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Dream a little dream of me
Date of Scene: 19 November 2020
Location: Daily Planet Building - New Troy
Synopsis: Dreamer gives a warning to Supergirl about an attack at a military base
Cast of Characters: Nia Nal, Kara Danvers

Nia Nal has posed:
Lunch was nice, even with the awkwardness surrounding Nia's narcolepsy and visions. At least Kara was super nice about it. Nia might be a bit smitten, in fact. But Kara is someone she'll have to think about later. Right now all she can think about is Supergirl.

The girl unwraps and then wraps her scarf again as she paces slowly beside the huge globe that marks the famous roof of the Daily Planet. She glances out at the skyline of the beautiful city now and again, before she inevitably turns and walks back. Back and forth.

It isn't that Supergirl is -late-. Nia is just a nervous fidgeter!

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara floats in the sky for a while, quite a ways away watching Nia from a far. She seems nice, clearly a passionate reporter and apparently has premonitions. Kara Zor-El smiles just a touch to herself, may be this person will be a new friend. Kara Danvers did her thing, now it's time for Supergirl.

She dashes through the sky and lands upon the roof top of the Daily Planet right in front of Nia with a small skid of her red boots. The \S/ upon her chest clear as day against its blue background. Her hands rest upon her hips and she smiles to Nia.

"This is a first for me. Usually it's my cousin who visits this roof top," she grins and then steps forward and offers her hand, "Hi. I'm Supergirl. I heard you were looking for me through the grapevine."

Nia Nal has posed:
Nia's jaw drops before she catches herself. She flashes a friendly, if nervous, smile. She steps forward and takes Supergirl's hand to shake it. "It's really nice to meet you, Supergirl. Wow. Really. I..." She laughs and shakes her head, tucking some dark hair behind her ear. "Sorry. I'm usually better at talking."

She clears her throat and nods, then. "Yeah. I told someone who told someone, etcetera. And now...we're here." She glances up at the big globe before turning back. "So...I'm an alien," she says. She doesn't know how to start this conversation. "Well, half-alien. My race are known, sometimes, for their premonitions and control over dreams. I have those abilities."

Kara Danvers has posed:
The hand returns to her hip after the handshake. She feels a pang of guilt for this reaction she gets from people and hopes it doesn't make Nia feel too bad. "You're talking just fine. Though usually people start with their name." A kind smile is given and she can hear her heart racing.

"You can relax, you don't need to impress me, I'm already impressed. You're a half-alien? one half human I am guessing. What about your other half? It's not a well kept secret, but I'm also an alien," she says with a playful wink.

"Premonitions and control over dreams. Exciting." She motions back and forth between the two of them, "Is this meeting something you've already seen coming. The word whispers said you had something very important to tell me.. so I'm guessing you've had some kind of premonition?"

Nia Nal has posed:
"Oh! Right. Nia Nal. And I'm a Naltorian." She shakes her head at herself and grins ruefully before she bites her lip and nods.

"I didn't see this meeting, exactly. I see...um...omens? Or sometimes scenes altered. I have to kind of piece it all together as best I can. Sometimes I'm wrong." She brushes her fingers back through her hair.

"I think something bad is going to happen in a cafeteria at a military base. It isn't much to go on, I know...."

Kara Danvers has posed:
There is a nod and she says, "Naltorian. I think I've heard of your planet." A vague recollection from school when discussing other space faring worlds when she was younger. She'll have to look it up in the Fortress of Solitude later. Now her curiosity is piqued.

Kara slowly paces as she thinks for a moment and then looks back to Nia as she explains about her omens and a cafeteria at a military base. "Is that all you have to go on? what kind of bad? I've heard of dreams being filled with symbology but it's not something I have much experience with."

"I could quickly fly over every military base," she says leaving the implied 'in the world' there, "But that might cause more concern than if we could somehow narrow it down. Do you know when?" She is taking it seriously, tapping a finger to her chin in thought; there's a lot on her mind as of late, especially with pending invasions from other dimensional horrors.

Nia Nal has posed:
"It's probably somewhere close. I usually don't dream about stuff really, really far away," she adds. "And I think it's an attack or...something. I think an explosion? Or an implosion." She shrugs her shoulders and adjusts her Daily Planet tag a bit, fidgeting.

"Soon. Ish. This week? I know whatever it is can be stopped. I also think you're somehow involved. I also saw some green fields. They -might- have been a poster. Do you know a cafeteria that has something about fields or something on a picture or poster near it?"

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara looks some what surprised by the question and she shakes her head, "No. I've never been on a military base before. The only military cafeteria's I've seen are in movies." She tucks her arms behind her back and nods her head again slowly. "Is there any way you can deep dive in to your dream? focus on the details and find out more. Perhaps see some words on the walls or uniforms."

She turns to look to Nia and asks, "Is having me near going to help amplify the dream, if I'm connected to it somehow?" She steps up closer. "Is this something you have to wait until night time to do, do the dreams haunt you? that would be terrible, my apologies if this is going to cause you mental anguish."

Nia Nal has posed:
She blinks and then furrows her brow a bit, considering. "I mean, I can try. I've started trying to train myself to hone in on specific things. I'll need to be asleep, though. Thankfully that's easy for me." Nia watches Supergirl step closer and taps her chin.

"You being closer -should- help me focus, yeah." I mean, Nia's technically telling the truth! The girl glances about before she finds a nook on the roof to sit down in, before tapping the roof next to her. "Come on over, I guess. Let's figure out this whole...exploding cafeteria thing."

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara raises an eyebrow and then joins Nia at the nook. She sits and asks, "I don't have to be asleep for this too do I?" There just isn't such a thing as a normal social interaction at Supergirl. As herself, it's limited to her cousin. As Kara Danvers she gets to have a somewhat normal life if one can call living on an alien planet with a blue sky normal. Odd things are the new normal and it's strange to her that she's getting used to it.

Nia Nal has posed:
"No, you don't."

Once Supergirl is seated beside her, she swallows and offers her hand. If Supergirl takes it she leans into the girl's personal space and rests her head against the stairwell wall directly beside her shoulder. She takes a deep breath and closes her eyes. Nia sits there, her legs curled up, her hand im Supergirl's, and she lets herself drift off into nothing.

Eventually, she starts to dream, and her breathing quickens a bit, her eyes darting beneath her eyelids.

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara remembers back earlier in the day to Nia falling asleep suddenly in the coffee shop. She was right there then too. Perhaps proximity does make a difference. She'll have to be mindful of that, Nia might put two and two together if this happens more than once.

She takes her hand and then watches as she zonks out once more, noting the rem motion of her eyes beneath her eyelids. She is once again taken to the cafeteria. There are men wearing uniforms. Things are as blurry as before. There is a man throwing a grenade, frozen in time. He's wearing a military uniform.. it looks ill fitting, like it's not his.

The grenade is flying through the air and when it bursts open, little brains fly out of it and waft in to the people sitting around the cafeteria. There is a poster on the wall of a green field and the words 'What we fight for' - an inspiration poster. The roof explodes and Supergirl lands in front of it. She is clear as day. Behind her, in bold printed words, 'Metropolis Naval Facility'.

Nia Nal has posed:
She awakens with a start and catches her breath, her head briefly resting on Supergirl's shoulder before she catches herself. She sits up and clears her throat before she brushes some hair from her eyes and looks to meet the Kryptonian's gaze with her own.

"Boats. Ships? I think they were at a navy base. Here. Also, the fields were a poster, I think. One of those inspirational ones." The girl shakes her head, as if trying to remember right. "The man with the grenade was wearing a uniform that probably wasn't his. Also, when the grenade exploded little brains went into the people. Like...maybe it's some kind of warning about mind-control? I really don't know. You showed up, then, though."

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara's eyes widen a touch when Nia snaps back out of her dream suddenly. It's a little alarming how she drops in and out of awakeness like that. But it's her thing, she's fine. She smiles and says, "It helped? you saw more this time?"

She hmms thoughtfully, her smile disappears as she frowns. "Mind control? .. then it must be Zhed'Zhud'Ger'Uth again. His followers never stop, never give up. They must want to build a new army after that survivalist group was defeated by the DEO."

She pats the hand and then lets go and stands back up. "I need to gather a team. We need to get there before more people are infected. Somehow, I don't think SHIELD is going to have a vaccine against it in time for this one. The best we can do is stop that grenade from going off.. and if it does, rounding up those who get infected before they can hurt others, themselves, or do worse."

She looks back to Nia and says, "Thank you, this has been very helpful. Do you have a hero name?"

Nia Nal has posed:
She pulls herself to her feet beside Supergirl, brushing herself off as she does so. "I don't know who that is, but it sounds like somebody you've scuffled with before. Well, if anybody can handle them it's you." Nia flashes a smile before she nods. "I'm Dreamer. Well, Dreamer is the name I've been going by." She clears her throat. "Because, you know...the...dreams."

Kara Danvers has posed:
Supergirl smiles back, "Dreamer. I like it." She offers her hand again, "Thank you Dreamer. Next time you need me, don't worry about the friend of a friend of a friend chain. Come up to the roof and call out my name -- or," she points out past the city across the bay to St. Martin island, "The Titans Tower is just over there, you can reach me there too."

She lifts an eyebrow and steps away, then steps off backwards off the edge of the building and floats there. "Thank you again, and have a good day." A small wave, she turns on the spot and flies away in to the sky.

Nia Nal has posed:
"Okay. That's good to know. Thanks, Supergirl."

She really doesn't know what else to say. What else CAN she say? Wait until she tells Kara about this!