voice.

Frank Castle has posed:
The Punisher... stares at Wolf Spider. He glances at the bodies... then back to Wolf Spider again. "Frank Castle is dead, and these are dead men walking." He replies, icily. "The police will be here any minute, and I need to get the gear anyway. I can take care of this trash later."

The M16 is slung and the Punisher begins to grab the weapons and ammo from the thugs into a duffel bag.

"We can discuss this later, bug."

Leon O'Malley has posed:
Possibly surprisingly, Leon makes no attempt to stop Frank from robbing them, "That hurts our feelings. Play nice now, we'll be watching..." He says before taking another leap into the rafters and disappearing back amongst the shadows, leaving Frank to his lead based candy spree.

Frank Castle has posed:
It doesn't take long. They had weapons and a spare magazine each. Then, he's heading out of the warehouse, onto the dock, and boarding the boat at the end.

Casting away all the lines, he heads for the bridge and starts the engine.

Then, when he's well out of webbing range for Wolf Spider, Wolf Spider can see him take his rifle... load something into the underbarrel grenade launcher, and aim for the warehouse.

*Thwip* The grenade sails through the air, directly for the center of the warehouse through the hole.

"I don't play nice with trash."

Leon O'Malley has posed:
A black tendril snaps down as the grenade breaches the hole, sticking to the top of it and swinging it up...and then back out the hole, like a pendulum, suddenly snapping it back off into the water as Leon drops back down into view, arms crossed and wagging a finger at Frank as the tendril retracts.

Frank Castle has posed:
The water goes up as the grenade makes contact, sending shrapnel everywhere.

"Interesting." The Punisher mutters. Then, he replaces the red dot sight on his rifle with a scope... and aims.

"Can't save them all. bug...."

Bursts of 5.56 sail through the air as the Punisher starts firing at the thugs.

He's doing it just randomly enough that the only way Leon will save them is if he blocks off the entire hole.

Leon O'Malley has posed:
The pair growl as Frank takes aim, tendrils resprouting to play defence at swatting bullets out of the air while Leon focuses on filling the hole with black web-goo. But even as potent as the symbiote is, even it can't focus on all that at once...

Frank Castle has posed:
The boat slows down, giving the Punisher better aim out of Leon's reach... and he just keeps firing.

One thug suddenly has his skull vented as two stray bullets get through Wolf Spiders shield.

He visibly reloads... and continues firing.

Bullets bounce around randomly as the Punisher just keeps going. Another bullet misses a thug by inches...

Leon O'Malley has posed:
Leon grumbles as the one goon's head pops, the tendrils shuddering as they flail wildly trying to deal with the lead in the air. Meanwhile, the gap is sealing, but the continued over taxation is taking it's toll, the biomass retracting from overexpenditure from Leon's hands, leaving his fingers bare, and slowly creeping further as the barrier grows.

Frank Castle has posed:
The sound of police sirens are getting closer. "Too much time." The Punisher grumbles himself as another magazine is expended. "Microchip, bring the drone over the river, keep me updated on patrols."

When the second magazine is dealt with, the Punisher moves back to the controls, and accelerates.

The guns are gone, and two thugs are dead with police on their way.

Leon O'Malley has posed:
As the boat revs away, the barrier retracts, Leon panting from the exertion, "...You ok?...You're ok...They're not ok.....We need to drag the survivors out...Good to go? Ok." He talks at...himself, apparently...again. He then straightens up and walks toward the survivors, tendrils sprouting to wrap them up and drag them to the relative safety of the expected police arrival point.