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Latest revision as of 03:45, 21 November 2020

Common Area Chat
Date of Scene: 21 November 2020
Location: Common Area - Milano
Synopsis: Drax surprises Mantis with a gift.
Cast of Characters: Mantis, Drax

Mantis has posed:
Mantis is currently standing by the kitchen area, looking closely at the refrigeration unit, brushing her hand along it, her antennas glowing for a moment, before fading.

Drax has posed:
Drax's head pops out of the hatch leading to the crew bunks and cargo hold. His intense gaze scans the area and widen slightly upon seeing Mantis, but it's only a touch. "What are you doing?" he asks incredulously as if he can't fathom the purpose of what's going on in front of his face.

Mantis has posed:
Mantis jumps a bit as Drax speaks, haven't been too focused to notice his approach. "Drax!" She calls out with a warm smile, blinking as she tries to appear innocent, "I was just looking around, nothing special!"

Drax has posed:
"Mantis," Drax says with a broad grin.  "You can see through metal?" He asks enthusiastically.  It's hard for him not to grow fond of the innocent.  "You are not looking for the noises are you?"  He reaches to open the refrigerator unit, keeping his eyes on her for her response.

Mantis has posed:
"Can you...!?" Mantis' immediate assumption is that Drax can do it himself, looking at him wide eyed and perhaps some adoration. "...should I be looking for noises? What did they do!?" Now Mantis is fully invested in this new mystery that she just learned about. When Drax opens the fridge, she gasps, "you mean the beeping from the device of the cold!"

Drax has posed:
"No, I can't!" Drax mirrors Mantis' enthusiasm. Suddenly his expression goes flat and statuesque, "No. They do nothing. It does nothing. Nothing does nothing." His voice gets a little quieter each time he doubles down like he knows he's deeper in a hole.

Mantis has posed:
Mantis' antennas shift as she focuses on Drax's words, nodding along as she offers with reverence, "you are a very wise being, are you not, Drax of Detruction? Nothing must do nothing if it is nothing! Such insight!" She actually sounds genuinely impressed.

Drax has posed:
"Yes.  I am."  The thought of correcting Mantis on his bestowed title never crosses Drax's mind.  Suddenly, a single soft meow comes from below them.  Technically it's coming from somewhere below the floor hatch.  Drax clears his throat and reaches into the fridge to grab a bowl of milk.

Mantis has posed:
"Aaaarrrgh!" Mantis cries out and jumps atop one of the chairs in the kitchen area, looking along the ground for killer vermins, "...something made a sound! It could be a killer beast!"

Drax has posed:
Drax suddenly jumps into a ready position in place, his arms out at his sides with his fingers spread like he's ready to tear anything apart, save for the bowl of milk in one hand that has spilt a little across the deck.  "Where?!  I will rip it into tiny pieces so small you will not have to see it," he vows with impenetrable confidence.  Then he looks down.  "Oh.  That was my stomach."

Mantis has posed:
"I have not seen it yet, but I did hear it make the roar of battle!" Mantis warns Drax, as she looks around frantically, doing a little dance atop the char as she shifts to and fro, before eventually settling her gaze on Drax, "your stomach was the Killer Beast?"

Drax has posed:
"Yes.  This is why they call me The Destroyer."  Didn't think that one through.  Drax looks left, right.  "I must eat this-"  He looks down at the milk bowl, "...cloudy soup."  Drax actually moves toward the hatch.  As his shoulders pass the hatch frame, he squinches them in while still trying to balance the bowl.

Drax never eats down below.  He's always squeezing into that tiny table.

Mantis has posed:
"Ooooooohhhhh...." Mantis seems impressed by this new fact she just learned, "your stomach is beyond defeat?" She asks curiously. Mantis studies Drax very curiously, "you will eat that cloudy liquid? It doesn't seem nourishing at all..."

Drax has posed:
Meeeeeow echoes up from beyond Drax, or is his stomach really that powerful?!  "Yes.  It destroys everything."  He looks down at the bowl, up to Mantis.  "Even this...It-" MEOW. MEOW. Drax suddenly runs into the cargo hold like someone needing to go to the bathroom twenty minutes ago.

Mantis has posed:
"Drax!? Don't leave me with a Killer Beast!" Mantis shrieks after Drax, and fearful of being left on her own, sets chase after him. "Drax! You are supposed to keep me safe! I'm not strong like you!"

Drax has posed:
Drax shuffles forward into the cargo hold but stops.  "Uh oh."  A kitten drops down from a crate, but with the agility of a full grown cat, it yawns...and then a third eye opens.  Oddly, it's still pretty cute.  "Your ruined it!"  The kitty seems unconcerned, lazy-lidded as it slides over to stop in front of Mantis and look up at her.  "It was supposed to be a surprise," he says, sighing as he turns toward her with the milk bowl still in hand.  "This is the beast.  I saw how hideous it was and it reminded me of you," he says fondly.

Mantis has posed:
"Aaaarrrggghhh!" Mantis screams when the kitten drops out of the crate, jumping back and looking for anything to hide behind, peering cautiously to see how Drax is handling the Beast. "....I ruined?" Mantis gasps, looking very saddened. But then he explains, and she frowns, "...I'm sorry I'm hideous, and I'm sure the beast is sorry too..."

Drax has posed:
Drax can't help but laugh at how Mantis continues to treat the innocent looking little furry creature.  "No.  Not you.  The beast did.  It was making those noises."  Then when Mantis apologizes, Drax's brow bunches with concern and he holds out his hand like a rancher trying to stay a horse, only his hand has milk in it so it's more of an awkward offering.  "Do not apologize for being hideous.  You cannot help it," he says, shaking his head.