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Latest revision as of 02:28, 17 November 2020

Breakfast Brainstorming
Date of Scene: 16 November 2020
Location: Dane Whitman's Home
Synopsis: Happiness, Ghostbusters, and problems of possessing aliens!
Cast of Characters: Jane Foster, Daisy Johnson, Jemma Simmons

Jane Foster has posed:
Staten Island doesn't have the hottest real estate in New York. In fact, most New Yorkers don't even think of it being in New York. But hey, Jane has property thanks to Mr. Whitman, and with that, a rather large and enjoyably bright kitchen. Sunshine swirls through the windows, the low autumn sun blinding for anyone forced to drive. A text messaged welcome to the Furiae invite them over for a proper fry-up. Or breakfast by anyone's idea. That means some fragrant fruit and spices mixed into yoghurt or oatmeal, an omelette stuffed with chopped vegetables currently happily coalescing in the frying pan. Add some tasty avocado or thick slabs of toast, straight out of the bread maker and into the toaster, for an extra degree of joy. That's how Jane rolls.

Eowyn, recovered golden hound of happiness, sits hopefully nearby in case anyone wants to pet her, anything falls on the floor, anyone comes to visit, or any icy shadow needs to be savagely bitten.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Breakfast at Happy Harbor?! That means waking up early, travelling from Hell's Kitchen to here ... Ugh, just like when a mission day! But Daisy is willing to do such a sacrifice for her Furiae friends. So when the invite comes she confirms it through a message and then wanders over. It's familiar grounds with Daisy having been teaching at Happy Harbor the last semester. Just a difference between the place she lives and here... Almost like a small piece of paradise..

She brings but her own self, jeans and shirt, a warmer jacket to fend off the November cold. Shamelessly void of any other offerings. It's breakfast! So no wine to be brought!

She knocks on the door and if anyone does to approach or otherwise let her in she will say with a grin. "Did anyone request a delivery of daisies?"

Jane Foster has posed:
Breakfast at Happy Harbour means parking a quinjet on the lawn, right? It would sound like a good idea, surely! Maybe a secret high-speed rail loop exists, right? It shouldn't take longer to get to Staten Island than to DC or Metropolis, but there they go. Such a sacrifice, except it is worth it? Maybe? Crepes were in that text message, along with a picture of a raspberry coulis in case Daisy can be bribed by delicious fruit. Glistening happiness in a jar, on a lacy little skinny pancake. Mmm, scrap of paradise.

It's cold outside, but the house is toasty and when the happy bark from the golden announces someone is there, Jane twists the dial on the gas lower. That leaves the omelette bubbling away, not burning yet, the bulk of chopped peppers in there helping a fair bit. Wiping her hands off on a towel, she glides on over to answer the door and laughs warmly upon seeing her fellow brunette there. "They're the best flower, I should hope so. I have a place at the table for such pretty daisies." Stepping to the side, she says, "Go ahead and come in, don't freeze your nose off. It's so rarely I get to make a proper breakfast any day but Sunday. Was it an easy run over?"

Daisy Johnson has posed:
> I was already sold at crepes

That was one of the last messages sent by Daisy when she saw the pics being sent to the group. Cheap this Daisy is! But she never says no to food!

So she grins when the door is opened up. "On hindsight ..., I *should* had brought you a vase maybe. It would had only been proper." she starts getting in, shuddering. "Happy Harbor *is* cold.." not that she can talk much about Hell's Kitchen! Place can get real cold too! Guess Hell can freeze over sometimes...

"And yea, I took the loop. I *almost* requisitioned a quinjet but ..." and she looks around suspiciously. "May could had been watching .." it's known that she has been trying to learn how to fly a quinjet, not too much success so far! "Even if I do need the practice!" she offers a hug to the other Furiae and then leans over to give Eowyn a proper greet if the doggie allows it. "Hello, Eowyn!"

Jane Foster has posed:
> Crepes are the best! <3

Truly, they are. Crepes are a more delightful pancake. The cream cheese content is also possible, if Daisy likes such additions, since there's a happy bowl of that goodness. She has a jar of the coulis out there, too.

"Oh, I've already a spot picked out. You can choose to put yourself wherever you like. Staten Island is a bit chilly, but honestly, Manhattan is /freezing/, all in all. Those wicked breezes generated through the skyscrapers go right to the bones. I have no idea how Spider-Man does it!" Sharing that affection for their island home -- the other island home, anyway. Breaking into a chuckle, she takes a blithe assessment of the foyer and then shows the way into the kitchen. "Yoyo, be nice to Daisy. She's responsible for helping rescue you! She was there, anyway, beating down bad things."

Eowyn certainly loves being greeted, tail madly wagging, and a wiggly trot of joy to show off home.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Daisy reaches out to give Eowyn all the pettings, letting it get all the ruffles on it's back and then around the ears before moving on to follow further into the place. Following her nose! Or in this case Eowyn's nose as they are led to the kitchen. She grins, casting a look around and sniffing. "You have a marvellous place." she offers. "And I meant an *actual* vase for flowers. WITH flowers." a laugh. "Not one for me to perch in."

She inspects the pancakes briefly, critical eye and then purses her lips together. "Now, these seem just right." but she resists the draw to just reach and take out a piece for herself. Willpower!

"He must have some kind of heating pad under all that for sure. Let me tell you, those suits aren't great in the winter otherwise.." a beat. "I may have uh .., tried one just for the kicks..." something she isn't telling though.

Jane Foster has posed:
Eowyn wanders over to her dish and plants her snout in the water, lapping up noisily. Such is the trouble of a dog; by no means can she be quiet, all excited and slurpy. Guests need to be welcome, and apparently that means being as slurpy as one can be. Her tail beats a thrilled tempo at Daisy's presence, her doggy smile wet and content.

Jane resumes the finishing of the omelette, hastening over to avoid it burning. She plucks the turner over, scooping it under the omelette and giving the eggy happiness a quick flip. That gets set aside to cool and she pulls the smaller frying pan closer onto the element. "All right, then. Crepes for you? Or eggs and toast? I've made enough to feed an army rather than two or three people." Willpower can go hang. Mischief brightens her dark eyes, and she curves a widening smile. "Take a plate of whatever looks best and I'll finish this up, too."

She glances askance and grins wider. "They do have heating pads in the strangest of places. Did you try one? A /suit/? Was it awful?"

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"It's not awful.." Another laugh from Daisy and she perhaps considering how best to explain it. "They are pretty comfortable, and you get warmed up real fast too." then some color going to her cheeks, she perhaps realizing how it sounded. "Because of all the action!" it may be perhaps too soon to say she actually /has/ a suit of her own. Yep, too soon to tell.

She busies herself in getting plates ready, setting one for her, another for Jane and then a pause. "Should I take one for someone else? You mentioned three..." a squint of her eyes. "Is Jemms being fashionably late again?" it's tradition now! "What happened to british punctuality!!?" she asks in mock-complaint.

"And crepes for me. Lets not go crazy just yet." Yes, certainly not engaging glutton mode just yet. "And how have things been with you out here?"

Jemma Simmons has posed:
There hadn't been a lot of activity from the third Furiae in the group chat. Really, there hadn't been much of anything coming from a certain British national for a bit. There was some, of that there was no doubt, but not much in way of chatter. Certainly probably a good reason why Jemma doesn't do social media often. Things...just pop up and attention wanders elsewhere.

So, perhaps it is a surprise when the group receives a message, sounding out loud and clear for both Daisy and Jane, even as Jane frets over the omelets.

< Incoming. Five minutes out. Last chance for requests before arriving.>>

Then, about ten seconds later, another message.

< Tell Daisy I am fashionably late again. She will love it. >

Jane Foster has posed:
"Not everyone takes the loop. The ferries control access more than anything else, Daisy," Jane chides the fellow Furiae with a crooked little smile, all tease and no bite. Cutlery is easy to find from a drawer and she carries it over, setting down forks, knives, and a spoon for the fruity syrupy happiness that deserves to be spooned liberally atop the crepes. Not fully a puree, it's just all kinds of raspberry stickiness waiting to stain someone's shirt. "It sounds like an exciting discovery, having your own chance to don a suit of any kind. You can imagine the difficulty of magically summoned armour like /some/ people. No pulling on their outfit." The bubbling laughter touching her lips radiates warmth and affection still, as if she's not wearing one of the multiverse's more precious relics on her wrist like a lazy golden bangle. Nothing to see there! Except one's own reflection, anyway.

Where indeed /is/ their British counterpart? Eowyn probably knows before anyone else, a wagging ball of well-trained delight plunking herself near the front door with only minimal tail wags. No barking endlessly at anything that move, she points her snout up at the handle. She waits. Stealth pupper! Beat. Beat, beat, beat.

> Strawberries and clotted cream? Wrong season?

Jane's response to said text is going to be belatedly hopeful, but you never know. All the same, she drops her phone to return to pouring crepe batter. "Daisy, I regret to inform you Ms. Simmons is fashionably on time. Had trouble with platform Nine and Three Quarters."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"I mean, I *could* had just flown here... I will leave it for next time.." A reassuring nod to herself and Daisy finishes getting the three plates ready, helping with the rest as well. She gives a sniff up at the crepes. "Prepare to meet your maker, crepe.." she warns the one that's to be eaten by her. Oh yes, she has oggled it by now, measured it and found it very much not wanting. Just perfect.

"I still abide by the same idea. Besides teleporting the best power anyone can have is to magically change outfits. Really, can you imagine how much time we'd save every day?" Clearly she has given this way too much thought! But then Eowyn is moving off to greet the late British national and she peers suspiciously.

When Jane informs her about *where* Jemma might be she just laughs, her suspicions confirmed. "Don't tell her that. I think she hates Harry Potter." all magic, no science! But she is grinning, clearly happy that the trio is getting together.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
Opinions on Potter-ism aside, it isn't much longer before Jemma does arrive. It is a little longer than the five minutes that she had promised before...but not terribly longer. It is possible that her arrival is noticed by someone of the four legged variety, though.

And...when Jemma does finally make her way in, there is a bag in her hand. One that she would hand over to Jane with a wry little grin. "I do apologize dreadfully for the delay. The flight pattern was full, so I needed to borrow a car from the motor pool." Oh..looks like someone else was thinking of flying. "That...and I missed the invite originally. I was regrettably indisposed at the time."

Should Jane open said bag, the scent of strawberries will greet her. That...and a jar of clotted cream, as requested. "Fortunately, the local supermarket was well stocked."

Jane Foster has posed:
Breakfast needs to be appreciated with friends. A cuppa tea, a cup of coffee, these can be acquired from their respective pots. Jane keeps fussing over the thin and lacy pancake, the elegant shape attaining a pale gold before she whips it off the frying pan and onto a plate like a crumpled sheet. Something that at least owns a sort of fluffy, friendly appeal as she smooths it out. "Oh dear. Would you wait a moment? I need to grab the door before this runs out. Though tell me, magically changing outfits seems like more of a bother. What if you can't decide what to wear? Would it just change on you or turn out like a wretched pastiche of bad 80s sitcom appearances? I think those old shows must have had a wardrobe department that was drunk and spiteful."

Engineering a reconciliation with Eowyn for losing out on a crepe, she whistles affectionately at her hound and slides up to greet Jemma, offering a merry wave before taking the bag. "And here's our favourite Brit. Was the ride over too arduous? Ah, the borrowing privileges in the cars are /always/ the worst. Sheridan seems to think we're all about to start joyriding in the parking lot the minute he hands over the keys. Hopefully you dispelled any notions about that." Because Jemma doing burnouts seems more than a little unlikely, no? Delight shines all the same when she spots that cream. "Oh! Beautiful. We've more supermarkets with Italian goods over here than anywhere outside of Rome or Milan, but not a single jar of strawberries anywhere. I've a mind to make clotted cream and strawberries on a crepe, and once the idea took hold, it's an experiment I simply must try. If it goes terribly, no one knows but the dog. Come in, Daisy's already settled. "

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Oh, Daisy's settled in alright. She was oggling that crepe, but then it's been left on a plate. Alone with her in the kitchen. So when they return Daisy *may* have already served herself from a bite, the full mouth telling and she greets Jemma with a muffled. "Hey, Yemms." though she finally chews it up and corrects, "Jemms." a beaming smile. "There you are! So. Teleportation and changing outfits at will. Why are they the best powers you could have, Jemms?" Clearly she has her opinion on this! And nothing shall sway her!

Then to Jane she adds, "And sorry, my willpower was weak." no regrets though! It's delicious!

"But speaking of indisposed..." And now she is eyeing Jemma. "I hope this was not from all the chocolate I brought to the labs? Fitz told me he was going to keep a few for you." a beat, "Apparently he turned into a sharpshooter in our last mission so..., he deserved something."

Jemma Simmons has posed:
"Oh, yes. The chocolate. No, there was not much left." There was a roll of the eyes, maybe? "And yes....I know all about the whole sharpshooting thing. Fitz doesn't sacrifice a moment to talk about it." There is a bit of good-natured joking in that comment, as the expression on Jemma's features would also speak to. "As far as the drive...it was quite uneventful. And tedious. Teleportation would be a wondrous technology to have."

Oh, not powers, but tech. Jemma is thinking for the greater good.

Jane Foster has posed:
Where there is one crepe, there may be significantly more crepes. They can be poured, spun, and prepared in only a matter of minutes even by someone not as talented at cooking or baking as she is. Cooking? It counts as cookery, Julia Child or not. "I imagine the sirens call was quite loud. Don't blame yourself, Daisy," she calls over her shoulder, laughing at the sounds of crinkling paper and scrabbling paws. Putting the bag down on the counter, she gestures to the table to encourage Jemma to sit. "Let me bring over something if you like. Omelette, crepe, nothing in between? I will make sure to let Eowyn out, and then ask about a sharpshooter?" Her brows rise at that.

The clotted cream is about to be poured into a bowl at least, the strawberries cleaned, hulled, and prepared on a cutting board pulled from one of the many cupboards. She knows her way around a kitchen, making food as the other two Furiae bond.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"He was quite happy with it." Daisy says with a sagely nod, peering about and then leaning over as if speaking in a conspiring manner. "Take a peek at his desktop background sometime..." then another sagely nod. Because she has! Sneaky hackerette that she is.

With the cooking going back to full on crepe factory now for the trio Daisy makes sure to help. Perhaps guilty at having started on without the others! But she makes sure to take a bite from time to time. "And yes, he took out a merc who was trying to pass by as a SHIELD agent on our last mission .. Shot him right out of his motobike." a brow arching at Jemma. "Are you two training together or something?" because she has seen how good Jemma is. Bane versus Hydra Agents it seems.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
There is a laugh at that. "Oh, no. Not training together. Just the usual SHIELD training. Perhaps he was just rather motivated." Then, with a shrug, Jemma tips a wink. "I know I was. I never did like Nazis." Then, with that, a giggle escapes from the scientist. "Though, he would normally be the first time to tell you we belong in a lab not on the shooting range."

But then it is crepe time! "Oh but let's not talk about work. I mean, there are so many different things we really could be speaking of. Like, how are your significant others? Or, what is the better breakfast food? Because research is necessary! Like...are crepes really better than omelets?" A beat. "Well...no. But we still need to research this!"

Jane Foster has posed:
With a plate prepared for herself, Jane takes a slice of her omelette and then a crepe, since savoury and sweet deserve to be prepared in kind. She pins a strawberry from slipping off the edge, then carries the happily festive Venetian dish over to join her friends at the table. If anything else is needed, it's all right there. "I would hasten to say they both serve different needs. Protein and carbs, for example. It's unfair to compare unless the crepe involves vegetables and roughage, which I didn't do this time. Dessert, darlings, on a very chilly day." A spoon waved about warrants mischievous insight one way or the other as she rejoins their company and teh conversation again. "We surely need to find comparable ingredients and make it happen. I sense a grand experiment in the future to be conducted. More thrilling than shooting someone from a motorcycle or a car, most days." With that stellar smile, she tucks in for a bite or two. Jemma's giggling, Daisy is happy, all is right with the world.

Mostly. There's an absence for work that cuts, but she won't say that. "I've not been in the field for a few days. That needs to change. Someone bring me up to speed on the latest trouble before we go find it."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
A squint of her eyes is given at Jemma when she goes about crepes and omelets. "I know you.. You will be going with--" a pause when she then starts to hear Jane talking about the differences, "Like -that-." all bio-scientist! She points a fork towards Jane before getting back on to digging. "It's all about the taste! And how nap-friendly it is." because a great breakfast deserves a nap right after ... Well, maybe in their dreams considering they are SHIELD agents ..

"And Matt's been fine. With his work and my missions we don't get great overlap but .., we knew how it'd be." She appears resigned with it.

A glance then goes to Jane. Jemma did say about them not talking shop but .., she gets that look on Jane. "Well, there's been a few things. There's this cult trying to bring back an extradimensional entity from ..., apparently some kind of parallel dimension." a pause, "Some killings down at Hell's Kitchen that Hellboy have been looked into..." she brushes her chin, "And that mission I just spoke about, think there's more to it than meets the eye. Specially as it involved old SHIELD tech smuggled out."

Jane Foster has posed:
"Like that? You can't blame me for wanting more crepes and more opportunities for us to bond when we're not at work as much as when we are. It's hardly a secret. I feel like our identities can be defined a lot by /work/, and less by... well, life. Which isn't true, but the SHIELD seal of approval often silences life beyond the eagle. Is it an eagle? The bird." She winks, and chases around a strawberry. "Trust me, I get it. Even working with Dane, we end up on different places and times more often than we want. Something about having an awesome pegasus, being a knight... and there's always the chance he falls out of time again. I trust he hasn't, and he won't, but there's always that chance. Then I have to determine if there is any way to go /to/ him using highly questionable technology and the collective minds bound in madness in case. But there we go."

When the conversation slides away, she sneaks off into munching a strawberry, watching Daisy thoughtfully. Her brows rise at extradimensional entities. "And no one told me about parallel universes, when that's my specialty? Ouch. My heart." A tease.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"No no no." Daisy replies to Jane with a laugh, shaking her head. "I meant about taking the conversation into a scientific contest on why one breakfast is better than the other! Without it being a purely subjective thing about taste and looks." because it seems that's how breakfast contests should be! Daisy then finds herself nodding when Jane talks about her significant other, perhaps sharing the same sentiment. Not that she can share her worries about Matt's nightly activities as Daredevil, but it's not her place to share that secret.

"Highly questionable time travelling tech?" she shudders briefly. "Well, at least imagine all the craziness about living in a different time than the one we are in now."

A grin is given after. "Well, they might. Think we *may* be trying to develop something to fight against it's .., well, slimey control soon. And no, it's not the scientific term but that's the one you will get from me. Slimey."

Jane Foster has posed:
"Taste, subjective? Don't tell Fitz that. He'll no doubt have a program that proves us wrong through a variety of chemical compounds. I have no interest in letting him turn something joyous into this." Her mischievous smile brightening slightly, she hoists a cup of tea in hand and then takes a sip. "To the madmen of science, though. And yes, you do realize that the prospects of interdimensional particles moving through space /is/ the basis for shifting time, too? It's all quantum mechanics at that point, in addition to astronomy, but the basic principles are sound enough. Not only jumping across vast distances, it's a prospect of moving back and forth. Time and distance are really functions of one another, though Einstein would roll at me suggesting it."

She snorts at the mention of slimey. "So we're the Ghostbusters now."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"The fourth dimension." Daisy nods. Yes she is aware about time shenanigans! Even if perhaps not in the same level as the other scientists in SHIELD. "Maybe one day, long in the future our lives will be all about going forth and rewinding to find the best choice possible, like watching a video at home. How scary would that be?" she asks, digging into crepe with a furiousness that fits a Furiae, it's end coming swiftly. Painless.

"Don't think it's ghosts. But more like ..." She ponders. "The creature has tentacles and apparently can enslave people to it's will. Gets them insane." she lets out a sigh. "It almost got Supergirl."

Jane Foster has posed:
"Fourth being the least of them. Nine, if you go by Asgardian lore, and there are reasons to believe they really are infinite. Most of my colleagues fall in the latter bucket, and they'd probably prefer not to conjecture on what that means for us. Are there countless multitudes in the universe? Just a few? Are there other universes within universes?" Putting her palm to her brow, Jane feigns a terrible headache without quite swooning, breaking her drama with an attack on her omelette. A basic one, anyway. "Truth is, I think it's going to be a goal in the far future. Finding the perfect dimension comes with trade-offs. Are you still you, doing that? Hopping between doors? Honestly, there's much to be said about this one. It's a scary thought, though, to imagine you could banish yourself from here to there. And when you're saying they're /insane/ because of this... are they incomprehensible, acting in an uncontrolled fashion like it can't fathom human legs and arms, or something more like they start raving and attacking everyone to attain universal conquest? That seems to be a favourite of the movies."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"I think the problem will be when the other 'yous' start moving around and trying to kill you to take over." Daisy concludes, her fork twirling the air while she speaks before she finally brings it to rest on the side of her dish. She leans back, hands now on her belly. She is satisfied.

"But .., no. They aren't uncontrolled, or raving.." she ponders. "They .., seem to have a particular mindset about bringing the creature here. Some people do go fully insane and start killing each other but ..., not all. There's certainly a plan." she frowns a touch.

"And that's the plan which needs to be stopped."

Jane Foster has posed:
"True. I prefer not to meet other mes /too/ often. Just the nice ones. It's enough for me to have you and Jemma and Dane, and the work I'm doing. No need to know what happens if Doctor Foster ended up being a physician like Mum." Putting down her fork, the scientist chuckles warmly at Daisy. The nod to laced hands settles. "You look satisfied. That's a good thing, either way."

Listening keenly, she spends a few moments raking her fingers through her hair. "They have a mindset about bringing it over? That's /awful/."