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Latest revision as of 18:04, 8 November 2020

After the screaming!
Date of Scene: 08 November 2020
Location: The Coffee Bean
Synopsis: Johanna is super mean and says mean things and Hank watches her be mean.
Cast of Characters: Alexander Aaron, Johanna Mitchell, Henry McCoy

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Once again back into the coffee shop after having made sure the shrieking woman was seen to, it seems that after having done so the coffee shop itself has cleared out as no small number of patrons have rushed off leaving some of the tables now empty and the line a rather anemic thing compared to what it once was.
    "You ever watch Deadwood?" Alexander says as he steps back to the table and continues to clean it off with some napkins considering the amount of liquid that was hurled across the distance at one of their former table companions. He uses up three more napkins and then tosses them in the waste bin just a bit away before he pulls a chair back and turns it around, dropping into his seat and finally having a chance to set his backpack down with a whumpf.
    "The bar owner guy would get so mad when crazy stuff would happen in his bar. Not because it was bad rep to have someone shot and killed in his joint, but because it cripples the action and kills the sales."

Johanna Mitchell has posed:
    Rather than give a direct yes, or no, Johanna responds amidst helping Alexander by slapping wet napkins into the bottom of a mostly temptied trashcan they've borrowed from behind the counter, "Is that a newer show or something?" She's trying to smile but the truth be told she's just a smidge shaken by the whole experience, and so there's a certain degree of acting that's going on. Not that she's a bad actor or anything but she ain't no Meryl Streep. "I mean, I can't blame that mentality. I'd be right pissed too if my sales went to kerplunk because of external forces I can't control. And that's just the hypothetical right type of 'pissed' that I can imagine because, well." She makes a point to reach into her pockets and to to pull them outwards, and tiny flecks of flint begin gently drifting to the floor from the emptied lines of her pockets.
    She hurriedly stuffs her hands back into them afterward, because it just looks goofy.
     When she sits back down, it's not so much as a sit as it is a fall, with the chair rocking slightly beneath her weight. She picks the side of the table that Alexander is on, reaching across the table for her phone. She turns it on. She glances at it. Then an eyebrow pops higher than the other. "Huh."

Henry McCoy has posed:
At least he's a bit more rested! Henry enters the Coffee Bean, dressed casually - khakis, polo shirt and extra wide tenis shoes. Just a regular Saturday about town, right? He stepped towards the counter, peering over the menu board with some interest. As he waits in line, he whistles to himself and shifts from foot to foot. After a moment or two, he's up for ordering!

"Black coffee, cream... and a dollop of mocha?" He requests, fishing out his wallet. He pays for the drink, leaving a healthy tip for the barista. Soon enough he's moved over to the end of the counter, waiting his order.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Slouching in his seat, Alexander leans a little forward and procures one of the abandoned drinks from the table and puuulllls it over toward himself. He cocks an eyebrow at Johanna and asks her, "Is this one yours?" Though she seems preoccupied so he doesn't exactly have the patience to wait as he lifts the cup up, sniffs it a few times, then takes a sip.
    At least he knows it wasn't Jenny's since hers was thrown all over poor Peter. He seems content, however, with the purloined drink and then leans to the side in his chair, resting his shoulder against Johanna's as he looks over the room, then over at her phone display. "Whatcha readin'?" He asks...
    Before his attention is drawn toward Hank who does stand out a little from the general punters in the coffee shop. He doesn't really stare per se, but he doesn't mind looking for a bit of time.

Johanna Mitchell has posed:
    "I finished mine," Johanna murmurs distractedly after Alexander has already touched the cup to his lips, and in that moment she slips her phone to in front of him, her shoulder wedging partly into his chest as she leans and taps the screen directively.
    "You know that girl with the blue hair? The one that called you a caveman?" Her eyes go questioningly to his purloined cup, then to the table, then back to the cup in his hand. "Although maybe she should have called you a rat. Anyways. Her name is Jenny. And look." Surely, right where she's pointing, is the newly added contact information of someone named Jenny in Johanna's phone.
    Johanna sits back by rolling her shoulders into place with a bemused expression twisting her lips in delectable way. "She totally slipped me her digits. I don't think I've ever been 'picked up'," and yes, she uses her fingers to use the air quotes, "so smoothly."
    She notes, however, the way that Alexander glances toward the big blue beast in human clothing whistling and waiting his line in coffee just like any other regular Joe come'n in for his cuppa'joe. "Hey!" She pats Alexander's thigh quickly. "That's Dr. McCoy. I met him in the park the other day outside the apartment complex." She lifts an arm to wave the dextrous mutant over.

Henry McCoy has posed:
Catching the wave out of the corner of his eye, Henry turns to regard the waver. A smile, followed by a nod to the woman and her compatriot at the table. A moment later, his drink order is completed and he takes the warm cup over towards the others. "Miss Mitchell... pleasure seeing you out and about again." Hank offers over with a friendly tone. "Mind another at the table? Or am I interrupting?"

He looks over to Alexander, nodding and grinning. "Dr. Henry McCoy, pleasure to meet you."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Hellooo." Alexander says as he lifts a hand to give a wave of acknowledgment and a nod toward Johanna. "I am Alexander Aaron."
    He leans over to the side and nudges the chair out opposite and then waves a hand toward it, "Please feel free." He sits back up a little, affecting a more proper seating arrangement as he takes another sip of his stolen beverage. Then he says sidelong, "I think this was... that one gal, Rosie Perez." Which has him bobbing his head in understanding because of course that was her name. In any case he doesn't seem to mind sipping it.
    "You missed the crazy screaming woman who showed up in here and cleared out most of the people." A casual glance is given as he looks the place over, and to be fair... foot traffic is picking back up.

Johanna Mitchell has posed:
    "Rosie Perez? Who are you talking about exactly? That highschooler?" Her nose wrinkles. "Please tell me that's some type of cultural reference and not just the first name that came to your head."
     Johanna leans away from Alexander, more to be socialable with the approaching Henry than any other reason, leaving the collective warmth that sitting next to another person tends to provide.
    "She wasn't crazy..." Johanna murmurs to herself. But she seems to have an issue with the way that Alexander told the story because as soon as Henry makes himself comfortable, Johanna lays both hands on the table in between them to give the better scoop. "We were kind of having just an informal discussion about Spider-Man and his sidekick Golden Eagle--a newer one, apparently--and... Another girl named Siobhan was here. Just out of no where, this lady in this sleek pink business suit came up, gripped the girl by her shoulder, and screamed, 'SHE'S COMING', and then just... collapsed on the table. Almost busted her face before catching herself." With a frown, Johanna begins threading her fingers together. "I hope she's okay. Both of them."
    She then flashes Henry a bright a beaming smile. "I hope your day's been better?"

Henry McCoy has posed:
There's definitely a looks of concern, Henry looking around the place to see if there is any sign of the poor woman. When none is apparent, his gaze turns back to Alexander and Johanna. "Odd... hopefully she is all right, yes. Too many odd occurances these days - too many troubled people needing help." A slight frown.

"Spider-Man has a partner now? Interesting - I hadn't kept up with the news. Golden Eagle? That name isn't all that familiar." He takes a sip from his drink, looking to each in turn. A grin. "So far, things are going a little better, thank you."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Alexander might seem he does not have a wide breadth of experience in that regard of grading mental illness for he seems comfortable in saying, "Seemed crazy." But then he gives a small shrug as he says, "But she had the weirdness that is for sure."
    That said he sits up in his seat and crosses a leg over his knee, blinking a little and looking across the way toward the window and the area where they had left the woman in the pink business suit. No sign of her now, but then again...
    A glance back, "I heard there were a lot of Spider-Folks running around. Or maybe that was just like, a thing."

Johanna Mitchell has posed:
    "Spider-folk gang," Johanna folds her arms to herself over her borrowed Stark '87 tee, and bobs her head up and down wisely as though this were the appropriate name to call them.
    It's probably not.
    "Either way... Her name was Siobhan Smythe. That's how she introduced herself. I guess someone's looking for her. That's the impression I got. Seemed like a lonely type of person. She came over just to tell the ESU student sitting with us--oh, yeah! I forgot to mention, that guy that got the coffee spilled on him? He goes to ESU too--" and like, probably so do hundreds thousands of others, "--although I suppose that's not quite important to the story. Anyways. Came over just to talk to him about his grand ma-ma picking out clothes for him."
    There's a pause.
    "Kinda' adorable really. And yeah! That's about it for my day." She glances toward Henry McCoy queryingly. "Watcha' mean by a little better? Things were go'n rotten before?"

Henry McCoy has posed:
The conversation is followed - as best he can. Some of the details, he wasn't privvy to. That's ok! Henry has coffee! He listens, eyes going from Alexander to Johanna as they discuss the attendance of another person to ESU, the Spider Gang and the mysterious Siobhan. "Interesting. Was... this Siobhan the one who was having issues? Or another woman?" He wonders, again sipping from his coffee.

A slight grin to Johanna. "Just... not feeling quite myself after a trying situation and then another life change piling on top of it. The stress builds, you know?"

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "The mean streets of Manhattan, the Spider-Folk gang runs them, looking for spider-rumbles." Alexander says as he bobs his head a few times in thought and reflecting on the nature of a spider-themed gang ala Jets and Sharks most likely. Yet he does not elaborate too much at the moment.
    But then his attention snaps up, "Oh he does? Cool I'll have to keep an eye out for him since /I/ go to school there too." As if such was clearly a great benefit to the school and a boon to whomever this other young student might well be.
    Then back towards Hank, "I think... Siobhan was the person who the crazy lady shrieked at. It was rather shrill like... debt collector shrill."

Johanna Mitchell has posed:
    "Ha!" That perks Johanna up. The debt collector shrill, before it irrationally makes her angry by the same token as she rounds on Alexander, twisting to face him to give his arm a light 'thwap' with the back of her hand. "Wait a minute. You're like twelve. What do you know about a debt collector's screech?"
    To Hank, she nods quietly after, the grin still wide on her face. Not quite to her eyes, because hell. She just witnessed something alarming and the hairs on the back of her neck are probably still standing to an exclaimation point, but she's feeling better. More at ease. "I mean, do you wanna talk about it? We got time," she volunteers Alex into it. "I imagine being a doctor is stressful no matter what."

Henry McCoy has posed:
The doctor nods to Alexander, smiling. "I can imagine the voice - excellent description." The man offers a bit of a cringe at the thought of said voice. "Are you a writer, perhaps?" He wonders of the young man. "You've a gift for phrasing." The Beast offers over, in earnest.

Looking to Johanna, he chuckles. "It... in my line of work, there are dangers. Among these dangers are people who look to capture you for various nefarious things. It's ... disturbingly more common than I'd like to admit." The man shrugs. "Currently, I am coping with some unwanted experimentation upon my person - with numerous side effects." A slight chuckle. "Add to it, my ... romantic interest had a change of heart, so it all adds up."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Lowering his eyes from Hank, Alexander actually blushes a little as he affects a certain 'aww shucks' look as he crinkles his nose and looks away, "Tweren't nothin'." He offers but his smile is wry as he looks back.
    Alexander offers answer to Johanna with a casual, "You know how they give people credit cards when they're starting school? My roommate for a time was this upper class guy from Tau Kappa Epsilon and they were chasing his butt, like serious." A solemn nod is given as he pulls his leg up a little more as he obviously takes the moral high ground by ignoring the thwap on his arm.
    That said he shifts his attention toward Hank and peers with those curious pale hazel eyes that seem as if emotion doesn't really reach them for whatever reason. "You could do something to distract yourself. Make some bad decisions and enjoy them. Go pick a fight at a TGIFriday's during happy hour." That course of action offered up for whatever reason and so oddly specific, but it seems to make sense to him.

Johanna Mitchell has posed:
    "And hell, if all that fails," Johanna offer Henry a sympathetic smile, "Harlequinn Romance paperbacks will always have your back. Tell you what. Get yourself a bottle of Martinelli's Apple Cider bubblies. Get to a Shopper's. Pick the cheesiest paperback title you can find. And just let it take you. You'll garuanteed to spend the night in tears for a multitude of reasons and each one will be cathartic in its own right."
    Johanna pockets her phone as she stands up from the table, allowing her legs to do the main work in thrusting the chair back behind herself. A hand falls onto Alex's shoulder and she squeezes indicatively, but she speaks to Henry directly as she does so. "Well, Doc. Enjoy your drink. I'm going to take this guy home before it's past his curfew."