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Finding Tommy
Date of Scene: 27 October 2020
Location: Hell's Kitchen
Synopsis: Jessica Jones and Kitty Pride infiltrate the building where Tommy Lin comes every Tuesday disguised as inspectors for the company hiring the building out from the greedy landlord running it. It's apparently an ambush! They beat their attackers and capture Tommy Lin. Was Elektra behind it though?
Cast of Characters: Elektra Natchios, Kitty Pryde, Jessica Jones

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Tommy Lin. It's a name that had appeared here and there on Kitty's investigation of one called Woolingsly. One of the Hand's contacts, apparently deeply involved in what dealings were happening. But there was a trail of money that linked to the man. An external one that had yet to be sourced. And one that had been flagged by Roxxon when Kitty had dug deeper. It also meant that the man merited investigation and tonight was the night for it..

As for Jessica. Elektra had come to her some days ago. The offer of a job while she was nursing an hangover after meeting with a demon. Elektra didn't particularly ask too much about it but .., the job had been accepted. Tommy Lin had been one of her contacts in the past, one that had kept her knowledgeable of what was going on inside the Hand. But now he had gone silent. She knew he was still about, but she wanted to know what was going on. So she had asked JJ for surveillance, to find out what he was up to. The man led a fairly normal life, though digging in had revealed that every week at Tuesday he came to a particular building in Hell's Kitchen, old even if not abandoned, went in and came back a couple of hours later. What he did there? Unknown. Yet it merited investigation as well.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde arrives at the allotted time, with a bag in one hand and a tablet in the other. She'd sent some of the information on to Elektra already about Woolingsly and his associate Tommy Lin.

She glances over at the building in question off in the distance, staying down to not be noticed too easily. "So... I guess we really are on the same side," she says to Jessica Jones when she sees her. "It's been awhile since that factory that had already cleared out. Nice to be working with you again," Kitty says. She glances around. "The other guy isn't showing up too that you know?" she asks of Cole Cash.

Kitty crouches and gazes over at the building. "So what have you worked out so far? I've been pulling up financials on it trying to get at who the owner is," she says.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
There was a timely response from Elektra, sent to Kitty.

> That name is not a surprise. He was one of my contacts. Jessica has been investigating him as well. Perhaps you would join forces with her. I fear something isn't right. I am out of town tonight though so I will not be able to assist.

Finances would had revealed the building belonging to an old man, a landlord that rented it out. He lived in the building as well but there seemed to be anything abnormal on that man's finances. As to why Tommy came here? Well, that was still a mystery. But it had been easy enough to discover through the taxi company that always drove him here that this was the destination.

Drugs, weapons, other types of smuggling? He was a criminal so could be any of those.. Or none. The place was nondescript enough, just a few lights on here and there on a few windows. Some people out in the streets but not really many.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty shares what she has and says, "I've got it tracked back to the landlord, but he's renting it out," she tells Jessica as she taps out a message back to Elektra that shares the same information.

"I haven't been able to get into any files of his, can't even find a computer for him," Kitty says. "Though if you give me a few minutes, I found his insurance company and I figure there's a good chance that he'll have identified the renter to the insurance company. Will take me a bit to get through their firewall though," she says.

Kitty looks over towards the building again. She sends off a text to Elektra asking if she knows much about the man's martial prowess.

Jessica Jones has posed:
It's amazing how motivated Jessica can get once she has an actual case to work on, particularly one that does not involve having to trail some cheating spouse or other.

She showed up dressed very sharply, a business pant suit, and a perfectly fabricated name tag which identifies her as Sunstar Corp, Internal Auditor. The name on the badge: Sandra Delvine.

"Sometimes, Kitty, you just walk through the front door...watch and learn," and with that she simply heads towards the building where Tommy Lin was seen going into. Rather than look uncertain of whether or not she should be there, she carries a clipboard and a pen and looks everywhere hawishly.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
That's one way to go in!

The walk to the entrance isn't too far, even if the streets are darkened, faulty lamps here you see? It gives the whole place a sense of being in darkness. Though inside they are greeted by a bright light, along with a vulture of a man sitting by a counter. The landlord, a Mr. Higgins is sitting there and indeed he looks like a vulture, a bit hunched over, waiting. He keeps quite the iron fist on the place, making sure the tenants don't loiter or otherwise give him a 'bad' reputation on the neighborhood. Which often means no loud sounds after 8pm, no music, pets and other such nice things.

He looks to the door, squinting his eyes and adjusting his glasses.

"Yes, what do you want? It's almost closing time." he looks first at JJ and then to Kitty, frowning a bit.

"This is no hotel." he gestures, "You can get rooms a ways down the street!" he is not a nice man.

Though he also hasn't noticed yet the company logo on JJ's suit.

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica immediately notes down the faulty lamps in her clipboard, shaking her head in disapproval. She proceeds unfaillingly towards the landlord, before looking down at her notes as if to verify, "ah, yes, Mr. Higgins, at least you're one man stationed were he ought to be...well done, I'm Sandra Delvine, Internal Auditing Department, and this is your surprise inspection. I trust that according to Sunstar policy D308.24C article 3, you are quite willing to give me free roam of the building while you prepare all financial records from the last three years, correct?" She speaks sharply, cuts into his greeting, and seems entirely unfazed by his tone or suggestion it's closing time.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde follows along behind Jessica. She has her tablet out and pulls up a spreadsheet on it. Kitty affects the look of semi-clueless assistant, who spends as much time watching Ms. Delvine as not. As if she's used to being expected to respond to the woman quickly, and also probably trying to learn as she goes, given she's a half dozen years younger than her superior.

The younger woman taps away on the computer. "Higgins," she says just under her breath as if recording the information about the man's presence. Otherwise she's not paying particular attention to him, just seeming like a worker bee focused on her work.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Heh?" Higgins 'says' in his eloquent manner when he hears about a surprise inspection, a Sandra Delvine, an Auditing Department! He adjusts his glasses, looking closely at JJ, then at Kitty. His eyes turn wide on that otherwise close face. "Oh, huh, I hadn't realized!" an high-pitched voice replacing his usual uncaring tone. He gets up to his feet from his place behind the counter, stepping over to join the duo.

"So sorry, Ms. Delvine! I am .., I had no idea that Sunstar Corp wanted to come for an inspection! This is a first for me." he looks at the logo on JJ's suit.

"Do you want anything to drink? I have water and ..." a beat. "whiskey.." he finishes a bit lamely. Not exactly many choices. But then he clears his throat. "Can I help you with anything? I am keeping an eye out on things as you instructed."

Jessica Jones has posed:
"Of course you hadn't, this is why it's a surprise inspection, do you honestly think the CFO will condone anyone cooking the books prior to an internal auditing outing? Pleeeease...you're sharper than that."

Jessica looks sharply at Higgins when he notes it's a first, and she smirks, "precisely, and therefore long overdue. I'm sorry but Sunstar has many facilities, it takes a while to get to every last one. We do have an insider in Federal, and since the nice folks at the IRS have us tagged for this year, we're prepping in advance. Now let's not dally..."

"Perfect. I'd loathe to have to report anything is under par and not up to standards," Jessica stresses, for a moment looking hesitant when whiskey is mentioned, before snapping, "we don't drink until after the inspection is over. So far you're the only star of the show, did you notice the lights outside need to be maintained? We're giving the impression of a lowly business the way it is..." she shakes her head in disapproval, "Katy, get the key ring from Mr. Higgins, and we'll be on our way. Please have the financials ready..."

She doesn't ask about any specifics, because per Internal Auditing, she's about to search the fuck out of this building. It helps having Kitty along to expediate it, after all, walls...feh.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde seems to make an entry on the tablet at the mention of whiskey. Though as Ms. Delvine indicates she might be having some after, the girl gives a tiny shake of her head and tap-tap-taps the same spot as if backspacing over what she'd entered, the information not going into the record thanks to Ms. Delvine.

The brunette girl lowers the laptop, carrying it one hand as she moves over to get the keys from Mr. Higgins. Her attention isn't really on him though, it's on the building, obviously the girl already starting to make observations for the audit.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Oh, of course, of course.." And when JJ starts talking about IRS and being tagged for it the man seems to know well how it is. Dodging finances is his way too! His eyes go to the other girl a moment when she starts to type something. He never likes that! Such pressure but then they come for the keys.., "The keys? But .., I will have at least to go with you! I have precise orders to not let anyone just go in without me being present! At least those that I haven't received indication to let past." yet he does give the keys to Kitty, too used to following authority. And besides, he doesn't want her to write any more mean stuff on her computer!

"And the lights, huh.., they don't belong to the building but to the city so .., it's not my responsibility." because he's a weasel.

"Look, I can show you around." He offers before gesturing to a book set on the counter. "And I keep a registry of anyone that comes in or out. It's all very neat and up to date!"

Jessica Jones has posed:
"Of course...you may join along, it would be helpful to have your explanation on record for every slight I detect, they're really looking to pin some blame for my last finding on the records. It really is past due for us to look closely into this specific property," with that she motions for Higgins to tag along, while also noting, "of course, if the records are not ready by the end of inspection, I expect you to stay overtime while my assistant and I dine at Peter Luger, you know, work hard, eat well...that's what I say."

"What rooms are currently occupied, just so we know to be more careful to not disturb anyone?"

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde gets the keys from Mr. Higgins and moves over to give them to Jessica Jones, aka Sandra Delvine. As she engages Mr. Higgins on the inspection of the property, Kitty moves over to the log book of entries that he specified. She begins going through it, just seemingly casually, enough to say towards Jessica, "His records look thorough, Ms. Delvine."

Kitty waits until Mr. Higgins is distracted, having to face Jessica while Kitty is essentially behind him, and then snaps a couple of silent pictures with her phone, getting a copy of the most recent several pages of activity at the location.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
While going through the logs Kitty can discern the last entrance to be from Tommy Lin. He did walk in just a while ago afterall. There's his signature there, along with the room 3C written. Apparently it *might* be where he is right now. As it's the last entry it's the one that pops up to view. But there's more.

Higgins looks at JJ and hrms. "Well, there are people in every floor, it's been a good year." he rubs his hands together. "The third floor is normally taken by your company, as I am sure you are aware. I don't usually spend much time there as it's your reponsibility to maintain it." his tone as if it had been ordered so.

He begins to walk along with them towards the elevator, getting a bit alarmed about staying overtime to get his books in order. He cleans his forehead with an handkerchief.

"All is fine. We are all on the same side afterall, aren't we?" He smiles nervously.

Jessica Jones has posed:
"I am glad to hear you say that," Jessica notes, to Higgins when he mentions they are all on the same side, "I love can-do attitude and not shying from responsibility. It's not just executive level, middle management and peons, we're all here for the same goals," she smiles radiantly at Higgins, "profit."

"If it helps save on your time, Kate and I can start on the 3rd floor, being our responsibility while you finish the financial records, and then we can tag along for the rest of it. You can point to VIPs, and of course, we shall not bother them. I believe we can be done here by 1am."

Winking at Higgins after having been professional, she quips, "and if that Whiskey is any good, you can get a special commendation, and I can..." she peers at her clipboard, "...find someone to be incharge of all slights. After all, you couldn't possibly had anything to do with those dim lights outside...not a man of your astute nature."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Yes. Higgins is a man that understands profit. He even offers JJ one of his best greedy smiles. And indeed he has quite the vulture face. "Profit is the best goal, yes." he looks more at ease now with these people.

He listens and ponders about allowing the two of them to go up to the 3rd floor on their own, rubbing at his chin but eventually relents. Sure, why not? And it's their floor anyway! So he calls on the elevator for them like the gentleman he is. "Well, Mr. Lin came in earlier. But we don't talk much. He always comes at Tuesdays." he explains. "Since about a couple of months ago or so. That's the only one I really know."

"And I am sure you can mention to management I have been rather helpful, can't you?" he then beaming a smile at JJ. "The best whiskey on this side of Hell's Kitchen!" he states proudly.

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica nods as if she was expecting Mr. Lin to be there, as she jots something on her clipboard, "I'm glad to hear, it's supposed to be like clockwork, and I'm glad he kept his discretion by not blabbering about his assignment. Good to know." She smiles endearingly at Higgins when he goes about gallantly calling the elevator for them, "and a proper gentleman, I -will- put in a good word!" She assures, "we'll tag along for the rest of the floors as soon as we're done here, you're just delightful in every way and a true asset, Mr. Higgins."

Then there's a sharp glare at Kitty right after, the pleasantry reserved for Higgins isn't shared with her assistant, "Kate, head in the game, I need us to wrap this swiftly so there's time for whiskey with Mr. Higgins."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty perks up at the reprimand from Jessica. "Sorry Ms. Delvine," she says, putting a little jump in her step then as she heads for the way up. The sharpness of the tone given to Kitty no doubt making Mr. Higgins feel he's doing well since she hasn't been using it with him.

The younger woman will start on up then, whether by stairs or elevator as the building allows, to head towards the third floor as directed. She'll have to wait to pass on the location of Mr. Lin until they are out of earshot of Mr. Higgins.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
With the elevator doors opening it will be the choice to go up apparently. Higgins stays on the first floor, eager and already going back to his books while the duo is left to themselves within it. And a testament to his skill, the elevator is quite pristine. Clearly he does like to keep things clean. As long as it's *his* responsibility to keep them clean. Lights outside? Nope!

The elevator begins to ascend to that third floor, giving them enough time to talk and discuss while it goes up. It does eventually ring up on the third floor though, doors slowly beginning to open up.

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica makes a whole show of her approval of the state of the elevator, jotting it down in her notepad, "pristine, perfect condition, excellent Mr. Higgins, most would overlook a simply thing as an elevator, but that is the fact of the company when people first set foot here..."

Once they get to the third floor, Jessica gives Kitty a look, "care to peek in the room and tell me what's up before we go inside...?"

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty nods and says, "The records show him listed as being at 3C. Or at least, that's where Higgins expects him to be." She moves along with Jessica, eyeing the hallway for anything of note as they make their way to that room. "Keep an eye out and give me a poke if anyone is coming. Best to have my head up near the ceiling so it's not on people's line of sight as much," she says.

Kitty then rises into the air like she were stepping up a ladder or some steps, until she's up near the ceiling. She pokes her head through the ceiling first, figuring out where the interior walls are, so when she takes her first peek into 3C, it'll be up at a corner, as out of the way as she can be. She slowly leans her head forward then until just her face clears the wall enough she can look around.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
It's dark up here. Higgins did say he didn't come here so the lighting is as spotty as it was out there. Hard to see into those dark corners on the hallways. Yet clearly there is noone truly tending to this place that well, or at least often. They can note signs of movement though. Crates being dragged across, footsteps on the dusty places. It's not a place that's void of activity.

Silence does reign up here. Creepy.

When Kitty goes on to explore and peeks up through that corner of 3C she will find an empty bedroom. Or at least at a first view. The bed is made but having been pushed to a corner, the rest being used as a storage of sorts, crates about the place. The door is close and Tommy is nowhere in sight. Though there's more than one room in this apartment. Sounds come from the adjoining room. Very faint, but noticeable in the silence that would otherwise be permeating the place.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty pulls her head back and whispers to Jessica, "Bedroom, but a lot of crates and things stored in there. Some sound from another room. Taking a look now." She doesn't bother dropping back to the ground, just moves across through the air, literally walking on air molecules as she moves to the spot the interior wall separating the rooms meets the wall separating it all from the hallway.

Kitty again carefully leans forward, trying to just get as much of her face through the wall as needed to be able to see into the room, moving slowly to help avoid any signs of movement drawing eyes.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
On the bedroom there would had also been noted signs of activity, very much as in the hallway. Yet as Kitty sllliiides her face through the wall to peer at what may be in there she finds Tommy there. Or a man at least. But the description does seem to match. He is sitting by a table, on his own, currently going through his phone and taptapping away. Inside Kitty will note there is nothing that is usually found on a normal room. No TV, food, or signs of anyone living there. There are still crates of course, who do provide shadows in a lot of the room. But other than that.. It's just a man and his phone ..

As if he was waiting for something. Or someone. The man looks bored though, but also anxious as he looks up at the door from time to time. Not that he noticed Kitty.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde watches for a few seconds then pulls her head back through. "He's in there, Or someone who looks like him. More crates, no real furniture. Using it for storage not living from the looks of it. He had a bit of an anxious air, and glanced at the door a few times. Think he might be waiting for someone," she says, keeping her voice soft.

The young woman glances back at the wall and then says, "I'm going to slip into the other room real quick and see if I can't peek through the sides of a crate or two, get an idea of what's in there. But otherwise, maybe we should wait and see who it is he seems to be waiting for? Might be someone we can follow to more of them?"

That news delivered, Kitty will slip through the wall into the bedroom. She pulls out a flashlight she can phase into the crate enough to light the inside when she tries to peer in.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Going back into the room it's again silent. Though as Kitty lights that flashlight within the crate peeks in she will find what is a stash of guns. It's what she senses after that may be more disturbing though...

When she peeks back out there's the sense of movement from the corner of an eye, as if someone was in there with her, on the shadows of another crate...

There is a subtle change in the air and it does not seem Kitty is alone in that room anymore.

Outside the same happens, JJ able to sense there may be other people there. The door to 3B begins to open.

Jessica Jones has posed:
As soon as she feels a sense of movement about her, Jessica looks about sharply, and instead of trying to hide, she simply walks directly up towards the 3B door and knocks as if it was the most normal thing in the world. Very casual about it, she's calm, because she's not suspicious, see? She's supposed to be there! Hopefully whoever else is there will be fooled by this non-chalant act. If she feels any movement nearing further, she'll simply snap out, sharply, and in a commanding tone, "you're late."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde goes still as she senses something over in the corner of the room. She looks and listens, even smells, not that she has anything beyond a normal sense of smell. No Logan like that!

After a moment, Kitty creeps forward into the crate, phasing to hide inside of it completely. She hesitates a moment, debating whether to try to slip back to Jessica unseen, or see what is going on in here, hoping she wasn't spotted. She slowly creeps just her face forward to where she'll be able to see out of the crate again, but her whole body is phased.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Inside that bedroom there's very faint sounds of movement on the ground, angling closer to Kitty's crate. A voice is heard in japanese, << I saw a light here.>> again a rather faint tone. As her face comes out she can note two figures in the room, dressed in black, their faces barely visible in the shadow and darkness, almost like ghosts themselves. They each hold a short blade and they slide about, trying to find out where this strange light came from. <<Lets kill the one outside and get this done with.>> the other calls out.

Outside, when Jessica walks to 3B to knock the door is already opening. There is perhaps a brief pause, maybe that way of just approaching not something that was expected but the door does eventually open and on the other side are a couple of men, dressed in black. They really do not seem friendly. It may be due to the weapons they wield too. "Should had stayed out of our business, ms P.I." a very noticeable accent on the man speaking.

Yes, this does seem as if it was an ambush.

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica continues with her course of action, primarily because once a course of action has been decided upon, one must commit. It's just unprofessional to change the plan half way through. She, naturally has no clue about Japanese, even if she were to overhear anyone. But as she opens the door, and is greeted as Ms. P.I. before she even did anything, she stops, and stares with a frown at the person addressing her. "I don't know what you're talking about, but I was sent by the Finger to deal with a traitor." Those guys are The Hand, right? Makes sense the very assholes calling themselves the Hand, may well call a bigwig The Finger, and if not? It's still funny to picture someone called after a rude gesture. Hell, maybe she confuses them a bit, if she's lucky. Either way, things are not promising right now. As for the traitor...? Well, wouldn't that be Mr. Tommy wouldbe Elektra informant? Clearly he kept out of touch with her because they're on to him. Jess is really swinging for the fences here. Hopefully Kitty really can kick ass.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde isn't aware of the anyone out in the hall, but it's pretty obvious that these two men mean Jessica Jones harm. Probably herself as well, Kitty doesn't take it personally that they don't mention her. Always forgetting about the assistant.

Kitty rushes out of the crate, diving past the nearest figure. She reaches for the hilt of his sword on the way past, grabbing it and phasing it out of his hand, trying to keep it from being too obvious yet how she got it away from him. She rolls to her feet after the dive, coming up and moving the sword to a ready position as she squares off with the dark-dressed figures. "Hi boys. I have some great opportunities in time shares if you'd rather talk about that instead of fight," she says.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
If only their faces were visible Kitty could had seen a look of surprise in one. But there's an hesitation, that being unsure on how his blade just ..., left his fingers. So easily that he was disarmed. This must clearly be a master... But to his credit it's only for a second for he soon crouches down, reaching behind to then toss a couple of knives in Kitty's direction. The other man advances, silently, footsteps quickly as he gains ground and goes to attack her with a swift slice. Direct blows aimed to kill. Clearly they are not interested in time shares...!

Outside the two men look at one another. Someone sent by one of the Fingers..? That doesn't compute.. One of them shakes his head and just barks out. "Kill her, like Nobu said." no more space for dialog! But of course that the moment in which they looked at one another gives Jessica an opportunity to act while they are distracted..

Jessica Jones has posed:
"Nobu! That's the one!" Jessica says with a wiseass grin as she snaps her fingers, "you guys never call him the Finger?" Sighing, Jessica still seems sure enough of herself to confuse the fuck out of them, because she's not rushing towards anything, rather she advances towards the two calmly, spitting, "you must never heard about Killer Mantis, have you?" She smirks, "they call me that because I excel at killing men," she looks at one guy, then the next, "which, what a coincidence, is what you guys are!" These late night Kung Fu movies really paid off! Not to mention sometimes, mind you, SOMETIMES, listening to Danny.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
The young woman dodges to the side to avoid the thrown knives in mundane fashion, though Kitty phases just the same in case she failed to get out of the way of them. She's going to keep her mutant power as much of a surprise for them as possible.

After dodging the knives, she meets the advancing man blow for blow, circling to try to keep him between Kitty and his associate to make it more difficult for them to gang up on her, and using the crates in the room as further obstacles there.

She dodges back to avoid a slash and then counterattacks, swords sparking as the finely forged metal blades collide with one another. "Seriously you should at least hear the excellent interest rates I have to offer. Do you like to go Vegas? We've got one there just a stone's throw from the Strip," she says as the swords separate and then come together again.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
The knives were thrown with quite the accuracy, but with a mix of using the crates and nimbleness Kitty is able to get out of the way, one of the knives landing on a crate and the other on the wall. And while that man goes for more weapons to throw the other advances, bringing the fight up close and personal. And these certainly don't seem the run-of-the-mill ninjas. Trained killers, here for a reason. To kill any that would be lured here. Defenders or otherwise..

There is a short exchange of blows, the sound of blade meeting blade while the man keeps on pursuing Kitty, just the occasional Kiai heard while he moves.

<<This gaijin is mocking us.>> the one that was tossing knives says. <<Keep her there.>> and as the man says that the one with the blade advances to keep the blades in a lock if he can, the other jumping over the crate to throw another knife at Kitty. These seem to know how to work as a team..

As for the outside, while one of them seems pretty adamant on just killing Jessica the other is hesitating. If only she didn't sound so sure of herself! But clearly one of them does seem to be rather young. The older one shakes his head. "Killer Mantis? Pfffaaa, you are just a drunk." yes, clearly he knows a bit about JJ!

Blades are drawn and the old man starts to advance, brandishing the blade.

Jessica Jones has posed:
"Oh man..." Jessica groans, "I was hoping it wouldn't come to this," at first she casts a serious glare at the younger one who seems hesitant, stomping her foot loudly to draw his attention. Then she performs the most secret Jessica Do move, perfected over dozens of bar brawls, the spin and punch blindly, hoping to god you just smacked a douche right in his face. "Now you're getting rude and personal, so fuck of, Tommy Chong!" Yeah, she's not quite down on the Japanese / Chinese thing. Unless she meant to offend on purpose? If she's scared of the blades, she's not showing it yet.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
As her two opponents continue to speak Japanese, Kitty doesn't let on she understands them, saying, "If you need the paperwork done in Japanese I can get a trans- woah!" The exclamation comes as the swordless man jumps over the crate and whips a knife at Kitty as she's caught up in the struggle of strength with the other man, blades pressing in against each other.

Kitty ducks down, phasing her body to help her avoid the knife which flies near enough it might have cut her without the phasing, it's tough to tell in the dim light. She lets the man above her overpower her as she loses the posture that was letting her try to oppose his greater strength, but instead she slips her other hand forward in a blow to his solar plexus even as he force his sword down towards her.

As he reacts to the punch, Kitty's free hand goes to his sword hilt, pulling the sword free in the dim light leaving her with both swords as she backs up and swings them both in unison, the skills first gained from Ogun's taking over her mind, then relearned and honed by Logan making the ninja blades feel perfect in her hands. "Ok, forget the timeshare. Though I was going to throw in cruise tickets if you signed."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
It will be an easy kill. Truly, she is mostly a drunk. And that punch .., so predictable. It's only a matter of blocking with his arm and ..--

The blow takes him by surprise. Not the technique but the strength behind it and the block he was doing his arm turns into him flying head first against the side of the door with a *thud*. He gets taken out cold, dropping to the floor. As for the younger man his eyes widen but then he assumes a fighting stance, drawing out a couple of knives. "You will pay for that." and the man advances, attempting to slash at her with his blades, faster at least than the other was..

Inside that bedroom the man jumping over the crate thinks it's done. They have worked together enough that this technique always works against a lone combatant. But as the knives seem to miss he curses. <<Impossible. This never fails.>>

The other takes a punch to his solar plexus, making him grunt and start edging backwards and then ..., his blade is gone... How?!

The cruise tickets would had made it a good sell, but now it's a matter of pride for these two. And while swords versus unarmed isn't too fair it's not like they back off. Of course that it may make them easy to take out too.

Jessica Jones has posed:
"Killer Mantis, I warned you," Jessica reminds the younger man, glowering at him as he dares to charge at her with his blades. But this time, she can't hedge her bets on the guy actually being fearful enough to stop, so she follows through by grabbing him, and headbutting him to all heck, meaning to knock his lights out, even if it costs her a few slashes and cuts, and a sure visit to the Night Nurse later that night.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty doesn't want to mess around with the men more than she needs to. Now that she's gotten away both of their swords, she moves in quickly, swinging the swords in slashes that will definitely feel lethal to the men, but done to allow them time to back up and avoid getting hit. But to back them into spots Kitty can then act to take them down without killing them.

As one man gets trapped by crates behind him, Kitty steps forward, ignoring the knife he stabs forwards towards her stomach, and indeed, through it. She leaves the sword tangible though and bashes him with the hilt in the temple to take him down.

The second man is more trouble, avoiding letting her box him in. Finally Kitty cuts him in the leg and then moves in for another blow to the head down him. She checks both to make sure they are out, then checks the slash in the man's leg, making sure she didn't cut too deep and get any major arteries.

"Should have really just taken the time-share," she mutters as she cuts off bits of their clothing to bind them with, then moves to check the hallway for Jessica.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Clearly the two men should had respected Killer Mantis because they now lie out cold on the hallway and when Kitty comes back out it's what she can see, the two there with Jessica with a few cuts on her outfit and maybe even some skin-deep. Nothing too serious though! When they both gather outside it's when the door to the apartment opens and Tommy is there. "Oh shit ..." his eyes widen.. "You took them out. I ..." a beat, some sweat coming down the side of his brow. "Look, they made me.., nothing I can do. They threatened my family!"

The man does look somewhat desperate. He is perhaps considering on whether he should go for the two women or not considering the shift on his posture. Not much of a chance to win but ...

Yet a desperate man will try anything.

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica doesn't look happy when Kitty finds her, but when Tommy is finally spotted by Jess, she looks much more pleased. "Tommy Lin I presume?" It comes natural to Jessica to put on a very unhappy face, as she further approaches Tommy, "so...what's the deal with you and Elektra, and did you set me up, or did she? Because those dickwads pissed me off, and I'm ready to kill, ok?" An honest approach is usually more frightful than one with theatrics. She is pissed, and she wants someone dead, and Tommy is nearest. Short, simple, beliveable.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde eyes the cuts in Jessica's clothing, but not seeing blood, and the other men being downed, she doesn't comment on them. She's still carrying the pair of swords, and has grabbed the men's scabbards as well and strapped them onto her back. But for the moment the blades are still bared in her hands.

So when Jessica moves over towards Tommy Lin, Kitty just follows, enough to the side that the two of them can pin him in so he can't go trying to run off easily. She just stands there and looks at the man with a very nonplussed expression, as if Jessica's comment about killing doesn't surprise her.

Nor bother her.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
The two swords, along with Jessica's approach sort of take the wind out of Tommy's sails. He lets out a sigh, dropping his shoulders. "Yes, I am Tommy Lin." he admits, looking between the two women carefully. The question makes him pause though. Perhaps a glimmer of hope? "Elektra." He says. "She put me up to this." he nods, trying to sound convincing though he is just sweating more.

"She still has pull inside the Hand... She wants you out of the way." his eyes widen again. He continues to sound desperate. But he may also not exactly been telling the truth... Or at least not the whole truth.

"My family.." he then murmurs.

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica looks from Tommy Lin to Kitty, and then asks Kitty, "what is the likelihood Tommy wanted to set a trap for Elektra to get in the good graces of the Hand, and dear old Elektra simply sent us to test if it's any good?" Jessica is somehow of the mind to be pissed at both. "I think you should come back with me, and we can go see Elektra together, Tommy, she might even have some tea on hand if you're lucky!" Because screw it, if there's alcohol Tommy ain't getting any!

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty sheathes one of the swords, but keeps the other blade bared. She gently brushes her finger over the edge across it, to feel how sharp it is without cutting herself. The brunette glances up and over to Tommy as if checking out the blade's sharpness, and the glance to him, are connected in some fashion.

She looks over to Jessica next and gives a small nod at them taking Tommy back with them to settle this. "Where are your family?" she asks him though, eyes studying him closely during any response.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Ooo, meeting Elektra again didn't seem to be on Tommy's plans... He just gets a bit more panicky but that brush of a finger on blade that the 'villainous' Kitty does is a good soothing gesture to have him quiet down and follow them out of there .. "I will go..." what choice does he have anyway?!

He is perhaps a bit surprised that Kitty is asking about his family. He blinks, opening his mouth to speak but then hesitates. Tricky..., maybe she wants to blackmail him too! "Here in the city..." he murmurs. The way he says it though, sure of it is telling that he appears to be telling the truth. At least on that part...

He quiets down as they walk out of the place, down the elevator and through the front door. The landlord looks .., rather perplexed, offering a thousand apologies to the cuts he notes on the Inspector. He truly hopes that this won't look bad on his review! It's just a few cuts, and apparently the assistant even got a couple of swords as souvenirs! And hold up .., why is the assistant bringing swords? But it's not like he will be asking them about it, nor call the cops. Business will go on.