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Latest revision as of 03:53, 15 November 2020

A Beer At Josie's
Date of Scene: 15 November 2020
Location: Josie's Bar
Synopsis: Viola gets stood up, and runs into Foggy at Josie's Bar.
Cast of Characters: Viola Fiore, Foggy Nelson

Viola Fiore has posed:
It's Saturday evening at Josie's. Still a little early for the place to be too crowded or rowdy. The weather outside is cold. Cold enough that if some precipitation makes it into the area, New York could see a bit of snow.

Viola dressed for the weather. She's got on jeans and a warm-looking sweater, dark grey, that she has the arms pushed up on given it's warm enough in the bar. At the moment she's seated by herself at a table over near the pool tables. Her phone is sitting out on the table top, and she has a beer on the table front of her. There are a few wet rings from condensation on the bottom of the glass that can be seen, a keen eye maybe picking up the Italian-American young woman in her early twenties has been there for a little while.

Foggy Nelson has posed:
The bar door clatters shut behind Foggy as he shuffles in and pauses, spreading his arms wide before dropping them to his sides with an annoyed huff. "Ah, screw it," he says to the bar in general. "No high culture this time," he says, eyeing the draft heads as he piles onto a bar stool and drops a well abused messenger bag onto the vacant bar space to his left. "A Rolling Rock, with another queued up," he goes on, waving to Josie as she snorts at him and clunks a green bottle in front of him.

He cocks an eye toward the young woman a couple seats to his right. "I apologize in advance," he says. "Sometimes you don't get the beer you want, but the beer that you deserve." He shakes his head briefly after a quick glance at the cooler.

Viola Fiore has posed:
Viola Fiore didn't look up at first when Foggy arrived, though as he makes the comment to her she looks over towards him. The words draw a soft chuckle and a smile from her. "As long as you get the beer in the end, right?" she asks him.

The young woman picks up her phone, unlocking it, and then tapping and swiping in a way that might come across as frustrated. Especially with the annoyed sigh and expression that results. Vi locks the phone again and tosses it onto the table. But only from an inch or two up. Like needing to express how she's feeling, but not so badly that she's wanting to break her phone.

Viola looks down the bar towards Josie. "Want another?" Josie asks her. Viola nods. "Might as well, I'm done with waiting and now just moving on into enjoy the evening on my own," she tells the bartender.

Foggy Nelson has posed:
"That's not so bad," Foggy says with a shrug and a grimace as he slugs back some of his beer. "You get to keep control of it." He reaches into his jacket pocket and clicks on the screen of his own phone, frowns, and shoves it back into its originating pocket. He traces his index fingers past his ears to push his hair away from his face.

"Plus, you end up getting your beer in the end," he says, picking up his bottle and rotating his wrist to draw a circle in the air with its mouth. He takes another swig and puts the bottle back down decisively. It's not Gatorade, after all.

Viola Fiore has posed:
"True. Probably should just consider it the universe sending me a sign," Viola tells Foggy. She picks up her beer and finishes off the last few swallows as Josie pours her a new one. Soon the woman is giving Viola the fresh beer and taking the empty away.

Viola gives a nod of thanks, setting the beer down on the bartop for now untouched. She glances over at Foggy's bag that he's set down nearby. "Coming home from work?" she asks. "Or is it so bad that you're stopping off here to prepare yourself for having to go to work?" she adds with a faint grin towards Foggy.

Foggy Nelson has posed:
"Oh," Foggy says, looking over at his bag as though he's forgotten it. "Sometimes work is life, and life is work." He takes a last drink from his beer and sighs, tapping the side for any remaining blessed drops of the swill before he waves to Josie with it for a second. "I was supposed to put in some rounds tonight, but they got cut short." He mutters a bit under his breath and starts to reach into his jacket as if to go for his phone, but he thinks better of it and leaves it in place.

With a sigh, he turns to face Viola and folds his hands in front of him. "Whatever. You? This place isn't exactly the kind one plans their Saturday nights enjoying," he says as Josie slams a beer onto the bar and says a few words on where Foggy can shove his opinions.

Viola Fiore has posed:
Viola glances over towards Josie as she hears Foggy's commentary on the bar. Her reaction being exactly what Viola wondered might be coming or not. Though it's easy enough for her to tell that the woman is familiar enough with him that it's probably not actually taken to heart.

"Well, I told someone I was over in the area, and we googled a bar to meet up at," she says. Viola gives a little circular wave with a hand as if illustrating her story. "You know how everyone has that person out there they should know better? But don't? Well, that's mine. And so I've been sitting here waiting. And no responses. And... screw him. Again," she says, lifting her beer as if in toast of the sentiment before taking a long sip of it.

"So what kind of rounds?" she asks, motioning to Foggy's bag.

Foggy Nelson has posed:
"Legal," Foggy grunts, sipping from his beer. "Criminal defense has weird on-call hours. Someone lawyers up, they can't sit on hold until Monday morning." He gives a small burp and gives a small pony shake of his head. "Excuse me."

"At least, that's the usual. I usually have another attorney with me, but he... wasn't available," Foggy goes on, raising his eyebrows at this last detail. He salutes with his own toast toward Viola, mirroring her gesture. "Here's to... getting stood up. Cheers," he says, his voice dropped to something notably less than cheerful.

Viola Fiore has posed:
Viola sips her beer, resting it back on the table, both sets of fingers resting on the cool surface. "Ah, yes. Criminal defense," she says, trying to avoid sounding too knowing about it. "I imagine you do have to respond whenever things happen. And things probably happen more at night than during the day? Unless you're dealing strictly with white collar issues?"

The young woman leans back in her chair. "Well, I'll commiserate with you at least," she offers. "So do you have a practice around here in Hell's Kitchen?" she asks, having noticed earlier the familiarity that seemed to exist with Josie.

Foggy Nelson has posed:
"Nights are popular, but Hell's Kitchen's live 'round the clock," Foggy replies with a shrug. "Traditionalists are busy right around last call. Adventurous types get themselves tagged around two in the afternoon. White collar... is more interesting the later in the day they get picked up, but it's... messy." He gestures with his bottle back toward the door. "Nelson and Murdock has a reputation for availability around here, which should be great for business, but..." he snorts. "Sometimes I wish the morons in the crowd could take a weekend off."

"You're... not local to this neighborhood, I'm guessing," Foggy notes, angling his chin toward Viola before taking another sip of beer. "How the hell do you land in Hell's Kitchen to find a bar for your Saturday night? Seriously," he says, knocking his knuckle on the bar. "How far have you come in from that you'd want to do a Saturday night in the Kitchen?"

Viola Fiore has posed:
The young woman sips her beer as she listens to Foggy, nodding at appropriate times to show commiseration for what he goes through. "Nelson and Murdock, you say? Well I'll have to keep you in mind in case I get a ticket or something," she tells him.

At this question about herself, Viola gives a soft laugh and shakes her head. "I live down in Lower Manhattan. Right on the edge of Little Italy," she tells him. "And... well long story short? I graduated from Columbia recently, but an event coordinator I worked part-time for made me an offer to come work with her full-time. And, we're being hired for an event in the area, related to the mayoral campaign," she says. "So I was scouting out some venues. And besides, it seems like a..." Viola says, pausing just a bit as she looks around the bar, "... interesting little place."

Foggy Nelson has posed:
"Oh, it's interesting, all right," Foggy replies under his breath. "Mayoral politics get really interesting with this slice of constituency." He knocks back the last of his beer and stands up from his bar stool, pulling out his wallet to leave a handful of bills on the varnished paneling, then pausing before adding a couple more. While he has his wallet out, he fishes out a business card and puts it onto the bar between himself and Viola. "That's us. Ticket defense... sure, ticket defense is fine," he says with a dry chuckle.

He hoists his bag over his body, the strap held in place as it rests crosswise from his left shoulder to his opposite hip. "Not too many venues, unless you're counting school gyms," he says with a shrug. "And Little Italy has better bar food, by far," he says, raising his voice a little. Josie grumbles and Foggy chucks another single on the stack he's left for the barkeep.

Viola Fiore has posed:
Viola gives a soft grin and nods at his commentary on the area. "Yes, but location is important for such things when they are catering to the area," she tells him. "My partner, we usually do high end social engagements. Weddings, corporate affairs, things like that. But, if you want to do such work for a future mayor, good to get on their good side now," she says.

She takes the card and says, "I'll definitely keep it in mind. And if you're over in Little Italy sometime? The food definitely /is/ much better," she agrees with a small grin. "Was nice meeting you. Oh, and I'm Viola. Viola Fiore," she tells him.

Foggy Nelson has posed:
"Foggy Nelson," the lawyer replies with a smile and a nod. "Pleased to meet you, Viola, and to welcome you to... well, the Kitchen." He waves before turning to head out of the bar. "And I may take you up on that at some point. Josie," he calls as he reaches for the door, "I'm leaving, and you're almost out of Rolling Rock!" He waves again and sets out into the chill air.