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Latest revision as of 05:37, 18 November 2020

Date of Scene: 18 November 2020
Location: Asgardian Embassy
Synopsis: Loki and Thor discuss the merits of specialization.
Cast of Characters: Thor, Loki

Thor has posed:
    Twelve hours past and the renovation, such as it was, is complete. The ballroom that had once been a hodge-podge thing created for convenience was now a much more presentable venue for the training of those in attendance of the embassy. No longer is it a makeshift thing of storage and cleared raining areas. Now it is a place with proper display cases for weaponry, tapestries to help conceal equipment, suitably sturdy reinforced areas for the training of those so gifted with Asgardian physique.
    And also it looks nice too.
    The Einherjar had returned to their duties, some pleased for the respite, and others happy to get back to their routine as it was. Though a few lingered for a bit to consider the surroundings, to test a blade here or there and set to for a few clashes. Yet now they are gone, leaving Thor there to wander the room and gauge what he can of the gear stored.
    In this moment he holds an old blade from the time before he was alive, a hint of Damascus swirl in the metal and the edge gleams, yet it hangs heavy in his hand. Enough so to cause him to frown as he takes a few practice swings with it.

Loki has posed:
Loki's current approach to the Embassy is that of a stray cat. He shows up when it suits him, able to simply be in the space that he deigns worthy of his presence, regardless of what others feel about it.

Perhaps the Embassy should just stop feeding him.

Loki's loose and comfortable... but for the moment, also invisible, fading out, as he gets an eyeful of Thor alone in the converted ballroom. Because... because.

The blade in Thor's hand grows lighter, eerily so, as well as warm to the touch, twisting backwards as it vibrantly turns into a boa constrictor, patterns of glossy tan and dark brown with mixed black along the length of the snake nearly matching the previous swirls in the metal, though now changed into the snake!

It's not dangerous. It's just Loki being playful, in a mostly harmless way.

Thor has posed:
    A small chuff of exhalation comes from Thor, perhaps feigned exasperation or annoyance, though the smile gives it away. The Thunderer looks around the room while holding the now snakey constrictor of a sword and takes a deep breath, then lightly pat-pat-pats its head even as he walks over to the storage cabinet from whence it came.
    "Good e'en, Loki." He says to the empty room, even as he lightly and casually disengages the snake from his hands and lets it slither on the twin hooks that are there to hold the sword, perhaps presuming it will revert to its normal form soon enough before it figures out how to slither out of the cabinet and cause trouble.
    Turning back around he looks about the room, hands settled on his hips. "Do you remember who gave us that sword?" He gestures with one hand behind him, just talking to the air as if his brother was there.
    "I can't recall, it was at some celebration or another when we were young."

Loki has posed:
Loki appears, then, visible as if he'd never been hidden, standing nearby: quite close, really, at a weapon track. He's selecting one of the slim blades: no surprise, as Loki favors his sleek, sharp, quick attacks that such weapons grant.

"I believe it was someone connected to Mother," Loki answers evenly, reflective, and acting more disinterested than he actually may be. Loki is dressed very stylishly today, in Asgardian standards: his sleek leathers have impressive detailing and cut - a magician prince if ever there was one. The sides of his hair are braided back, tiny and sleek. Whatever Loki has been doing suggests he is feeling healthy and strong, and it shows in his visage and how he presents himself. It's a far cry from the untidy mess when he was being punished.

The sword has returned to normal state, no longer a snake. Probably. Loki flips his own sword once and flashes it around in a skilled little pattern, playing with it, but not actively aggressively or at Thor.

"She'd probably remember. I intend to visit her, perhaps I'll inquire," Loki comments.

Thor has posed:
    As for Thor he looks much as he ever has, hale and hardy but in the garb of Midgard even here in the embassy. Those damned ubiquitous blue jeans the mortals love so much, a white t-shirt and a red flannel overshirt. Oh and those sneakers that everyone wears. Truly he must have gone native to a degree.
    Yet despite what he wears, his mind is on home as he nods toward Loki, "Give her my regards." He says though tone a little distracted.
    Then he motions to the cabinet with the non-snake snake sword and he murmurs, "It felt heavier in my hand of late, as opposed to last time I wielded it. Not sure why that would strike me so. Perhaps some property with it being here now as opposed to being home."
    That said he makes a small 'hm' sound then apparently drops the topic as he walks about the edge of the room. "What passes for you?"
    A pause then he adds, "Have you spoken with Amora and Hela? They have taken up residence here of all things. Sif has rejoined us as well."

Loki has posed:
"Mmhm," Loki says, uncommittal, of being requested to give their mother Thor's regards. Loki's dark emerald gaze is down on the sword's length as he looks at it with feigned dismay. He isn't actually annoyed, but so much of Loki is false anyway, that even some pleasure gets hidden in those same lies - for no real reason. Habit, to cloak. Though some of that Thor may see through: Loki's in a good mood without being directly obnoxious about it; it's a good time to approach him!

"Or with you being here so often?" Loki teases, chuckling, but doesn't go for the verbal throat. He's not in the mood for it. "Checking in. I've not spoken with them since I last saw YOU with them on Asgard. And I haven't been here on Midgard at /all/. My library project still pulls much of my time - but I'd never want you to think yourself /forgotten/."

Thor has posed:
    "I get back to Asgard now and again, every... few weeks. Perhaps months?" And in truth the specifics of it might escape him as Thor then turns his head looking away, working at his lower lip as he ponders exactly when the last time was. Then he seems to recall as he nods, "When I brought Sera there to meet with father. That went well. I believe."
    Then his stance changes a little as he stops walking around, pausing near a case with one hand light upon it.
    "That goes well for you?" Thor asks as he turns, resting his hands upon the waist-high display case that holds a myriad of axes that seem elven in design considering the sweep and curve of their blades and the elaborate woodwork in heir hafts.
    Thor lifts his chin and gives a nod, "The library project. Is it at a safe place for you to present to others? I would see it if you were so inclined."

Loki has posed:
"I'll consider it. It isn't a tourist location, and I think you'd find it quite dull...."

Loki lifts his hands, causing the blade in his left hand to float on it's own. And then, for other weapons to leap from their rest all around them, a virtual wave of glittering metal, wood, and stone. Whether it is real, or illusion, may entirely be unclear - but the show is there, and that's what /counts/. The interlocking magic that twirls the blades into light fights with each other, only to twist away and parry with others, a swirl of a display.

"No fighting or anything at the library anymore," Loki teases, before sending all the weapons back to their homes in a slight omage to how Mjolnir moves when flung. Lots of sounds as things slam back into place.

"Each brother to his own interests, though," Loki observes, oddly contemplative. "... You should come see mother as well," Loki says, instead, in a way that suggests Loki's going to head off. "I already know she'll ask me to tell you, so I may as well say it now." He rolls his eyes, but begins to turn to go.

"But not in those horrible clothes. Urgh."

Thor has posed:
    So many blades glistening and gleaming and held at the ready by ethereal arms and hands invisible. Yet Thor seems not to take it as a likely attack though it feasibly could be construed as a possibility. Instead he looks to perhaps more make sure they're all put back properly. Since if they aren't... well some poor Einherjar might have to deal with it.
    Arms crossing over his chest, Thor tilts his head at Loki with that slight incredulous look to him, one eyebrow cocked and the corner of his mouth the home to his smile. "Have you tried clothes such as these?" A lift of his chin as he looks down the bridge of his nose at his brother, as if wary of what he answers. "They are quite comfortable if you'd give them a chance."
    But then he lifts a hand as if to stay that particular answer and its ensuing argument. "I will likely visit in the next week, perhaps two. Depending on how other matters progress. There have been some matters here that draw my attention." A pause. "And at the mansion to be fair." Yet what he considers those matters he does not voice them.

Loki has posed:
Loki gives Thor a bemused look as he asks him about the clothes. "Being nude is also comfortable, in theory, is it not? Or a sun-dress? Perhaps, if comfort is your only requirement, there are even better options, is all," Loki helps, with a pat of one finger to his chin as if considering Thor in that. Magic curls and flutters around Loki's left hand, as if some mischief were in the offering, but it was just to tease, not enact. The magic flicks away, uncast.

"As for have I tried them? You do understand I am a power magical shapeshifter, I hope. However, /my/ clothes are magically tailored for maximum comfort AND style. I need not sacrifice one for the other. In other words..." Loki spreads his hands, "I cheat."

Thor has posed:
    Thor lifts a hand and waves it slightly as if to dismiss Loki's counter-argument out of hand, as he so often is wont to do. Shaking his head, he does perhaps make some small effort to check Loki's mischief by raising his hand and pointing at the trickster as if to tell him, 'don't you dare.'
    But then a small laugh comes from the Thunderer as he nods and then finishes his move around the room. It leaves him near the sliding double doors that lead to the hall. Doors that he opens with one hand on each and pushing them into their housing before he turns back to look on his brother.
    "There are times I have given thought to how useful it would be to learn a magic spell or two." The way he says it, as if he could just pick it up off the street and apply it to life with little training. Perhaps offensive to Loki in some way, but perhaps his following words ease whatever umbrage they might cause. "Yet I perhaps would only have talent enough to get myself in trouble even with the simplest of spells." Despite his lineage after all.

Loki has posed:
"Hmh. Why bother, when you have me?" Loki questions, as if all the OTHER reasons why that is hardly a boon did not exist. As if for a moment Loki were an asset or ally.

Loki's being pleasant, though, and that possibly is rather encouraging to see. Just a rare sunny quality, that proves it's possible. That Loki /can/ be something greater than the petty villain he seems to get cast as so commonly.

"That's why I don't bother with lifting heavy things." Loki gives a smirk, flippant, and starts to fade out, with that light parting shot.

Thor has posed:
    "Well there, you see." Thor smirks as he gestures with one hand, "Sometimes I'm not around to lift various things for you. Clearly you should train more!" His voice lifts at the end as Loki begins to fade fully away.
    Which once again leaves Thor all alone, but not he's in the hallway, likely heading off to dinner.