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Latest revision as of 06:16, 12 November 2020

A meeting on the Tower roof.
Date of Scene: 10 November 2020
Location: Roof - Titan's Tower
Synopsis: Kori, Karolina and Siobhan share pizza on a roof, and then a hug!
Cast of Characters: Koriand'r, Karolina Dean, Siobhan Smythe

Koriand'r has posed:
    It's an early morning. White clouds clot up the center of the sky, but for the most part, it is as if someone had taken a bucket of oranges, reds, pinks, and yellows, gave it a good jostle, and then slogged it at the sky before apply some white pieces of cotton candy. At least, Koriand'r would like to think of it that way. She is fond of cotton candy, as a rule, for what else is there in the world that is equally delightful in sweetness as it is in experience and texture?
    Not much!
    But it's on this early morning that a rogue Koriand'r floats down from the sky, and lands with two feet on the rooftop of the tower with both booted feet touching the ground within the same unit of time, holding a variety of boxes that each cary the noble logo of PizzaHut. Large, pizza pie cardboard boxes, each probably with their own varying degree of grease saturation lining the bottom. Two boxes have been opened and contain diminishing pies, but underneath? Three more untouched boxes, and each one of them is perfectly lukewarm and room temperature.
    A hard gust of morning wind hits the roof top, and she uses her body to shield her tower of boxes, least one gets ripped out of her arms by a rampant fall breeze! But if she could manage flying across the city without losing one (or so we will simply have to presume), then darnit, she can handle while on her own two feet. Red, flame-hewn hair is whipped back and forth in the exchange, but she eventually makes her way over to the hanging area, dropping the boxes on a sidetable to bring out her phone, to mass text ALL of the titans:

<<I have brought much sustenance! Join me on the roof! Bring the fizzy sodas!>> As opposed to the dry baking soda.

Karolina Dean has posed:
    From the opposite direction on the horizon, a rainbow streak of light barrels torwards Titan's Tower. Karolina had already broken the sound barrier on the way, and there's no rippling ring of shining light when she starts to slow herself down. The scintillating blonde's shape comes into view, clad in jeans and sandals, wrapped up in a brown bomber jacket over a sleeveless turtleneck sweatery-thing. "Pizza for breakfast again?" she asks when she comes to a stop, not even letting her feet touch the ground for now.

    "Should I dash out and grab some drinks or is this more of a 'hey I'm already here let's grab some grub' kind of thing?" she asks, smile as radiant as the morning sun--and her own bright, multichromatic aura. Speaking of the morning sun, she's utterly -basking- in it, feeling it warm her and charge her up more than any regular ol' terrestrial food could.

Koriand'r has posed:
    By the time that Karolina's has made base with the roof, Koriand'r is already taking it upon herself to spread out the boxes evenly so that they each have an ease of access, but the moment that that Karolina is fully materialized is the moment that Koriand'r springs up from the ground, and shoots across the short distance that splits them apart to /collide/ into her radiant, sun-basked self in an embrace that is as exuberant as it is careless about its own strength. Certain measures of control do not need to be abided. Cannot be abided.
    Long arms find themselves circled and coiled around Karolina as if this were her purpose. To be squeezed. Felt. And radiated against. Between Karolina's heat, and her own, someone could probably experiment with cracking an egg on them. Hyperbole. But still. "I have been informed before that pizza is a purported poor choice for breakfast, however, I would insist that there are many items for breakfast labeled as such that are not as nutritious, or calorically dense. I have brought a superior choice," she finishes with a twinkle in her eye as she starts to allow herself to drift further back, not touching the roof top quite, but hovering several feet above it.
    "I would appreciate the fizzy sodas," Koriand'r admits, touching the front of her throat. "But I would also appreciate other things equally at this point. Such as a yunthak pudding." Which does not exist on this planet. "Or your company. I have much to tell you! For I have been to the Hall of Justice. And to their gift shop! So has this pizza, though the pizza did not get to go to the gift shop."

Karolina Dean has posed:
    Though Karolina is well versed in getting up with the sun, almost like clockwork really, she's never prepared for the sort of exuberant glomp-tackle that Koriand'r is capable of. It's all she can do to intercept it and embrace it. Embrace the orange beauty and tank the impact as best she can. It's a good thing she's so durable! The exhales a sigh, basking in the warmth of the other woman as if she were a second sun, surrounded now on all sides by solar energy and happy girl energy. "A-ah... good.. morning..." she manages to laugh even with the wind just a bit knocked out of her, hugging Kori tight.

    "And I wholly support casting off the shackles of what is 'breakfast food' as a stereotype and would much prefer to embrace a policy of 'eat what you like' when it comes to meals," she says, having gathered her wits, even if she has to reluctantly let go of the other woman. "Exhibit A is the fact that breakfast burritos taste great any time of day..." she nods, matter-of-factly. "I'm a food expert, after all! I help teach classes!" she beams with pride, hands on her hips. At the mention of the gift shops and such, and the Hall of Justice, she... eyes the pizza dubiously. Then back to Kori.

    "We~ell... I can get the drinks... and then be right back up? You won't want for my company for long--and neither will the pizza. I haven't eaten yet!" 'lina says brightly. "..then you can tell me about the gift shop." She seems less interested in the Hall of Justice.

Koriand'r has posed:
    "Good morning, Karolina!" In the brief (okay, maybe not so brief) seconds in which they hold each other, Koriand'r glances upward--and really, she should be looking downward, tall as she is, but by virtue of /how/ she's clutching onto Karolina...--Anyhow. She glances up, and her green, verdant eyes catch the sun within them. The lights within her eyes swirl in a manner that is inhuman, and a vibrancy of life that rivals that of the stars above. And then her eyes drip to 'Lina's lips. They stay there, locked momentarily, giving away something that is unspoken, and unacted upon.
    But once they are split?
    Koriand'r offers a funny smile to the idea of shackles and food. It is a sort of queer and soft thing that contains a smidge of nuance. It ends as soon as it begins, a flicker of expression that ultimately fails to place dent in her overall enthusiasm of just /being/. "We will break /all/ shackles, but I agree, starting with the limitations of time on food is a good first place to begin!" Just like that, Koriand'r has already drifted toward one of the pizza boxes. Has pulled out a slice. It's no longer stringy, but alas, it is solid and still contains flavor. And so she presses the triangular tip into her mouth and promptly begins chewing without hesitation or quarrel for the food's quality.
    And that is how she spends her time, presumably, while Karolina has darted down below to retrieve drinks.
    When Karolina returns, Koriand'r has made herself at home. She sits on one of the cheap plastic lawn chairs, itself fully extended and reclined, and her square on the middle with her legs crossed. Starting on ... is it a second new slice? Fourth? Fifth? She can pack when it when she wants to, like a vacuum. Karolina barely needs to bob her head into sight before Koriand'r begins talking, her voice whimsical and melodic in the same key, "I was invited over to the Hall of Justice by a Diana of Themyscira. I presumed she was worried about Donna Troy, and our efforts to return the Titans that are missing. I brought pizza as a measure of cultural exchange." Unsaid is that this is probably the left over. "I met an Arthur Curry, Prince of Atlantis. Two magicians. One will be sending me a bobble-head! I am excited, for I have never owned a bobble-head. I do not have a car dashboard on which I may place it, which I am to understand is the typical place for placing such things. I like them a great deal more than garden gnomes, though perhaps I would gladly accept a garden gnome as an equal gesture of solidarity between the Titans and the Justice League."

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
And then there's a moment of a scream followed by the appearance of none other than the Silver Banshee. She stands there in all her dark glory, nearly as far as possible from the two bright lights on the roof as one can be. Her form covered in shadow and silvery bone with a face like a skull. She looks over at the pair and then calls out in her willowy whisp of a voice to them both.

"I was told there was pizza and to bring up a bag filled with large bottles, "I was told to bring drinks." She states simply enough and then walks over toward the table to set them down and looks at the pair, "What is the occasion?"

Koriand'r has posed:
    "You were told correctly! I have it on good authority." Koriand'r was the one that sent the text after all! But it all comes out as a sort of, 'Omnomnom,' because it's spoken out through a mouth that has a /lot/ of food on it. When the Tamaranean eventually swallows, one can actually see the bulge of sustenance ribbing the line of her throat until the muscles of her esophagus are able to work it down.
    "The occasion is a successful union of the Justice League and the Titans. Lovers and purveyors of Justice! United stomach to stomach with the traditional food of pizza." She pauses. "I would have procurred /fresh/ pizza for this morning; however, I felt the message of union would be better symbolized by eating the same pizza." There's a pause. "Drinks!"
    She drifts over to Siobhan and her large bag, semi-circling her in a hover as she looks down over her shoulder and reaches, without real concept of personal space, for one of the drinks.

Karolina Dean has posed:
    'lina is downstairs for a few minutes, likely rooting around for some two litres. What she returns with, however, is more than simply soda! She'd put together a salad too, and cradles a bowl under one radiant arm, the other hugging two large bottles against her side. Cola and diet cola. The most basic of the fizzy lifting drinks, as it were. "So pizza and a bobble head? A bobble head of who or what?" she asks, genuinely curious.

    She casts a smile at Silver Banshee, too, having not been there for her arrival. "Oh! More drinks! It never hurts having excess hydration in the tower. Everyone works so hard," she says brightly, floating over towards the table to deposit the salad and the bottles. "So... there was a pizza party at the Hall of Justice? Is that what you're telling us? I.. didn't know we were that closely connected. Hero politics are..." she shrugs, now empty-handed. "...I'm just here to do things and be helpful."

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
A blink and the Banshee offers out the bag to let Koriand'r take the drink without too much fuss before the undead like woman walks over to a table to set the rest down. She then looks back when Karolina arrives and nods to her, "I'm not sure how much hydration dat drinks like dis offer but a drink is better dan no in my book." She then looks over at Kori again before nodding her head, "I'm not sure about all dat Justice League stuff but I'll take pizza all the same." She looks down at herself and sucks in a breath before shuddering slightly.

"Tryin' to see how long I can stay like dis wit'out losin' meself." She nods her head, "It's difficult." She picks out a piece of pepperoni pizza and settles it on to a plate, then grabs three more and puts them atop it before she starts pouring herself some cola, "As for bein' helpful? Sounds like what I tought I was here for, too but not everyone feels dat way out dere, it seems." She shakes her head.

Koriand'r has posed:
    "We are not," Koriand'r confirms in between bites. With a bottle in hand she goes back to plopping herself down onto the lawn chair. Cross-legged with the bottle sticking directly out of the crux of her calves and groin, where it most assuredly is beginning to warm due to the proximity of her heat. "Which is why I brought the pizza, as an act of good will, gesture, and cultural exchange, as is customary when forging ties between peoples. Usually there is much, much more food involved! But I had only two arms and a small limited time to respond to the invitation of which I was the sole responder of at the time."
    The slice of pizza is set down on her bare, orange thigh. Fingers slightly greased by the pizza's fat make it difficult for her to grip the bottle cap adequately the first round, but on the second try there is a definitive -pop- and fizzzzz as her drink is pried open. She puts the tip of the bottle against her lips and begins drinking as Karolina and Siobhan and talk about their desire to be of use, and to help, and she keeps drinking. Gulp. Gulp. Gulp. Until the bottle is completely finished, at which point she lays it on the ground, emptied, and resumes the process lifting of the pizza--but taking care to speak first, with a fully wetted mouth now, before taking that next bite. "Why do you only think that you are being helpful?" she asks, her brows furrowed together, and her eyes flicking between both Karolina and Siobhan, before settling on Siobhan with the fixated intensity of a cat noticing a flitting goldfish in the fish bowl.

Karolina Dean has posed:
    Poor Karolina looks quite perplexed. "Oh.. so you turned the meeting at the Hall of Justice into a pizza party?" she asks, trying to find clarification. She hunts for it, as she hunts for a pizza that suits her own dietary desires. She finds it, and smiles, and hoards the box all to herself. She sits next to Kori, and by sits next to, she pretzels up her legs somewhat and floats in the air next to the other woman.

    "I mean, that's a pretty bold move. I guess I missed the call for gathering, though. I probably had class that day..." she says sheepishly, and hides herself behind her pizza box while also taking and devouring a slide of it. "Well, I mean... I can't help with a lot of things. But I help with the stuff I can? I don't know anything about space travel or wormholes or particle physics... but I know that I can bring a smile, and be a team mom, and make sure people eat, and all that."

    She sighs and closes the box, setting her half-eaten slice on top of it as she picks off vegetables and pops them into her mouth. "I'm not a hero's hero. I don't wear a costume or a cape, I'm just a glowing sunflower that doesn't like seeing people hurt."

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
A look over at Koriand'r and then she looks over to the pizza she is eating even as Karolina speaks. She has picked a spot to sit and set her drink beside her. She has teh plate sitting in her lap even as she looks up toward Kori and then to Karolina, "Lets just say I am a fan of doin' what is right but...just seems dere are some who don't trust me." She shakes her head and takes a drink of her soda, frowning at something before looking into the distnace.

"Found out dat SHIELD is watchin' me cause dey tink I'm some kind of danger." She shakes her head, "Not really feelin' like much of a hero."

Koriand'r has posed:
    "Yes. A glorious party with pizza involved," Koriand'r confirms, her grin light and breezy and the morning air as Karolina come to sit with her, vegan pizza included!
    "Those are very important things," she breathes as Karolina announces her areas of specialties. Sincerity drips from her words as physical and tangent as the very food they hold in their hands. She adds, with a line of definitiveness "And out of the things you have listed, I am only well acquainted with two of them, and for the most part it does not help me, for I belong here. Perhaps it is easier said than done, but we are each beholden to our own strengths. A violin makes an adequate shovel but it is far better at playing music."
    And then to Siobhan, there's a touch of a considering frown on the young Tamaranean's face. Quietly, she states, "I take it this is not because you wear a skull on your face."
    Abruptly, she stands. Or rather, shoots up into a float. Standing implies her feet are touching the ground. "We can help!" She chimes at Siobhan. "It is, as my good friend Janet would say, an opportunity to market and brand yourself. Or rather, we can create the opportunity. Are we not all a potential danger?"

Karolina Dean has posed:
    "Well, I trust you," Karolina says with a nod, smiling at Siobhan. "...you're part of the team. You're part of the family. Right? We're all here, and we're doing good things. And if you need help, you can lean on us. That's what a team is for. A family is for..." she says quieter at the end, still quite unable to get over her own familial issues, it seems.

    It's good that Kori takes over at that moment, and it gives time for Karolina to finish up her slice of pizza, nodding enthusiastically at the talk of rebranding. And then pausing, to swallow, and blink at the mention of being potentially dangerous.

    "I mean... yeah... all of us are... pretty... really... legitimately dangerous... Robin and Nightwing are ninja assassins... Donna and Cait are ancient god-warriors from a tribe of breathtakingly gorgeous warrior women who can trace their ancestry to the gods themselves... and..." she holds her arm out, letting ribbons of rainbow-hued light coil around it. "...I'm... probably quite literally a miniature sun..."

    She gives a goofy, lopsided smile over to Siobhan, putting down her pizza box and floating over to hover behind Kori, draping arms over her shoulders from behind and peeking at the Silver Banshee with a chin resting on Kori's shoulder. "...I mean at the least we have boundless enthusiasm on our side. That's pretty lethal in high doses, too, right?"

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
A smirk at the pair and she lets out a sigh even as she returns to her normal self. She shudders as she does, having spent more time in the form than she has in a while. She looks at her hands before saying, "Well, we'll see about what can be done to rebrand dat...which I am but I appreciate your..." She glances to Karolina, "Your enthusiasm all the same." She nods her head and frowns.

"I can't exactly rebrand suspicions by a group like SHIELD but we'll see how tings go. I know recently dough dat I ate a soul. Da core of a formerly livin' bein'." She nods her head, "He might 'ave been evil and probably earned it but it is strange all the same."

She frowns and then shrugs before looking up to Karolina, "T'anks. I know you two mean well and hopefully we can get it figured out before long but for now I need to...just kinda get a handle on tings."

Koriand'r has posed:
    "A family /is/ a team," Koriand'r beams, collapsing her hands together in front of her chest with delight. Not quite a clap. Just a steepling of fingers peacefully underneath her chin. "Bound together by the sticky glue of love, comraderie, and sometimes cake. Cake, I have found, is very important to families, especially during celebrations that demarcate lengths of time."
    As Karolina floats over and wraps her arms around Koriand'r's shoulders, the Tamaranean holds the woman by her arms, and their collective warmth begins to suffuse together. She seeks out more of that contact, letting her body press back and into it, in the same way that a cat, once deciding they want to be touched, continually arches into that touch. "I do believe there is a documentation of the power of boundless enthusiasm. They call it a Care Bear Stare. Capable of befoiling the plans of gremlins and goblins a-like."
    Koriand'r does not comment on the fact that Siobhan has recently eaten an evil soul, but she tilts her head toward to Karolina to give her a look. A pointed look. The type of look that suggests that this, this is the sort of thing that a care bear stare could fix. If they had one available.
    "As long as you know you do not have to handle things alone. That is the perk of belonging to a family. That is the strength of belonging to a team. SHIELD can continue to be suspicious. We will continue to prove to them, as a parent to a child when they are being tucked in at night, that there is no beast under the bed, and that you are a valued and cherished Titan. May I offer you a hug, now? This is the sort of thing that is best ended on close physical contact." As if to prove that point, she squeezes the drape of Karolina's shoulders... before beginning to drag her along as she enroaches on Siobhan, arms spread!

Karolina Dean has posed:
    "A family is a team but not every team is a family... it takes something special for that line to cross..." Karolina says with a nod, smiling. She clings a bit more to Kori's back when the other woman arches, savoring the warmth and the closeness, even exhaling a sigh. A sigh that turns into a surprised noise as she's pulled forward. She's floating, there's no friction, so there's no resistance when she's suddenly a glowy rainbow backpack along for the ride to what may or may not end up being a very crowded hug!

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
A blink as she listens to Kori talk and she looks at her, "I, uh..." She seems to be hesitant but then she's in that hug and she sighs a little as she is hugged. She's not usually one for a hug in this type of situation but here she is, getting hugged. She then nods her head, "I suppose we will have to do dat, Kori." She smiles a little before she pulls back and nods her head, "Not sure I'm much of a hugger but I appreciate it all the same." SHe then nods ot Karolina, making sure to acknowledge her, too.